Changes for version 2.001_001 - 2016-10-24

  • Big changes:
  • No more filtering out core modules (some things are ejected from core!)
  • Switched from Module::Info to Module::Extract::Use
  • Switched from old Test::Builder to Test::Builder::Module from the new Test::Simple stuff.

Changes for version 1.38_05 - 2014-01-17

  • More adjustments for 5.8 tests.

Changes for version 1.38_04 - 2014-01-16

  • Refactor some tests, with more exploration for 5.8 failures.

Changes for version 1.38_03 - 2014-01-15

  • Add some diag messages in tests to investigate some test failures

Changes for version 1.38_02 - 2014-01-06

  • Fixup for CONFIGURE_REQUIRES (GitHub Issue #2)

Changes for version 1.38_01 - 2014-01-03

  • Fixes for v5.8, which doesn't include Module::Build



check if Makefile.PL has the right pre-requisites
test prerequisites in Module::Build scripts
