# ____ ____ _____ _ ____ ___ ____
# | _ \| _ \| ___| _ _ / \ | _ \_ _| |___ \
# | |_) | | | | |_ (_) (_) / _ \ | |_) | | __) |
# | __/| |_| | _| _ _ / ___ \| __/| | / __/
# |_| |____/|_| (_) (_) /_/ \_\_| |___| |_____|
# Copyright 1999-2001 Alfred Reibenschuh <areibens@cpan.org>.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package PDF::API2;
use vars qw( $VERSION $hasWeakRef $seq);
( $VERSION ) = '$Revisioning: 0.3b49 $' =~ /\$Revisioning:\s+([^\s]+)/;
eval " use WeakRef; ";
$hasWeakRef= $@ ? 0 : 1;
=head1 PDF::API2
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2 - The Next Generation API for creating and modifing PDFs.
use PDF::API2;
$pdf = PDF::API2->new;
$pdf = PDF::API2->open('some.pdf');
$page = $pdf->page;
$page = $pdf->openpage($pagenum);
$img = $pdf->image('some.jpg');
$font = $pdf->corefont('Times-Roman');
$font = $pdf->psfont('Times-Roman.pfb','Times-Roman.afm');
$font = $pdf->ttfont('TimesNewRoman.ttf');
require 5.006;
use POSIX qw( ceil floor );
=head1 METHODS
=head2 PDF::API2
=over 4
=item $pdf = PDF::API->new %opts
Creates a new pdf-file object. If you know beforehand
to save the pdf to file you can give the '-file' option,
to minimize possible memory requirements.
$pdf = PDF::API2->new();
$pdf = PDF::API2->new(-file => 'ournew.pdf');
sub new {
my $class=shift(@_);
my %opt=@_;
my $self={};
# foreach my $para (keys(%opt)) {
# $self->{$para}=$opt{$para};
# }
$self->{pdf}->{' version'} = 4;
$self->{pages} = PDF::API2::PDF::Pages->new($self->{pdf});
weaken($self->{pages}) if($hasWeakRef);
$self->{pages}->proc_set(qw( PDF Text ImageB ImageC ImageI ));
weaken($self->{catalog}) if($hasWeakRef);
my $dig=digest16(digest32($class,$self,%opt));
$self->{pdf}->{' id'}=$dig;
$self->{forcecompress}= ($^O eq 'os390') ? 0 : 1;
if($opt{-file}) {
$self->{' filed'}=$opt{-file};
return $self;
=item $pdf->preferences %opts
Controls viewing=preferences for the pdf.
-fullscreen ... Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible.
-thumbs ... Thumbnail images visible.
-outlines ... Document outline visible.
-singlepage ... Display one page at a time.
-onecolumn ... Display the pages in one column.
-twocolumnleft ... Display the pages in two columns, with oddnumbered pages on the left.
-twocolumnrigth ... Display the pages in two columns, with oddnumbered pages on the right.
-hidetoolbar ... Specifying whether to hide tool bars.
-hidemenubar ... Specifying whether to hide menu bars.
-hidewindowui ... Specifying whether to hide user interface elements.
-fitwindow ... Specifying whether to resize the document’s window to the size of the displayed page.
-centerwindow ... Specifying whether to position the document’s window in the center of the screen.
-displaytitle ... Specifying whether the window’s title bar should display the document title
taken from the Title entry of the document information dictionary.
-afterfullscreenthumbs ... Thumbnail images visible after Full-screen mode.
-afterfullscreenoutlines ... Document outline visible after Full-screen mode.
-firstpage => [ $pageobj, %opts] ... Specifying the page to be displayed,
plus one of the following options:
-fit => 1
Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to
fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the
required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the
smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension.
-fith => $top
Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top positioned
at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough
to fit the entire width of the page within the window.
-fitv => $left
Display the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned
at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough
to fit the entire height of the page within the window.
-fitr => [ $left, $bottom, $right, $top ]
Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to
fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and top
entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required
horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of
the two, centering the rectangle within the window in the other dimension.
-fitb => 1
Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough
to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and
vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are
different, use the smaller of the two, centering the bounding box within the
window in the other dimension.
-fitbh => $top
Display the page designated by page, with the vertical coordinate top
positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page
magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box
within the window.
-fitbv => $left
Display the page designated by page, with the horizontal coordinate
left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page
magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the
-xyz => [ $left, $top, $zoom ]
Display the page designated by page, with the coordinates (left, top) positioned
at the top-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by
the factor zoom. A zero (0) value for any of the parameters left, top, or zoom
specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged.
-fullscreen => 1,
-onecolumn => 1,
-afterfullscreenoutlines => 1,
-firstpage => [ $pageobj , -fit => 1],
sub preferences {
my $self=shift @_;
my %opt=@_;
if($opt{-fullscreen}) {
} elsif($opt{-thumbs}) {
} elsif($opt{-outlines}) {
} else {
if($opt{-singlepage}) {
} elsif($opt{-onecolumn}) {
} elsif($opt{-twocolumnleft}) {
} elsif($opt{-twocolumnrigth}) {
} else {
if($opt{-hidetoolbar}) {
if($opt{-hidemenubar}) {
if($opt{-hidewindowui}) {
if($opt{-fitwindow}) {
if($opt{-centerwindow}) {
if($opt{-displaytitle}) {
if($opt{-righttoleft}) {
if($opt{-afterfullscreenthumbs}) {
} elsif($opt{-afterfullscreenoutlines}) {
} else {
if($opt{-firstpage}) {
my ($page,%o)=@{$opt{-firstpage}};
$o{-fit}=1 if(scalar(keys %o)<1);
if(defined $o{-fit}) {
} elsif(defined $o{-fith}) {
} elsif(defined $o{-fitb}) {
} elsif(defined $o{-fitbh}) {
} elsif(defined $o{-fitv}) {
} elsif(defined $o{-fitbv}) {
} elsif(defined $o{-fitr}) {
die "insufficient parameters to -fitr => [] " unless(scalar @{$o{-fitr}} == 4);
$self->{catalog}->{OpenAction}=PDFArray($page,PDFName('FitR'),map {PDFNum($_)} @{$o{-fitr}});
} elsif(defined $o{-xyz}) {
die "insufficient parameters to -xyz => [] " unless(scalar @{$o{-xyz}} == 3);
$self->{catalog}->{OpenAction}=PDFArray($page,PDFName('XYZ'),map {PDFNum($_)} @{$o{-xyz}});
return $self;
sub proc_pages {
my ($pdf, $pgs) = @_;
my ($pg, $pgref, @pglist);
if(defined($pgs->{Resources})) {
eval {
foreach $pgref ($pgs->{'Kids'}->elementsof) {
$pg = $pdf->read_obj($pgref);
if ($pg->{'Type'}->val =~ m/^Pages$/o) {
push(@pglist, proc_pages($pdf, $pg));
} else {
$pgref->{' pnum'} = $pcount++;
if(defined($pg->{Resources})) {
eval {
weaken($pgref) if($hasWeakRef);
push (@pglist, $pgref);
=item $pdf = PDF::API->open $pdffile
Opens an existing PDF.
sub open {
my $class=shift(@_);
my $file=shift(@_);
my %opt=@_;
my $self={};
foreach my $para (keys(%opt)) {
die "File '$file' does not exist." unless(-f $file);
my $fh=PDF::API2::IOString->new();
# $self->{pdf}=PDF::API2::PDF::FileAPI->open($file,1);
$self->{pdf}->{' fname'}=$file;
weaken($self->{pages}) if($hasWeakRef);
$self->{pdf}->{' version'} = 3;
my @pages=proc_pages($self->{pdf},$self->{pages});
$self->{pagestack}=[sort {$a->{' pnum'} <=> $b->{' pnum'}} @pages];
my $dig=digest16(digest32($class,$file,%opt));
if(defined $self->{pdf}->{'ID'}){
$self->{pdf}->{' id'}=$self->{pdf}->{'ID'}->val->[0]->val;
$self->{pdf}->{'ID'}=PDFArray(PDFStr($self->{pdf}->{' id'}),PDFStr($dig));
} else {
$self->{pdf}->{' id'}=$dig;
$self->{forcecompress}= ($^O eq 'os390') ? 0 : 1;
return $self;
=item $page = $pdf->page
=item $page = $pdf->page $index
Returns a new page object or inserts-and-returns a new page at $index.
B<Note:> on $index
-1 ... is inserted before the last page
1 ... is inserted before page number 1
0 ... is simply appended
sub page {
my $self=shift;
my $index=shift || 0;
my $page;
if($index==0) {
} else {
$page->{' apipdf'}=$self->{pdf};
weaken($page->{' apipdf'}) if($hasWeakRef);
$page->{' api'}=$self;
weaken($page->{' api'}) if($hasWeakRef);
if($index==0) {
} elsif($index<0) {
} else {
return $page;
=item $pageobj = $pdf->openpage $index
Returns the pageobject of page $index.
B<Note:> on $index
-1,0 ... returns the last page
1 ... returns page number 1
sub unfilter {
my ($filter,$stream)=@_;
if((defined $filter) ) {
# we need to fix filter because it MAY be
# an array BUT IT COULD BE only a name
if(ref($filter)!~/Array$/) {
$filter = PDFArray($filter);
my @filts;
my ($hasflate) = -1;
my ($temp, $i, $temp1);
@filts=(map { ("PDF::API2::PDF::".($_->val))->new } $filter->elementsof);
foreach my $f (@filts) {
$stream = $f->infilt($stream, 1);
sub dofilter {
my ($filter,$stream)=@_;
if((defined $filter) ) {
# we need to fix filter because it MAY be
# an array BUT IT COULD BE only a name
if(ref($filter)!~/Array$/) {
$filter = PDFArray($filter);
my @filts;
my ($hasflate) = -1;
my ($temp, $i, $temp1);
@filts=(map { ("PDF::API2::PDF::".($_->val))->new } $filter->elementsof);
foreach my $f (@filts) {
$stream = $f->outfilt($stream, 1);
sub openpage {
my $self=shift @_;
my $index=shift @_||0;
my $page;
if($index==0) {
} elsif($index<0) {
} else {
if(ref($page) ne 'PDF::API2::Page') {
if($index==0) {
} elsif($index<0) {
} else {
if(defined $page->{Contents} && (!defined($page->{' fixed'}) || $page->{' fixed'}<1) ) {
my $uncontent=$page->{Contents};
delete $page->{Contents};
my $content=$page->hybrid();
# we already have a 'q' in the hybrid stream ## $content->{' stream'}="\n q \n";
foreach my $k ($uncontent->elementsof) {
$content->{' stream'}.=" ".unfilter($k->{Filter}, $k->{' stream'})." ";
## $content->{Length}=PDFNum(length($content->{' stream'}));
# this will be fixed by the following code or content or filters
## if we like compress we will do it now to do quicker saves
$content->{' stream'}.="\n Q \n";
$content->{' stream'}=dofilter($content->{Filter}, $content->{' stream'});
$content->{' nofilt'}=1;
$content->{Length}=PDFNum(length($content->{' stream'}));
$page->{' fixed'}=1;
# $self->{pdf}->out_obj($page);
# $self->{pdf}->out_obj($self->{pages});
$page->{' api'}=$self;
weaken($page->{' api'}) if($hasWeakRef);
$page->{' reopened'}=1;
=item $pageobj = $pdf->clonepage $sourceindex, $targetindex
Returns the pageobject of page $targetindex, cloned from $sourceindex.
B<Note:> on $index
-1,0 ... returns the last page
1 ... returns page number 1
Under some circumstances, this method may cause $pdf->update to die.
These circumstances remain unresolved but previously generated pdfs
via API2 remain unaffected so far.
sub clonepage {
my $self=shift @_;
my $s_idx=shift @_||0;
my $t_idx=shift @_||0;
$t_idx=0 if($self->pages<$t_idx);
my ($s_page,$t_page);
if(defined($t_page->{Resources})) {
$t_page->{Resources}->realise if($t_page->{Resources}->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
## $self->{pdf}->new_obj($t_page->{Resources});
$t_page->{Resources}->{' realised'}=1;
if(defined($t_page->{Contents})) {
# foreach my $content ($t_page->{Contents}->elementsof) {
# $content->realise;
# }
# my $tempobj=$t_page->{Contents};
# $t_page->{Contents}=$t_page->{Contents}->copy;
# $self->{pdf}->remove_obj($tempobj);
# foreach my $content ($t_page->{Contents}->elementsof) {
# $self->{pdf}->new_obj($content);
# }
$t_page->{Contents}->{' val'}=[];
delete $t_page->{' reopened'};
# $target_object = walk_obj $obj_cache, $source_pdf, $target_pdf, $source_object [, @keys_to_copy ]
sub walk_obj {
my ($objs,$spdf,$tpdf,$obj,@keys)=@_;
my $tobj;
if(ref($obj)=~/Objind$/) {
return($objs->{scalar $obj}) if(defined $objs->{scalar $obj});
## die "infinite loop while copying objects" if($obj->{' copied'});
## $obj->{' copied'}=1;
$tpdf->new_obj($tobj) if($obj->is_obj($spdf));
$objs->{scalar $obj}=$tobj;
if(ref($obj)=~/Array$/) {
$tobj->{' val'}=[];
foreach my $k ($obj->elementsof) {
$k->realise if(ref($k)=~/Objind$/);
} elsif(ref($obj)=~/Dict$/) {
@keys=keys(%{$tobj}) if(scalar @keys <1);
foreach my $k (@keys) {
next if($k=~/^ /);
next unless(defined($obj->{$k}));
if($obj->{' stream'}) {
if($tobj->{Filter}) {
$tobj->{' nofilt'}=1;
} else {
delete $tobj->{' nofilt'};
$tobj->{' stream'}=$obj->{' stream'};
delete $tobj->{' streamloc'};
delete $tobj->{' streamsrc'};
=item $pageobj = $pdf->importpage $sourcepdf, $sourceindex, $targetindex
Returns the pageobject of page $targetindex, imported from $sourcepdf,$sourceindex.
B<Note:> on $index
-1,0 ... returns the last page
1 ... returns page number 1
B<Note:> you can specify a page object instead as $targetindex
so that the contents of the sourcepage will be 'merged into'.
sub importpage {
my $self=shift @_;
my $s_pdf=shift @_;
my $s_idx=shift @_||0;
my $t_idx=shift @_||0;
my ($s_page,$t_page);
if(ref($s_idx) eq 'PDF::API2::Page') {
} else {
if(ref($t_idx) eq 'PDF::API2::Page') {
} else {
$t_idx=0 if($self->pages<$t_idx);
foreach my $k (qw( MediaBox ArtBox TrimBox BleedBox CropBox Rotate )) {
next unless(defined $s_page->{$k});
$t_page->{$k} = walk_obj($self->{apiimportcache}->{$s_pdf},$s_pdf->{pdf},$self->{pdf},$s_page->{$k});
if($t_page!=$t_idx) {
foreach my $k (qw( B Dur Hid Trans AA PieceInfo LastModified SeparationInfo ID PZ )) {
next unless(defined $s_page->{$k});
$t_page->{$k} = walk_obj($self->{apiimportcache}->{$s_pdf},$s_pdf->{pdf},$self->{pdf},$s_page->{$k});
my %resmod=();
foreach my $k (qw( Resources )) {
next unless(defined $s_page->{$k});
$s_page->{$k}->realise if(ref($s_page->{$k})=~/Objind$/);
foreach my $sk (qw( XObject ExtGState Font ProcSet Properties )) {
next unless(defined $s_page->{$k}->{$sk});
$s_page->{$k}->{$sk}->realise if(ref($s_page->{$k}->{$sk})=~/Objind$/);
foreach my $ssk (keys %{$s_page->{$k}->{$sk}}) {
next if($ssk=~/^ /);
my $nssk="$seq+$ssk";
$t_page->{$k}->{$sk}->{$nssk} = walk_obj($self->{apiimportcache}->{$s_pdf},$s_pdf->{pdf},$self->{pdf},$s_page->{$k}->{$sk}->{$ssk});
foreach my $sk (qw( ColorSpace Pattern Shading )) {
next unless(defined $s_page->{$k}->{$sk});
$s_page->{$k}->{$sk}->realise if(ref($s_page->{$k}->{$sk})=~/Objind$/);
foreach my $ssk (keys %{$s_page->{$k}->{$sk}}) {
next if($ssk=~/^ /);
$t_page->{$k}->{$sk}->{$ssk} = walk_obj($self->{apiimportcache}->{$s_pdf},$s_pdf->{pdf},$self->{pdf},$s_page->{$k}->{$sk}->{$ssk});
# create a whole content stream
## tecnically it is possible to submit an unfinished
## (eg. newly created) source-page, but thats non-sense,
## so we expect a page fixed by openpage and die otherwise
die "page not processed via openpage ... " unless($s_page->{' fixed'}==1);
my $content=$t_page->hybrid();
# since the source page comes from openpage it may already
# contain the required starting 'q' without the final 'Q'
# if forcecompress is in effect
if(defined $s_page->{Contents}) {
$content->{' stream'}='';
# openpage pages only contain one stream
my ($k)=$s_page->{Contents}->elementsof;
if($k->{' nofilt'}) {
# we have a finished stream here
# so we unfilter
$content->{' stream'}=unfilter($k->{Filter}, $k->{' stream'});
} else {
# stream is an unfinished/unfiltered hybrid
# so we just copy it
$content->{' stream'}=$k->{' stream'};
# and modify resources
foreach my $r (keys %resmod) {
$content->{' stream'}=~s/\/$r(\x0a|\x0d|\s+)/\/$resmod{$r}$1/gm;
if($k->{' nofilt'} && $self->{forcecompress}>0) {
# standardize filters and refilter
# since forcecompress was in effect
$content->{' stream'}=dofilter($content->{Filter}, $content->{' stream'});
$content->{' nofilt'}=1;
$content->{Length}=PDFNum(length($content->{' stream'}));
} elsif($k->{' nofilt'} && $self->{forcecompress}<1) {
# this means that the terminal "Q" will be added so we
# have to add a 'q' to balance things
$content->{' stream'}.=' q ';
} else {
# unfinished hybrid (do nothing)
## if we like compress we will do it now to do quicker saves
if($self->{forcecompress}>0 && $content->{' nofilt'}<0){
# since we compress the stream without
# calling back at the content/.. methods
# which corrrect the streams Q's we have
# to add them here
$content->add(' Q ');
$content->{' stream'}=dofilter($content->{Filter}, $content->{' stream'});
$content->{' nofilt'}=1;
$content->{Length}=PDFNum(length($content->{' stream'}));
# copy annotations and/or form elements as well
if (exists $s_page->{Annots} and $s_page->{Annots}) {
# first set up the AcroForm, if required
my $AcroForm;
if (my $a = $s_pdf->{pdf}->{Root}->realise->{AcroForm}) {
# $AcroForm = PDFDict;
# # keys from PDF Reference 1.4 (table 8.47)
# my @done = qw(Fields); # doing later
# foreach my $k (qw(Fields NeedAppearances SigFlags CO DR DA Q)) {
# next if grep $_ eq $k , @done;
# push @done,$k;
# next unless defined $a->{$k};
# $AcroForm->{$k} =
# }
$AcroForm = walk_obj({},$s_pdf->{pdf},$self->{pdf},$a,qw( NeedAppearances SigFlags CO DR DA Q ));
my @Fields = ();
my @Annots = ();
foreach my $a ($s_page->{Annots}->elementsof) {
my $t_a = PDFDict;
# these objects are likely to be both annotations and Acroform fields
# key names are copied from PDF Reference 1.4 (Tables)
my @k = (
qw( Type Subtype Contents P Rect NM M F BS Border
AP AS C CA T Popup A AA StructParent
), # Annotations - Common (8.10)
qw( Subtype Contents Open Name ), # Text Annotations (8.15)
qw( Subtype Contents Dest H PA ), # Link Annotations (8.16)
qw( Subtype Contents DA Q ), # Free Text Annotations (8.17)
qw( Subtype Contents L BS LE IC ) , # Line Annotations (8.18)
qw( Subtype Contents BS IC ), # Square and Circle Annotations (8.20)
qw( Subtype Contents QuadPoints ), # Markup Annotations (8.21)
qw( Subtype Contents Name ), # Rubber Stamp Annotations (8.22)
qw( Subtype Contents InkList BS ), # Ink Annotations (8.23)
qw( Subtype Contents Parent Open ), # Popup Annotations (8.24)
qw( Subtype FS Contents Name ), # File Attachment Annotations (8.25)
qw( Subtype Sound Contents Name ), # Sound Annotations (8.26)
qw( Subtype Movie Contents A ), # Movie Annotations (8.27)
qw( Subtype Contents H MK ), # Widget Annotations (8.28)
# Printers Mark Annotations (none)
# Trap Network Annotations (none)
push @k, (
qw( Subtype FT Parent Kids T TU TM Ff V DV AA ), # Fields - Common (8.49)
qw( DR DA Q ), # Fields containing variable text (8.51)
qw( Opt ), # Checkbox field (8.54)
qw( Opt ), # Radio field (8.55)
qw( MaxLen ), # Text field (8.57)
qw( Opt TI I ), # Choice field (8.59)
) if $AcroForm;
# sorting out dups
my %ky=map { $_ => 1 } @k;
# we do P separately, as it points to the page the Annotation is on
delete $ky{P};
# copy everything else
foreach my $k (keys %ky) {
next unless defined $a->{$k};
$t_a->{$k} = walk_obj({},$s_pdf->{pdf},$self->{pdf},$a->{$k});
$t_a->{P} = $t_page;
push @Annots, $t_a;
push @Fields, $t_a if ($AcroForm and $t_a->{Subtype}->val eq 'Widget');
$t_page->{Annots} = PDFArray(@Annots);
$AcroForm->{Fields} = PDFArray(@Fields) if $AcroForm;
$self->{pdf}->{Root}->{AcroForm} = $AcroForm;
$t_page->{' imported'} = 1;
if(wantarray) {
} else {
=item $pagenumber = $pdf->pages
Returns the number of pages in the document.
sub pages {
my $self=shift @_;
return scalar @{$self->{pagestack}};
=item $pdf->mediabox $w, $h
=item $pdf->mediabox $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury
Sets the global mediabox.
sub mediabox {
my ($self,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = @_;
if(defined $x2) {
map { PDFNum(float($_)) } ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2)
} else {
map { PDFNum(float($_)) } (0,0,$x1,$y1)
=item $pdf->update
Updates a previously "opened" document after all changes have been applied.
sub update {
my $self=shift @_;
$self->saveas($self->{pdf}->{' fname'});
=item $pdf->saveas $file
Saves the document.
sub saveas {
my ($self,$file)=@_;
if($self->{reopened}) {
print OUTF ${$self->{pdf}->{' OUTFILE'}->string_ref};
} elsif($self->{' filed'}) {
} else {
sub save {
my ($self,$file)=@_;
if($self->{reopened}) {
die "invalid method invokation: use 'saveas' instead.";
} elsif($self->{' filed'}) {
} else {
die "invalid method invokation: use 'saveas' instead.";
sub save_xml {
my ($self,$file)=@_;
my $fh=IO::File->new;
$fh->open("> $file");
=item $string = $pdf->stringify
Returns the document in a string.
sub stringify {
my ($self)=@_;
my $str;
if((defined $self->{reopened}) && ($self->{reopened}==1)) {
$str=${$self->{pdf}->{' OUTFILE'}->string_ref};
} else {
my $fh = PDF::API2::IOString->new();
eval {
sub release { $_[0]->end; return(undef);}
=item $pdf->end
Destroys the document.
sub end {
my $self=shift(@_);
$self->{pdf}->release if(defined($self->{pdf}));
foreach my $key (keys %{$self})
delete ($self->{$key});
=item %infohash $pdf->info %infohash
Sets/Gets the info structure of the document.
'Author' => " Alfred Reibenschuh ",
'CreationDate' => "D:20020911000000+01'00'",
'ModDate' => "D:YYYYMMDDhhmmssOHH'mm'",
'Creator' => "fredos-script.pl",
'Producer' => "PDF::API2",
'Title' => "some Publication",
'Subject' => "perl ?",
'Keywords' => "all good things are pdf"
sub info {
my $self=shift @_;
my %opt=@_;
if(!defined($self->{pdf}->{'Info'})) {
} else {
if(scalar @_) {
map {
} qw( Author CreationDate ModDate Creator Producer Title Subject Keywords );
if(defined $self->{pdf}->{'Info'}) {
%opt=map {
if(defined $self->{pdf}->{'Info'}->{$_});
} qw( Author CreationDate ModDate Creator Producer Title Subject Keywords );
=item $pdf->finishobjects @objects
Force objects to be written to file.
sub finishobjects {
my ($self,@objs)=@_;
if($self->{reopened}) {
die "invalid method invokation: no file, use 'saveas' instead.";
} elsif($self->{' filed'}) {
} else {
die "invalid method invokation: no file, use 'saveas' instead.";
=item $val = $pdf->default $parameter
=item $pdf->default $parameter, $val
Gets/Sets default values for the behaviour of ::API2.
sub default {
my ($self,$parameter,$var)=@_;
my $temp=$self->{$parameter};
if(defined $var) {
=item $font = $pdf->corefont $fontname [, %options]
Returns a new or existing adobe core font object.
$font = $pdf->corefont('Times-Roman');
$font = $pdf->corefont('Times-Bold');
$font = $pdf->corefont('Helvetica');
$font = $pdf->corefont('ZapfDingbats');
sub corefont {
my ($self,$name,@opts)=@_;
my $obj=PDF::API2::CoreFont->new_api($self,$name,@opts);
my $key=$obj->{' apiname'};
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
=item $font = $pdf->psfont $pfbfile,$afmfile
Returns a new or existing adobe type1 font object.
$font = $pdf->psfont('Times-Book.pfb','Times-Book.afm');
$font = $pdf->psfont('/fonts/Synest-FB.pfb','/fonts/Synest-FB.afm');
$font = $pdf->psfont('../Highland-URW.pfb','../Highland-URW.afm');
sub psfont {
my ($self,$pfb,$afm,$encoding,@glyphs)=@_;
my $key='PSx'.pdfkey(($pfb||'x').($afm||'y'),$encoding);
my $obj=PDF::API2::PSFont->new($self->{pdf},$pfb,$afm,$key,$encoding,@glyphs);
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$obj->{' apiname'}=$key;
$obj->{' apipdf'}=$self->{pdf};
weaken($obj->{' apipdf'}) if($hasWeakRef);
$obj->{' api'}=$self;
weaken($obj->{' api'}) if($hasWeakRef);
=item $font = $pdf->ttfont $ttfile [, %options]
Returns a new or existing truetype font object.
$font = $pdf->ttfont('TimesNewRoman.ttf');
$font = $pdf->ttfont('/fonts/Univers-Bold.ttf');
$font = $pdf->ttfont('../Democratica-SmallCaps.ttf');
sub ttfont {
my ($self,$file,@opts)=@_;
my $obj=PDF::API2::TrueTypeFont->new_api($self,$file,@opts);
# my $key='TTx'.pdfkey($file,$self->{time});
# my $obj=PDF::API2::TTFont->new($self->{pdf},$file,$key);
# $self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
# $obj->{' apiname'}=$key;
# $obj->{' apipdf'}=$self->{pdf};
# weaken($obj->{' apipdf'}) if($hasWeakRef);
# $obj->{' api'}=$self;
# weaken($obj->{' api'}) if($hasWeakRef);
# $self->resource('Font',$key,$obj,$self->{reopened});
# $self->{pdf}->out_obj($self->{pages});
# return($obj);
=item $img = $pdf->image $file
Returns a new image object from a file or a GD::Image object.
$img = $pdf->image('yetanotherfun.jpg');
$img = $pdf->image('truly24bitpic.png');
$img = $pdf->image('reallargefile.pnm');
$img = $pdf->image($gdimgobj);
B<Important Note:>
This is an unmaintained function, please use one of the following
for proper support: image_jpeg, image_png, image_gd, image_pnm.
sub image {
my ($self,$file,@opts)=@_;
my $obj=PDF::API2::Image->new($self->{pdf},$file,$self->{time},@opts);
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
if($obj->{SMask}) {
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj->{SMask}) unless($obj->{SMask}->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
# $obj->{' apipdf'}=$self->{pdf};
# $obj->{' api'}=$self;
$self->resource('XObject',$obj->{' apiname'},$obj,1);
=item $img = $pdf->image_jpeg $file
Returns a new image object from a jpeg-file.
$img = $pdf->image_jpeg('yetanotherfun.jpg');
sub image_jpeg {
my ($self,$file,%opts)=@_;
my $objname='JPEGx'.pdfkey($file.time());
my $obj=PDF::API2::Image->new_jpeg($self->{pdf},$objname,$file);
$obj->{' apiname'}=$objname;
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$self->resource('XObject',$obj->{' apiname'},$obj,1);
=item $img = $pdf->image_png $file
Returns a new image object from a png-file.
$img = $pdf->image_png('yetanotherfun.png');
sub image_png {
my ($self,$file,%opts)=@_;
my $objname='PNGx'.pdfkey($file.time());
my $obj=PDF::API2::Image->new_png($self->{pdf},$objname,$file);
$obj->{' apiname'}=$objname;
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$self->resource('XObject',$obj->{' apiname'},$obj,1);
#=item $img = $pdf->image_gif $file
#Returns a new image object from a gif-file.
# $img = $pdf->image_gif('yetanotherfun.gif');
#sub image_gif {
# my ($self,$file,%opts)=@_;
# my $objname='GIFx'.pdfkey($file.time());
# my $obj=PDF::API2::Image->new_gif($self->{pdf},$objname,$file);
# $obj->{' apiname'}=$objname;
# $self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
# $self->resource('XObject',$obj->{' apiname'},$obj,1);
# $self->{pdf}->out_obj($self->{pages});
# return($obj);
=item $img = $pdf->image_tiff $file
Returns a new image object from a tiff-file.
$img = $pdf->image_tiff('yetanotherfun.TIF');
B<Please Note:>
Currently supported are any combination of the following tiff-features:
white-is-zero, black-is-zero, rgb, palette, cmyk, packbits, ccittfax g3-1d,
ccittfax g4, lzw and flate, as-long-as the image is not striped !!!
sub image_tiff {
my ($self,$file,%opts)=@_;
my $objname='TIFFx'.pdfkey($file.time());
my $obj=PDF::API2::Image->new_tiff($self->{pdf},$objname,$file);
$obj->{' apiname'}=$objname;
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$self->resource('XObject',$obj->{' apiname'},$obj,1);
=item $img = $pdf->image_pnm $file
Returns a new image object from a portable anymap (aka. netpbm).
$img = $pdf->image_pnm('yetanotherfun.pbm');
$img = $pdf->image_pnm('yetanotherfun.pgm');
$img = $pdf->image_pnm('yetanotherfun.ppm');
sub image_pnm {
my ($self,$file,%opts)=@_;
my $objname='PNMx'.pdfkey($file.time());
my $obj=PDF::API2::Image->new_pnm($self->{pdf},$objname,$file);
$obj->{' apiname'}=$objname;
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$self->resource('XObject',$obj->{' apiname'},$obj,1);
=item $img = $pdf->pdfimage $file, $page_number
Returns a new image object,
which is actually a page from another pdf.
$img = $pdf->pdfimage('test1.pdf',1);
$img = $pdf->pdfimage('another-test.pdf',2);
$img = $pdf->pdfimage('really-large.pdf',1000);
=item $img = $pdf->pdfimageobj $pdfobj, $page_number
As $pdf->pdfimage, but takes an already opened pdfobject (API2->open) as parameter.
B<Note:> This is functionally the same as the one above, but far less
resource-intensive, if you use many pages (possible the same) from one single pdf.
sub pdfimageobj {
my $self=shift @_;
my $s_pdf=shift @_;
my $s_idx=shift @_||0;
my ($s_page,$t_page);
my $dict = $s_page->find_prop('CropBox')||$s_page->find_prop('MediaBox');
if(defined $dict) {
my ($lx,$ly,$rx,$ry)=$dict->elementsof;
$t_page->{' lx'}=$lx->val;
$t_page->{' ly'}=$ly->val;
$t_page->{' rx'}=$rx->val;
$t_page->{' ry'}=$ry->val;
if(defined $s_page->{$k}) {
foreach my $sk (qw( ColorSpace XObject ExtGState Font Pattern ProcSet Properties Shading )) {
next unless(defined $s_page->{$k}->{$sk});
foreach my $ssk (keys %{$s_page->{$k}->{$sk}}) {
next if($ssk=~/^ /);
$t_page->{$k}->{$sk}->{$ssk} = walk_obj($self->{apiimportcache},$s_pdf->{pdf},$self->{pdf},$s_page->{$k}->{$sk}->{$ssk});
if(defined $s_page->{Contents}) {
foreach my $k ($s_page->{Contents}->elementsof) {
$k->realise if(ref($k)=~/Objind$/);
$t_page->{' pdfimage'}.=" q ".unfilter($k->{'Filter'},$k->{' stream'})." Q ";
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($t_page) unless($t_page->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
sub pdfimage {
my $self=shift @_;
my $s_pdf=shift @_;
my $s_idx=shift @_||0;
my $t_page=$self->pdfimageobj($s_pdf,$s_idx);
=item $shadeing = $pdf->shade
Returns a new shading object.
sub shade {
my ($self,%opts)=@_;
my $key='SHx'.pdfkey(%opts || 'shade'.localtime() );
my $obj=PDFDict();
# my $pat=$self->pattern(-type=>2);
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$obj->{' apiname'}=$key;
$obj->{' apipdf'}=$self->{pdf};
weaken($obj->{' apipdf'}) if($hasWeakRef);
$obj->{' api'}=$self;
weaken($obj->{' api'}) if($hasWeakRef);
=item $pat = $pdf->pattern
Returns a new pattern object.
sub pattern {
my ($self,%opts)=@_;
my $obj=PDF::API2::Pattern->new();
my $key=$obj->{' apiname'};
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
# $obj->{' apipdf'}=$self->{pdf};
# $obj->{' api'}=$self;
=item $cs = $pdf->colorspace %parameters
Returns a new colorspace object.
$cs = $pdf->colorspace(
-type => 'CalRGB',
-whitepoint => [ 0.9, 1, 1.1 ],
-blackpoint => [ 0, 0, 0 ],
-gamma => [ 2.2, 2.2, 2.2 ],
-matrix => [
0.41238, 0.21259, 0.01929,
0.35757, 0.71519, 0.11919,
0.1805, 0.07217, 0.95049
$cs = $pdf->colorspace(
-type => 'CalGray',
-whitepoint => [ 0.9, 1, 1.1 ],
-blackpoint => [ 0, 0, 0 ],
-gamma => 2.2
$cs = $pdf->colorspace(
-type => 'Lab',
-whitepoint => [ 0.9, 1, 1.1 ],
-blackpoint => [ 0, 0, 0 ],
-gamma => [ 2.2, 2.2, 2.2 ],
-range => [ -100, 100, -100, 100 ]
$cs = $pdf->colorspace(
-type => 'Indexed',
-base => 'DeviceRGB',
-maxindex => 3,
-whitepoint => [ 0.9, 1, 1.1 ],
-blackpoint => [ 0, 0, 0 ],
-gamma => [ 2.2, 2.2, 2.2 ],
-colors => [
[ 0,0,0 ], # black = 0
[ 1,1,1 ], # white = 1
[ 1,0,0 ], # red = 2
[ 0,0,1 ], # blue = 3
$cs = $pdf->colorspace(
-type => 'ICCBased',
-base => 'DeviceRGB',
-components => 3,
-iccfile => 'codacus.icc'
sub colorspace {
my ($self,@opt)=@_;
my $key='CSx'.pdfkey('colorspace',@opt);
my $obj=PDF::API2::ColorSpace->new($self->{pdf},$key,@opt);
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$obj->{' apiname'}=$key;
# $obj->{' apipdf'}=$self->{pdf};
# $obj->{' api'}=$self;
=item @color = $pdf->businesscolor $basecolor [, $lightdark ]
=item @color = $pdf->businesscolor $colornumber [, $lightdark ]
Returns a color-array suitible for use with the stroke/fillcolor methods.
sub businesscolor {
my $self=shift @_;
my @col;
# $self->{bccs} = $self->{bccs} || $self->colorspace(
# -type => 'CalRGB',
# -whitepoint => [ 0.9505, 1, 1.089 ],
# -blackpoint => [ 0, 0, 0 ],
# -gamma => [ 2.2, 2.2, 2.2 ],
# -matrix => [
# 0.41238, 0.21259, 0.01929,
# 0.35757, 0.71519, 0.11919,
# 0.1805, 0.07217, 0.95049
# ]
# );
my $color=shift @_||0;
my $ld=shift @_||0;
if($color=~/^[a-z\!\$\%\&\#]+/) {
my ($hue)=RGBtoHSV( @col );
} else {
if($color<0) {
} else {
# return($self->{bccs},@col);
=item $img = $pdf->barcode %options
Returns a new barcode object.
B<Note:> refer to PDF::API2::Barcode for more details.
sub barcode {
my ($self,%opts)=@_;
my $key='BCx'.pdfkey('barcode'.time().rand(0x7fffff));
my $obj=PDF::API2::Barcode->new($key,%opts);
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$obj->{' apiname'}=$key;
$obj->{' apipdf'}=$self->{pdf};
weaken($obj->{' apipdf'}) if($hasWeakRef);
$obj->{' api'}=$self;
weaken($obj->{' api'}) if($hasWeakRef);
$obj->compress() if($self->{forcecompress});
=item $egs = $pdf->extgstate
Returns a new extended-graphics-state object.
sub extgstate {
my ($self)=@_;
my $key='XTGSx'.pdfkey('extgstate'.time().rand(0x7fffff));
my $obj=PDF::API2::ExtGState->new($self->{pdf},$key);
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
$obj->{' api'}=$self;
weaken($obj->{' api'}) if($hasWeakRef);
=item $otls = $pdf->outlines
Returns a new or existing outlines object.
sub outlines {
my ($self)=@_;
|| PDF::API2::Outlines->new($self);
my $obj=$self->{pdf}->{Root}->{Outlines};
$self->{pdf}->new_obj($obj) if(!$obj->is_obj($self->{pdf}));
=item $page->resource $type, $key, $obj, $force
Adds a resource to the global page-inheritance tree.
B<Note:> You only have to add the required resources, if
they are NOT handled by the *font*, *image*, *shade* or *space*
sub resource {
my ($self, $type, $key, $obj, $force) = @_;
$self->{pages}->{Resources}= $self->{pages}->{Resources} || PDFDict();
my $dict=$self->{pages}->{Resources};
$dict->realise if(ref($dict)=~/Objind$/);
$dict->{$type}=$dict->{$type} || PDFDict();
$dict->{$type}->realise if(ref($dict->{$type})=~/Objind$/);
if($force) {
} else {
$dict->{$type}->{$key}=$dict->{$type}->{$key} || $obj;
=head1 AUTHOR
alfred reibenschuh