use 5.008;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Crypt::JWT qw(encode_jwt);
use JSON;
=head1 NAME
Apple::AppStoreConnect - Apple App Store Connect API client
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.12
our $VERSION = '0.12';
use Apple::AppStoreConnect;
my $asc = Apple::AppStoreConnect->new(
issuer => $API_key_issuer, # API key issuer ID
key_id => $key_id, # App Store Connect API key ID
key => $private_key # Encrypted private key (PEM)
# Custom API request
my $res = $asc->get(url => $url);
# List apps / details convenience function
$res = $asc->get_apps(); # List of apps
$res = $asc->get_apps(id => $app_id); # App details
$res = $asc->get_apps(id => $app_id, path => 'customerReviews'); # App reviews
Apple::AppStoreConnect provides basic access to the Apple App Store Connect API.
Please see the L<official API documentation|>
for usage and all possible requests.
You can also use it with the L<Apple Store Server API>.
=head2 C<new>
my $asc = Apple::AppStoreConnect->new(
key_id => $key_id,
key => $private_key?,
key_file => $private_key_pem?,
issuer => "57246542-96fe-1a63-e053-0824d011072a",
scope => \@scope?,
timeout => $timeout_sec?,
expiration => $expire_secs?,
ua => $lwp_ua?,
curl => $use_curl?,
jwt_payload => {%extra_payload}
Required parameters:
=over 4
=item * C<key_file> : The encrypted App Store Connect API private key file that you
create under B<Users and Access> -> B<Keys> on the App Store Connect portal. On the portal
you download a PKCS8 format file (.p8), which you first need to convert to the PEM format.
On a Mac you can convert it simply:
openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -in AuthKey_<key_id>.p8 -out AuthKey_<key_id>.pem
=item * C<key> : Instead of the C<.pem> file, you can pass its contents directly
as a string.
=item * C<key_id> : The ID of the App Store Connect API key created on the App Store
Connect portal (B<Users and Access> section).
=item * C<issuer> : Your API Key B<issuer ID>. Can be found at the top of the API keys
on the App Store Connect Portal (B<Users and Access> section).
Optional parameters:
=over 4
=item * C<scope> : An arrayref that defines the token scope. Example entry:
C<["GET /v1/apps?filter[platform]=IOS"]>.
=item * C<timeout> : Timeout for requests in secs. Default: C<30>.
=item * C<ua> : Pass your own L<LWP::UserAgent> to customise the agent string etc.
=item * C<curl> : If true, fall back to using the C<curl> command line program.
This is useful if you have issues adding https support to L<LWP::UserAgent>, which
is the default method for the API requests.
=item * C<expiration> : Token expiration time in seconds. Tokens are cached until
there are less than 10 minutes left to expiration. Default: C<900> - the API will
not accept more than 20 minutes expiration time for most requests.
=item * C<jwt_payload> : Extra items to append to the JWT payload. Allows extending
the module to support more/newer versions of Apple APIs. For example, for the Apple
Store Server API you'd need to add:
jwt_payload => {bid => $bundle_id}
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<get>
my $res = $asc->get(
url => $url,
raw => $raw?,
params => \%query_params?
Fetches the requested API url, by default, it will use L<JSON> to decode it
directly to a Perl hash, unless you request C<raw> result as a string.
Requires L<LWP::UserAgent>, unless the C<curl> option was set.
If the request is not successful, it will C<die> throwing the C<< HTTP::Response->status_line >>.
=over 4
=item * C<url> : A URL to an API endpoint. Can pass the full URL, e.g. C<url =E<gt> ''>,
or you can omit the part up to I<v1/> (i.e. C<url =E<gt> 'apps'>).
=item * C<params> : Any other query params that you need to pass
=head2 C<get_response>
my $res = $asc->get_response(
url => $url,
raw => $raw?,
params => \%query_params?
Same as C<get> except it returns the full L<HTTP::Response> from the API (so you
can handle bad requests yourself).
=head2 C<jwt>
my $jwt = $asc->jwt(
iat => $iat?,
exp => $exp?
Returns the JSON Web Token string in case you need it. Will return a cached one
if it has more than 5 minutes until expiration and you don't explicitly pass an
C<exp> argument.
=over 4
=item * C<iat> : Specify the token creation timestamp. Default is C<time()>.
=item * C<exp> : Specify the token expiration timestamp. Passing this parameter
will force the creation of a new token. Default is C<time()+900> (or what you
specified in the constructor).
=head2 C<get_apps>
my $res = $asc->get_apps(
id => $app_id?,
path => $path?,
params => \%query_params?
Without arguments it is similar to C<get(url=E<gt>"apps">, fetching the list of apps,
but does some extra processing to return a Perl hash with app IDs as keys and the
app attributes as values.
There are optional arguments to get details of a specific app or app resource:
=over 4
=item * C<id> : The app ID. Specifying just the id will return the details for a
single app.
=item * C<path> : Requires C<id> and is similar to C<get(url=E<gt>"apps/$app_id/$path")>,
returning a specific resource type for an app, except it does the convenience processing
where a hash with the ids of this resource as keys are returned and the attributes
as values (unless the specific resource does not follow that pattern).
See API documentation for C<path> support (e.g. C<builds>, C<appAvailability>,
C<appPriceSchedule>, C<customerReviews> etc.).
=item * C<params> : Any other query params that you need to pass
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless($self, $class);
my %args = @_;
($self->{$_} = $args{$_} || croak("$_ (string) required."))
foreach qw/issuer key_id/;
unless ($args{key}) {
croak("key or key_file required.") unless $args{key_file};
open my $fh, '<', $args{key_file} or die "Can't open file $!";
$args{key} = do { local $/; <$fh> };
$self->{key} = \$args{key};
$self->{timeout} = $args{timeout} || 30;
$self->{expiration} = $args{expiration} || 900;
$self->{$_} = $args{$_} for qw/ua curl scope jwt_payload/;
return $self;
sub get {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $resp = $self->get_response(%args);
unless ($self->{curl}) {
die $resp->status_line unless $resp->is_success;
$resp = $resp->decoded_content;
return $args{raw} ? $resp : JSON::decode_json($resp);
sub get_response {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
croak("url required") unless $args{url};
$args{url} = $self->{base_url}.$args{url} unless $args{url} =~ /^http/;
my $jwt = $self->jwt;
my $url = _build_url(%args);
unless ($self->{curl} || $self->{ua}) {
require LWP::UserAgent;
$self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new(
agent => "libwww-perl Apple::AppStoreConnect/$VERSION",
timeout => $self->{timeout}
return _fetch($self->{ua}, $url, $jwt);
sub get_apps {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
$args{url} = $self->{base_url} . 'apps';
$args{url} .= "/$args{id}" if $args{id};
$args{url} .= "/$args{path}" if $args{path};
my $res = $self->get(%args);
return _process_data($res);
sub jwt {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
# Return cached one
return $self->{jwt}
if !$args{exp} && $self->{jwt_exp} && $self->{jwt_exp} >= time() + 300;
return $self->_new_jwt(%args);
sub _new_jwt {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
$args{iat} ||= time();
$self->{jwt_exp} = $args{exp} || (time() + $self->{expiration});
my $data = {
iss => $self->{issuer},
aud => "appstoreconnect-v1",
exp => $self->{jwt_exp},
iat => $args{iat},
$data->{scope} = $self->{scope} if $self->{scope};
$data = {
} if $self->{jwt_payload};
$self->{jwt} = encode_jwt(
payload => $data,
alg => 'ES256',
key => $self->{key},
extra_headers => {
kid => $self->{key_id},
typ => "JWT"
return $self->{jwt};
sub _fetch {
my ($ua, $url, $jwt) = @_;
return _curl($url, $jwt) unless $ua;
return $ua->get($url, Authorization => "Bearer $jwt");
sub _curl {
return `curl "$_[0]" -A "Curl Apple::AppStoreConnect/$VERSION" -s -H 'Authorization: Bearer $_[1]'`;
sub _build_url {
my %args = @_;
my $url = $args{url};
return $url unless ref($args{params});
my $params = join("&", map {"$_=$args{params}->{$_}"} keys %{$args{params}});
$url .= "?$params" if $params;
return $url;
sub _process_data {
my $hash = shift;
if (ref($hash) && ref($hash->{data}) && ref($hash->{data}) eq 'ARRAY') {
my $res;
foreach my $item (@{$hash->{data}}) {
if ($item->{id} && $item->{attributes}) {
$res->{$item->{id}} = {%{$item->{attributes}}};
$res->{$item->{id}}->{type} = $item->{type} if $item->{type};
return $res if $res;
return $hash;
=head1 NOTES
=head2 Apple Store Server API
You can use this module with the L<Apple Store Server API|>
by passing your app's bundle ID to the JWT payload. So there is just one addition to the constructor call:
my $assa = Apple::AppStoreConnect->new(
issuer => $API_key_issuer,
key_id => $key_id,
key => $private_key,
jwt_payload => {bid => $bundle_id}
You can then pass custon Store Server API requests:
my $res = $assa->get(url => "$transactionId");
=head2 POST/PATCH/DELETE requests
Note that currently only GET requests are implemented, as that is what I needed.
However, POST/PATCH/DELETE can be added upon request.
=head2 403 Unauthorized etc errors
If you suddenly start getting unauthorized errors with a token that should be valid,
log onto App Store Connect and see if you have any documents pending approval (e.g
tax documents, new terms etc).
=head1 AUTHOR
Dimitrios Kechagias, C<< <dkechag at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests either on L<GitHub|> (preferred), or on RT (via the email
C<bug-Apple-AppStoreConnect at> or L<web interface|>).
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 GIT
This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Dimitrios Kechagias.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.