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Clownfish::Type - A variable's type.



    my $type = MyType->new(
        specifier   => 'char',    # default undef
        indirection => undef,     # default 0
        const       => 1,         # default undef
        parcel      => undef,     # default undef
        c_string    => undef,     # default undef

Generic constructor.

  • specifier - The C name for the type, not including any indirection or array subscripts.

  • indirection - integer indicating level of indirection. Example: the C type "float**" has a specifier of "float" and indirection 2.

  • const - should be true if the type is const.

  • parcel - A Clownfish::Parcel or a parcel name.

  • c_string - The C representation of the type.


    my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_integer(
        const     => 1,       # default: undef
        specifier => 'char',  # required

Return a Type representing an integer primitive.

Support is limited to a subset of the standard C integer types:


Many others are not supported: "signed" or "unsigned" anything, "long long", "ptrdiff_t", "off_t", etc.

The following Charmonizer typedefs are supported:

  • const - Should be true if the type is const.

  • specifier - Must match one of the supported types.


    my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_float(
        const     => 1,           # default: undef
        specifier => 'double',    # required

Return a Type representing a floating point primitive.

Two specifiers are supported:

  • const - Should be true if the type is const.

  • specifier - Must match one of the supported types.


    my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_composite(
        child       => $char_type,    # required
        indirection => undef,         # default 0
        array       => '[]',          # default undef,
        const       => 1,             # default undef

Constructor for a composite type which is made up of repetitions of a single, uniform subtype.

  • child - The Type which the composite is comprised of.

  • indirection - integer indicating level of indirection. Example: the C type "float**" has indirection 2.

  • array - A string describing an array postfix.

  • const - should be 1 if the type is const.


    my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_object(
        specifier   => "Lobster",       # required
        parcel      => "Crustacean",    # default: the default Parcel.
        const       => undef,           # default undef
        indirection => 1,               # default 1
        incremented => 1,               # default 0
        decremented => 0,               # default 0
        nullable    => 1,               # default 0

Create a Type representing an object. The Type's specifier must match the last component of the class name -- i.e. for the class "Crustacean::Lobster" it must be "Lobster".

  • specifier - Required. Must follow the rules for Clownfish::Class class name components.

  • parcel - A Clownfish::Parcel or a parcel name.

  • const - Should be true if the Type is const. Note that this refers to the object itself and not the pointer.

  • indirection - Level of indirection. Must be 1 if supplied.

  • incremented - Indicate whether the caller must take responsibility for an added refcount.

  • decremented - Indicate whether the caller must account for for a refcount decrement.

  • nullable - Indicate whether the object specified by this type may be NULL.

The Parcel's prefix will be prepended to the specifier by new_object().


    my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_void(
        specifier => 'void',    # default: void
        const     => 1,         # default: undef

Return a Type representing a the 'void' keyword in C. It can be used either for a void return type, or in conjuction with with new_composite() to support the void* opaque pointer type.

  • specifier - Must be "void" if supplied.

  • const - Should be true if the type is const. (Useful in the context of const void*).


    my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_va_list(
        specifier => 'va_list',    # default: va_list

Create a Type representing C's va_list, from stdarg.h.

  • specifier. Must be "va_list" if supplied.


    my $type = Clownfish::Type->new_arbitrary(
        specifier => 'floatint_t',    # required
        parcel    => 'Crustacean',    # default: undef

"Arbitrary" types are a hack that spares us from having to support C types with complex declaration syntaxes -- such as unions, structs, enums, or function pointers -- from within Clownfish itself.

The only constraint is that the specifier must end in "_t". This allows us to create complex types in a C header file...

    typedef union { float f; int i; } floatint_t;

... pound-include the C header, then use the resulting typedef in a Clownfish header file and have it parse as an "arbitrary" type.

    floatint_t floatint;
  • specifier - The name of the type, which must end in "_t".

  • parcel - A Clownfish::Parcel or a parcel name.

If parcel is supplied and specifier begins with a capital letter, the Parcel's prefix will be prepended to the specifier:

    foo_t         -> foo_t                # no prefix prepending
    Lobster_foo_t -> crust_Lobster_foo_t  # prefix prepended


    do_stuff() if $type->equals($other);

Returns true if two Clownfish::Type objects are equivalent.


    do_stuff() if $type->similar($other_type);

Weak checking of type which allows for covariant return types. Calling this method on anything other than an object type is an error.


    # Declare variable "foo".
    print $type->to_c . " foo;\n";

Return the C representation of the type.


Set the C representation of the type.

get_specifier get_parcel get_indirection get_array const nullable set_specifier set_nullable


is_object is_primitive is_integer is_floating is_composite is_void

    do_stuff() if $type->is_object;

Identify the flavor of Type, which is determined by the constructor which was used to create it.

  • is_object: Clownfish::Type->new_object

  • is_primitive: Either Clownfish::Type->new_integer or Clownfish::Type->new_float

  • is_integer: Clownfish::Type->new_integer

  • is_floating: Clownfish::Type->new_float

  • is_void: Clownfish::Type->new_void

  • is_composite: Clownfish::Type->new_composite


Returns true if $type represents a Clownfish type which holds unicode strings.


Returns true if the Type is incremented. Only applicable to object Types.


Returns true if the Type is decremented. Only applicable to object Types.