Changes for version 0.11 - 2002-01-17
- Removed library Class::MethodMaker from all classes. Now Class:MethodMaker is neither required nor optional library.
- Changes library directory structure sorces to use CPAN standard structure.
- Added Business::BancaSella::Ric::FileFast and Business::BancaSella::Ris::FileFast classes to use Ric and Ris ascii file alphabetically sorted to improve key search and extract. This classes are written by Marco Gazerro, Mauro Fedele. This classes implements a method "prepare" that create sorted ascii files from standand Banca Sella ascii files (those used by Business::BancaSella::Ri*::File).
- Created test files for Business::BancaSella::Ri*::FileFast.
- Added prepare method to Business::BancaSella::Ri*::File that...don't do nothing :). Set it only for interface compatibility
- Added extract method to Business::BancaSella::Ris::File that check password and return false if not found, else remove password from OTP file.
- Added prepare method to Business::BancaSella::Ri*::Mysql that appends otp available in an ascii file into mysql table.
- Added extract method to Business::BancaSella::Ris::Mysql that check password and return false if not found, else remove password from OTP file.
- Added documentation for Business::BancaSella::Ri*::FileFast.
- Business::BancaSella::Ris::Mysql don't return an error if trying to remove an unexistent otp. Added raise error.
- Error calculating boolean method "result" in Business::BancaSella::Decode::Gateway
- Business::BancaSella::Ric::File use the same algoritm for extract method than Business::BancaSella::Ric::FileFast.
- Business::BancaSella::Ris::File now use lock file when deleting ris password.
A wrapper for Banca Sella online payment system (ver 0.11)
Parent class for the decoding uri system
Uri decoding for return transaction info results from Gateway compatibility online system payment.
Uri decoding for return transaction info results from GestPay online system payment.
Parent class for Encode systems
Uri creator for Gateway compatibility online system payment.
Uri creator for GestPay online system payment.
Abstract class for Gateway compatibility parameter info
Abstract class for Gestpay parameter info
Parent class for extracting One-Time-Password from different storage place
Extract One-Time-Password from a standard Banca Sella ASCII file
Extract One-Time-Password from an improved ASCII file
Extract One-Time-Password from a mysql database
Parent class for checking One-Time-Password from different storage place
Check the existance of One-Time-Password in a standard Banca Sella ASCII file.
Check the existance of One-Time-Password in an improved ASCII file.
Check the existance of One-Time-Password from a mysql database