CCreport - Perl script to generate a ClearCase changes report
# Generate a report of changes on any branch since yesterday in /vobs/src
CCreport /vobs/src
# ... on branch 'foo'
CCreport -branch foo /vobs/src
# ... on multiple branches
CCreport -branches foo,boo,bar /vobs/src
# ... looking only for *.c files
CCreport -branches foo,boo,bar -name
# ... and mail it to tom, dick, and harry at
CCreport -branch foo -to tom,dick,harry -domain /vobs/src
# Specify a view to work through and a starting date ...
CCreport -view admin -since 24-Mar /vobs_src
# ... and an ending date
CCreport -view admin -since 24-Mar -
29-Mar /vobs_src
# ... output plaintext instead of HTML
CCreport -view admin -plain -since 24-Mar /vobs_src
# Traverse multiple vob areas, show changes on any branch
CCreport /vobs_src/proj1 /vobs/doc/proj1/html
# Traverse all VOBs, ignoring changes to dirs
CCreport -type f -avobs
# Run in I<automatic> mode, driven by attributes on self
CCreport -auto
# Run in auto mode but issue only reports #3 and #4
CCreport -auto -filter /[34]/
This script traverses the specified ClearCase VOB areas and outputs a report of changes made, formatted with their comments, version numbers, etc. The listing can be restricted by timeslice, user(s), branch, and so on via command-line flags (use -help for a summary). By default the output is HTML-formatted but plain text is an option.
Note that "VOB areas" means any directory tree within VOB space, not necessarily the entire VOB.
A special automatic mode is supported. When passed the -auto
flag it will examine $0
to find attributes on itself. Attributes with names of the form "CCrxx" where xx is an integer are considered to be command lines to be executed in numerical order. Attributes of the form "CCr_foo" define substitutions. For example:
CCr1 =
"-branch main -to {dev},{adm} /vobs/src /vobs/doc"
CCr2 =
"-branch bugbranch -to {qa},{adm} /vobs/src"
CCr_adm =
CCr_dev =
CCr_qa =
will generate two reports and mail them to the development and qa groups respectively, with copies of all going to {adm}.
I've only ever used this on Solaris. It should run more or less unmodified on other UNIX/ClearCase/Perl5.004 platforms. There is approximately zero chance it will work on Windows without some porting effort. Note: though it doesn't run on Windows, it does have code to deal with interop mode, i.e. to correctly report changes that were made in a different region.
Run with -/dbg=1 to see debug output.
David Boyce <>
Copyright (c) 1998,1999,2000 David Boyce. All rights reserved. This Perl program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl(1), ClearCase::Argv, Argv
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 566:
Unknown directive: =head