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=head1 NAME
Pg::SQL::PrettyPrinter::Node::XmlSerialize - Class representing XMLSERIALIZE()
Not to be used directly.
Aside from functions listed below, it inherits functions from
=head2 new
Makes object, first using parent's constructur, and then "unpacks" it's elements.
=head2 as_text
Returns the expression unformatted.
=head2 pretty_print
returns the expression pretty-printed.
=head2 expr_type
Returns stringified datatype for the value.
=head1 AUTHOR
hubert depesz lubaczewski, C<< <depesz at depesz.com> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<depesz at depesz.com>.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Pg::SQL::PrettyPrinter::Node::XmlExpr