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Log::Handler::Config - The main config loader.


    use Log::Handler;

    my $log = Log::Handler->new();

        filename => 'file.conf',
        plugin   => 'YAML',
        section  => 'section-name',


    use Log::Handler;
    use Log::Handler::Config;

    my $conf = Log::Handler::Config->config(
        filename => 'file.conf',
        plugin   => 'YAML',
        section  => 'section-name',

    my $log = Log::Handler->new();

    while ( my ($type, $config) = each %$conf ) {
        $log->add($type => $config);


This module makes it possible to load the configuration from a file.



With this method it's possible to load the configuration for your outputs.

The following options are valid:


The configuration file.


With this option you can set the plugin you want to use. There are 3 plugins available at the moment:


If the option is not set then the file extension is used to determine the configuration style:

    Config::General     -   cfg, conf 
    Config::Properties  -   props, jcfg, jconf
    YAML                -   yml, yaml


    # use file.conf and YAML

        filename => 'file.conf',
        plugin   => 'YAML'

    # automatically use YAML

        filename => 'file.yaml'

    # automatically use Config::General

        filename => 'file.conf'

If the extension is not defined then Config::General is used by default.


If you want to write the configuration into a global configuration file then you can create a own section for the logger:

                filename = file.log
                minlevel = 0
                maxlevel = 7

        foo = bar
        bar = baz
        baz = foo

Now your configuration is placed in the output section. You can load this section with

        filename => 'file.conf',
        section  => 'logger',

    # or if you load the configuration yourself to $config

        config  => $config,
        section => 'logger',

    # or just

    $log->config( config => $config->{logger} );

Note that the section mylog is used as an alias. Later you get it with

    my $file_output = $log->get_logger('mylog');

With this option you can pass a configuration that you loaded already but it must have the correct hash structure! Take a look to the examples!


    Config::General     -  inspired by the well known apache config format
    Config::Properties  -  Java-style property files
    YAML                -  optimized for human readability


Config structure

For each output object it must exist a own section. Here a example as hash:

    my %config = (

        # the configuration for a file

        file => {
            foo => {
                filename => 'file1.log',
                maxlevel => 'info',
                minlevel => 'warn',
            bar => {
                filename => 'file2.log',
                maxlevel => 'error',
                minlevel => 'emergency',

        # the configuration for email

        email => {
            foo =>
                host     => 'foo.example',
                from     => 'me@me.example',
                to       => 'you@foo.example',
                maxlevel => 'error',
                minlevel => 'emergency',

            # and_so_on ...

You can store your configuration to a file and loads it. There are different config plugins available.

A default section

If your configuration contains a default section then this parameters are used for all other sections. Example:

    my %config = (
        # the configuration for a file
        file => {
            default => {
                mode     => 'append',
            foo => {
                filename => 'file1.log',
                maxlevel => 'info',
                minlevel => 'warn',
            bar => {
                filename => 'file2.log',
                maxlevel => 'error',
                minlevel => 'emergency',
            baz => {
                filename => 'file3.log',
                maxlevel => 'debug',
                minlevel => 'debug',
                mode     => 'trunc',
        # the configuration for dbi
        dbi => {

The option mode is set to append for the log file file1.log and file2.log. The configuration for file3.log will be set to trunc.

Examples for the config plugins


            fileopen = 1
            reopen = 1
            permissions = 0640
            maxlevel = info
            mode = append
            timeformat = %b %d %H:%M:%S
            debug_mode = 2
            filename = example.log
            minlevel = warn
            prefix = '%T %H[%P] [%L] %S: '
            newline = 1


        debug_mode: 2
        filename: example.log
        fileopen: 1
        maxlevel: info
        minlevel: warn
        mode: append
        newline: 1
        permissions: 0640
        prefix: '%T %H[%P] [%L] %S: '
        reopen: 1
        timeformat: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'


    file.mylog.reopen = 1
    file.mylog.fileopen = 1
    file.mylog.maxlevel = info
    file.mylog.permissions = 0640
    file.mylog.mode = append
    file.mylog.timeformat = %b %d %H:%M:%S
    file.mylog.debug_mode = 2
    file.mylog.minlevel = warn
    file.mylog.filename = example.log
    file.mylog.newline = 1
    file.mylog.prefix = '%T %H[%P] [%L] %S: '

Load the config from a certain section

The config (Config::General)

                newline     = 1
                permissions = 0640
                timeformat  = %b %d %H:%M:%S
                fileopen    = 1
                reopen      = 1
                mode        = append
                prefix      = "%T %H[%P] [%L] %S: "
                debug_mode  = 2

                filename    = example.log
                maxlevel    = info
                minlevel    = warn

                filename    = example-error.log
                maxlevel    = warn
                minlevel    = emergency

                filename    = example-debug.log
                maxlevel    = debug
                minlevel    = debug

Load the config

        filename => 'file.conf',
        section  => 'output',

Simple configuration without a certain section

The config (Config::General)

            newline     = 1
            permissions = 0640
            timeformat  = %b %d %H:%M:%S
            fileopen    = 1
            reopen      = 1
            mode        = append
            prefix      = "%T %H[%P] [%L] %S: "
            debug_mode  = 2

            filename    = example.log
            maxlevel    = info
            minlevel    = warn

            filename    = example-error.log
            maxlevel    = warn
            minlevel    = emergency

            filename    = example-debug.log
            maxlevel    = debug
            minlevel    = debug

Load the config

    $log->config( filename => 'file.conf' );

The config as hash

        config => {
            file => {
                default => {
                    newline     => 1,
                    permissions => '0640',
                    timeformat  => '%b %d %H:%M:%S',
                    fileopen    => 1,
                    reopen      => 1,
                    mode        => 'append
                    prefix      => '%T %H[%P] [%L] %S: ',
                    debug_mode  => 2,
                common => {
                    filename    => 'example.log',
                    maxlevel    => 'info',
                    minlevel    => 'warn',
                error => {
                    filename    => 'example-error.log',
                    maxlevel    => 'warn',
                    minlevel    => 'emergency',
                debug => {
                    filename    => 'example-debug.log',
                    maxlevel    => 'debug',
                    minlevel    => 'debug',

Configuration for different outputs

                newline     = 1
                permissions = 0640
                timeformat  = %b %d %H:%M:%S
                fileopen    = 1
                reopen      = 1
                mode        = append
                prefix      = "%T %H[%P] [%L] %S: "
                debug_mode  = 2

                filename    = example.log
                maxlevel    = info
                minlevel    = warn

                filename    = example-error.log
                maxlevel    = warn
                minlevel    = emergency

                timeout     = 60
                debug       = 0
                subject     = My subject
                buffer      = 100
                interval    = 300
                prefix      = "%T %H[%P] [%L] %S: "
                debug_mode  = 2

                host        = foo.example
                from        = me@me.example
                to          = you@foo.example
                maxlevel    = error
                minlevel    = emergency

                host        = bar.example
                from        = me@me.example
                to          = you@bar.example
                maxlevel    = warn
                minlevel    = emergency




No exports.


Please report all bugs to <jschulz.cpan(at)>.


Jonny Schulz <jschulz.cpan(at)>.


Do you have any questions or ideas?

MAIL: <jschulz.cpan(at)>

If you send me a mail then add Log::Handler into the subject.


    * Log::Handler::Output::DBI
    * Log::Handler::Output::Socket


Copyright (C) 2007 by Jonny Schulz. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.