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$Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::RateRequest::VERSION = '3.10';
use strict;
{ # BLOCK to scope variables
use base qw(
sub __get_attr_class {
use Class::Std::Fast::Storable constructor => 'none';
{ # BLOCK to scope variables
my %Request_of :ATTR(:get<Request>);
my %PickupType_of :ATTR(:get<PickupType>);
my %CustomerClassification_of :ATTR(:get<CustomerClassification>);
my %Shipment_of :ATTR(:get<Shipment>);
[ qw( Request
) ],
'Request' => \%Request_of,
'PickupType' => \%PickupType_of,
'CustomerClassification' => \%CustomerClassification_of,
'Shipment' => \%Shipment_of,
'Request' => 'Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::Request',
'PickupType' => 'Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType',
'CustomerClassification' => 'Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType',
'Shipment' => 'Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentType',
'Request' => '',
'PickupType' => 'PickupType',
'CustomerClassification' => 'CustomerClassification',
'Shipment' => 'Shipment',
} # end BLOCK
} # end of BLOCK
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
version 3.10
Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined element
RateRequest from the namespace http://www.ups.com/XMLSchema/XOLTWS/Rate/v1.1.
=head1 NAME
The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY
=item * Request
Note: The name of this property has been altered, because it didn't match
perl's notion of variable/subroutine names. The altered name is used in
perl code only, XML output uses the original name:
=item * PickupType
=item * CustomerClassification
=item * Shipment
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
my $element = Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateElements::RateRequest->new($data);
Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():
Request => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::RequestType
RequestOption => $some_value, # string
TransactionReference => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::TransactionReferenceType
CustomerContext => $some_value, # string
TransactionIdentifier => $some_value, # string
PickupType => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
CustomerClassification => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
Shipment => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentType
Shipper => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipperType
Name => $some_value, # string
ShipperNumber => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::AddressType
AddressLine => $some_value, # string
City => $some_value, # string
StateProvinceCode => $some_value, # string
PostalCode => $some_value, # string
CountryCode => $some_value, # string
ShipTo => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipToType
Name => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipToAddressType
ResidentialAddressIndicator => $some_value, # string
ShipFrom => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipFromType
Name => $some_value, # string
Address => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::AddressType
FRSPaymentInformation => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::FRSPaymentInfoType
Type => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType
Code => $some_value, # string
Description => $some_value, # string
AccountNumber => $some_value, # string
Address => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PayerAddressType
PostalCode => $some_value, # string
CountryCode => $some_value, # string
Service => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType
DocumentsOnlyIndicator => $some_value, # string
Package => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageType
PackagingType => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType
Dimensions => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::DimensionsType
UnitOfMeasurement => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType
Length => $some_value, # string
Width => $some_value, # string
Height => $some_value, # string
PackageWeight => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageWeightType
UnitOfMeasurement => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CodeDescriptionType
Weight => $some_value, # string
Commodity => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CommodityType
FreightClass => $some_value, # string
NMFC => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::NMFCCommodityType
PrimeCode => $some_value, # string
SubCode => $some_value, # string
LargePackageIndicator => $some_value, # string
PackageServiceOptions => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::PackageServiceOptionsType
DeliveryConfirmation => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::DeliveryConfirmationType
DCISType => $some_value, # string
COD => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CODType
CODFundsCode => $some_value, # string
CODAmount => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CODAmountType
CurrencyCode => $some_value, # string
MonetaryValue => $some_value, # string
DeclaredValue => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::InsuredValueType
CurrencyCode => $some_value, # string
MonetaryValue => $some_value, # string
VerbalConfirmationIndicator => $some_value, # string
AdditionalHandlingIndicator => $some_value, # string
ShipmentServiceOptions => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentServiceOptionsType
SaturdayPickupIndicator => $some_value, # string
SaturdayDeliveryIndicator => $some_value, # string
OnCallPickup => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::OnCallPickupType
Schedule => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ScheduleType
PickupDay => $some_value, # string
Method => $some_value, # string
COD => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::CODType
DeliveryConfirmation => {}, # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::DeliveryConfirmationType
ReturnOfDocumentIndicator => $some_value, # string
UPScarbonneutralIndicator => $some_value, # string
ShipmentRatingOptions => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::ShipmentRatingOptionsType
NegotiatedRatesIndicator => $some_value, # string
FRSShipmentIndicator => $some_value, # string
InvoiceLineTotal => { # Shipment::UPS::WSDL::RateTypes::InvoiceLineTotalType
CurrencyCode => $some_value, # string
MonetaryValue => $some_value, # string
=head1 AUTHOR
Generated by SOAP::WSDL
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Baerg <baergaj@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Andrew Baerg.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.