Changes for version 0.23
- Sort solid objects from nearest to farthest to increase the chance that OpenGL only needs to depth test far objects and won't need to do any colour/texture/light work at all.
- Added support for explicit normals in meshes and model files
- Moved Moved SDL::Tutorial::3DWorld::Asset::Mesh up a directory, as it didn't really make sense having it in the Asset namespace.
- Added F3 toggle to enable/disable the console/FPS (which costs a remarkably large amount for what it does).
Create a 3D world from scratch with SDL and OpenGL
A moving object within the game world
A grid-snapping 3D wireframe cube
A demonstrator for MTL files
An actor loaded from a RWX file
A moving teapot within the game world
Crates, companions and more...
An attempt to create "Bit" from Tron
Abstracts a directory of model resources
Support for loading material libraries from MTL files
Support for loading 3D models from OBJ files
Support for loading 3D models from RWX files
A movable viewpoint in the game world
A "God Mode" flying person camera
A text-mode overlay for the world
The static 3D environment of the world
An infinite ground plane
A light source in the 3D world
Generic support for on disk model parsers
Utility package for initialising OpenGL
Better than a uniform sky colour
A texture API simple enough for mere mortals
in lib/SDL/Tutorial/3DWorld/Actor/
in lib/SDL/Tutorial/3DWorld/
in lib/SDL/Tutorial/3DWorld/
in lib/SDL/Tutorial/3DWorld/