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Changes for version 0.081

  • Change: 52cf14f13d0d7123bf8db92f4fc6c237fc861c3a Author: Andreas Romeyke <> Date : 2021-09-28 12:16:45 +0000
    • revert parallel code, fixed the issue


The main module to handle bags.
deprecated, used for backwards compatibility
A module to use IO::AIO to het better performance
The MD5 algorithm plugin (default for v0.97)
The default SHA algorithms plugin (default for v1.0)
The role to load md5 plugin (default for v0.97)
The role to load the sha512 plugin (default for v1.0)
A role that defines the interface to a hashing algorithm
A role that handles all manifest files for a specific Algorithm
A role that handles plugin loading
A role that handles filepaths for improved portability