The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.


BGPmon Client Configuration
The BGPmon Fetch module, to connect to a live BGPmon stream, an online archive of XFB data, or a single XML file. The interface then supports "streaming" of XML messages from the given data source.
The BGPmon::Fetch::Archive module, to connect to an online archive of BGP files, download XML files and read XML messages one at a time.
The BGPmon Client module, to connect to BGPmon and receive XML messages one at a time.
The BGPmon::Fetch::File module, to connect to a local XML file and read XML messages one at a time.
BGPmon Logging
Converts an XML message into an array of BGPdump formatted messages.
convert an XFB message into a Perl hash
a clean interface to extract commonly-used information from XFB messages.
a cleaner interface to extract commonly-used information from XFB messages that, unline XFB2PerlHash::Simple, will ignore xml attributes.