Revision history for Perl extension Aspect.
0.11 Thu Aug 3 2004
Fixed problem in upgrading from 0.08, was getting confused
on Advice and Modular, because they had no version numbers, and
undef is smaller than 0.08. (merlyn)
Lowered dependency on Test::Class to 0.03
0.10 Thu Jul 30 2004
No longer a developer release
Added Listenable reusable aspect
Added subject_params() support for TestClass library aspect
0.09_3 Wed Jul 6 2004
Added Carp::Heavy to list of untouchables in,
to avoid Carp dumping core
Test::Class aspect allows for customizing IUT through
0.09_2 Sat Mar 6 2004
AdviceContext now has the original code, so you can do
AspectJ-style around advice. You can call the original code from
before or after advice. Added AdviceContext::run_original.
Memoize can memoize in any context, not just scalar, again
Added Test::Class helper aspect
Started using Devel::Symdump
0.09_1 Sat Mar 6 2004
Released for review by participants in YAPC::Israel 2004
New syntax is incompatible with old
New maintainer, Ran Eilam
Control flow pointcut: cflow(), done according to Marcel's design
Advice context trapping for control flow pointcuts
Use Test::Class for unit tests
Wormhole reusable aspect
Added prototypes so you can dispense with parentheses
Removed return/around pointcuts, added after advice
Removed attribute interface
Added a mutated version of Hook::LexWrap with support for
appending/removing arguments
Moved reusable aspects to Aspect::Library
regression: Aspect exported subs generate join points again
0.07 Wed Jul 31 22:42:27 CEST 2002
The distribution has been adapted for use with
perl5.8.0. C<Hook::LexWrap> is now a core module, but there was
a problem with context (wantarray) handling with Aspect::Memoize.
Sorry about the perl 5.6.x users, but this is bleeding-edge
stuff, so you're expected to use the very latest gear. Anyway,
you can still get an earlier version (up to 0.07) from CPAN,
which will work with perl 5.6.x.
Aspect::Memoize is now intended for subroutines returning
scalars only. That is, if the sub is called in list context,
it will still only memoize, and return, a memoized scalar. Void
context obviously doesn't matter when it comes to memoization;
subroutines returning lists are something I have to think about.
Tests now use Test::More
0.07 Fri Mar 15 09:04:51 CET 2002
symbols exported from now don't generate join points.
So I added Aspect::import() and modified Aspect::JoinPoint::enum()
to check for %Aspect::exp_syms.
0.06 Fri Oct 26 16:42:51 CEST 2001
added around() function to
added Aspect::Profiled
added Aspect::Attribute interface to creating advice
made Aspect::Advice's enable() and disable() return $self
added cookbook example program
added cookbook recipes for bounds checking and change
tracking, plus sample programs
0.05 Thu Oct 11 09:44:50 CEST 2001
removed dependency on Data::Denter
0.04 Mon Oct 1 18:33:00 CEST 2001
removed the patched Hook::LexWrap now that 0.20 is out
which fixes all the problems of 0.10
added documentation (a recurring theme, never finishes)
0.03 Sun Sep 30 19:43:56 CEST 2001
added documentation
Included a patched Hook::LexWrap that fixes a bug with
wantarray preservation in subroutine wrappers. Will be
removed if and when Damian approves of the patch or otherwise
fixes the bug.
0.02 Fri Sep 28 12:59:06 CEST 2001
added documentation
added '$::thisjp' global variable
added modular memoization aspect: Aspect::Memoize
added modular tracing aspect: Aspect::Trace
0.01 Fri Sep 28 10:36:08 CEST 2001
original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
XAn Aspect