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DICOP - Overview and the communication between server, proxy, client and worker in depth.

Last update: 2004-12-22


General layout

The typical cluster setup looks like this:

                                | Server |
      |            |           |                         |
  +--------+  +--------+  +---------+             +--------------+
  | Client |  | Client |  | Browser |             | Dicop::Proxy |
  +--------+  +--------+  +---------+             +--------------+
                                             |           |            |
                                         +--------+  +--------+  +--------+
                                         | Client |  | Client |  | Client |
                                         +--------+  +--------+  +--------+

In the picture above, each box represents one seperate machine. It is possible to run the client on the same machine as the server - although this should be done for testing purposes only.

The machine denoted with Browser is used to configure the server, although it would also possible to run a client on it.

With fileserver

Usually you want also to have a fileserver, that can serve updated workers and target files for jobs. This can be just a service (think Apache) on the same box, or an entirely different machine. It is easier to have the fileserver serving the same physical files from the server, though.

                                | Server | File server |
                                    |             |
                                    |             +-------------------+
                                    |             |                   |
      +------------+-----------+----+-------------:------+            |
      |            |           |                  |      |            |
      |            |           |                  |      |            |
      +------------+-----------+------------------+      |            |
      |            |           |                         |            |
  +--------+  +--------+  +--------+            +--------------+ +------------+
  | Client |  | Client |  | Client |            | Dicop::Proxy | | HTTP proxy | 
  +--------+  +--------+  +--------+            +--------------+ +------------+
                                                         |            |
                                             |           |            |
                                         +--------+  +--------+  +--------+ 
                                         | Client |  | Client |  | Client |
                                         +--------+  +--------+  +--------+

Since the fileserver is usually an HTTP server (but FTP would work, too), you can set up a normal HTTP proxy between the clients and the fileserver, if you want.

The clients are asking the server for the location (URL) of the files to download. The clients behind the proxy could be told by the dicop proxy a different URL, so that they automatically use the HTTP proxy, or use a different fileserver altogether.


Layout of services

The next picture details the machines and the "services" that are running at them. For simplicity, proxies have been left out.

The following picture assumes that the client is stored locally at each node. Workers need not be stored locally at client startup, but will be downloaded automatically by the client from file server. Each client has multiple workers, one for each jobtype. Only one worker is active (*) at a time:

                             | Server | File server |
                       |              |             |             
                       |              |             |            
                       v              v             v
                  +---------+    +--------+    +---------+
                  | Client  |    | Client  |   | Client  |      
                  +---------+    +---------+   +---------+ 
                  | Worker* |    | Worker  |   | Worker* |
                  +---------+    +---------+   +---------+
                  | Worker  |    | Worker* |    
                  +---------+    +---------+

Note: It is also possible to run the fileserver on a seperate machine.

SMP Machines and Hyperthreading

The client and worker only takes advantages of one physical CPU. If you have a machine with two (or more) physical or virtual (hyperthreading) CPU cores, you can simple start two or more clients on the same machine.

These will each start a worker on their own, and each of these workers will be using one CPU core. Of course, you need a good OS that keeps each process on one CPU instead of switching them around.

Starting two clients on a machine with only one CPU will probably de- instead of increasing performance.

The following picture depicts a SMP machine with two CPUs and a single CPU machine. Only one worker is active (*) at a time:

                             | Server | File server |
                              |                       |           
                              |                       | 
                              v                       v 
                +---------------------------+  +-------------+
                | +---------+   +---------+ |  | +---------+ |
                | | Client  |   | Client  | |  | | Client  | |
                | +---------+   +---------+ |  | +---------+ |
                | | Worker* |   | Worker  | |  | | Worker* | |
                | +---------+   +---------+ |  | +---------+ |
                | | Worker  |   | Worker* | |  | | Worker  | |
                | +---------+   +---------+ |  | +---------+ |
                +---------------------------+  +-------------+

Note: It is also possible to run the fileserver on a seperate machine.

Network Mounting vs. Local Copy

The following picture assumes that the client and the workers are on a mounted NFS/Samba directory. Since the workers are also in the mounted directory, there is no need to download them. The same goes for target files, so in this case you can skip the file server. The worker is still running locally at the client, though:

                       | Server | NFS | Samba |
                       |              |             |             
                       |              |             |            
                       |              |             |
                  +--------+     +--------+    +--------+
                  | Client |     | Client |    | Client |       
                  +--------+     +--------+    +--------+ 
                  | Worker |     | Worker |    | Worker |       
                  +--------+     +--------+    +--------+
                  | Worker |

Connections and protocols

Currently the HTTP protocol is used to exchange data between server/proxy and client. This was just for simplicity, any protocol could be used, even email.

The connections from server to client/proxy and proxy to client are not permanent/persistent, they are only established when transmitting information.

Only the clients establishes a connection to the server (or proxy), and only the proxy establishes a connection to the server. The server (or proxy) never starts talking to any client or proxy.

Each server/proxy/client handles only one connection from a client/proxy at a time. Each connection from a client to a server/proxy can carry more than one message (these messages are always called "request", even though they might "report" some data back), and the server/proxy will answer all requests right away, e.g. usually no answers are delayed to the next connection.

(Proxies might delay an answer by answering first "Wait, no work for you." and then giving the "real" answer on the next connect attempt. However, the client does not need to handle this in any special way.)

There is only one main server. To reduce the load on it there can be an unlimited number of proxies. The proxies cache certain requests and then bundle them into one big request to the server, this minimizes the time to handle each request. (Note: Proxies are not working yet)

SSL Support

Server, proxy and client now have the ability to support the SSL protocol via the proto = "ssl" setting in the config file. Together with updated clients this allows all communication between server and client to be encrypted.

However, at the moment the server can only be either ssl or tcp, as indicated by the proto = "foo" setting in the config, e.g. you cannot mix SSL and non-SSL clients (this is a limitation of Net::Server, and currently there is no way to overcome this without rewriting a lot of third-party code from scratch).

This means that if you switch a server to SSL, all clients connecting to that server must also support SSL.

To overcome this limitation, use your server with proto = "tcp" and then add a proxy to it. Run then a Dicop::Proxy at the same machine (or another machine if desired), and switch that proxy to SSL and point it to your main server as it's upstream server.

All clients that support SSL must then connect via that proxy, while all others must use the server directly. Here is a picture showing the setup:

        +---------------|   TCP  +---------------+
        | Server (tcp)  |<-------| Proxy (ssl)   |
        +---------------|        +---------------+
                ^                       ^
                | TCP                   | SSL
                |                       |
        +---------------+        +---------------+
        | Client (tcp)  |        | Client (ssl)  |
        +---------------+        +---------------+

Note that the connection to the file server is independend of the connection to the server/proxy. Clients that support SSL can either use http, ftp or https, while clients without SSL support can only use http or ftp file server. In a mixed-client environment, it is best to use a non-ssl fileserver.

        +---------------+   TCP  +--------------+
        | Server (tcp)  |<-------| Proxy (ssl)  |
        +---------------+        +--------------+
                ^                       ^
                | TCP                   | SSL
                |                       |
        +---------------+        +--------------+
        | Client (tcp)  |        | Client (ssl) |
        +---------------+        +--------------+
                |                       |
                |                       |
                |                       v
                |             +-------------------+
                |------------>| Fileserver (http) |

However, clients that go over the proxy can have an independend file server, so you could use a setup like:

        +---------------+   TCP    +---------------+
        | Server (tcp)  |<---------|  Proxy (ssl)  |
        +---------------+          +---------------+
                ^                         ^
                | TCP                     | SSL
                |                         |
        +---------------+          +---------------+
        | Client (tcp)  |          | Client (ssl)  |
        +---------------+          +---------------+
                |                         |
                |                         |
                |                         v
        +-------------------+ +--------------------+
        | Fileserver (http) | | Fileserver (https) |
        +-------------------+ +--------------------+


It would be possible (and trivial) to write a simple proxy server, which f.i. accepts email as input, parses it, and then sends the request to the server. After receiving the answer, it emails back the answer to the original sender. This would allow off-line clients, that do not require a direct net connection to the server.


The main server runs as daemon dicopd. The other way, running it as cgi-bin script, is no longer possible.

dicopd has the advantage that the script is already compiled in memory, and anly needs to parse the request. Only from time to time the modified data will be written back to the disk - this makes it much faster than the old way.


To minize the load, it is possible to setup more than one proxy:

                                | Server |
      |            |            |                        |
  +--------+  +--------+   +--------------+      +--------------+
  | Client |  | Client |   | Dicop::Proxy |      | Dicop::Proxy |  
  +--------+  +--------+   +--------------+      +--------------+
                                |                        |
                                |            +-----------+------------+
                                |            |           |            |
                                |        +--------+  +--------+  +--------+ 
                                |        | Client |  | Client |  | Client |
                                |        +--------+  +--------+  +--------+
                     |          |            |
                +--------+  +--------+  +--------+ 
                | Client |  | Client |  | Client |
                +--------+  +--------+  +--------+ 

The clients are not required to use a specific proxy, in fact they can use the main server directly, or any proxy as long all the proxies belong to the same main server:

                                | Server |
                                  .  .  .
                             ......  .  ......
                             .       .       .
                         +--------+  .  +--------+
                         | Proxy  |  .  | Proxy  |  
                         +--------+  .  +--------+
                             .       .       .
                             ......  .  ......
                                  .  .  .
                                | Client |

Note that the connections above are not simultanously, but occur independendly from each other and one after one.

It is possible to have the client support two or more independend main servers, f.i. if you want you client to compute on two different projects or balance the load on the main servers further.

Note that jobs between the two servers can not be shared, but each server could run it's own set of jobs and clients would work on both projects.

The client would need, of course, a way to specify how to distribute it's working power between the projects, currently it would give each main server the same amount of CPU time:

                +-----------+                      +----------+
                | Server 1  |                      | Server 2 |  
                +-----------+                      +----------+
                      |                                 |
                      |                                 |
                 +---------+                        +--------+
                 | Proxy 1 |                        | Proxy2 |  
                 +---------+                        +--------+
                      |                               ^ |
                      |             ..................| |
                      |             .                   |
         +------------+----------+  .            +-------------+
         |            |          |  |            |             |
   +----------+  +----------+  +----------+ +----------+  +----------+
   | Client 1 |  | Client 2 |  | Client 3 | | Client 4 |  | Client 5 |
   +----------+  +----------+  +----------+ +----------+  +----------+

Here client 3 connects to two proxies.

Note: This does currently not work since the client needs to remember from which proxy it got which chunk so that it can report the result back to the appropriate proxy.

This should be of course fault tolerant, so that if proxy 1 goes down, the client can try to get the result back to proxy 2, 3 and so on, until it find one proxy which accepts the result because it is on the same server than the original proxy 1.

One could of course imagine that certain proxies know about the two main servers and automatically route the client's report to the right server.


Upon a connect from a client, the (main) server does roughly the following:

        check if the request format is ok
        check if client/proxy is valid and authentication info ok
        if anything is ok, look for status request

        status request and other requests together? yes => error
        status request and no other requests: deliver status page, be done

        if info requests & client is NOT a proxy: error
        check in all info requests 
        try to check in any report-request and generate responses for them
        try to generate responses for all work/test requests
        send back all responses in one go

See also: Client and Proxy.


A Dicop::Proxy is just a special server/client combo. It acts as a server to the clients that connect to it, and is completely transparent to them, e.g. the client does not care or know whether it connects to a proxy (or even a certain proxy) or the main server.

On the other side the proxy acts like a normal client to the server, except that all it's connects are on behalf of other clients.

A Dicop::Proxy does never do any work by itself, this is enforced by the server.

The goal of a Dicop::Proxy is to minimize the amount of connections done by clients to the server (server load), and yet to be able to have the same real-time stats on the server.

Download the Dicop::Proxy package on our website to install a Dicop proxy.


A client requests work (and testcases) from the server, and then determines what worker it has to use to do the work.

If necessary, the client will update the workers and needed files by downloading them from the fileserver. To discover the download location, the client will ask the SERVER.

The workers are seperate programs that are started by the client, process the chunk of work, and print out the result.

The result is then send back by the client to the server.

See also: WORKER and SERVER.

Updating works and other files

See also A CHUNK OF WORK for details on what the server sends to the client on work or test requests.

Basically, the files needed to work on a chunk fall into three categories:

The worker itself

The worker program to do the actual work. The server sends a hash as the hash field in the answer to any work or test request. The client needs to make sure that each worker for each request has the same hash, and if not, update it.

target files

Some chunks only have a hash value as a target, meaning the worker checks the keyspace of the chunk against this hash value. If the worker needs more than a few bytes to check each key, then a target file is used instead.

See "TARGET FILE VS. TARGET HASH" for more informtation.

additional files

These might be the charset description file charsets.def, dictionary files, additional libraries needed by the worker, or any other arbitrary file that is needed to work on a chunk. These files will be hashed by the server and the hash along with the filename is sent to the client to force it to download these files.


A worker is a stand-alone program that can process on chunk of the keyspace. The chunksize is variable, and the worker does not need to care about anything else than working the chunk.

The worker receives the input on the commandline, and prints out it's findings.


All communication runs currently over the HTTP protocoll.

Note that there is no such a thing as a "client" or "server" per se. A client can be another server or proxy. The client here is taken as the one initiating the connection and sending something to the other partner, which is said to be the server and answers. In praxis, client nodes only connect a server or proxy, and only proxies connect to another server.

In the DiCoP environment, messages passed between the client, server and proxy are called Request.

The client sends request(s) to the server, and the server responds with it's answer(s). The requests are formed by sending parameters (in GET or POST style). The parameter names are req0001, req0002 and their value is the actual request. This means each connect of a client can carry multiple requests, f.i. the client can report back a result and request more work at the same time.

The servers answers are also requests, even though the name is a bit misleading and you should think of them as answers. But they follow the same format and are represented by the same code/objects internally.

The request number must be in the range 0001..9999, e.g. the client should never send req0000 to the server. req0000 is reserved for general answers from the server to the client, e.g. global error messages. A req0000 always applies to the entire connect, while any other request number only applies to the same request send by the client.

Each request has a set of parameters and their value, which are separated by a "_". "_" is used to distinguish it from "=" which is used in GET style requests. The parameters are separeted by using ";".

F.i. "blah_foo;name_boo,boh,bah;type_9" would be a set of 3 parameters (blah, name and type) with their values (foo, [ boo, boh, bah] and 9). Special chars must be encoded (with the %XX style, where XX is the ASCII code of the character) to protect from special chars like ";" or "=" that confuse the parser.

The POST method is prefered, since URLs have a maximum length limit, but GET style requests work as well. The client usually uses POST, while a browser would use GET.

The parameter cmd is required and specifies the type of the request as follows:

        cmd     add             add a job/client/charset/jobtype/event/proxy
                                if given an ID => edit, otherwise form for add
                auth            info about who is making the request(s)
                change          change a job/chunk/charset/jobtype/event/proxy
                confirm         ask for confirmation to delete an object
                del             delete object
                form            request a forms to fill in for editing/adding
                help            serve a help overview or help page
                info            same as auth, but from proxy for other clients
                report          report back a chunk (work or test case)
                request         type: 
                                  work - request more work
                                  test - request testcases (usually before work)
                                  file - request download URL for a file
                status          request a status page with statistics
                terminate       request termination of a client
                reset           reset a client's error counters and status tables


The output for status, form, change, confirm, del, help, add, reset, terminate and add are always in human-readable HTML, while the others are in plain text so that the client can parse them more easily.

The text answers look like:

        req0001 201 Ok
        req0002 401 Your are not owner

Any line that does not follow the format req[0-9]+\s[0-9]+ (aka starts with request number and response code) is to be ignored by the client. This allows the server to send HTML or comments along with the text.

The first part is the request number the client did sent, followed by the error/responce code and an additional clear text message (for logging/user output or the response for work/test requests).

Another example of server output, this time from an actual request:

        req0000 099 Helo 'test'
        req0000 099 Server localtime Tue Mar 27 17:39:23 2001
        req0000 099 debug 0.0292005406963689 0.9
        req0012 200 job_2;set_2;worker_test-2.00;chunk_3;token_1234;start_616161;end_62616161;target_656565;

As seen above, req0000 are general answers, while req0012 identifies the answer belonging to the req0012 the client sent.

A list of ranges for the different codes (the number after the request, f.i. 099) can be found in "CLIENT-HANDLING OF SERVER RESPONSES", the complete list of messages and their numbers is in msg/messages.txt.

Complete parameter structure

A complete list of all allowed requests and their parameters can be found in the file def/requests.def. This file is read and parsed by the server and represents the actual configuration.

Likewise, for the client the valid requests are stored in def/client_requests.def. The client only knows a handfull of different requests like getting work, testcases and download locations of files, as well as submitting it's results to the server.

Sending info to the server

The auth request or the info request (think about a 'request to note this information about me':) is the way for the client to authentice itself to the server and send info about itself and it's (hardware) status to the server. Required parameters are:

        version         client version
        id              the client ID this info relates to
        arch            architecture, same string as used to start worker
                        examples: win32, linux, os2 etc

For info requests, this field is also mandatory:

        for             The requests this info record belongs to. A Proxy
                        might send requests from more than one client, and
                        the for field let's the identify which requests belong
                        to which client.        

Additional, optional parameters are:

        temp            the client's cpu/case temperature (only one value)
        fan             speed of fan (only one value)
        os              operating system and version
        cached          from which jobs chunks are cached
        chatter         Server may ignore the text of this parameter
                        (or even chatter back! >:+]
        cpuinfo         names and Mhz of cpu's
        ip              ip address of the client when coming via proxy

Each list of requests (except for commands like status, add and change) by the client (or proxy) to the server must contain an auth request in it and this must contain at least the required parameters. Otherwise all the requests from the client will be denied!

In case of a proxy, the proxy will authenticate itself with it's own auth request, while all the clients auth requests are send as info.

Thus if client 5 (running version 0.24, ip sends as auth to the proxy:


The proxy (id 7, version 0.25) will send to the server (including the IP of the client for verification):


Note that the request numbers send from the proxy to the server have nothing to do with the request numbers received from the client, they are generated on the fly, and the answer from the server will be translated back to the client space:

Answer from server to proxy:

        req0000 99 I like cheese.
        req0003 200 ... test case here

The proxy will answer back to the client:

        req0002 200 ... test case here

Further Examples


No explanation necessary ;)

Reporting back results

cmd=report has the following additional parameters:

        chunk                   the chunk ID for which the result is
        crc                     the crc of the chunk (from the worker)
        job                     which job the chunk belongs to (ID)
        status                  status of chunk-result
        took                    time in seconds it took to do the chunk
        token                   the secret token the server gave the client
        result                  optional result (if status = SOLVED)
        reason                  an optional error message (if status = FAILED)

This is used both for test cases and real work.

The parameter status can have the following literal values:

        SOLVED                  found a result
        DONE                    found no result
        FAILED                  did not work at chunk (aborted or error)
        TIMEOUT                 did not complete work on chunk

Requesting test cases

Test cases are used by DiCoP to ensure that the client and workers work correctly. Each defined testcase on the server has a known result and the client is expected to return that result to the server.

cmd=request, type test does not have any additional parameters.



Requesting more work

cmd=request, type work has the following additional parameters:

        size                    the prefered chunk size (in minutes)
        count                   optional count of same-sized chunks the client
                                wants to have, default 1



Requesting files (auto-updating)

When the client detects that a worker or target file has a wrong hash, it will automatically (see config on how to disable this) download the file.

This is done by asking first the main server where to get the file, and the finally downloading the file. The downloaded file is then hashed to ensure its integrity.

cmd=request, type file takes only one additional parameter:

        name                    the relative path of the wanted file

The name must start with worker/ or target/, anything else will result in an error. In addition, the filename cannot contain '..' or similiar constructs to avoid attacks on the server.



The answer from the server will look like:

        req0001 101 1234567890abcdef http://server.invalid:80/

The first part is the hash (currently always MD5), and the second the URL where to get that particular file.

The client ca send in more than one request for a file per connect:


The server will answer them correctly.

Requesting status pages

This produces human/browsers readable output for statistics and control.

Only one parameter, with additional sub-parameters depending on type:

        type                    the type of status page as detailed below

The type can be (sub parameters are shown indended):

        server                  detailed status of the server/cluster
        main                    main status page (job listing)
                filter          filter out jobs that have a status listed here
                                SOLVED, DONE, TOBEDONE, SUSPENDED
        job                     display a job in detail
                id              the job ID to show
        results                 display all results
        cases                   display all cases
        case                    details for this case   
                id              the id of the case to display
        clients                 display stats on clients
                id              detailed stats for this client
                count           'count' sourrounding clients (need also id)
                top             'top' clients (top_10 => Top 10)
                sort            sort clients, is one of the following strings:
                                'keys', 'id', 'name' or 'speed'
        client                  details for one of the clients
                id              the id of the client
        chunks                  all open (issued to clients) chunks
        proxies                 list of all known proxies
        charsets                list of all known charsets
                id              highlight this charset
        charset                 details for one charset
        jobtypes                list of all known job types
                id              highlight this jobtype
        groups                  list of all known groups
                id              highlight this group
        testcases               list of all known test cases (test jobs)
        users                   list of all users (administrators)
        clientmap               a shorter overview over all clients
        search                  show the search form page
        del                     show a form to delete one object
                id              the id of the object to delete
                type            the type of the object to delete


All the current running (status = TOBEDONE) jobs:


All the SOLVED jobs:


Job #5 and it's gory details:


Details for client #10:


Ranking for client #10 and 20 clients 'around' it:


Requesting Help Pages

To request a help page, you use the help command with a type of one of the following:


Some examples:

Requesting the help overview page:


Requesting the help about the config file:


Requesting Forms

To request a form to add something or change something, you use the form command.

The parameter type specifies which form you request. If you supply a parameter id, you get a form to change the job/chunk/charset etc, otherwise you get a form for adding something.

Possible types, which should be self-explanatory:


Some examples:

Requesting the form to add another job:


Requesting the form to add another charset:


You can not add a chunk, so this results in an error:


Adding a job

You use the add command with parameter type set to 'job' for this.

For a list of the additional parameters see def/requests.def.

To get the form to fill in see "REQUESTING FORMS".

Adding other objects

For a list of the additional parameters see def/requests.def.

Deleting Objects

You can find the object to delete by using the search form, or by viewing the status pages of single objects (like a single client).

Then you use the confirm command with parameter id. type must be one of the valid object types.

This will give you a form to confirm the delete. To actually delete something, use del with type and id.

Objects are only deletable if they are not currently used by other objects. For instance, a charset used by any job cannot be deleted - You would need to delete the job first. The server will automatically check this and warn you if deletion is not possible.

Changig a job/chunk

You use the change command for this, typically by filling in a www-form. You request this form with form, see "REQUESTING FORMS".

Requesting the form to change job #5:


Requesting the form to change chunk #3 of job #5:


Submitting the forms is done via submit button and uses the command change.

A chunk of work

The server will send the following fields for each requested chunk of work. If the client requested more than one chunk at the same time, there might be multiple answers to his request, each of them containing the same fields with different contents.


The character set (ID) to use. Will be passed on to the worker. If the charset ID is not a number, then it will be interpreted as chunk description file name and only this filename will be given to the worker. The server will automatically tell the client that this file must be present (so it will be downloaded if nec.).


Start password/key of chunk.


End password/key of the chunk.


A secret token the server expects back when the client reports the result.


The name of the worker. This is not the full executable name (like or test.exe, merely just the basis name test). It is the responsibility of the client to pick the right worker path (according to the architecture the client runs on) and extension (for operating systems that mark executables with an extension like .exe).

Sub-architectures are to be ignored, so that a client running on linux-i386 needs to request to download worker/linux/foo and not worker/linux/i386/foo. The server will automatically serve the right file for you.


The target data to be passed to the worker. Either a hash in hex (or some other hexified data) or the name of a target file.



This field is no longer used. A message 101 will be sent along with the answers to tell the client the hash and name of the target file, in case the target really is a file.


The following additional fields may also be present for information purposes:


The ID of the job this chunk belongs to.


Number of passwords in this chunk.


The jobtype.


The ID of the chunk.

In addition, one or more messages with the number 101 will be send. These contain names of additional files that must be present for each jobs the client works on; the files must therefore be present and checked to have the correct hash.

Each of the code 101 messages contains a request ID. If this ID is req0000, then the file must be present for all chunks. If it is some other request ID like req0002, then the file in question must only be present for answer to the specific request. This allows the client to ignore work for requests it cannot get all files, and work on the others instead.

Here is a complete example for an answer from the server:

        req0000 101 abcdef0123456789 "charsets.def"
        req0001 101 0123456789abcdef "10.set"
        req0001 200 job_10;chunk_3;token_1234;set_15;worker_test;start_6565;end_656565;hash_1234;target_646561

If the test worker does have a different hash than 123456789, it should be downloaded and hashed to ensure that the right worker is present. To get the download location, the client must request it from the server via the request file command, see REQUESTING FILES (AUTO-UPDATING).

The same for the files charsets.def and 10.set.

A testcase

The server response to requesting a testcase is more or less exactly the same than when requesting work.

Usually the sever will respond to one request for tests with multiple answers.

See A CHUNK OF WORK for details.

Client-handling of server responses

The client has to handle all the server replies and depending on the server's response code, throw away or retry the request or start to work on it.

Request answers relating to req0000 are not related to any specifiy request, but of general nature. Otherwise the request number relates to the request made by he client. The server may send more than one answer per request, f.i. when requesting testcases or more than one chunk of work, you might get back quite a list of responses, all relating to the same request.

Here is a list of status numbers and the action to be taken:

        status number   description             action
        000..099        ok                      ignore
        100..199        ok                      system/status message
        200..299        ok                      work on it, or ignore
        300..399        not ok                  retry this request later
        400..449        single request not ok   don't retry this request
        450..499        all request(s) not ok   don't retry this request-list 
        500..           internal server error   retry all requests later on

In case of error code 450 and up, the client should consider the entire connect to the server failed.

If the error code is between 450 and 500, the client does not need to bother to retry the session, it would fail again. On code 500 and up, the requests should be send to the server again after waiting a certain time, at least 5 minutes.

Quite important are messages with the code 101 and 102 - these are files that the client needs to download.

Message 101 is a normal file, while message 102 constitutes a temporary file which should be deleted after the work on the chunk is done.


This is a longer example of two clients with different speed requesting work trough a proxy:

This request is send from client 1 (id 1, 20 minutes chunk size) to the proxy:


The proxy (id 5) thus asks the server:


The server responds like this to the proxy:

        req0002 203 job_10;chunk_3;token_1234567890j;set_15

(start and end fields have been omitted for clarity, the tokens are made up and will be different in reality)

and the proxy hands this to the client:

        req0001 203 job_10;chunk_3;token_1234567890j;set_15

Now client 2 (id 2, 10 minutes) comes and asks the proxy for work:


The proxy (id 5) thus asks the server for work:


The server responds like this to the proxy:

        req0001 203 job_11;chunk_5;token_1234567890k;set_15;worker_des

(start and end fields have been omitted for clarity, the tokens are made up and will be different in reality)

Proxy then hands out one to client 2:

        req0001 203 job_11;chunk_5;token_1234567890k;set_15

Then some time later client 1 reports back a result:


The proxy hands this back to the server.

Note: The proxy could remember what it gave to the client and only accepts this back. This is currently not implemented. XXX TODO




The server will write it's modified data back after each request. dicopd will only write the data back after some specified time intervall.

If dicopd crashes, you might loose some hour(s) of computing time, but this happens so infrequently that writing back the data in shorter intervalls is not worth it.

By making a nightly backup of the entire data/ directory, preferable to another machine, you can ensure that in critical events (like a hard disk crash) you can restore your server to the state it was the night before.

In the event that the backup happened while the server was writing data back, you could restore the backup from the night before. Since the backup time is likely to be small, and the data flush happens infrequently, this backup should be good.

Some clients might then generate error messages, but these can (and will) be ignored and everything will be back to normal in a very short time. Most of the errors will come from clients that got chunks after the backup happened, and then are not able to report them back (because the chunks do not yet exist, or have the wrong token). The unique token for each chunk ensures that only the right client can report his work back.


Old model (dicop v1.x and server v2.x)

The (very) old implementation (v1.x) using Apache and running the client/server on the same computer (300 MHz PIII under Linux) takes nearly 1.3 seconds for each request. Ouch. This is because for every request the Perl script must be loaded from disk (or cache), compiled and executed, and then the script laods every data file.

The new client/server combination (v2.x, using <server> and Apache) was even slower, since it is spread over more Perl files, consists of more Perl code, and reads in more files. Also, the new method of calculating with passwords (Math::String, Math::BigInt) takes much more time. This is the price for the features and the better code we had to pay.

Note: The new server model (v2.x style) only required one connect from the client for multiple requests, typically halving the number of connects. This did combat the effect somewhat by halving the time spend with each client.

New model (dicopd v2.x)

To combat this situation, a dedicated deamon, called dicopd, was developed.

This deamon is started only once, and then holds all the data in memory all the time. The data is written back to disk only now and then. The only timeto handle a request is to parse the request, fetch the data for the client, and build the answer. This is much faster than the cgi-bin script approach. It also eliminates the need for Apache, which you would need even if you made the server a mod-perl script. Thus memory consumption is also expected to be lower.

There is still a place for an Apache server, namely as file server. But with dicopd, the file server can be running on a different machine than the DiCoP server.

The reason for a seperate file server is that dicopd is (for easier coding) a single-threaded application, handling one request per time, e.g. never two requests simultanously.

If dicopd was used by the clients to download files, no more than one client could download a file at a time, all the while blocking dicopd for all other clients. With using a second, extra server for serving the files, multiple downloads (limited by network bandwidth) are possible. Apache is suited to the task of serving big, static files and we don't want to re-invent the wheel.

Speed of server vs. dicopd

On a 300 Mhz PII a trip trough a server with very little data (11 jobs, 9 clients, 4 testcases, 9 charsets, 5 jobtypes, 8 results) takes:

        server  dicopd  action
         3.1s    0.2s   get main status page
         4.2s    0.2s   get chunk (writes data back)

As the amount of data increases (maybe you have 100, not nec. all running, jobs, with a lot of testcases, clients and open chunks) the server will take quite a LOT of time since it must re-read and re-write all data each time.

dicopd will remain largely uneffected, since the amount of data does not influence the turn-around time that much - great efforts have been made to optimize these cases and make dicopd respond in basically O(1) time to nearly all requests.

Maximum possible clients (2001)

In our tests with 32 clients (with an average chunk time of about 40 minutes) the daemon process used slightly less than 2.5% of the CPU time of the main server machine (a 200 Mhz AMD K6 with 64Mb RAM).

In one test, we did run the server for roughly 5 days and 21 hours. The dicopd process used (according to ps ax) 169 min and 15 sec CPU time while handling 19257 requests on 6481 client connects (version v2.18).

The average number requests per connect is 3 because each client reports a result, requests work and sends in his authentication request with each connect. The number is slightly less than 3.0 since normal administrator/user connects with a browser (for status pages etc) send in only one request per connect, but happen seldom enough to not skew the numbers too much.

If you divide the 10155 seconds CPU time by the 6481 connects, you get an average of 1.57 seconds CPU time per connect.

Based on the 2.5% CPU time usage and if you allow a maximum load of 30% (to have some reserves for spikes and background jobs), you would be able to handle roughly 300 to 350 clients with such a machine, without it breaking into a sweat.

Of course, increasing the chunk time or caching at the client (to make fewer requests) will increase the maximum possible number of clients. The same effect is achived by proxies. You can also buy faster hardware as a last resort, f.i. a 1.4 Ghz Athlon would probably be able to handle at least 8 times as much clients as the 200 Mhz AMD (e.g. 2400 .. 2800 clients).

Performance status update (2002)

Up to version v2.20, various optimizations have taken place (especially since v2.18) and the performance is now much better. A 200 Mhz AMD K6 would be able to handle at least 3000 clients (an improvement of a a factor of 10) without any problems, and benchmarks indicate that a 800 Mhz PIII will be able to handle about 20,000 clients with a CPU load of about 30% (allowing for spikes and other background activity).

Using Math::BigInt::GMP v1.11 now makes the client status page about 8% faster (older versions were slightly slower than using Calc). Other operations are not much faster or slower when using GMP, so we now try to use it if possible.

Performance status update (Summer 2003)

In v2.22, the time to flush the data back to the disk was reduced quite a lot. The reason was that there was a bug, causing the server to write back a lot of unnecessary data to the disk.

With 100 suspended testjobs, flushing the database back to disk every 2 hours took formerly around 11% of the CPU time of the dicopd process, now it takes about 2.5%. Meaning the deamon takes roughly 8% less CPU time. These values depends largely on the number of non-runnning jobs you have, e.g. the more you have, the more time the new version will save you.

Performance status update (Fall 2003)

In a long-term test we did run the server for 27 days, and 19 hours on the aforementioned AMD K6 200 Mhz with 128 MByte memory (Yes, it is an old machine - probably the oldest still running. The uptime is 451 days, if you must ask :)

There were no crashes, or memory leaks. After that time the dicopd process used 22496 KBytes of memory (as shown with top) and 196 minutes and 38 seconds of CPU time (according to ps ax). All the flushes took 346 seconds.

There were 38426 client connects (and 115304 requests) after that time.

This means that dicopd used 11798 - 346 seconds = 11452 seconds handling client requests (CPU time spend minus flush time spend).

Divided by the number of connects, the average time is 0.298 seconds, or about 0.3 seconds per client connect.

With one client connect per second the server load would be at roughly 30%, and using this as the maximum we can handle we arrive at the number of 3600 client connects per hour. If each clients connects once per hour (a good practical value), the server would be able to handle roughly 3600 clients. This is about 20% more than the previous version.

We did not do long-term tests with more modern hardware yet, but one can expect a substantial increase in the amount of clients such a machine could handle.

Especially since the readily available hardware has developed further since the last status updates, and AMD CPUs with 2 (real) Ghz or the equivalent Intel CPU are now becoming quite cheap.

Network performance (2001)

The network performance was not yet measured, and we do not know how much traffic 1000 clients would exactly generate. Some simple statistics show that each client connect takes only a couple hundred bytes.

When each client connects every 30 minutes to the server, it should not generate more than 3 Kbytes traffic on average (YMMV).

Since our test server (200 Mhz K6 AMD, 64 MByte RAM) could handle 300 clients, that would amuount to 600 connects per hour, with 600*3 KBytes traffic per hour, or 0.5 KByte per second.

Having a faster network might help. A Proxy certainly will help, since it increases the amount of data traveling slightly, but makes fewer connections.

Compressing the data might also help, but would need more CPU power at the server/proxy, not to mention that it is not implemented yet. Compressing the data might well not worth the effect.

Network performance (update 2003)

Since our test server (200 Mhz K6 AMD, 128 MByte RAM) could handle easily 3600 clients, that would amuount to 3600 connects per hour, with roughly 3600*3 KBytes traffic per hour, or roughly 3 KBytes per second. Note that exact measurements were not done.

A faster server with more clients would of course generate more network traffic.


Please see also the TODO and BUGS files.


(c) Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 1998-2004

DiCoP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

See the file LICENSE or for more information.