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Introduction to OpenInteract2


OpenInteract2 is an extensible application server that includes everything you need to quickly build robust applications. It includes:

  • A robust system of components that can access your data just about any way that you can think up and present the data in reusable templates.

  • A very flexible separation of presentation and data access: you can use one template for accessing data from different sources using one template (e.g., a listing of users from the system, from an LDAP server, from an NT/SMB authentication controller, etc.) or you can use one set of data to fill multiple templates.

  • A consistent security mechanism allowing you to control security for users and groups not only at the task level, but also at the individual data object level.

  • A simple user and group-management system that allows users to create their own accounts and an administrator to assign them to one or more groups.

  • A convenient packaging system that makes it simple for developers to distribute code, data schemas, configuration, initial data and all other information necessary for an application. It also makes the installation and upgrading processes very straightforward and simple.

  • An integrated, database-independent method for distributing data necessary for a package. You should be able to install any package on any database that's been tested with OpenInteract.

  • The ability to deploy an OpenInteract2 application server as a standalone service, inside an Apache/mod_perl server, or even accessed as a CGI process. And it's easy to extend OI2 to use additional interfaces.


Creating a Website

Once you've downloaded and installed the OpenInteract2 distribution you need to create a website. Many administrative tasks are accomplished through the oi2_manage script that should have been copied to somewhere along your path you installed OpenInteract2. One of them is creating a new website. Here's how.

First, set the environment variable OPENINTERACT2 to the directory your website will live. The directory shouldn't exist yet.

 $ export OPENINTERACT2=/path/to/my/website

(You'll need to use the full path for now, relative paths will fail in non-obvious ways.)

Many OI2 scripts use this environment variable and it saves us typing. We'll refer to this as $WEBSITE_DIR throughout this guide.

Next, issue the command to create the website:

 $ oi2_manage create_website --source_dir=/path/to/OpenInteract2-source

(You'll need to use the full path for now, relative paths will fail in non-obvious ways.)

The --source_dir must have at least the sample/ and pkg/ directories from the OpenInteract2 distribution.

Configuring Your Site: server.ini

Once you've done that, you'll need to edit the server configuration file. See a brief description of this and other configuration files below ("CONFIGURATION FILES"), but for now let's say you're impatient and want to see something running as soon as possible to see how things work.

First, make sure you have DBD::SQLite installed. This is a standalone, file-based SQL database you have to do very little configuration for. (Win32 users can grab the PPM from the theoryx5 repository -- see "SEE ALSO".)

Next, open up $WEBSITE_DIR/conf/server.ini in your favorite text editor and make the following changes, replacing your actual website directory for $WEBSITE_DIR throughout:

Set request/response interfaces to LWP


 request               = cgi
 response              = cgi


 request               = lwp
 response              = lwp

Set email information


 smtp_host     =
 admin_email   =
 content_email =

to something relevant to your situation.

Set database metadata


 [datasource main]
 type          = DBI
 spops         = 
 driver_name   =
 dsn           =
 username      =
 password      =
 db_owner      =
 sql_install   =
 long_read_len = 65536
 long_trunc_ok = 0


 [datasource main]
 type          = DBI
 spops         = SPOPS::DBI::SQLite
 driver_name   = SQLite
 dsn           = dbname=$WEBSITE_DIR/oi2test.db
 username      =
 password      =
 db_owner      =
 sql_install   =
 long_read_len = 65536
 long_trunc_ok = 0

Set session handler

Create the directories $WEBSITE_DIR/cache/session and $WEBSITE_DIR/cache/session_lock and change:

 class       = OpenInteract2::Session::DBI
 impl_class  = Apache::Session::MySQL
 datasource  = main
 expiration  = +3M
 expires_in  = 0
 cache_user  = 30
 cache_group = 30
 cache_theme = 30
 [session_info params]


 class       = OpenInteract2::Session::File
 impl_class  = Apache::Session::File
 datasource  = main
 expiration  = +3M
 expires_in  = 0
 cache_user  = 30
 cache_group = 30
 cache_theme = 30
 [session_info params]
 Directory     = $WEBSITE_DIR/cache/session
 LockDirectory = $WEBSITE_DIR/cache/session_lock

That's it!

Seed the Database

You need to create the database tables and seed it with initial data:

 $ oi2_manage install_sql --package=SYSTEM

This tells the OI2 website you've specified in the environment variable OPENINTERACT2 to run the SQL installation routines for all packages named in the SYSTEM key. This happens to be all the packages installed when you created the website. Handy!

This should issue a bunch of messages listing the different tables created, data files used, etc.

Create the Superuser Password

Now it's time to create the superuser password:

 $ oi2_manage create_password --password=cindilauper

(replacing 'cindilauper' with your favorite password)

Start the Server

Now, issue the command:

 $ oi2_daemon --website_dir=$WEBSITE_DIR --conf=$WEBSITE_DIR/conf/oi2_daemon.ini

You should see a message something like:

 OpenInteract2 now running at URL <http://localhost:8080>

Now fire up your web browser to the given URL and you should see the 'Welcome to OpenInteract 2!' page. Try and login as 'superuser' with the password you set. Have fun!

Behind the Curtain

If you want to see what's going on behind the scenes, set the global debugging level to be more permissive. In your server configuration file change:

 DEBUG                 = ERROR


 DEBUG                 = DEBUG

near the top of the file. Restart your server once you've made the change. You'll see lots of messages fly by. One of the last ones may look like this:

 DEBUG [120] OpenInteract2::DatasourceManager::shutdown: Disconnecting
 datasource main from manager shutdown

Don't worry about it. We have to do this to prevent the forked children from sharing the parent's database handle database.

To see the requests as they come in keep an eye on the daemon.log file in the directory you were in when you started it up. There's also a file holding the process ID of the daemon. On unix-y systems you can use this to kill the process:

 $ kill -15 `cat`


server configuration - conf/server.ini

This is the main OpenInteract2 configuration file. No matter what interface you use you will need to modify this file. It holds the global debugging level, deployment URL, email addresses, directory layouts, database connection data, session information along with lots of other items. Much of it you don't need to edit, but it's useful to give it a once-over so you're familiar with it.

interface configuration: Apache - conf/httpd_modperl_solo.conf

This describes a virtual host configuration for running the server inside Apache/mod_perl without a front-end proxy server. It's useful for development but in real life you'd probably want the proxy server (see conf/httpd_static.conf for a proxy configuration and conf/httpd_modperl.conf for the corresponding proxied backend configuration).

interface configuration: standalone - conf/oi2_daemon.ini

Just a few directives to tell the standalone web server what host and port to run on.


Win32 PPD for SQLite (ActivePerl 5.8x)


Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.


Chris Winters <>