=head1 LICENSE
Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
=head1 CONTACT
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=head1 NAME
Combines ExonScoreBuilder, ExonDirectMapper and ExonerateRunner from
Java application.
=head1 METHODS
$Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TranscriptScoreBuilder::VERSION = '112.0.0';
use strict;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
our @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoreBuilder);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning);
sub score_transcripts {
my $self = shift;
my $exon_matrix = shift;
unless ($exon_matrix and
$exon_matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) {
throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.');
$self->logger->info("-- Scoring transcripts...\n\n", 0, 'stamped');
# build scores based on exon scores
my $matrix = $self->scores_from_exon_scores($exon_matrix);
# debug logging
if ($self->logger->loglevel eq 'debug') {
$matrix->log('transcript', $self->conf->param('basedir'));
# log stats of combined matrix
my $fmt = "%-40s%10.0f\n";
$self->logger->info("Scoring matrix:\n");
$self->logger->info(sprintf($fmt, "Total source transcripts:",
$self->cache->get_count_by_name('transcripts_by_id', 'source')), 1);
$self->logger->info(sprintf($fmt, "Total target transcripts:",
$self->cache->get_count_by_name('transcripts_by_id', 'target')), 1);
$self->logger->info("\nDone with transcript scoring.\n\n");
return $matrix;
sub scores_from_exon_scores {
my $self = shift;
my $exon_matrix = shift;
unless ($exon_matrix and
$exon_matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) {
throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.');
my $dump_path = path_append($self->conf->param('basedir'), 'matrix');
my $matrix = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix->new(
-DUMP_PATH => $dump_path,
-CACHE_FILE => 'transcript_matrix.ser',
my $transcript_cache = $matrix->cache_file;
if (-s $transcript_cache) {
# read from file
$self->logger->info("Reading transcript scoring matrix from file...\n", 0, 'stamped');
$self->logger->debug("Cache file $transcript_cache.\n", 1);
$self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped');
} else {
# build scoring matrix
$self->logger->info("No transcript scoring matrix found. Will build new one.\n");
$self->logger->info("Transcript scoring...\n", 0, 'stamped');
$matrix = $self->build_scores($matrix, $exon_matrix);
$self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped');
# write scoring matrix to file
return $matrix;
sub build_scores {
my $self = shift;
my $matrix = shift;
my $exon_matrix = shift;
unless ($matrix and
$matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) {
throw('Need a transcript Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.');
unless ($exon_matrix and
$exon_matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) {
throw('Need a exon Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.');
# first find out which source and target transcripts have scoring exons and
# build a "flag" matrix for these transcripts (all scores are 1)
$self->flag_matrix_from_exon_scores($matrix, $exon_matrix);
# now calculate the actual scores for the transcripts in the flag matrix
my $final_matrix =
$self->score_matrix_from_flag_matrix($matrix, $exon_matrix);
return $final_matrix;
sub flag_matrix_from_exon_scores {
my $self = shift;
my $matrix = shift;
my $exon_matrix = shift;
# initialise progress logger
my $i;
my $num_transcripts =
scalar(keys %{ $self->cache->get_by_name('transcripts_by_id', 'source') });
my $progress_id = $self->logger->init_progress($num_transcripts, 100);
$self->logger->info("Creating flag matrix...\n", 1);
# loop over source transcripts
foreach my $source_transcript (values %{ $self->cache->get_by_name('transcripts_by_id', 'source') }) {
# log progress
$self->logger->log_progress($progress_id, ++$i, 1);
# get all exons for the source transcript
foreach my $source_exon (@{ $source_transcript->get_all_Exons }) {
# get target exons for this source exon from scoring matrix
foreach my $target_exon_id (@{ $exon_matrix->get_targets_for_source($source_exon->id) }) {
# get target transcripts that contain this exon
foreach my $target_transcript (@{ $self->cache->get_by_key('transcripts_by_exon_id', 'target', $target_exon_id) }) {
# add scoring flag for these two transcripts
$matrix->add_score($source_transcript->id, $target_transcript->id, 1);
return $matrix;
sub score_matrix_from_flag_matrix {
my $self = shift;
my $flag_matrix = shift;
my $exon_matrix = shift;
unless ($flag_matrix and
$flag_matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) {
throw('Need a transcript Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.');
unless ($exon_matrix and
$exon_matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) {
throw('Need an exon Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.');
my $transcript_score_threshold =
$self->conf->param('transcript_score_threshold') || 0;
# create a new scoring matrix which will replace the flag matrix
my $matrix = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix->new(
-DUMP_PATH => $flag_matrix->dump_path,
-CACHE_FILE => $flag_matrix->cache_file_name,
# initialise progress logger
my $i;
my $num_transcripts =
scalar(keys %{ $self->cache->get_by_name('transcripts_by_id', 'source') });
my $progress_id = $self->logger->init_progress($num_transcripts, 100);
$self->logger->info("Creating score matrix from flag matrix...\n", 1);
# debug
my $fmt_d1 = "%-14s%-15s%-14s%-14s%-14s\n";
my $fmt_d2 = "%.6f";
# loop over source transcripts
foreach my $source_transcript (values %{ $self->cache->get_by_name('transcripts_by_id', 'source') }) {
# log progress
$self->logger->log_progress($progress_id, ++$i, 1);
# We are only interested in scoring with exons that are in the target
# transcript. The ScoredMappingMatrix may contain scores for exons that
# aren't in this transcript so create a hash of the target transcript's
# exons
my %source_exons = map { $_->id => 1 }
@{ $source_transcript->get_all_Exons };
my $source_transcript_length = $source_transcript->length;
# get all corresponding target transcripts from the flag matrix
foreach my $target_transcript_id (@{ $flag_matrix->get_targets_for_source($source_transcript->id) }) {
my $target_transcript = $self->cache->get_by_key('transcripts_by_id', 'target', $target_transcript_id);
my $source_transcript_score = 0;
my $target_transcript_score = 0;
my $target_transcript_length = $target_transcript->length;
my %target_exons = map { $_->id => 1 }
@{ $target_transcript->get_all_Exons };
# now loop over source exons and find the highest scoring target exon
# belonging to the target transcript
foreach my $source_exon (@{ $source_transcript->get_all_Exons }) {
my $max_source_score = -1;
foreach my $target_exon_id (@{ $exon_matrix->get_targets_for_source($source_exon->id) }) {
next unless ($target_exons{$target_exon_id});
my $score = $exon_matrix->get_score($source_exon->id,
$max_source_score = $score if ($score > $max_source_score);
if ($max_source_score > 0) {
$source_transcript_score += ($max_source_score * $source_exon->length);
# now do the same for target exons
foreach my $target_exon (@{ $target_transcript->get_all_Exons }) {
my $max_target_score = -1;
foreach my $source_exon_id (@{ $exon_matrix->get_sources_for_target($target_exon->id) }) {
next unless ($source_exons{$source_exon_id});
my $score = $exon_matrix->get_score(
$source_exon_id, $target_exon->id);
$max_target_score = $score if ($score > $max_target_score);
if ($max_target_score > 0) {
$target_transcript_score += ($max_target_score * $target_exon->length);
# calculate transcript score and add to scoring matrix
if (($source_transcript_length + $target_transcript_length) > 0) {
# sanity check
if (($source_transcript_score > $source_transcript_length) or
($target_transcript_score > $target_transcript_length)) {
$self->logger->warning("Score > length for source ($source_transcript_score <> $source_transcript_length) or target ($target_transcript_score <> $target_transcript_length).\n", 1);
} else {
my $source_transcript_biotype_group = $self->get_biotype_group($source_transcript->biotype());
my $target_transcript_biotype_group = $self->get_biotype_group($target_transcript->biotype());
# debug
" source score: $source_transcript_score".
" source length: $source_transcript_length".
" source biotype:" . $source_transcript->biotype() .
" source group: $source_transcript_biotype_group".
" target score: $target_transcript_score".
" target biotype:" . $target_transcript->biotype() .
" target group: $target_transcript_biotype_group".
" target length: $target_transcript_length\n");
my $transcript_score =
($source_transcript_score + $target_transcript_score) /
($source_transcript_length + $target_transcript_length);
## Add penalty if biotypes are different
if ($source_transcript->biotype() ne $target_transcript->biotype()) {
$transcript_score = $transcript_score * 0.9;
## Add penalty if biotype groups are different
if ($source_transcript_biotype_group ne $target_transcript_biotype_group) {
$transcript_score = $transcript_score * 0.8;
# everything is fine, add score to matrix
if ($transcript_score > $transcript_score_threshold) {
$matrix->add_score($source_transcript->id, $target_transcript->id,
} else {
$self->logger->warning("Combined length of source (".$source_transcript->id.") and target (".$target_transcript->id.") transcript is zero!\n", 1);
return $matrix;
# penalise scores between genes with different biotypes.
# entries are modified in place
sub biotype_transcript_rescore {
my ( $self, $matrix ) = @_;
if ( defined($matrix) &&
!$matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix') )
throw('Exprected Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix');
my $i = 0;
foreach my $entry ( @{ $matrix->get_all_Entries } ) {
my $source_transcript =
$self->cache->get_by_key( 'transcripts_by_id', 'source',
$entry->source() );
my $target_transcript =
$self->cache->get_by_key( 'transcripts_by_id', 'target',
$entry->target() );
if ($source_transcript->biotype() ne $target_transcript->biotype() )
# PENALTY: Lower the score for mappings to transcripts of
# different biotype.
$matrix->set_score( $entry->source(), $entry->target(),
0.9*$entry->score() );
$self->logger->debug("Scored transcripts with biotype mismatch: $i\n",
1 );
} ## end sub biotype_transcript_rescore
sub different_translation_rescore {
my $self = shift;
my $matrix = shift;
unless ($matrix
and $matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix') )
throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.');
my $i = 0;
foreach my $entry ( sort { $b->score <=> $a->score }
@{ $matrix->get_all_Entries } )
# we only do this for perfect matches, i.e. transcript score == 1
last if ( $entry->score < 1 );
my $source_tl =
$self->cache->get_by_key( 'transcripts_by_id', 'source',
$entry->source )->translation;
my $target_tl =
$self->cache->get_by_key( 'transcripts_by_id', 'target',
$entry->target )->translation;
# no penalty if both transcripts have no translation
next if ( !$source_tl and !$target_tl );
if ( !$source_tl
or !$target_tl
or ( $source_tl->seq ne $target_tl->seq ) )
# PENALTY: The transcript stable ID is now on a transcript with a
# different translation.
$matrix->set_score( $entry->source(), $entry->target(),
0.9*$entry->score() );
} ## end foreach my $entry ( sort { ...})
"Non-perfect translations on perfect transcripts: $i\n",
1 );
} ## end sub different_translation_rescore
sub non_mapped_gene_rescore {
my $self = shift;
my $matrix = shift;
my $gene_mappings = shift;
# argument checks
unless ($matrix
and $matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix') )
'Need a transcript Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.'
unless ( $gene_mappings
and $gene_mappings->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList') )
throw('Need a gene Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList.');
# create of lookup hash of mapped source genes to target genes
my %gene_lookup =
map { $_->source => $_->target }
@{ $gene_mappings->get_all_Entries };
my $i = 0;
foreach my $entry ( @{ $matrix->get_all_Entries } ) {
my $source_gene =
$self->cache->get_by_key( 'genes_by_transcript_id', 'source',
$entry->source );
my $target_gene =
$self->cache->get_by_key( 'genes_by_transcript_id', 'target',
$entry->target );
my $mapped_target = $gene_lookup{ $source_gene->id };
if ( !$mapped_target or ( $mapped_target != $target_gene->id ) ) {
# PENALTY: The transcript stable ID has been mapped to an
# un-mapped gene.
$matrix->set_score( $entry->source(), $entry->target(),
0.9*$entry->score() );
$self->logger->debug( "Scored transcripts in non-mapped genes: $i\n",
1 );
} ## end sub non_mapped_gene_rescore
sub get_biotype_group {
my ($self, $biotype) = @_;
my $dba = $self->cache->get_DBAdaptor('target');
my $biotype_adaptor = $dba->get_BiotypeAdaptor();
my $biotype_object = $biotype_adaptor->fetch_by_name_object_type($biotype, 'transcript');
return $biotype_object->biotype_group();