The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

0.010 2009-02-22
- Really remove from the test suite this time.
0.009 2009-02-18
- Re-release as I sent 0.008 to backpan accidentally, oops.
0.008 2009-02-03
- Fix accidental commit in the tests with the last release which was
causing test fails (thanks again CPANTS)
- Normalise whitespace in the POD
0.007 2009-02-01
- Bump version required of Catalyst-Pugin-Authentication due to
CPANTS fail.
- Switch from Class::C3 to MRO::Compat in the test suite for perl 5.10
- Remove use of from the test suite.
0.006 2009-01-28
- Cache the result of role lookups on the user object, as
doing this lookup can be expensive.
0.005 2008-10-14
- Make lookup_roles deal correctly with the call to
$user_ob->$role_relation() returning either a list
of roles, or a reference to a list of roles.
0.004 2008-10-06
- Make sure classes specified in tangram_user_class
and user_class are loaded when constructing.
- Make role_name_field optional, for in the case where
you have a method which returns a plain text list of
roles, rather than a collection of Tangram objects.
- Steal the user_results_filter idea from
0.003 2008-10-02
- Make sure the user returned isa Catalyst::Authentication::User
so that it's compatible with Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles
- Add get_object to the user class to get the tangram object back.
- Add AUTOLOAD delegation, so methods not found on the user object
will be delegated to the Tangram object it proxies.
- Overload stringification on the user object, stringifying to the
tangram ID
- Add roles compatibility / configuration settings + test
- Fix reporting of supported features
- Add POD spelling, strictness and warnings test
0.002 2008-09-26
- Change user_class config parameter => tangram_user_class
- Add a user_class config parameter which can be
used to customise the class of the user returned.
- Add a README file to the distribution.
0.001 2008-09-17
- First release.