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Pod::POM::View::Restructured - View for Pod::POM that outputs reStructuredText


 use Pod::POM::View::Restructured;
 my $view = Pod::POM::View::Restructured->new;
 my $parser = Pod::POM->new;
 my $pom = $parser->parse_file("$top_dir/lib/Pod/POM/View/");
 my $out = $pom->present($view);


This module outputs reStructuredText that is expected to be used with Sphinx. Verbatim sections (indented paragraphs) in the POD will be output with syntax hilighting for Perl code by default. See "POD commands specifically for reStructuredText" for how to change this for a particular block.

For a list of changes in recent versions, see the documentation for Pod::POM::View::Restructured::Changes.

This module can be downloaded from



Constructor. \%params is optional. If present, the following keys are valid:


See documentation below for convert_file().

convert_file($source_file, $title, $dest_file, $callbacks)

Converts the POD in $source_file to reStructuredText. If $dest_file is defined, it writes the output there. If $title is defined, it is used for the title of the document. Otherwise, an attempt is made to infer the title from the NAME section (checks if the body looks like /\A\s*(\w+(?:::\w+)+)\s+-\s+/s).

Returns the output as a string.

$source_file and $dest_file can be either file names or file handles.

convert_files($file_spec, $index_file, $index_title, $out_dir)

Converts the files given in $file_spec to reStructuredText. If $index_file is provided, it is the path to the index file to be created (with a table of contents pointing to all of the files created). If $index_title is provided, it is used as the section title for the index file. $out_dir is the directory the generated files will be written to.

$file_spec is a reference to an array of hashes specifying attributes for each file to be converted. The valid keys are:


File to convert.


File to output the reStructuredText. If not provided, a file name will be generated based on the title.


Section title for the generated reStructuredText. If not provided, an attempt will be made to infer the title from the NAME section in the POD, if it exists. As a last resort, a title will be generated that looks like "section_(\d+)".


A reference to a hash containing names and the corresponding callbacks.

Currently the only valid callback is link. It is given the text inside a L<> section from the POD, and is expected to return a tuple ($url, $label). If the value returned for $label is undefined, the value of $url is used as the label.


Causes the item to not be printed to the index or return in the toc field.

This method returns a hash ref with a table of contents (the toc field) suitable for a reStructuredText table of contents.


 my $conv = Pod::POM::View::Restructured->new;
 my $files = [
              { source_file => "$base_dir/" },
              { source_file => "$base_dir/" },
              { source_file => "$base_dir/" },
 my $rv = $conv->convert_files($files, "$dest_dir/index.rst", 'My Big Test', $dest_dir);

POD commands specifically for reStructuredText

The following sequences can be used in POD to request actions specifically for this module.

=for pod2rst next-code-block: lang

This sets up the next verbatim section, i.e., the next indented paragraph to be hilighted according to the syntax of the programming/markup/config language lang. Verbatim sections are assumed to be Perl code by default. Sphinx uses Pygments to do syntax hilighting in these sections, so you can use any value for lang that Pygments supports, e.g., Python, C, C++, Javascript, SQL, etc.


Converting a single file using pod2rst
 pod2rst --outfile=restructured.rst

Need to document:

Document example of setting up sphinx build, generating rst from pod, and building


code hilighting

Currently, a verbatim block (indented paragraph) gets output as a Perl code block by default in reStructuredText. There should be an option (e.g., in the constructor) to change the language for hilighting purposes (for all verbatim blocks), or disable syntax hilighting and just make it a preformatted paragraph. There is a way to do this in POD (see "POD commands specifically for reStructuredText"), but there should also be an option in the constructor.

improve escaping

Text blocks are not escaped properly, so it is currently possible to invoke a command in reStructuredText by accident.


Inherits from Pod::POM::View::Text that comes with the Pod::POM distribution.


Don Owens <>


Copyright (c) 2010 Don Owens <>. All rights reserved.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.




pod2rst (distributed with Pod::POM::View::HTML)


Sphinx (uses reStructuredText):

Pygments (used by Sphinx for syntax highlighting):

