#PODNAME: coulomb-diamonds.pl
#ABSTRACT: Measure a quantum dot stability diagram, i.e. current versus gate and bias
use 5.010;
# sample description
my $sample = 'mychip_'; # chip name
my $PINsI = 'Vsd#2#3_'; # pin / cable numbers
my $PINGate = 'Vg#6_';
# parameters of the setup
my $lineresistance=4000; # resistance of measurement line (Ohm)
# parameters of the measurement
my $biasstart = -0.5; # start value of bias sweep in VOLTS
my $biasend = 0.5; # end value of bias sweep in VOLTS
my $stepwidthVb = 0.002; # stepwidth of the biasyoko in VOLTS
my $gatestart = 0; # start value of gate sweep in VOLTS
my $gateend = 1; # end value of gate sweep in VOLTS
my $stepwidthVg = 0.004; # stepwidth of the gateyoko in VOLTS
my $sensitivity = -1e-10;# sensitivity of DL1211 in A/V, sign comes from device
my $risetime = 30; # rise time in ms
my $divider = 1000; # voltage divider between biasyoko and sample
my $NPLC = 1; # DMM integration time in 1/50 sec
# instruments
my $multimeter = instrument(
type => 'Keysight34470A',
connection_type => 'VXI11',
connection_options => {host => ''},
my $biasyoko = instrument(
type => 'YokogawaGS200',
connection_type => 'LinuxGPIB',
connection_options => {pad => 2},
max_units_per_step => 0.05,
max_units_per_second => 1,
min_units => -10,
max_units => 10,
my $gateyoko = instrument(
type => 'YokogawaGS200',
connection_type => 'LinuxGPIB',
connection_options => {pad => 1},
max_units_per_step => 0.001,
max_units_per_second => 0.1,
min_units => -10,
max_units => 10,
# Sweeps
my $gate_sweep = sweep(
type => 'Step::Voltage',
instrument => $gateyoko,
from => $gatestart, to => $gateend, step => $stepwidthVg
my $bias_sweep = sweep(
type => 'Step::Voltage',
instrument => $biasyoko,
from => $biasstart, to => $biasend, step => $stepwidthVb
# Data file
my $datafile = sweep_datafile(columns => [qw/gate bias current/]);
type => 'pm3d',
x => 'gate',
y => 'bias',
z => 'current'
# Measurement
my $meas = sub {
my $sweep = shift;
my $current = ($multimeter->get_value()*($sensitivity));
my $v_b = (($biasyoko->cached_level())/($divider));
gate => $gateyoko->cached_level(),
bias => $v_b,
current => $current,
# Run it all
slave => $bias_sweep,
measurement => $meas,
datafile => $datafile,
folder => $sample.$PINsI.$PINGate.'diamonds',
date_prefix => 1,
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
coulomb-diamonds.pl - Measure a quantum dot stability diagram, i.e. current versus gate and bias
=head1 VERSION
version 3.904
This software is copyright (c) 2024 by the Lab::Measurement team; in detail:
Copyright 2018 Andreas K. Huettel
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.