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Sets the milliseconds of delay between events being sent to the X display. It is usually not a good idea to set this to 0.

Please note that this delay will also affect SendKeys.

Returns the old delay amount in milliseconds.


Returns the current event sending delay amount in milliseconds.


Sets the milliseconds of delay between keystrokes.

Returns the old delay amount in milliseconds.


Returns the current keystroke sending delay amount in milliseconds.

GetWindowName WINDOWID

Returns the window name for the specified window Id. undef is returned if name could not be obtained.

  # Return the name of the window that has the input focus.
  my $WinName = GetWindowName(GetInputFocus());

Sets the window name for the specified window Id.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.


Returns the root window Id. This is the top/root level window that all other windows are under.

GetChildWindows WINDOWID

Returns an array of the child windows for the specified window Id.

MoveMouseAbs X, Y

Moves the mouse cursor to the specified absolute position.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.


Returns an array containing the position of the mouse cursor.

  my ($x, $y) = GetMousePos(); 
PressMouseButton BUTTON

Presses the specified mouse button. Available mouse buttons are: M_LEFT, M_MIDDLE, M_RIGHT. Also, you could use the logical Id for the button: M_BTN1, M_BTN2, M_BTN3, M_BTN4, M_BTN5. These are all available through the :CONST export tag.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

ReleaseMouseButton BUTTON

Releases the specified mouse button. Available mouse buttons are: M_LEFT, M_MIDDLE, M_RIGHT. Also, you could use the logical Id for the button: M_BTN1, M_BTN2, M_BTN3, M_BTN4, M_BTN5. These are all available through the :CONST export tag.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

SendKeys KEYS

Sends keystrokes to the window that has the input focus.

The keystrokes to send are those specified in KEYS. Some characters have special meaning, they are:

        Modifier Keys:
        ^       CTRL
        %       ALT
        +       SHIFT

        Other Keys:
        ~       ENTER
        \n      ENTER
        \t      TAB
        ( and ) MODIFIER USAGE
        { and } QUOTE CHARACTERS

Simply, one can send a text string like so:

        SendKeys('Hello, how are you today?');

Parenthesis allow a modifier to work on one or more characters. For example:

        SendKeys('%(f)q'); # Alt-f, then press q
        SendKeys('%(fa)^(m)'); # Alt-f, Alt-a, Ctrl-m
        SendKeys('+(abc)'); # Uppercase ABC using shift modifier
        SendKeys('^(+(l))'); # Ctrl-Shift-l
        SendKeys('+'); # Press shift

Braces are used to quote special characters, for utilizing aliased key names, or for special functionality. Multiple characters can be specified in a brace by space delimiting the entries. Characters can be repeated using a number that is space delimited after the preceeding key.

Quote Special Characters

        SendKeys('{{}'); # {
        SendKeys('{+}'); # +

        You can also use QuoteStringForSendKeys to perform quoting.

Aliased Key Names

        SendKeys('{BAC}'); # Backspace
        SendKeys('{F1 F2 F3}'); # F1, F2, F3
        SendKeys('{TAB 3}'); # Press TAB 3 times
        SendKeys('{SPC 3 a b c}'); # Space 3 times, a, b, c

Special Functionality

        # Pause execution for 500 milliseconds
        SendKeys('{PAUSE 500}');


        SendKeys('abc+(abc){TAB PAUSE 500}'); # a, b, c, A, B, C, Tab, Pause 500
        SendKeys('+({a b c})'); # A, B, C

The following abbreviated key names are currently recognized within a brace set. If you don't see the desired key, you can still use the unabbreviated name for the key. If you are unsure of this name, utilize the xev (X event view) tool, press the button you need and look at the tools output for the name of the key. Names that are in the list below can be utilized regardless of case. Ones that aren't in this list are going to be case sensitive and also not abbreviated. For example, using 'xev' you will find that the name of the backspace key is BackSpace, so you could use {BackSpace} in place of {bac} if you really wanted to.

        Name    Action
        BAC     BackSpace
        BS      BackSpace
        BKS     BackSpace
        BRE     Break
        CAN     Cancel
        CAP     Caps_Lock
        DEL     Delete
        DOW     Down
        END     End
        ENT     Return
        ESC     Escape
        F1      F1
        ...     ...
        F12     F12
        HEL     Help
        HOM     Home
        INS     Insert
        LAL     Alt_L
        LCT     Control_L
        LEF     Left
        LSH     Shift_L
        LSK     Super_L
        MNU     Menu
        NUM     Num_Lock
        PGD     Page_Down
        PGU     Page_Up
        PRT     Print
        RAL     Alt_R
        RCT     Control_R
        RIG     Right
        RSH     Shift_R
        RSK     Super_R
        SCR     Scroll_Lock
        SPA     Space
        SPC     Space
        TAB     Tab
        UP      Up

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

PressKey KEY

Presses the specified key.

One can utilize the abbreviated key names from the table listed above as outlined in the following example:

  # Alt-n
  PressKey('LAL'); # Left Alt

  # Uppercase a
  PressKey('LSH'); # Left Shift

The ReleaseKey calls in the above example are there to set both key states back.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

ReleaseKey KEY

Releases the specified key. Normally follows a PressKey call.

One can utilize the abbreviated key names from the table listed above.


zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

PressReleaseKey KEY

Presses and releases the specified key.

One can utilize the abbreviated key names from the table listed above.


This function is effected by the key send delay.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

IsKeyPressed KEY

Determines if the specified key is currently being pressed.

You can specify such things as 'bac' or the unabbreviated form 'BackSpace' as covered in the SendKeys information. Brace forms such as '{bac}' are unsupported. A '{' is taken literally and letters are case sensitive.

  if (IsKeyPressed('esc')) {  # Is Escape pressed?
  if (IsKeyPressed('a')) { # Is a pressed?
  if (IsKeyPressed('A')) { # Is A pressed?

Returns non-zero for true, zero for false.

IsMouseButtonPressed BUTTON

Determines if the specified mouse button is currently being pressed.

Available mouse buttons are: M_LEFT, M_MIDDLE, M_RIGHT. Also, you could use the logical Id for the button: M_BTN1, M_BTN2, M_BTN3, M_BTN4, M_BTN5. These are all available through the :CONST export tag.

  if (IsMouseButtonPressed(M_LEFT)) { # Is left button pressed?

Returns non-zero for true, zero for false.


zero is returned if the specified window Id is not for something that can be recognized as a window. non-zero is returned if it looks like a window.

IsWindowViewable WINDOWID

zero is returned if the specified window Id is for a window that isn't viewable. non-zero is returned if the window is viewable.

MoveWindow WINDOWID, X, Y

Moves the window to the specified location.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.


Resizes the window to the specified size.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

IconifyWindow WINDOWID

Minimizes (Iconifies) the specified window.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

UnIconifyWindow WINDOWID

Unminimizes (UnIconifies) the specified window.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

RaiseWindow WINDOWID

Raises the specified window to the top of the stack, so that no other windows cover it.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.

LowerWindow WINDOWID

Lowers the specified window to the bottom of the stack, so other existing windows will cover it.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.


Returns the window that currently has the input focus.

SetInputFocus WINDOWID

Sets the specified window to be the one that has the input focus.

zero is returned on failure, non-zero for success.


Returns an array containing the position information for the specified window.

  my ($x, $y, $width, $height) = GetWindowPos(GetRootWindow());

Returns the screen resolution.

  my ($x, $y) = GetScreenRes();

Returns the color depth for the screen.

Value is represented as bits, i.e. 16.

  my $depth = GetScreenDepth();


Module Changes
Coding-Style Guidelines
ToDo List
Copy of the GPL License


Copyright(c) 2003 Dennis K. Paulsen, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


Dennis K. Paulsen <>


Thanks to the following people for patches, suggestions, etc.:

Richard Clamp