Changes for version 0.014

  • Server build info is copied to return value and uses regular typemap clear.
  • The NULL string and NULL byte string is unpacked from undef. Perl undef has a meaning different from "" and is represented in the open62541 objects.
  • Use Test::Strict to check all Perl source files. This is a new test dependency.
  • Generate all client read XS wrapper functions with a script. This includes the regular and async methods and the callback with the matching return value for each type. The readDataTypeAttribute functions are implemented manually as they have to convert NodeId to DataType before providing the output value.
  • Memory management for all input and output parameter is done in the typemap. Except for DESTROY destructors the XS functions do not call clear() or delete() anymore.
  • Better error message for missing mandatory parameter.
  • The typemap identifies the reqId parameter as optional output parameter by its new name outoptReqId.
  • Implement client sendAsyncBrowseNextRequest().
  • Code scanner cppcheck passes with C code generated from XS.
  • Test server setup_complex_objects() method can handle name space, access level, and got various other improvements.
  • An empty UA_Variant is now represented as an empty Perl hash.
  • The open62541 parameters of the XS functions are allocated in the typemap and stored as mortal Perl objects. Now Perl is responsible to free them. The open62541 objects are deleted in the Perl destructor. The XS wrapper functions do not have to care about calling clear() or delete() anymore.
  • Server add node functions fill output parameter outNewNodeId as hash.
  • Parameter passing to XS functions is stricter. The typemap does all the checks at a central place.
  • Add more than 100 test cases for all possible typemap conversions of the input paramteter.
  • Test Unicode conversions in XS packed functions, Perl hashes, and YAML output. YAML::Tiny is a new test dependency.
  • In the XS functions the open62541 output value has to be cleared after converting it to an SV. This fixes a memory leak.
  • In the XS functions the temporary open62541 parameter objects have to be cleared before return. This fixes a memory leak.
  • Setting scalars or arrays in a variant passes the reponsibility for memory lifetime to the open62541 library.
  • Memory for strings and byte strings is allocated dynamically. Reusing the Perl data does not allow sane lifetime management.
  • The unpack conversions use UA_Array_new() instead of calloc(3) to construct arrays.
  • Remove LocalizedText new() constructor, it was never used.


export constants from open62541 to Perl


Perl XS wrapper for open62541 OPC UA library
export constants from open62541 to Perl
run open62541 client for testing
manage open62541 log file for testing
run open62541 server for testing