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iodbc - Perl extension for the iODBC API


This man page is not intended to be a manual on the ODBC API. Please see an ODBC manual for extended documentation on the usage of ODBC commands.

To use iodbc functions:

use iodbc;


Everything in the extension follows the ODBC core API except that all function calls are pass by value. The one exception is SQLBindCol which needs to be passed a reference to a scalar. For More information please seek a ODBC manual and remember that this extension only works with core implementations.


The following functions are included with this iodbc extension. Parameters marked [i] are for input into the function while parameters marked [r] return data from a function.

  • SQLAllocEnv





    • [o] The environment handle. This will be passed to other functions.

  • SQLAllocConnect


    SQLAllocConnect($hEnv, $hDbc);



    • [i] The environment handle as it is returned from SQLAllocEnv().


    • [o] The connection handle. This will be passed to other functions.

  • SQLConnect


    SQLConnect($hDbc, $pvDsn, $ivfDsnSize, $pvUid, $ivfUidSize, $pvPwd, $ivfPwdSize);



    • [i] The connection handle as it is returned from SQLAllocConnect().


    • [i] The data source name. This should be a string.


    • [i] The size of $pvDsn. It should be SQL_NTS. This stands for a null terminated string.


    • [i] The user id. This should also be a string.


    • [i] The size of $pvUid. It should also be SQL_NTS.


    • [i] The password. Once again it should be a string.


    • [i] The size of pvPwd. Once again it should be SQL_NTS

  • SQLAllocStmt


    SQLAllocStmt($hDbc, $hStmt);



    • [i] The connection handle as it is returned from SQLAllocConnect().


    • [o] The statement handle. This will be passed to other functions.

  • SQLGetCursorName


    SQLGetCursorName($hStmt, $pvCursor, $ivCursorMax, $ivCursorSize);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [o] The cursor name associated with the $hStmt. This will be returned from the function as a string of maximum length $ivCursorMax.


    • [i] The maximum size of $ivCursor.


    • [i] The actual size of the string available for return to $pvCursor.

  • SQLSetCursorName


    SQLSetCursorName($hStmt, $pvCursor, $ivfCursorSize);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [i] The Cursor Name to be associated with the $hStmt. This should be a string.


    • [i] The size of $pvCursor. This should be SQL_NTS.

  • SQLPrepare


    SQLPrepare($hStmt, $pvSql, $ivfSqlSize);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [i] The SQL statement to be prepared. This should be a string.


    • [i] The size of $Sql. This should be SQL_NTS.

  • SQLExecute





    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().

  • SQLExecDirect


    SQLExecDirect($hStmt, $pvSql, $ivfSqlSize);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [i] The SQL statement to be prepared. This should be a string.


    • [i] The size of $pvSql. This should be SQL_NTS.

  • SQLRowCount


    SQLRowCount($hStmt, $ivNumRows);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [o] The number of rows affected by the SQL statement just executed in $hStmt. This works for UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements.

  • SQLNumResultCols


    SQLNumResultCols($hStmt, $ivNumCols);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [o] The Number of columns returned in a result set of a SQL statement in $hStmt.

  • SQLDescribeCol


    SQLDescribeCol($hStmt, $ivCol, $pvColName, $ivColNameMax, $ivColNameSize, $fSqlType, $ivPrecision, $ivScale, $fNullable);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [i] The function will return a description of this column.


    • [o] A string that contains the name of column $ivCol


    • [i] The maximum size of the column name to return to $pvColName


    • [o] The size of the column name available to return to $pvColName


    • [o] The type of data contained in column $ivCol.


    • [o] The precision of column $ivCol.


    • [o] The scale of column $ivCol.


    • [o] Returns whether column $ivCol allows null values.

  • SQLColAttributes


    SQLColAttributes($hStmt, $ivCol, $fType, $pvAttrib, $ivAttribMax, $ivAttribSize, $ivAttrib);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [i] The function will return a attributes from column $ivCol.


    • [i] The type of attribute to return.


    • [o] The attribute. This will be returned from the function as a string.


    • [i] The maximum size of $pvAttrib


    • [o] The size of the attribute string available to return to $pvAttrib.


    • [o] The attribute. This will be returned as an integer.

  • SQLBindCol


    SQLBindCol($hStmt, $ivCol, $fType, $svValue, $ivValueMax, $ivValueSize);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [i] The function will bind this column.


    • [i] The data type to bind.


    • [i] A reference to a scalar that will store the data from a result set.


    • [i] The maximum size allowed for the scalar referenced by $svValue


    • [i] Size available to return to the scalar referenced by $svValue before SQLFetch() is called.

  • SQLFetch





    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    SQLFetch() returns data from each bound column to the scalar that was referenced by the $svValue parameter when the SQLBindCol() function was called.

  • SQLError


    SQLError($hfEnv, $hfDbc, $hfStmt, $pvSqlState, $fNativeError, $pvErrorMsg, $ivErrorMsgMax, $ivErrorMsgSize);



    • [i] The environment handle as it is returned from SQLAllocEnv() or SQL_NULL_HENV.


    • [i] The connection handle as it is returned from SQLAllocConnect() or SQL_NULL_HDBC.


    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt() or SQL_NULL_HSTMT.


    • [o] This returns the SQLSTATE as a string.


    • [o] This returns a Native Error Code.


    • [o] This returns an Error Message as a string.


    • [i] The maximum size of $pvErrorMsg


    • [o] The size of the string available to return to $pvErrorMsg

  • SQLFreeStmt


    SQLFreeStmt($hStmt, $fOption);



    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().


    • [i] The action to be taken by the function.

  • SQLCancel





    • [i] The statement handle as it is returned from SQLAllocStmt().

  • SQLTransact


    SQLTransact($hEnv, $hDbc, $fType);



    • [i] The environment handle as it is returned from SQLAllocEnv().


    • [i] The connection handle as it is returned from SQLAllocConnect.


    • [i] The type of transaction to take

  • SQLDisconnect





    • [i] The connection handle as it is returned from SQLAllocConnect().

  • SQLFreeConnect





    • [i] The connection handle as it is returned from SQLAllocConnect().

  • SQLFreeEnv





    • [i] The connection handle as it is returned from SQLAllocEnv().


use iodbc;


#To start I allocate handles and connect to my favorite data source. Notice I check every return code.


checkretcode(SQLAllocConnect($henv, $hdbc));

checkretcode(SQLConnect($hdbc, "favorite_datsource", SQL_NTS, "user", SQL_NTS, "password", SQL_NTS));



#Then I execute a simple SQL statement

checkretcode(SQLExecDirect($hstmt, "SELECT * FROM sample_table", SQL_NTS));

#Bind column one to $rgbValue

checkretcode(SQLBindCol($hstmt, 1, SQL_C_DEFAULT, \$rgbValue, 24, SQL_NULL_DATA));

#Fetch all the rows and print them out


print "$rgbValue\n";



#Finally close up shop by freeing statements and disconnecting.

checkretcode(SQLFreeStmt($hstmt, SQL_DROP));





#This subroutine checks the return code to make sure that the function executed correctly

sub checkretcode {

my $retcode = shift;

if (($retcode==SQL_SUCCESS)||($retcode==SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)) {

return $retcode;

} else {

die "some error";




  • Further testing. In particular add SQLCancel() and SQLTransact() to the test scripts.

  • Add ODBC 1.0 and then ODBC 2.0 support.

  • Put an DBD/DBI face on top of iODBC.

  • Improvement of the documentation.


Let me know if you find any.


J. Michael Mahan,



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