Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# This file was generated using XDR::Parse version v0.3.1,
# XDR::Gen version 0.0.5 and LibVirt version v10.10.0
# Don't edit this file, use the source template instead
use v5.14;
package Protocol::Sys::Virt::URI v10.10.13;
use parent qw(Exporter);
use Carp qw(croak);
use Log::Any qw($log);
use URI::Encode qw(uri_encode uri_decode);
our @EXPORT = qw( parse_url );
sub parse_url {
my $url = shift;
my ($base, $query) = split( /\?/, $url, 2 );
$query //= '';
my %args = map {
map {
my ($key, $val) = split( /=/, $_, 2 );
$val //= '';
($key, $val);
split( /&/, $query );
if ($base =~ m#^
#xi) {
my $bare = "$+{hypervisor}:///$+{type}";
$bare .= '?' if ($args{mode} or $args{socket});
$bare .= 'mode=' . uri_encode($args{mode},
{ encode_reserved => 1 })
if $args{mode};
$bare .= '&' if ($args{mode} and $args{socket});
$bare .= 'socket=' . uri_encode($args{socket},
{ encode_reserved => 1 })
if $args{socket};
return (base => $base,
proxy => $bare,
name => "$+{hypervisor}:///$+{type}",
query => \%args);
die "Malformed hypervisor URI $url";
=head1 NAME
Protocol::Sys::Virt::URI - Helper routines for parsing LibVirt URIs
=head1 VERSION
use Protocol::Sys::Virt::URI;
my %components = parse_url( 'qemu+ssh://user@password:host/system?param=value' );
Helper functions operating on LibVirt hypervisor URLs.
=head2 parse_url
# { base => 'qemu+ssh://user@password:host/system',
# name => 'qemu:///system',
# type => 'system',
# query => { param => 'value', mode => 'legacy', socket => '/path/socket' },
# transport => 'ssh',
# hypervisor => 'qemu',
# username => 'user,
# host => 'hostname',
# port => 'port',
# }
Splits the URL into the components necessary for use with the LibVirt API.
=over 8
=item base
This is the URL without the query string and fragment.
=item proxy
This is the URL to be passed through to a proxy: it strips all but
the parameters applicable to the end point (currently the C<socket>
and C<mode> parameters are passed through).
=item name
This is the URL as it should be passed to the C<name> parameter in
the protocol's C<REMOTE_PROC_CONNECT_OPEN> message.
=item type
This is the type of session. The value can either be C<system> or
=item query
Contains a hashref with the (URI-decoded) name/value pairs from
the query string.
=item transport
The fraction of the protocol following the C<+>; eg., C<ssh> in C<qemu+ssh>.
=item hypervisor
The fraction of the protocol before the C<+>, or lacking a plus-sign, the
protocol; eg., C<qemu> in C<qemu+ssh>.
=item username
The user name embedded in the URL, preceeding the host name, if any.
=item host
The name (or IP address) of the host with the hypervisor.
=item port
The port on the host with the hypervisor to connect to.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<LibVirt|https://libvirt.org>, L<Sys::Virt>
See the LICENSE file in this distribution.