The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.1_02 - 2007-09-11

  • Moved functionality from pldefaults to Config::PlConfig::DotScheme
  • save() now takes a hashref to save as optional argument.
  • Support for autosave. (Global: use Config::PlConfig qw(:autosave); Lexical: $c = Config::PlConfig->new({autosave => 1 });)

Changes for version 0.1_01 - 2007-08-06

  • Initial release.


Maintain a single place for configuration files.
[One line description of module's purpose here]
Maintain a single place for configuration files.
[One line description of module's purpose here]
[One line description of module's purpose here]
[One line description of module's purpose here]
Tie your config for extra features.