# $Id: Changes,v 0.71 2005/08/19 06:11:26 dankogai Exp $
$Revision: 0.71 $ $Date: 2005/08/19 06:11:26 $
! bin/psync
Addressed: #!/usr/local/bin/perl missing, causing unsuable
script being installed. Ouch!
Message-Id: <9E018196-A9C6-4F0F-B5D9-6236CD358928@ppp.bekkoame.ne.jp>
! bin/psync
POD fixes by Jean-Louis Fuchs
Message-Id: <42F8E601.60108@fangorn.ch>
0.70 2005/08/09 15:47:00
+ t/AskGetFileInfo.pm
! t/catalog.t t/info.t
Modified so it passes under Tiger.
! File.pm bin/*
tiger's utilities are now mentioned in pod
! bin/psync
is now replaced with that of Jean-Louis Fuchs
Message-Id: <42F8BE38.8050608@fangorn.ch>
0.69 2004/08/05 03:18:15
! File.pm Catalog/Catalog.pm Spec/Spec.pm Copy/Copy.pm Info/Info.pm
s/use 5.6.0;/use 5.006;/ so v-string warning on 5.8.1-RC3 is quiet.
0.68 2004/05/25 16:03:23
! Catalog/Makefile.PL Info/Makefile.PL Copy/Makefile.PL Spec/Makefile.PL
Now uses gcc2 when perl version is 5.8.1 or before so it compiles
without 'make CC=gcc2' on Apple-bundled /usr/bin/perl
0.67 2004/05/03 14:53:29
! Copy/filecopy.c Spec/Spec.xs common/util.c
Panther compatibility patch by emoy applied.
0.66 2003/04/09 08:25:26
! Copy/filecopy.c
Now supports file names that contains \x{10000} and higher.
HFS+ stores characters in UTF-16 but until now MacOSX::File only
suported UCS-2 (Apple's document only says "Unicode". Sigh).
! bin/psync
Addressed the problem that the ownership of the locked files are not
copied correctly. Reported by Joel Sumner <joel.sumner@ni.com>
Message-Id: <>
0.65 2003/01/19 17:53:21
! common/util.c
s/strcpy/strncpy/ I though I fixed it :)
! Catalog/Catalog.xs
Guy Sabourin <guysab@videotron.ca> has reported that an evil typecast
found in the code above was preventing MacOSX::File::Catalog from
copying creator properly. Though I could not duplicate his claim
on my environment (compiler difference?), his version is definitely
Message-Id: <BA504461.3E6E%guysab@videotron.ca>
FYI, psync and other scripts that come with this package use
MacOSX::File::Info rather than MacOSX::File:Catalog in favor of speed
and memory so they are unaffected as of this release.
0.64 2002.03.07
! bin/psync
! uses MacOSX::File::Info instead of MacOSX::File::Catalog
back again.
+ pod improvement
0.63 2002.03.07
! File.pm README
Mention to binary distribution dropped; I will release binary
distribution elsewhere. CPAN infrastracture is not quite fit
for binary distribution.
0.62 2002.03.07
! File.pm
+ unlink() which overrides CORE::unlink that deletes '._file'
if 'file' is deleted
! Catalog/Catalog.xs Info/Info.xs
File Locking scheme changed so that it works on UFS volume
more correctly. Now 'make test' on UFS volume works.
! bin/psync
uses MacOSX::File::Catalog instead of MacOSX::File::Info
0.61 2002.01.28
! Info/Info.xs Catalog/Catalog.xs
$obj->set() without argument failed
0.60 2002.01.28
! */*.xs
(data|rsrc)(Logical|Physical)size is now NV instead of IV
to accomodate 64bit values (same trick done in stat->size in
Perl's stat cache)
Other members of FSCatalogInfo is now more compliant with
Inside Macintosh (UV instead of IV where appropriate)
! bin/psync
cosmetic changes for opt_v
0.52 2002.01.20
! bin/psync
Code optimization
More intuitive option settings
0.51 2002.01.20
! bin/psync
Greatly enhanced. See the manual for details
! Copy/filecopy.c
More housekeeping functions added
0.50 2002.01.19
! Makefile.PL
INSTALLSCRIPT => /usr/local/bin
INSTALLMAN1DIR => /usr/local/share/man/man1
INSTALLMAN3DIR => /usr/local/share/man/man3
This iso prevent clobbering important files on /usr/{bin,/share/man} .
Though this is against platform-independent Makefile.PL, this module
is very platform-dependent to begin with.
+ bin/psync
Does update copy. The very reason I wanted a module like this!
! Catalog/Catalog.pm
! Info/Info.pm
set* subs now checks validity of information so it won't call
xs_* when invalid.
! Copy/Copy.pm
$nocopycat -> $preserve
Note now the default is reversed!
0.42 2002.01.16
! bin/pcpmac
regex bug that causes all dot-files ignored gets fixed
< my @f = grep !/^\.[\._]?/o, readdir $d;
> my @f = grep !/^\.(?:\.?$|_)/o, readdir $d;
Well, to err is human.
0.41 2002.01.13
verious fixes
0.40 2002.01.13
MacOSX::File now implements its own, FSSpec-free file
copy function so MoreFiles is gone!
+ bin/pcpmac
+ bin/pmvmac
various bugfixes
0.30 2002.01.13
+ bin/pgetfinfo
+ bin/pgetfinfo
+ t/benchmark.pl
! common/util.c
minor bug at dirname() fixed;
! FSp(Set|Rst)Lock done when and only when the target is file
(When done to directory, Carbon slaps you with segfault!)
and lots of bug fixes and cleanups here and there
0.21 2002.01.10
! Info/Info.xs, Catalog/Catalog.xs
possible memory leak fixed
0.20 2002.01.10
+ MacOSX::File::Catalog added
! Info/Info.xs -- FSpRstLock() before FSSetCatalogInfo()
0.11 2002.01.08
+ File/Constants.pm
! Info/Info.pm -- constants moved to Constants.pm
! Info/Info.xs -- possible memory leak fixed.
0.10 2002.01.06
First Release