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Changes for version 0.211 - 2013-08-10



a modern Curses toolkit
base class for events
base class for content events
event that is related to content change
base class for focus events
event that is related to in-focus
event that is related to out-focus
event that is related to keystrokes
base class for mouse events
event that is related to mouse click
event that is related to root window shape change
base class for event listeners
event listener listening for a keyboard action
base class for objects
simple coordinates class
simple collection of flags
a string that contains markups
simple shape class
base class for roles
This role implements the fact that a widget can have focus
base class for widgets themes
default widget theme
base class for default coloured widgets themes
default widget theme with blue-ish foreground on white-ish background
default widget theme with pink-ish color, made for Book
default widget theme with color
various types used within the dist
base class for widgets
a simple text button widget
base class for focus events
a button widget that can hold any other widget
an horizontal box widget
a container with two panes arranged horizontally
a horizontal progress bar widget
an horizontal scrollbar widget
a widget to display text
generic paned widget
progress bar widget base class
a vertical box widget
a container with two panes arranged horizontally
a vertical progress bar widget
a vertical scrollbar widget
the ( currently only ) loader for Curses::toolkit


in lib/Curses/Toolkit/Theme/Default/