
#ifndef IVdf # if IVSIZE == LONGSIZE # define IVdf "ld" # define UVuf "lu" # define UVof "lo" # define UVxf "lx" # define UVXf "lX" # elif IVSIZE == INTSIZE # define IVdf "d" # define UVuf "u" # define UVof "o" # define UVxf "x" # define UVXf "X" # else # error "cannot define IV/UV formats" # endif #endif

#ifndef NVef # if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HAS_LONG_DOUBLE) && \ defined(PERL_PRIfldbl) && { VERSION != 5.6.0 } /* Not very likely, but let's try anyway. */ # define NVef PERL_PRIeldbl # define NVff PERL_PRIfldbl # define NVgf PERL_PRIgldbl # else # define NVef "e" # define NVff "f" # define NVgf "g" # endif #endif

void croak_NVgf(num) NV num PPCODE: Perl_croak(aTHX_ "%.20" NVgf "\n", num);

#if { VERSION >= 5.004 }

SV * sprintf_iv(iv) IV iv CODE: RETVAL = newSVpvf("XX_%" IVdf "_XX", iv); OUTPUT: RETVAL

SV * sprintf_uv(uv) UV uv CODE: RETVAL = newSVpvf("XX_%" UVuf "_XX", uv); OUTPUT: RETVAL

SV * sprintf_ivmax() CODE: RETVAL = newSVpvf("%" IVdf, IV_MAX); OUTPUT: RETVAL

SV * sprintf_uvmax() CODE: RETVAL = newSVpvf("%" UVuf, UV_MAX); OUTPUT: RETVAL


use Config;

if ("$]" < '5.004') { skip 'skip: No newSVpvf support', 5; exit; }

my $num = 1.12345678901234567890;

eval { Devel::PPPort::croak_NVgf($num) }; ok($@ =~ /^1.1234567890/);

is(Devel::PPPort::sprintf_iv(-8), 'XX_-8_XX'); is(Devel::PPPort::sprintf_uv(15), 'XX_15_XX');

my $ivsize = $Config::Config{ivsize}; if ($ivsize && ($ivsize == 4 || $ivsize == 8)) { my $ivmax = ($ivsize == 4) ? '2147483647' : '9223372036854775807'; my $uvmax = ($ivsize == 4) ? '4294967295' : '18446744073709551615'; is(Devel::PPPort::sprintf_ivmax(), $ivmax); is(Devel::PPPort::sprintf_uvmax(), $uvmax); } else { skip 'skip: unknown ivsize', 2; }

4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 12:

Unknown directive: =provides

Around line 16:

Unknown directive: =implementation

Around line 50:

Unknown directive: =xsubs

Around line 92:

Unknown directive: =tests