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Version 0.01


Data structure for performing intersect queries on a set of intervals which preserves all information about the intervals (unlike bitset projection methods).


Data structure for performing window intersect queries on a set of of possibly overlapping 1d intervals.

Usage =====

Create an empty IntervalTree

>>> use IntervalTree; >>> my $intersecter = IntervalTree->new();

An interval is a start and end position and a value (possibly None). You can add any object as an interval:

>>> $intersecter->insert( 0, 10, "food" ); >>> $intersecter->insert( 3, 7, {foo=>'bar'} );

>>> $intersecter->find( 2, 5 ); ['food', {'foo'=>'bar'}]

If the object has start and end attributes (like the Interval class) there is are some shortcuts:

>>> my $intersecter = IntervalTree->new(); >>> $intersecter->insert_interval( Interval->new( 0, 10 ) ); >>> $intersecter->insert_interval( Interval->new( 3, 7 ) ); >>> $intersecter->insert_interval( Interval->new( 3, 40 ) ); >>> $intersecter->insert_interval( Interval->new( 13, 50 ) );

>>> $intersecter->find( 30, 50 ); [Interval(3, 40), Interval(13, 50)] >>> $intersecter->find( 100, 200 ); []

Before/after for intervals

>>> $intersecter->before_interval( Interval->new( 10, 20 ) ); [Interval(3, 7)] >>> $intersecter->before_interval( Interval->new( 5, 20 ) ); []


>>> $intersecter->upstream_of_interval(Interval->new(11, 12)); [Interval(0, 10)] >>> $intersecter->upstream_of_interval(Interval->new(11, 12, undef, undef, "-")); [Interval(13, 50)]

>>> intersecter.upstream_of_interval(Interval(1, 2, undef, undef, "-"), 3); [Interval(3, 7), Interval(3, 40), Interval(13, 50)]


Insert the interval [start,end) associated with value `value`.


Return a sorted list of all intervals overlapping [start,end).


Find `num_intervals` intervals that lie before `position` and are no further than `max_dist` positions away


Find `num_intervals` intervals that lie after `position` and are no further than `max_dist` positions away


Insert an "interval" like object (one with at least start and end attributes)


Find `num_intervals` intervals that lie completely before `interval` and are no further than `max_dist` positions away


Find `num_intervals` intervals that lie completely after `interval` and are no further than `max_dist` positions away


Find `num_intervals` intervals that lie completely upstream of `interval` and are no further than `max_dist` positions away


Find `num_intervals` intervals that lie completely downstream of `interval` and are no further than `max_dist` positions away


call fn for each element in the tree


A single node of an `IntervalTree`.

NOTE: Unless you really know what you are doing, you probably should us `IntervalTree` rather than using this directly.


Insert a new IntervalNode into the tree of which this node is currently the root. The return value is the new root of the tree (which may or may not be this node!)


given a start and a end, return a list of features falling within that range


find n features with a start > than `position` f: a Interval object (or anything with an `end` attribute) n: the number of features to return max_dist: the maximum distance to look before giving up.

find n features with a end < than position f: a Interval object (or anything with a `start` attribute) n: the number of features to return max_dist: the maximum distance to look before giving up.


Basic feature, with required integer start and end properties. Also accepts optional strand as +1 or -1 (used for up/downstream queries), a name, and any arbitrary data is sent in on the info keyword argument

>>> from bx.intervals.intersection import Interval

>>> f1 = Interval->new(23, 36); >>> f2 = Interval->new(34, 48, {'chr':12, 'anno':'transposon'}); >>> f2 Interval(34, 48, {'anno': 'transposon', 'chr': 12})


Ben Booth, <benwbooth at>

Original Authors: James Taylor (, Ian Schenk (, Brent Pedersen (


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-intervaltree at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc IntervalTree

You can also look for information at:


This code was directly ported from the bx-python project:

Original Authors: James Taylor (, Ian Schenk (, Brent Pedersen (

Copyright 2012 Ben Booth.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.