Changes for version 0.06 - 2014-10-01

    • Switched from using Net::RabbitMQ to Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ. The former no longer passes its tests with recent versions of RabbitMQ.
    • The Crixa class no longer has a ->channels method and it no longer stores channels internally. Instead, you call $crixa->new_channel whenever you want a new channel.
    • The Crixa class no longer has ->queue or ->exchange methods. This was convenient, but made the handling of channels really confusing. Instead, you should create a channel and use that to create queues and exchanges.
    • Removed the Crixa::Channel->publish method. Use Crixa::Exchange objects to publish methods instead. If you really want to publish without an exchange name, you can create an exchange object with an empty string as its name.
    • Removed the Crixa::Queue->publish method. This really doesn't make sense, since you can't publish to queues. This method would only have worked with certain configurations, and it would have been easy to create an exchange/queue combination where calling Crixa::Queue->publish sent the message to an entirely different queue.
    • The Crixa::Exchange->queue method's "bindings" parameter has been renamed to "routing_keys". This is a better match for how these things are described in the RabbitMQ docs.
    • Messages are now objects. See the Crixa::Message documentation for details.
    • Added complete documentation for every class. The docs try to explain RabbitMQ concepts wherever appropriate.
    • Added a Crixa::Exchange->delete method
    • Added a Crixa::Queue->delete method
    • Added a Crixa::Queue->bind method
    • All the settings that can be passed to the constructor for Exchange & Queue objects are now available as object attributes. This includes things like "durable", "auto_delete", etc.


A Cleaner API for Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ
A Crixa Channel
For internal use only
For internal use only
For internal use only
A Crixa Exchange
A Crixa Message
A Crixa Queue