PDL::Lite - minimum PDL module OO loader


Loads the smallest possible set of modules for PDL to work, importing only those functions always defined by PDL::Core) into the current namespace (pdl, piddle, barf and null). This is the absolute minimum set for PDL.

Access to other functions is by method syntax, viz:

  $x = PDL->pdl(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);


 use PDL::Lite; # Is equivalent to the following:

   use PDL::Core '';
   use PDL::Ops '';
   use PDL::Primitive '';
   use PDL::Ufunc '';
   use PDL::Basic '';
   use PDL::Slices '';
   use PDL::Bad '';
   use PDL::Version;
   use PDL::Lvalue;