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use strict;
use 5.014;
use utf8;
use Carp qw(confess);
use Encode qw(decode);
use JSON;
our $VERSION = '6.16';
# {{{ Constructors
sub new {
my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_;
my $lang = $conf{language} // 'd';
my $ua = $conf{ua};
if ( not $ua and not $conf{async} ) {
my %lwp_options = %{ $conf{lwp_options} // { timeout => 10 } };
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%lwp_options);
my $reply;
if ( not $conf{input} ) {
confess('You need to specify an input value');
if ( not $conf{url} ) {
confess('You need to specify a URL');
my $ref = {
developer_mode => $conf{developer_mode},
post => {
getstop => 1,
REQ0JourneyStopsS0A => 255,
REQ0JourneyStopsS0G => $conf{input},
bless( $ref, $obj );
if ( $conf{async} ) {
return $ref;
my $url = $conf{url} . "/${lang}n";
$reply = $ua->post( $url, $ref->{post} );
if ( $reply->is_error ) {
$ref->{errstr} = $reply->status_line;
return $ref;
$ref->{raw_reply} = $reply->decoded_content;
$ref->{raw_reply} =~ s{ ^ SLs [.] sls = }{}x;
$ref->{raw_reply} =~ s{ ; SLs [.] showSuggestion [(] [)] ; $ }{}x;
if ( $ref->{developer_mode} ) {
say $ref->{raw_reply};
$ref->{json} = from_json( $ref->{raw_reply} );
return $ref;
sub new_p {
my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_;
my $promise = $conf{promise}->new;
if ( not $conf{input} ) {
return $promise->reject('You need to specify an input value');
if ( not $conf{url} ) {
return $promise->reject('You need to specify a URL');
my $self = $obj->new( %conf, async => 1 );
$self->{promise} = $conf{promise};
my $lang = $conf{language} // 'd';
my $url = $conf{url} . "/${lang}n";
$conf{user_agent}->post_p( $url, form => $self->{post} )->then(
sub {
my ($tx) = @_;
if ( my $err = $tx->error ) {
"POST $url returned HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}");
my $content = $tx->res->body;
$self->{raw_reply} = $content;
$self->{raw_reply} =~ s{ ^ SLs [.] sls = }{}x;
$self->{raw_reply} =~ s{ ; SLs [.] showSuggestion [(] [)] ; $ }{}x;
if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
say $self->{raw_reply};
$self->{json} = from_json( $self->{raw_reply} );
$promise->resolve( $self->results );
sub {
my ($err) = @_;
return $promise;
# }}}
sub errstr {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{errstr};
sub results {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{results} = [];
for my $result ( @{ $self->{json}->{suggestions} } ) {
if ( $result->{typeStr} eq '[Bhf/Hst]' ) {
@{ $self->{results} },
name => decode( 'iso-8859-15', $result->{value} ),
id => $result->{extId}
return @{ $self->{results} };
=head1 NAME
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder - Interface to HAFAS-based online stop
finder services
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder;
my $sf = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder->new(
input => 'Borbeck',
if (my $err = $sf->errstr) {
die("Request error: ${err}\n");
for my $candidate ($sf->results) {
printf("%s (%s)\n", $candidate->{name}, $candidate->{id});
=head1 VERSION
version 6.16
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder is an interface to the stop finder
service of HAFAS based arrival/departure monitors, for instance the one
It takes a string (usually a location or station name) and reports all
stations and stops which are lexically similar to it.
StopFinder typically gives less coarse results than
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS(3pm)'s locationSearch method. However, it is unclear
whether HAFAS instances will continue supporting it in the future.
=head1 METHODS
=item my $stopfinder = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder->new(I<%opts>)
Looks up stops as specified by I<opts> and teruns a new
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder element with the results. Dies if the
wrong I<opts> were passed.
Supported I<opts> are:
=item B<input> => I<string>
string to look up, e.g. "Borbeck" or "Koeln Bonn Flughafen". Mandatory.
=item B<url> => I<url>
Base I<url> of the stop finder service, without the language and mode
suffix ("/dn" and similar). Mandatory. See Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS(3pm)'s
B<get_services> method for a list of URLs.
=item B<language> => I<language>
Set language. Accepted arguments are B<d>eutsch, B<e>nglish, B<i>talian and
B<n> (dutch), depending on the used service.
It is unknown if this option has any effect.
=item B<lwp_options> => I<\%hashref>
Passed on to C<< LWP::UserAgent->new >>. Defaults to C<< { timeout => 10 } >>,
you can use an empty hashref to override it.
=item my $stopfinder_p = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder->new_p(I<%opt>)
Return a promise that resolves into a list of
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder results ($stopfinder->results) on success
and rejects with an error message ($stopfinder->errstr) on failure. In addition
to the arguments of B<new>, the following mandatory arguments must be set.
=item B<promise> => I<promises module>
Promises implementation to use for internal promises as well as B<new_p> return
value. Recommended: Mojo::Promise(3pm).
=item B<user_agent> => I<user agent>
User agent instance to use for asynchronous requests. The object must implement
a B<post_p> function. Recommended: Mojo::UserAgent(3pm).
=item $stopfinder->errstr
In case of an error in the HTTP request, returns a string describing it. If
no error occurred, returns undef.
=item $stopfinder->results
Returns a list of stop candidates. Each list element is a hash reference. The
hash keys are B<id> (IBNR / EVA / UIC station code) and B<name> (stop name).
Both can be used as input for the Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS(3pm) constructor.
If no matching results were found or the parser / HTTP request failed, returns
the empty list.
=item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm)
=item * JSON(3pm)
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2015-2023 by Birte Kristina Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt>
=head1 LICENSE
This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.