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Changes for version 1.54

  • -HTML::Perlinfo::Loaded & HTML::Perlinfo no longer show in INFO_LOADED -Added strict to HTML::Perlinfo::Modules. -Improved POD in HTML::Perlinfo & HTML::Perlinfo::Loaded Bug fix: -INFO_LOADED wasn't showing all the modules used. Fixed now.


HTML documentation for the perlinfo library
a command-line frontend to HTML::Perlinfo


Display a lot of Perl information in HTML format
Post-execution HTML dump of loaded modules and environment variables
Display a lot of module information in HTML format


in lib/HTML/Perlinfo/
in lib/HTML/Perlinfo/
in lib/HTML/Perlinfo/
in lib/HTML/Perlinfo/
in lib/HTML/Perlinfo/
in lib/HTML/Perlinfo/