This para is a bit of an introduction. It goes on and on.

This is another para in the the intro. This has a title: Learning Perl. You can use Module::Starter and perlfunc and open.

This is head1

This is a para with a single code and a <$fh>.

This is the first head2

This is a para with a bold word. And an italic word.

And here is some output:

Now for some output

This is after the code. This line has some "double quotes" and the next line has some 'single quotes'. There is also an mdash--there it is! This is a Try::Tiny module name.

This is the second head2

This is a para.

This is another head1

This is the last line.

  • This is an item

  • This is an item 2

Now for a list with paras in it.

  • This is an item with a para

    No we are in a para in a list.

  • This is an item 2

    No we are in a para in a list.

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1:

Unknown directive: =head0

Around line 5:

Deleting unknown formatting code T<>

Deleting unknown formatting code M<>

Deleting unknown formatting code K<>

Around line 52:

Deleting unknown formatting code M<>