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CatalystX::Controller::Auth - A config-driven Catalyst authentication controller base class.


Version 0.20


This is a Catalyst controller for handling registering, logging in/out, forgotten/resetting passwords, and changing passwords.

This controller was essentially born out of HTML::FormHandlerX::Form::Login (which it uses), though that form does not want to become dependant on Catalyst.

See CatalystX::SimpleLogin for an alternative approach.

Ensure you include the Catalyst::Plugin::StatusMessage in

 use Catalyst qw/

Extend this base controller class for your own authentication controller, then modify your config as required.

The configs for action_after_register, action_after_login, and action_after_change_password will all need specifying in your own config since they will be specific to your app.

 package MyApp::Controller::Auth;
 use Moose;
 use namespace::autoclean;
 BEGIN { extends 'CatalystX::Controller::Auth'; }

Configure it as you like ...

         form_handler                           HTML::FormHandlerX::Form::Login
         view                                   TT
         model                                  DB::User
         login_id_field                         email
         login_id_db_field                      email
         enable_register                        1
         enable_sending_register_email          1
         register_template                      auth/
         login_template                         auth/
         change_password_template               auth/
         forgot_password_template               auth/
         reset_password_template                auth/
         forgot_password_email_view             Email::Template
         forgot_password_email_from             "MyApp" <>
         forgot_password_email_subject          Password Reset

         register_email_view                    Email::Template
         register_email_from                    "MyApp" <>
         register_email_subject                 Registration Success
         register_successful_message            "You are now registered"
         register_exists_failed_message         "That username is already registered."
         login_required_message                 "You need to login."
         already_logged_in_message              "You are already logged in."
         login_successful_message               "Logged in!"
         logout_successful_message              "You have been logged out successfully."
         login_failed_message                   "Bad username or password."
         password_changed_message               "Password changed."
         password_reset_message                 "Password reset successfully."
         forgot_password_id_unknown             "Email address not registered." 
         token_salt                             'tgve546vy6yv%^$fghY56VH54& H54&%$uy^5 Y^53U&$u v5ev'
         auto_login_after_register              1
         action_after_register                  /admin/index
         action_after_login                     /admin/index
         action_after_change_password           /admin/index

Override actions as necessary (hopefully not too much, otherwise I have not built this right).

All feedback and patches are always welcome.


base ( mid-point: / )

The controller currently chains/bases off /base, ie, the base chain in your Root controller.

 sub base :Chained('/base') :PathPart('') :CaptureArgs(0)

If you wish to chain off any other mid-point, and/or change the PathPart (by default empty), you can override this action...

 sub base :Chained('/my_base') :PathPart('users') :CaptureArgs(0)
         my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
         $self->next::method( $c );

authenticated ( mid-point: / )

Chain off this action to make sure the user is logged in.

 sub authenticated :Chained('base') :PathPart('') :CaptureArgs(0)


This method is called if the user is not currently logged in.

By default it redirects (and detaches) to the URI for the login action with an error message of login_required_message.

An instance method that is also passed the Catalyst context object $c.

register ( end-point: /register )

Register, unless the enable_register option has been turned off (on by default).

If the user is already logged in, it redirects (and detaches) to the URI for action_after_login with status message already_logged_in_message.

Upon registering, an attempt is made to call auto_create() on your model (DB::User if using the default configs above).

A change is coming in May 2012 to this approach, to fallback to simply calling create() if there is no auto_create method in your model.

In the meantime, if you do not wish to take advantage of this hook, you will need to create the method to simply call the create() method of your model...

 sub auto_create
     my $self = shift;
     $self->create( @_ );


Uses Catalyst::View::Email::Template by default.

An instance method that is also passed the Catalyst context object $c, along with a hash of extra parameteres, specifically the user object.


Called after a user has successfully registered, and the register email has been sent (unless you have overridden send_register_email).

An instance method that is also passed the Catalyst context object $c.

By default this method redirects to the URI for action_after_register with status message register_successful_message.

login ( end-point: /login )

Login, redirect if already logged in.

 sub login :Chained('base') :PathPart :Args(0)


Called after a successfull login.

An instance method that is also passed the Catalyst context object $c.

By defualt redirects (and detaches) to the URI for action_after_login with a status message of login_successful_message.

logout ( end-point: /logout )

Logs out, and redirects back to /login.

 sub logout :Chained('base') :PathPart :Args(0)


Called after logging out.

An instance method that is also passed the Catalyst context object $c.

By default redirects (and detaches) to the URI for the login action with a status message of logout_successful_message.

forgot_password ( end-point: /forgot-password/ )

Send a forgotten password token to reset it. This method uses the built-in features from HTML::FormHandlerX::Form::Login for handling the token, etc.

 sub forgot_password :Chained('base') :PathPart('forgot-password') :Args(0)


Uses Catalyst::View::Email::Template by default.

An instance method that is also passed the Catalyst context object $c, along with a hash of extra parameteres, specifically the user object.

reset_password ( end-point: /reset-password/ )

Reset password using a token sent in an email.

 sub reset_password :Chained('base') :PathPart('reset-password') :Args(0)


After successfully resetting a users password.

An instance method that is also passed the Catalyst context object $c.

By default redirects (and detaches) to the URI for the login action with a status message of password_reset_message.

get ( mid-point: /auth/*/ )

Get a user (by capturing the ID) and puts them in the stash.

If no matching user is found, redirects to the URI for the login action.

 sub get :Chained('base') :PathPart('auth') :CaptureArgs(1)

change_password ( end-point: /auth/*/change-password/ )

Change your password.

 sub change_password :Chained('get') :PathPart('change-password') :Args(0)


After changing a password.

An instance method that is also passed the Catalyst context object $c.

By default redirects (and detaches) to the URI for action_after_change_password with status message password_changed_message.


Damn more tests!


Rob Brown, <rob at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalystx-controller-auth at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you will automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc CatalystX::Controller::Auth

You can also look for information at:


t0m: Tomas Doran <>

castaway: Jess Robinson (OpenID support)


Copyright 2012 Rob Brown.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.