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SVN::Friendly::Client - user friendly front end to Subversion client sub-system API


The methods below cover the functionality shared by all releases of subversion beginning with subversion 1.1. For additional methods exposing features available only in later releases of subversion see "USAGE".

  # Note: The methods below are presented with minimal and maximal
  # parameters. Trailing parameters used by the maximal parameter
  # version may be omitted.

  use SVN::Friendly::Client;

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # String representation of constants and objects
  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # may be called as class or object methods

  $sAction   = SVN::Friendly::Client->getActionAsString($iAction);
  $sStatus   = SVN::Friendly::Client->getStatusAsString($iStatus);
  $sState    = SVN::Friendly::Client->getStateAsString($iState);
  $sKind     = SVN::Friendly::Client->getKindAsString($iKind);
  $sOp       = SVN::Friendly::Client->getScheduledOpAsString($iOp);

  $sDirEntry = SVN::Friendly::Client->getDirEntryString($oDirEntry
                  , $iDatePrecision);

  $sAction   = $oClient->getActionAsString($iAction);
  $sStatus   = $oClient->getStatusAsString($iStatus);
  $sState    = $oClient->getStateAsString($iState);
  $sKind     = $oClient->getKindAsString($iKind);
  $sOp       = $oClient->getScheduledOpAsString($iOp);

  $sDirEntry = $oClient->getDirEntryString($oDirEntry
                  , $iDatePrecision);

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Create/configure a client context object
  # -------------------------------------------------------------

  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new();
  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new($xAuth, $xConfig, $xNotify
     , $crLogMsg, $crCancel, $oPool);

  $oConfig  = $oClient->getConfig();  # SVN::Friendly::Config object
  $oPool    = $oClient->getPool();

  $crLogMsg = $oClient->getLogMessageCallback();
  $crCancel = $oClient->getCancellationCallback();
  $crNotify = $oClient->getNotificationCallback();


  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Synchronize working copy and repository
  # -------------------------------------------------------------

  my $sUUID  = $oClient->getRepositoryUUID($sWc, $oPool);
  my $sRoot  = $oClient->getRepositoryRootURL($sWc, $oPool);

  $iRev = $oClient->checkout($xRepos, $xPeg, $sWc);
  $iRev = $oClient->checkout($xRepos, $xPeg, $sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oClient->status($sWc, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $bUpdate, $xPeg
     , $bAll, $bNoIgnore, $oPool);

  $iRev = $oClient->update($sWc);
  $iRev = $oClient->update($sWc, $xPeg, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oClient->resolved($sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit($xWcPaths);
  $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit($xWcPaths, $sComment, $bRecurse);

  $oClient->cleanup($sWc, $oPool);

  $oClient->lock($xWcPaths, $sComment, $bStealLock, $oPool);

  $oClient->unlock($xPaths, $bBreakLock, $oPool);

  $oClient->switch($sWc, $xRepos);
  $oClient->switch($sWc, $xRepos, $xPeg, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oClient->relocate($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos);
  $oClient->relocate($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos, $oPool);

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Creating, deleting and removing versioned data
  # -------------------------------------------------------------

  $oClient->mkdir($xPaths, $sComment, $oPool);

  $oClient->add($sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oClient->delete($xPaths, $sComment, $bSkipModified, $oPool);

  $oClient->copy($xFrom, $xPeg, $xTo);
  $oClient->copy($xFrom, $xPeg, $xTo, $sComment, $oPool);

  $oClient->move($xFrom, $xTo);
  $oClient->move($xFrom, $xTo, $bSkipModified, $oPool);

  $oClient->propset($xPath, $sProp, $sValue);
  $oClient->propset($xPath, $sProp, $sValue, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oClient->propdel($xPath, $sProp);
  $oClient->propdel($xPath, $sProp, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oClient->revert($sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Comparing and merging revisions
  # -------------------------------------------------------------

  $oClient->diff($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2);
  $oClient->diff($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $bRecurse
     , $aCmdLineOptions, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bIgnoreDeleted
     , $xOutFile, $xErrFile, $oPool);

  $oClient->merge($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc);
  $oClient->merge($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc
     , $bRecurse, $bDryRun, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bForceDelete, $oPool);

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Revision metadata
  # -------------------------------------------------------------

  my $sValue = $oClient->getRevisionProperty($xRepos, $sProp);
  my $sValue = $oClient->getRevisionProperty($xRepos, $sProp, $xPeg);

  my $hProps = $oClient->getRevisionProperties($xRepos);
  my $hProps = $oClient->getRevisionProperties($xRepos, $xPeg);

  $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set($xRepos, $sProp, $xPeg, $sValue);
  $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set($xRepos, $sProp, $xPeg, $sValue
     , $bSkipChecks, $oPool);

  $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete($xRepos, $sProp);
  $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete($xRepos, $sProp, $xPeg
     , $bSkipChecks, $oPool);

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Repository side directory listings
  # -------------------------------------------------------------

  $aRelPaths = $oClient->getPathList($xPath);
  $aRelPaths = $oClient->getPathList($xPath, $xPeg, $bRecurse,$oPool);

  $oClient->list($xPath, $crVisit);
  $oClient->list($xPath, $xPeg, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  # Detailed information for individual files and directories

  my $oInfo   = $oClient->getInfo($sPath);
  my $oInfo   = $oClient->getInfo($sPath, $xPeg, $oPool);

  my $sValue  = $oClient->getPathProperty($sPath, $sProp);
  my $sValue  = $oClient->getPathProperty($sPath, $sProp, $xPeg);

  my $hProps  = $oClient->getPathProperties($sPath);
  my $hProps  = $oClient->getPathProperties($sPath, $xPeg);

  my $sRepos  = $oClient->getRepositoryURL($sWc);
  my $sRepos  = $oClient->getRepositoryURL($sWc, $oPool);

  my $bLocked = $oClient->isLocked($sWc);
  my $bLocked = $oClient->isLocked($sWc, $oPool);

  $oClient->cat($xRepos, $fhOut);
  $oClient->cat($xRepos, $xPeg, $fhOut, $oPool);

  $oClient->blame($xRepos, $crVisit);
  $oClient->blame($xRepos, $xStart, $xEnd, $crVisit, $oPool);

  $oClient->info($xPath, $crVisit);
  $oClient->info($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oClient->log($xPaths, $crVisit);
  $oClient->log($xPaths, $xStart, $xEnd, $crVisit, $bChangedPaths
     , $bStrictNodeHistory, $oPool);

  # -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Importing and exporting
  # -------------------------------------------------------------

  $oCommitInfo = $oClient->import($sLocal, $xRepos);
  $oCommitInfo = $oClient->import($sLocal, $xRepos, $sComment
     , $bRecurse,$oPool);

  $oClient->export($xRepos, $xPeg, $sLocal);
  $oClient->export($xRepos, $xPeg, $sLocal, $bOverwrite, $oPool);


This class provides a user friendly front end to the Subversion bindings so you can develop subversion related applications without relying on the command line. It provides a more user friendly alternative to the raw API exposed by SVN::Alien and nearly raw API exposed by SVN::Client. It provides full access to the functions of the raw API but does so in a way that integrates naturally with Perl programming styles.

As of Feb, 2011 the SVN modules available on CPAN provide only limited support for a user friendly CPAN interface. There is no module or distribution that provides a comprehensive interface that could be used as an alternative to SVN::Client.

Some of the features that make this class a more friendly version of the Subversion API:

encapsulating domain knowledge

This manual page and the implementation of many of the functions (especially the choice of defaults) encapsulate knowledge about the subversion programmable API that can only be gained from experimentation with each methods coupled with careful reading and re-reading of the C-API documentation, Alien::SVN documentation and even occasional dives into source code and SWIG bindings definition files.

parameter defaults and optional trailing parameters.

All methods have been defined so that trailing optional parameters can be omitted and intermediate undefined parameter have reasonable defaults (usually set to the same defaults as the command line client tool).

This is especially important to user friendliness because many of the subversion API functions have very long parameter lists and do not accept undef as a parameter. In the raw API presented by SVN::Client, you have to provide values for every single parameter (except $oPool or you are liable to get error messages. To add to the burden, many parameters will not take undef as a parameter, so you also need to come up with your own default values, which may take some research as mentioned in the previous point. This work is done for you if you use SVN::Friendly::Client.

Thus to get the status of all the files in your working copy you make a call like this:


rather than an ugly call like these which requires every single parameter every single time you call it or else the underlying C function complains about too few parameters.

  $oContext->status($sWc, $xPeg, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $bAll
     , $bUpdate, $bNoIgnore);
provide log comments via method parameters

None of the C-API methods have a parameter where you can set the log message during a commit. Nor is there an easy alternative for identicating the log message. In the C-API log messages are handled by callback method that is defined for the client as a whole and not for individual method calls.

This class simplifies log comments by providing a log message parameter to any method with a standardize parameter order that is liable to commit data to the repository.

consistent easy-to-remember parameter ordering

A standard ordering of parameters is very important to making this API usable because there are many, many methods and parameter lists can be very long and hard to remember. The C-API more or less follows a standard order but there are just enough exceptions to make mistakes easy.

There are costs to regularizing the parameter ordering because preserving the C-API ordering makes looking up documentation in the C-API fairly straightfoward. As a compromise, this class provides two sets of methods:

* methods ending in a major-minor version number strictly follow the C-API parameter ordering.

* all other methods follow an easy to remember standardized parameter ordering discussed in "Order of parameters".

consistant naming of methods belonging to later APIs

The SVN::Friendly::Client|SVN::Friendly::Client also standardizes the naming of methods belonging to each API version. This makes it much easier to choose methods targeted at a specific minimum release of subversion or to detect a minimum release number in legacy code.

For instance, if your application targets the Subversion 1.5 API, then you can use any method ending in 1_5, as well as methods ending in 1_4, 1_1, and any methods without a major_minor suffix.

In the raw C-API (and in SVN::Alien|SVN::Alien), the naming is not so easy. Enhanced versions of functions simply get sequential numbers. As a result the trailing number on an API function often lags behind the subversion release where it first appears. For example, svn_client_blame5 first appears in the 1.7 subversion release, as does svn_client_propset3. To know what functions are compatible with a particular release of subversion, you always have to look at the documentation. You can't just look at the name.

string representation of Subversion constants

To make it easy to debug and print out reports on the repository, stringified versions are provided for all enums and constants used in parameters passed to callback routines or return values. These strings can be retrieved by calling the various getXxxAsString methods.

In the raw C-API all you have are the numbers themselves and you must look up the meaning of the numbers and convert them to human readable strings on your own.

simplified access to repository and working copy metadata

SVN::Friendly::Client provides several getXXX methods to access commonly needed informtion about repositories, working copies, and the paths within them.

These methods typically begin with either "is" or "get".

This information is sometimes difficult to get at witht the raw API because many of the C-API functions use the visitor model to access repository and working copy metadata. To get a single value for a single path one needs to (a) define a variable (b) write a closure that sets that variable (b) pass it as a callback to the method of interest (e.g. info, status, log), and (d) return the value after the method completes

automatic parameter type conversions

SVN:Friendly::Client expands the types that can be used as parameters with API methods:

* any parameter that can take a reference to a list of paths can also take a simple string. The string will be auto wrapped in an array reference.

* any object that stringifies into a file system path or URL can be used as a parameter. Thus one can use a URI object, a Path::Class object or any object you write that overloads "" (see overload in the Perl documentation).

In the raw API, your parameters must exactly match the declared parameter type: only scalars can be passed as scalar parameters, only arrays can be passed as array parameters. The parameters are usually passed directly to the C API so there is no opportunity for natural usage to autoconvert an object to a string.

simplified configuration of the authentication process

The authentication process can be configured with a simple hash and brief keywords. See "Authentication" for details.

Without SVN::Friendly::Client you must manually construct an array of authentication service provider objects. You can still configure authentication that way using SVN::Friendly::Client|SVN::Friendly::Client but in most cases that shouldn't be necessary.

simplified configuration of notifications

SVN::Friendly::Client gives you two options for configuring Notifications: you can install a callback routine or provide a hash that SVN::Friendly::Client will convert into a callback routine.

The hash is meant for situations where you want your notification action to depend on the event. Each key of the hash identifies an event or group of events and stores a callback associated with that event. See "Notification" for details.

If you were to use only the tools provided by the raw subversion Perl bindings, you would have no choice but to define the callback and switch statement in lieu of the hash.

subclassable interface

SVN::Friendly::Client may be subclassed. It will do the right thing and call methods on the parent interface with parameters in the correct locations.

Due to the way SVN::Client presently (1.6.12 and earlier)automates the conversion of the raw C-API to object methods, SVN::Client cannot be subclassed. Even though the methods are inherited, parameters will not be passed in the correct order to the C-API.



There are no exportable methods. To use the methods defined for this class and its objects, simply place the following line at the top of your code module, along with your other use statements:

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Foobar;
  use SVN::Friendly::Client;   # <== this module

String representation of constants and objects

Subversion has quite a number of enumerated constants. These can be hard to interpret during debugging, so SVN::Friendly::Client has provided methods that convert these constants into human readable strings:

  # convert notification actions (SVN::Wc::Notify::Action) to strings

  $sAction = SVN::Friendly::Client->getActionAsString($iAction);
  $sAction = $oClient->getActionAsString($iAction);

  # convert status codes (SVN::Wc::Status) to strings

  $sStatus = SVN::Friendly::Client->getStatusAsString($iStatus);
  $sStatus = $oClient->getStatusAsString($iStatus);

  # convert SVN::Wc::Notify::State constants to strings

  $sState = SVN::Friendly::Client->getStateAsString($iState);
  $sState = $oClient->getStateAsString($iState);

  # convert SVN::Node constants to strings

  $sKind = SVN::Friendly::Client->getKindAsString($iKind);
  $sKind = $oClient->getKindAsString($iKind);

  # convert SVN::Wc::Schedule constants to strings

  $sOp = SVN::Friendly::Client->getScheduledOpAsString($iOp);
  $sOp = $oClient->getScheduledOpAsString($iOp);

  # convert a svn_dirent_t object to a string
  # see SVN::Friendly::Dates for values of $iDatePrecisin

  $sDirEntry = SVN::Friendly::Client->getDirEntryString($oDirEntry
                  , $iDatePrecision);
  $sDirEntry = $oClient->getDirEntryString($oDirEntry
                  , $iDatePrecision);

Creating and configuring a client object

Subversion client objects store data needed to configure and run a subversion client context.

Each context optionally includes:

* $xAuth an authorization baton storing username, password, and other information needed to log into a repository and the server hosting it. See below for details about how to create a baton.

* $xConfig configuration data. You can provide either the fully qualified path name of a configuration file or a hash storing an in-memory configuration. See below for details.

* $xNotify a notification function or a hash that will be converted into one. This function is called to verbosely narrate or to perform special follow-up or logging for operations on the working copy and repository. See below for details.

* $crLogMsg a log message generator code reference. This function is called whenever subversion needs to commit a change to the repository. It can fill in the message by a variety of means depending on your subversion application: launching an interactive process, polling a global variable for instance. See below for details.

* $crCancel a cancel code reference. This function is responsible for graceful handling of user aborts and other reasons for forced termination of a subversion operation. It is called at various logical stopping points during a subversion operation. The function canvases its environment for some sort of cancellation request and operates on it. See below for details.

* $oPool a memory pool used by the client context operations. See the next section on common parameters for further discussion.

The client context does not include a path to a particular working copy or repository. This is because the client context object defines how operations will be carried out for any desired combination of working copy and repository.

Also note that "context" refers to the collection of properties used to create the conntection to the remote repository, not to an actual networking session. Depending on the location of the repository and the communication protocol used to connect to the repository, there may be one, two, or many remote connections started and terminated during the life of a client context.

The properties of a client context can be set at creation or after the fact via setter methods:

  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new();
  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new
     ($xAuth, $xConfig, $xNotify, $crLogMsg, $crCancel);
  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new
     ($xAuth, $xConfig, $xNotify, $crLogMsg, $crCancel);

  $xConfig  = $oClient->getConfig();
  $oPool    = $oClient->getPool();

  $crLogMsg = $oClient->getLogMessageCallback();
  $crCancel = $oClient->getCancellationCallback();
  $crNotify = $oClient->getNotificationCallback();



A version control system isn't much use unless you have access to a repository. Therefore part of the work of the client context is to request, search for, and store any data needed to log into or gain access to a repository.

By default, a context uses one of five authentication strategies in order. If it cannot gain access with one strategy, it will try the next. Also by default, this authentication process is silent. It gets the information for each of these strategies from (a) configuration files (b) data cached during a prior attempt to access that repository. The strategies in order are:

  • username only

  • username + password (this is called "simple" in the C-API)

  • SSL server side - the server is looked up in a file of trusted servers.

  • SSL client side - the client identifies itself with an SSL certificate.

  • SSL client side + password - in addition to the SSL certificate the client side must provide a password.

You can customize the process by passing any of the following objects to the client context constructor or to its configureAuthentication method;

  • a configuration hash

  • an array of hand crafted provider objects

  • an authentication baton

Customizing authentication with a hash

The easiest way to customize authentication is to use a configuration hash. The providers key of the hash can be used to decide which providers you will use and in what order. You can set general properties for the providers using the pool and retries keys. The remaining keys (username, username_pw, ssl_server, etc) are used to configure specific providers.

Each provider key is configured with a two element array reference:

  [0]  a code reference that will prompt the user or use some other
       means for retrieving the username. This will be called if
       silent authentication fails.

  [1]  no-silent flag. If true, all requests for authentication
       information will be sent to the prompt callback.

Alternatively, as a shortcut, you can provide the key a code reference. The code reference will be auto-converted into [$coderef,undef].

The keys in more detail follow:


This may be set to any of the following constants, or else to an array of these constants. Each constant identifies a strategy to use. If the value is a single constant, then it indicates the first strategy to use in the list above. Earlier strategies will be skipped. If the value is an array, it indicates the order in which strategies should be used. Any strategy omitted from the list will be ignored.

* USERNAME - use username only to authenticate

* USRNAME_PW - use username + password to authenticate

* SSL_SERVER - authenticate based on a server-side SSL certificate

* SSL_CLIENT - self identify with a client-side SSL certificate

* SSL_CLIENT_PW - in addition to self identifying with a client side certificate, provide a password.

If this key is missing all providers will be used in their default order.


Identifies the memory pool to be used by the authentication process. Each provider will be created to use this pool. Unless you have very specific memory management needs, you won't normally need to set the key. See "Memory Pools" below for further discussion.


The number of times a user is allowed to retry when prompted for authentication information. If unset, defaults to 3. To allow unlimited retries, set this to a negative number. This key will be ignored if all of the providers are configured to gather authentication data silently.


Details for configuring the username authentication process.


Details for configuration the username + password authentication process.


Details for configuration the ssl server authentication process.


Details for configuration the ssl client authentication process.


Details for configuration the ssl client + password authentication process.

Customizing authentication with a provider array

For more information on how to create provider arrays see the section titled "Authentication Providers" in SVN::Client.

Customizing authentication with an authentication baton

You can also create an authentication baton from scratch. See particularly the methods SVN::Core::auth_open and SVN::Core::auth_open_helper documented in SVN::Core|SVN::Core. You may also find it helpful to look at the C-API documentation found at .

Writing prompt callbacks

A typical prompt callback for the command line would print a prompt to standard out, read in the reponse from standard in and populate the $oCredentials parameter of the callback with whatever information it could get from the user.

For a graphical interface, the workflow would be similar except that instead of writing to STDOUT and reading from STDIN, the input would be gathered from a dialog box.

The callback methods have the following parameters:

   # -----------------------------------------
   # when provider is username or username_pw
   # -----------------------------------------

   sub promptForUserName {
     my ($oCredentials, $sRealm, $sUserNameDefault
        , $bMaySave, $oPool) = @_;

     # if provider is ..., $oCredentials is an instance of ...
     # username:     _p_svn_auth_cred_username_t
     # username_pw:  _p_svn_auth_cred_simple_t

     #... gather data here, populate $oCredentials ...

   # -----------------------------------------
   # when provider is ssl_server
   # -----------------------------------------

   sub promptForSSLServer {
     my ($oCredentials, $sRealm, $iFail, $oServerCert
        , $bMaySave, $oPool) = @_;

     # $oCredentials is an instance of
     #    svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t
     # $oServerCert is an instance of
     #    svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t

     #... gather data here, populate $oCredentials ...

   # -----------------------------------------
   # when provider is ssl_client or ssl_client_pw
   # -----------------------------------------

   sub promptForSSLClient {
     my ($oCredentials, $sRealm, $bMaySave, $oPool) = @_;

     # if provider is ..., $oCredentials is an instance of ...
     # ssl_client:    _p_svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_t
     # ssl_client_pw: _p_svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t

     #... gather data here, populate $oCredentials ...

Commit (log) messages

Each time that a change is commit to the repository, subversion tries to accompany that change with a log message describing the change. For various reasons this message is not passed as a parameter in the C-API but rather is retrived via a callback method that can be called by an operation that involves a commit (e.g. commit, but also a remote copy or move or other operation).

In the SVN::Friendly::Client class, methods that potentially commit data do take a parameter.

This callback is passed as a parameter to the constructor of the client context. It can also be set after the context object is created via the log_msg method.


Subversion calls a client's notification function whenever some sort of action takes place on the repository and/or working copy. A client context can be assigned a notification function in one of two ways: at creation via the parameter list of new or after the fact via the configureNotification method.

In either case, SVN::Friendly::Client provides two different ways to define notification callback: a code reference and a hash. The code reference is meant for simple situations where all notifications get the same response.

The hash can be used when the response to notification depends on the specific action. There are quite a number of different actions and every so often a subverversion release adds even more. If you were to use a code reference instead of the hash, your notification function would have to have a giant ugly if...elsif...else statement. With the hash, you select the actions you care about, provide callbacks for those specific actions (or groups of actions) and let SVN::Friendly::Client take care of all of the ugly routing of actions to the correct response.

Defining notifications with a code reference

If you have a single response for all notifications (e.g. print out "Hey, such and such was done", then your easiest path is likely to be a callback function. This function should expect the following parameters:

  sub myNotifier {
    my ($sPath, $iAction, $iKind, $sMime,$iState,$iRevision)=@_;

    #... do something

To install it:

  # install at creation
  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new(undef, undef, \&myNotifier);

  # install later on
  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new();

Defining notifications with a hash

If you need to respond differently to notifications based on the type of action triggering the notification you may want to consider using a notification hash rather than a notification callback.

If you pass a notification hash, SVN::Friendly::Client automatically converts that into a notification callback that identifies the current action and triggers the correct notififer code reference for that action. In the hash, you can define notifier functions for individual actions or for groups of actions.

  my $crAdd    = sub { print "I'm adding" };
  my $crDelete = sub { print "I'm deleting" };

  my $crCommit = sub {
    my ($sPath, $iAction) = @_;
    print "Committing! doing $iAction on $sPath";

  my $crDefault = sub {
    my ($sKey, $sPath, $iAction) = @_;
    print "I'm doing it: $sKey, $iAction on $sPath\n";

  my $hNotify
     = { default => $crDefault
       , schedule =>
           {$SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::add => $crAdd
            , $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::delete => $crDelete
       , commit => $crCommit

  # install at creation
  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new(undef, undef, $hNotify);

  # install later on
  $oClient = SVN::Friendly::Client->new();

The notification hash has top level keys representing the major responsitory and working copy action groups. Within each group there are usually several actions (e.g. schedule includes add, delete, copy, etc).

   default   - handles any action/action group that does not have
               its own callback

   schedule  - change was scheduled
   revert    - change was unscheduled
   resolved  - a conflict was marked as resolved
   update    - bring down changes from the repository
   follow    - actions resulting from attempting to follow URL
               redirects or externals definitions
   commit    - a change was committed
   revprop   - a change to revision properties occurred

   lock      - a file was locked or unlocked
   merge     - a notable event occurred during a merge
   patch     - a patch was applied to the working copy
   blame     - notable events during a blame method call

You can assign either a code reference or a hash to these keys. Use a code reference if you want to respond to all actions in the group in the same way. Use a hash if you would like to respond individually to actions within that operation.

The action groups are discussed in detail below.


Handles any action for which there is no assigned code refernce. The callback method expects the following parameters:

   # -----------------------------------
   # $sKey - any first level hash key listed below other than default.
   # $sAction - any value that may be used in a hash assigned to
   #            $sKey
   # $sPath   - the path being operated upon by $sAction
   # -----------------------------------

   sub myHandler {
      my ($sKey, $sPath, $iAction, action dependent params...) = @_;

The schedule configures responses to scheduling actions (adds, deleted, copies, renames), i.e. changes that are planned in the local working copy but have not yet been made in the repository

You can assign this key either a code reference or a hash. If you pass a code reference, that function will be called after each file or directory is scheduled for addition, copying, or deletion. For rename operations it is called twice. Subversion views a rename as a copy followed by a delete so it schedules two operations (copy, delete) rather than one.

The callback method should look like this:

  # $iAction  - the action id that triggered this
  # $iKind    - one of the $SVN::Node constants
  # $iState   - one of the $SVN::Wc::Notify::State constants

  sub myScheduleActionHandler {
    my ($sPath, $iAction, $iKind, $sMime, $iState, $iRevision) = @_;

If you pass a hash, the hash should have a separate key each for each type of scheduled action (each value of $iAction). These keys should be assigned a callback that has above signature. The possible action/hash key values are:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::add - notifies that an addition has been scheduled.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::delete - notifies that a deletion has been scheduled

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::copy - notifies that a copy has been scheduled.

For 1.5,1.6 only:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::changelist_moved - warns that a path has been moved from one change list to another. For 1.7 and up changelist_set/changelist_clear actions are sent instead.

For 1.5 and up:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::exists - warns that an attempt was made to add a path that is already in the repository

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::changelist_set - notifies that a changelist name has been set.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::changelist_clear - notifies that a changelist has been cleared.

For 1.6 and up:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::property_added

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::property_deleted

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::property_modified

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::property_deleted_nonexistent


The revert key configures responses to undo scheduled actions. It has the same signature as other progress reporting callbacks, and differs only in the list of action keys:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::restore - a file was added to the working copy in order to restore it to the version that was most recently checked out or updated.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::revert - a file in the working copy was modified in order to restore it to the version that was most recently checked out or updated.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::failed_revert - an attempt was made to restore a file in the working copy to its pristine state before changes were made. The attempt failed.


The resolved key configures responses to the resolved action. Although this key can accept either a hash or a code reference, there is little point in using a hash as there is only one action:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::resolved


The update key configures responses to update actions. It has the same signature as other progress reporting callbacks, and differs only in the values used as keys for the action hash:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_add - a file or directory was added to the working copy in order to reconcile it with the latest revision.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_delete - a file or directory was deleted from the working copy in order to reconcile the working copy with the lastest revision.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_update - properties or text was updated for a file or directory in the working copy in order to reconcile the working copy with the latest revision.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_external - a directory flagged as external was updated.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::skip - a path was skipped during the update, usually due to a conflict.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_completed - the update process has been completed.

For subversion 1.5 and up:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_replace - a file with the same name but a different history replaced the working copy version of the file so that the working copy could be updated to match the lastest repository revision.

For subversion 1.6 and up:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::tree_conflict - an update resulted in a tree conflict. A tree conflict occurs when the current working copy has edited a file that was deleted from the repository since the last time the working copy and repository were synchronized.

For subversion 1.7 and up:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_started

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_obstruction

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_external_removed

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_add_deleted

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::update_update_deleted

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::upgraded_path


The follow key configures responses to attempts to follow the repository URL passes as either operation targets or stored as externals definitions.

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::status_external - called before processing each external definiton.

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::status_completed - called after processing each external definition.

For subversion 1.6 and up:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::failed_external - an external definition could not be resolved.

For subversion 1.7 and up:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::url_redirect - a URL specified in a working copy or externals definition was redirected.


The commit key configures responses to commit actions. Commit actions include, of course, explicit calls to the Client's commit method but also any action that changes the central repository without touching the local copy.

As with other actions it may be assigned either a hash or a code reference. The keys of the hash are:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::commit_added - a file or directory path was added to the repository. This action is triggered after both a scheduled add and a scheduled copy action.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::commit_deleted - a file or directory was deleted from the repository.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::commit_modified - text or properties changes on a file or directory have been committed to the repository.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::commit_replaced - a relacement for a file was committed to the repository. A file is considered to be a replacement if it has the same name as a file that was previously moved or deleted. The replacement file will have a separate history and identity from the previously deleted file even though they share a name.

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::commit_postfix_txdelta - the actual changes to file contents has been transmitted and posted to the repository. This action happens once at the end of the commit process whenever a file has been added or modified. Rather than submit changes piecemeal subversion collects all text changes into a single action at the end after verifying that all changes to repository paths will be accepted.


The revprop key configures repsonses to revision property actions.

For 1.6 and up:

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::revprop_set

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::revprop_deleted

This key will be ignored for subversions earlier than 1.6


The lock key configures responses to lock actions. It has the same signature as other progress reporting callbacks, and differs only in the list of action keys:

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::locked

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::unlocked

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::failed_lock

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::failed_unlock


Starting with 1.5, subversion sends notifications during the merge process. The merge key configures responses to those notifications. It has the same signature as other progress reporting callbacks. The key values of its action hash are:

For 1.5 and up:

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::merge_begin

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::foreign_merge_begin

For 1.6 and up:

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::merge_completed

For subversion 1.7 and up:

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::merge_record_info

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::merge_record_info_begin

* $SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::merge_elide_info

This key will be ignored for subversions earlier than 1.5.


The patch key configures responses to patch actions.

For 1.7 and up:

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::patch

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::patch_applied_hunk

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::patch_rejected_hunk

* SVN::Wc::Notify::Action::patch_hunk_already_applied

This key will be ignored for subversions earlier than 1.7.


The blame key configures responses to blame actions. There is only one such action:


Using the client object

Synchronizing working copies and repositories

Although the repository can be edited directory, the normal practice is to make a working copy of the repository and edit that. The working copy stores a snapshot of the lastest version of each file and directory of interest. This may be each and every file and directory in the repository, but more often it is just those files and directories one is currently working on.

To create a working copy, you use the checkout method. A special command is needed because the directories of the working copy each have a special hidden subdirectory (.svn) that stores the lastest snapshot and all scheduled changes to that snapshot.

When a working copy is created it "burns in" the repository from which it was created. The upside is that you don't need to specify the repository every time you want to upload and download information from the repository. The downside is that you must patch the working copy if the repository moves. You can use the relocate method for that purpose.

After making changes to the local working copy, you can see all the scheduled changes using the status method. This method can also be used to check the repository to see if any changes have been posted to the repository since the working copy snapshot was downloaded.

To bring in changes since the working copy snapshot was downloaded one uses the update method. This method will download and merge in changes to the files and directories in your working copy. It is often a good idea to run this command before uploading your changes to the repository. This lets you adjust your own changes to be consistent with those of others before committing those changes.

To let subversion know that you have examined a conflict and resolved it to your satisfaction, you can use the resolve method on a conflicted file.

To upload change made locally and store them in the repository, one uses the commit method. This method checks to see if any changes have been posted to the repository since the working copy snapshot was downloaded. If so, it looks for possible conflicts between those changes and the changes made locally. If conflicts are found the commit will fail. If the commit is successful, the working copy snapshot will be updated to look like the current HEAD revision.

If a commit fails due to conflicts, it will often be left in a transitional state. Certain local edits can also leave things in a transiational state, for example, attempts to copy resources scheduled for addition that have not yet been added to the respository) can also leave things in a transitional state.

To clean up partially completed commit transactions and failed scheduling operations, use the cleanup method before trying to commit again. In general if the commit involves a directory path, you will not be able to run commit again until you use this method.

To signal to others that they should not change certain files in the repository, you can lock those files and directories with the lock method. They will be unlocked automatically with the next commit by default, but you can unlock them earlier using the unlock method. You can also use the unlock method to release any locks you held onto after the commit.

When you are finished with your work on a particular group of files you don't need to delete the working copy. Alternatively you can "switch" the working copy to a new branch or project within the repository using the switch method.

See below this listing of parameters and calling conventions for more detailed discussion of each method.

  # identifying the associated repository

  my $sUUID  = $oClient->getRepositoryUUID($sWc, $oPool);
  my $sRoot  = $oClient->getRepositoryRootURL($sWc, $oPool);

  # - $oStatus     an svn_wc_status_t object
  # - $iUpdateRev  the revision number to which the working copy
  #                of $sWc was updated
  # - $aUpdateRevs the revision numbers to which the workng copies
  #                of the paths in $xWcPaths were updated. The
  #                revisions will be in the order of the paths.
  # - $xPaths     a single path or array of paths. The paths may
  #               be either working copy or repository paths.
  # - $sWc        working copy path
  # - $xWcPaths   a single path or array of working copy paths
  #               identifying files and directories to commit
  # - $xRepos     URL of repository - maybe string or uri object
  # - $xPeg       the repository revision against which the working
  #               copy will be compared or updated. Defaults to HEAD
  #               Other legal values include: 'PREV','COMMITTED',
  #               'BASE', 'WORKING', revision numbers, and date
  #               strins in ISO8601 format.
  # - $crVisit    code reference to function called when each file
  #               in a status report is visited.
  # - $bUpdate    false = status shows local changes only
  #               true = status shows changes to repository as well
  #               defaults to false
  #               Note: (status ignore the peg parameter unless this
  #               is true)
  # - $bAll       false = status visits only files with changes
  #               true = status visits all files
  #               defaults to false
  # - $bNoIgnore  false = status ignores unversioned files that
  #               fit the cvs-ignore property pattern.
  #               true = status visits even ignored files
  #               defaults to false
  # - $bSkipExternals see Parameter List Notes and Conventions
  # - $bKeepLocks true if commit does not release locks
  # - $bStealLock true if existing lock should be stolen from
  #               working copy that originally created it and
  #               given to the current working copy.
  # - $bBreakLock true if existing lock should be cleared
  # - $bCaptureRevs If true, the method will return an array
  #                 populated with revision ids. There will be
  #                 one id returned for each path in $xWcPaths.
  #                 This will be the revision to which that path
  #                 was updated.

  $iUpdateRev = $oClient->checkout($xRepos, $xPeg, $sWc);
  $iUpdateRev = $oClient->checkout($xRepos, $xPeg, $sWc, $bRecurse
     , $oPool);

     $iUpdateRev = $oClient->checkout1_1($xRepos, $sWc, $xPeg
        , $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $iUpdateRev = $oClient->checkout1_4($xRepos, $sWc, $xPeg
        , $xRev, $bRecurse, $bSkipExternals, $oPool);

     $iUpdateRev = $oClient->checkout1_5($xRepos, $sWc, $xPeg, $xRev
        , $iDepth, $bSkipExternals, $bAllowUnversionedObstructions
        , $oPool);

     $iUpdateRev = $oClient->checkout1_6($xRepos, $sWc, $xPeg, $xRev
        , $iDepth, $bSkipExternals, $bAllowUnversionedObstructions
        , $oPool);

     $iUpdateRev = $oClient->checkout1_7($xRepos, $sWc, $xPeg, $xRev
        , $iDepth, $bSkipExternals, $bAllowUnversionedObstructions
        , $oPool);

  my $oStatus = $oClient->getStatus($sWc);

  $oClient->status($sWc, $crVisit);
  $oClient->status($sWc, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $bUpdate, $xPeg
     , $bAll, $bNoIgnore, $oPool);

     $oClient->status1_1($sWc, $xPeg, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $bAll
        , $bUpdate, $bNoIgnore, $oPool);

     $oClient->status1_4($sWc, $xPeg, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $bAll
        , $bUpdate, $bNoIgnore, $bSkipExternals, $oPool);

     $oClient->status1_5($sWc, $xPeg, $crVisit, $iDepth, $bAll
        , $bUpdate, $bNoIgnore, $bSkipExternals, $aChangeLists
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->status1_6($sWc, $xPeg, $crVisit, $iDepth, $bAll
        , $bUpdate, $bNoIgnore, $bSkipExternals, $aChangeLists
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->status1_7($sWc, $xPeg, $iDepth, $bAll
        , $bUpdate, $bNoIgnore, $bSkipExternals, $bDepthAsSticky
        , $aChangeLists, $crVisit, $oPool);

  $iUpdateRev = $oClient->update($sWc);
  $iUpdateRev = $oClient->update($sWc, $xPeg, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $iUpdateRev= $oClient->update1_1($sWc, $xPeg, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $aUpdateRevs = $oClient->update1_4($xWcPaths, $xPeg, $bRecurse
       , $bSkipExternals, $oPool);

     $aUpdateRevs = $oClient->update1_5($xWcPaths, $xPeg, $iDepth
       , $bDepthIsSticky, $bSkipExternals
       , $bAllowUnversionedObstructions, $oPool);

     $aUpdateRevs = $oClient->update1_6($xWcPaths, $xPeg, $iDepth
       , $bDepthIsSticky, $bSkipExternals
       , $bAllowUnversionedObstructions, $oPool);

     $aUpdateRevs = $oClient->update1_7($xWcPaths, $xPeg, $iDepth
       , $bDepthIsSticky, $bSkipExternals
       , $bAllowUnversionedObstructions, $bMakeParents, $oPool);

  $oClient->resolved($sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

      # resolved1_1, etc have the same parameters

  $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit($xWcPaths);
  $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit($xWcPaths, $sComment, $bRecurse);

     $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit1_1($xWcPaths, $sComment
        , $bNonRecursive, $oPool);

     $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit1_4($xWcPaths, $sComment
        , $bRecurse, $bKeepLocks, $oPool);

     $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit1_5($xWcPaths, $sComment
        , $iDepth, $bKeepLocks, $bKeepChangelists, $aChangeLists
        , $hRevProps, $oPool);

     $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit1_6($xWcPaths, $sComment
        , $iDepth, $bKeepLocks, $bKeepChangelists, $aChangeLists
        , $hRevProps, $oPool);

     $oCommitInfo = $oClient->commit1_7($xWcPaths, $sComment
        , $iDepth, $bKeepLocks, $bKeepChangelists, $aChangeLists
        , $hRevProps, $crCommit, $oPool);

  $oClient->cleanup($sWc, $oPool);

     # cleanup1_1, etc have the same parameters

  $oClient->lock($xWcPaths, $sComment, $bStealLock, $oPool);

     # lock1_1, etc have the same parameters

  $oClient->unlock($xPaths, $bBreakLock, $oPool);

     # unlock1_1, etc have the same parameters

  # patching/changing the associated repository path

  $iRev = $oClient->switch($sWc, $xRepos);
  $iRev = $oClient->switch($sWc, $xRepos, $xPeg, $bRecurse, $oPool);

    $iRev = $oClient->switch1_1($sWc, $xRepos, $xPeg, $bRecurse
      , $oPool);

    $iRev = $oClient->switch1_4($sWc, $xRepos, $xPeg, $bRecurse
      , $oPool);

    $iRev = $oClient->switch1_5($sWc, $xRepos, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
      , $bDepthIsSticky, $bIgnoreExternals
      , $bAllowUnversionedObstructions, $oPool);

    $iRev = $oClient->switch1_6($sWc, $xRepos, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
      , $bDepthIsSticky, $bIgnoreExternals
      , $bAllowUnversionedObstructions, $oPool);

    $iRev = $oClient->switch1_7($sWc, $xRepos, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
      , $bDepthIsSticky, $bIgnoreExternals
      , $bAllowUnversionedObstructions, $oPool);

  $oClient->relocate($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos);
  $oClient->relocate($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos, $oPool);

    $oClient->relocate1_1($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos, $bRecurse
       , $oPool);

    $oClient->relocate1_4($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos, $bRecurse
       , $oPool);

    $oClient->relocate1_5($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos, $bRecurse
       , $oPool);

    $oClient->relocate1_6($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos, $bRecurse
       , $oPool);

    $oClient->relocate1_7($sWc, $xFromRepos, $xToRepos
       , $bIgnoreExternals, $oPool);

    Note: $bRecurse is required to be true as of 1.7API

Equivalent on the command line to svn checkout.

Create a working copy of the repository in a local file system directory. For additional documentation see

* svn checkout in



Equivalent on the command line to svn cleanup.

Gets rid of stale locks and other transaction debris that might be interfering with client side actions involving the local repository copy. For additional documentation see

* svn cleanup in



Equivalent on the command line to svn commit.

This method uploads and commits scheduled changes to directory lists, file contents and properties to the central repository. The return value depends on the subversion release:

* prior to 1.4, returns svn_client_commit_info_t

* 1.4, 1.5 return svn_commit_info_t

* 1.6 and beyond - no return value; a call-back is used instead so that the call can construct their own summary data from the commit process.

Both return objects have the following methods in common

* $oCommitInfo->revision() - returns the HEAD revision number created by this commit.

* $oCommitInfo->author() - the author responsible for the commit

* $oCommitInfo->date() - the server side date of the commit

For additional documentation see

* svn commit in





Equivalent on the command line to svn lock.

Places a lock on a file. This prevents other users from editing and committing the file without explicitly breaking or stealing the lock. This method is primarily used with binary files that can not be easily merged.

This method only applies to files. At present there is no directory locking.

For additional documentaiton see

* svn lock in



Equivalent on the command line to svn switch --relocate old new

If the repository associated with a working copy is moved, then the working copy will reference a non-existant repository. The relocate method patches a working copy directory (normally the working copy root) so that it now points to a new valid repository. No other changes will be made. In particular files and directories will remain unchanged.

The new URL must point to a repository with the same UUID or there will be an error. This method cannot be used to associate the working copy with a completely new repository.

For additional documentation see for its documentation of the switch svn subcommand.

* svn switch in



Equivalent on the command line to svn resolved.

Sometimes subversion sees two possible ways to change a file and doesn't know which one to choose. When this happens, subversion marks the file as "conflicted" and it will mark up the file to indicate just what it is confused about. The user must then go into the file and decide which changes should be kept. When this is done, the user must tell subversion that the file is not longer "conflicted". This end-user action is called "resolution".

resolved(...) removes the conflicted state from a file in the working copy so that it can be committed. Presumably, the user or a computer program has cleared up the confusion before this method is called.

For more information see:

* svn resolved in



Equivalent on the command line to svn status.

Compares the local repository and the central repository, looking for uncommitted changes, conflicted files, files that have no association with a repository revision, and files whose contents no longer reflect the latest and greatest version in the central repository.

This method doesn't change either the local copy or the central repository. It is often used to preview the effect of an revert, update or commit action.

For additional documentation see

* svn status in



Equivalent on the command line to svn switch without the relocate parameter.

Assign a working copy directory (normally the working copy root) to another repository and replace all files and directories with those from the new repository.

Alternatively assign the working copy directory to a new branch of the current repository. Again replace all files and directories with those from the new branch.

For additional documentation see

* svn switch in



Equivalent on the command line to svn unlock.

Unlocks a file. At present there is no directory locking or locking so no need to unlock directories.

For additional documentaiton see

* svn unlock in



Equivalent on the command line to svn update.

Download the latest changes from the repository to the local copy, merging changes where possible, and noting conflicts when merges are not possible. A conflict will arise whenever a file is changed in incompatible ways, e.g. the local copy and the central repository version have changed line X in two different ways or the local copy has deleted a file that the repository has modified (or vice versa).

For additional documentation see

* svn update in


Creating, deleting, and removing versioned data

Subversion supports versioning of directory listings, files, and properties associated with directories and files. If used consistently to copy and rename files it will also track the naming history of files and directories so that the history of a file is not lost when it renamed.

The following general rules apply to the methods below:

* Directory operations are recursive by default.

* Operations on working copy paths will both modify the local file system and schedule the operation for later commiting to the repository. They have no effect on the repository itself until the commit command is run. See the next section for the commit command.

* There is no way to schedule a change without actually changing the local copy. If you added a file accidentally and then decide that you don't want it in the repository after all, use the revert command, not delete. The delete command will delete the file itself along with unscheduling the addition. (Note: the Subversion 5 API provides a flag to allow scheduling of deletes without actually deleting the file locally, but it isn't the default behavior and this feature is not available to earlier releases).

* Operations on repository paths have an immediate effect on the repository and will fail if the client object's authentication baton does not provide acccess to the repository. They will have no effect on any local working copy until that working copy runs the update command (see next section).

* Operations that copy files,paths, and properties can have either the repository or the working copy as their "from" parameter. This lets one revive historic versions and bring them into the lastest HEAD revision of the repository.

* You can't actually add or delete filesand directories from any historic version in the repository, including HEAD. When an operation takes place directly on the repository, it creates a new version and the HEAD revision is bumped up on. It looks like you edited HEAD, but in fact the repository created a new version and called that new version HEAD.

* Revert undoes any local modifications. It doesn't require repository access because it uses the versions of each file that were cached when the last update,checkout, or commit was run.

  # - $xPaths        string or array containing working copy
  #                  and/or repository paths
  # - $xPath         working copy and/or repository path
  # - $xWcPath       string or array containing working copy paths
  # - $sWcPath       a working copy path
  # - $xFrom         working copy or repos path
  # - $xTo           working copy or repos path
  # - $bSkipModified 1 to avoid deleting modified files when
  #                  deleting or moving, 0 otherwise

  $oClient->add($sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->add1_1($sWcPath, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->add1_4($sWcPath, $bRecurse, $bForceAdd, $bNoIgnore
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->add1_5($sWcPath, $iDepth, $bForceAdd, $bNoIgnore
        , $bAddParents, $oPool);

     $oClient->add1_6($sWcPath, $iDepth, $bForceAdd, $bNoIgnore
        , $bAddParents, $oPool);

     $oClient->add1_7($sWcPath, $iDepth, $bForceAdd, $bNoIgnore
        , $bAddParents, $oPool);

  $oClient->mkdir($xPaths, $sComment, $oPool);

     $oClient->mkdir1_1($xPaths, $sComment, $oPool);

     $oClient->mkdir1_4($xPaths, $sComment, $oPool);

     $oClient->mkdir1_5($xPaths, $sComment, $bMakeParents
        , $hRevProps, $oPool);

     $oClient->mkdir1_6($xPaths, $sComment, $bMakeParents
        , $hRevProps, $oPool);

     $oClient->mkdir1_7($xPaths, $sComment, $bMakeParents
        , $hRevProps, $crCommit, $oPool);

  $oClient->delete($xPaths, $sComment, $bSkipModified, $oPool);

     $oClient->delete1_1($xPaths, $sComment, $bForce, $oPool);

     $oClient->delete1_4($xPaths, $sComment, $bForce, $oPool);

     $oClient->delete1_5($xPaths, $sComment, $bForce, $bKeepLocal
        , $hRevProp, $oPool);

     $oClient->delete1_6($xPaths, $sComment, $bForce, $bKeepLocal
        , $hRevProp, $oPool);

     $oClient->delete1_7($xPaths, $sComment, $bForce, $bKeepLocal
        , $hRevProp, $crCommit, $oPool);

  $oClient->copy($xFrom, $xPeg, $xTo);
  $oClient->copy($xFrom, $xPeg, $xTo, $sComment, $oPool);

     $oClient->copy1_1($sFrom, $xPeg, $sTo, $sComment, $oPool);

     $oClient->copy1_4($sFrom, $xPeg, $sTo, $sComment, $oPool);

     $oClient->copy1_5($xFrom, $xPeg, $sTo, $sComment, $bCopyAsChild
        , $bMakeParents, $hRevProps, $oPool);

     $oClient->copy1_6($xFrom, $xPeg, $sTo, $sComment, $bCopyAsChild
        , $bMakeParents, $bIgnoreExternals, $hRevProps, $oPool);

     $oClient->copy1_7($xFrom, $xPeg, $sTo, $sComment, $bCopyAsChild
        , $bMakeParents, $bIgnoreExternals, $hRevProps
        , $crCommit, $oPool);

  $oClient->move($xFrom, $xTo, $bForce);
  $oClient->move($xFrom, $xTo, $bForce, $oPool);

     $oClient->move1_1($xFrom, $xPeg, $sTo, $bForce, $oPool);

     $oClient->move1_4($xFrom, $sTo, $bForce, $oPool);

     $oClient->move1_5($xFromPaths, $sTo, $bForce, $bMoveAsChild
        , $bMakeParents, $hRevProps, $oPool);

     $oClient->move1_6($xFromPaths, $sTo, $bForce, $bMoveAsChild
        , $bMakeParents, $hRevProps, $oPool);

     $oClient->move1_7($xFromPaths, $sTo, $bMoveAsChild
        , $bMakeParents, $hRevProps, $crCommit, $oPool);

  # path properties
  # $sProp        the name of a property
  # $sValue       the value to assign to the property
  # $bSkipChecks  If true, permit the user to assign values or 
  #               properties that would normally be considered
  #               invalid, e.. newlines in the revision's
  #               C<svn:author> property.

  $oClient->propset($xPath, $sProp, $sValue);
  $oClient->propset($xPath, $sProp, $sValue, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_1($sProp, $sValue, $xPath, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_4($sProp, $sValue, $xPath, $bRecurse
        , $bSkipChecks, $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_5($sProp, $sValue, $xPath, $iDepth
        , $bSkipChecks, $xBaseRev, $aChangeLists, $hRevProp, $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_6($sProp, $sValue, $xPath, $iDepth
        , $bSkipChecks, $xBaseRev, $aChangeLists, $hRevProp, $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_7($sProp, $sValue, $xPath, $iDepth
        , $bSkipChecks, $xBaseRev, $aChangeLists, $hRevProp
        , $crCommit, $oPool);

  $oClient->propdel($xPath, $sProp);
  $oClient->propdel($xPath, $sProp, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_1($sProp, $xPath, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_4($sProp, $xPath, $bRecurse, $bSkipChecks
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_5($sProp, $xPath, $iDepth
        , $bSkipChecks, $xBaseRev, $aChangeLists, $hRevProp
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_6($sProp, $xPath, $iDepth
        , $bSkipChecks, $xBaseRev, $aChangeLists, $hRevProp
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->propset1_7($sProp, $xPath, $iDepth
        , $bSkipChecks, $xBaseRev, $aChangeLists, $hRevProp
        , $crCommit, $oPool);

  # undo scheduled changes

  $oClient->revert($sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->revert1_1($sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->revert1_4($sWc, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->revert1_5($sWc, $iDepth, $aChangeLists, $oPool);

     $oClient->revert1_6($sWc, $iDepth, $aChangeLists, $oPool);

     $oClient->revert1_7($sWc, $iDepth, $aChangeLists, $oPool);

Equivalent on the command line to svn add.

Schedule an unversioned file or directory to become part of the repository.

Note: add() and add1() will fail if the immediate parent of the file is not under version control. For later versions of subversion the file must have a parent directory (near or distant) that is already associated with a repository version. The file will be associated with the same repository revision as that parent. Any intermediate directories between the file or directory to be added and the parent will also be added to the repository.

If a directory is being added, all of its contents (excepting those excluded by cvs-ignore) will be added recursively as well unless the $bRecurse flag is set to a defined false value.

For more documentation see

* svn add in



Equivalent on the command line to svn copy.

Copy a file or directory under version management (either in the repository or working copy) to a new file or directory. Both the source and target may be any working copy or repository file.

If the target is given as a repository path the copy will be committed immediately. If the target is a working copy path it will be scheduled for addition. This command has no effect at all on the source of the copy.

For more documentation see

* svn copy in



Equivalent on the command line to svn delete.

Delete a file in the working copy or repository HEAD version. For more documentation see

* svn delete in



Equivalent on the command line to svn mkdir.

Creates a directory and any missing parents, then adds it to the working copy or repository. If the target directory is a central repository URL, then this method creates a directory in the repository. Otherwise, a directory will be created in the local repository copy and scheduled for adding to the repository on the next call to the commit(...) method.

For more documentation see

* svn mkdir in



Equivalent on the command line to svn move.

Rename a file or directory in the HEAD revision or current working copy. If the target is given as a repository path the change will be committed immediately. If the target is a working copy path the source file will be scheduled for deletion and the destination file will be scheduled for addition.

For more documentation see

* svn move in



Equivalent on the command line to svn propdel without the --revprop flag.

Deletes a property on a file or directory within a revision.

For more documentation see

* svn propdel in



Equivalent on the command line to svn propset without the --revprop flag.

Add or sets a property on a file or directory within a revision. The property value will have a history along with the file itself.

For more documentation see

* svn propset in



Equivalent on the command line to svn revert.

For a scheduled add, reverses it so that the path will be unversioned. For a file or directory already part of the repository, undoes any uncommitted modifications to the file or directory contents.

For more documentation see

* svn revert in


Branching and tagging versions

There are no special methods for branching or tagging a revision in a subversion repository.

In subversion a branch is just a path in the repository, typically named "/branches/myBranchName/". To create a branch, pick a revision you wish to branch from and use the copy method to copy files from that revision to the branch directory. The tag lives in the current revision, not the one it was copied from.

A tag is also just a path in the repository, typically named "/tags/myTagName". Again to create a tag, you use the copy method described above to copy the files and directories in the revision of interest into your tag directory.

As mentioned above repository to repository copies are committed immediately. The newly created branch or tag directory lives in the new HEAD revision, not the one it was copied from.

There is no uploading or downloading from the repository and internally, the copy simply creates a link between the revision and a path name in the new revision. In general tagging and branching is a very cheap operation even if it seems heavy because of the size of the directory tree being tagged. Even branches are cheap. A new slot for the files in the branch won't be created until that file is actually edited and needs to have history beyond the revision from which it was copied.

Comparing and merging versions

You can programmatically run diffs and merges with the following methods:

  # $aCmdLineOptions  options to pass to a command line diff tool
  # $sHeaderEncoding  used only if subversion is configured to use
  #                   its internal diff tool.  For legal values
  #                   see: Parameter list conventions and notes
  #                   defaults to 'UTF-8' if undefined.
  # $bIgnoreAncestry  If true, same named items with different
  #                   peg revision ranges will be compared as if
  #                   they had a common ancestor.
  # $xOutfile         A writable file handle or alternatively the
  #                   the name of the file which will store the
  #                   output of diff. Note: the file handle must
  #                   be tied to an actual file descriptor (e.g.
  #                   STDOUT or a handle to a temp file.  File
  #                   handles on string buffers are not allowed.
  # $xErrFile         A writable file handle or alternatively the
  #                   name of the file which will store error
  #                   output from the diff operation. As with
  #                   $xOutfile, file handles on string buffers
  #                   are not allowed.

  $oClient->diff($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2);
  $oClient->diff($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $bRecurse
     , $aCmdLineOptions, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bIgnoreDeleted
     , $xOutFile, $xErrFile, $oPool);

        , $xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $bRecurse
        , $bIgnoreAncestry, $bIgnoreDeleted, $xOutFile, $xErrFile
        , $oPool);

        , $xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $bRecurse
        , $bIgnoreAncestry, $bIgnoreDeleted, $bDiffBinary
        , $sHeaderEncoding, $xOutFile, $xErrFile
        , $oPool);

        , $xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sRelativeToDir
        , $iDepth, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bIgnoreDeleted, $bDiffBinary
        , $sHeaderEncoding, $xOutFile, $xErrFile, $aChangeLists
        , $oPool);

        , $xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sRelativeToDir
        , $iDepth, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bIgnoreDeleted, $bDiffBinary
        , $sHeaderEncoding, $xOutFile, $xErrFile, $aChangeLists
        , $oPool);

        , $xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sRelativeToDir
        , $iDepth, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bIgnoreDeleted
        , $bShowCopiesAsAdds, $bDiffBinary, $bUseGitDiffFormat
        , $sHeaderEncoding, $xOutFile, $xErrFile, $aChangeLists
        , $oPool);

  $oClient->merge($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc);
  $oClient->merge($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc
     , $bRecurse, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bForceDelete, $bDryRun, $oPool);

     $oClient->merge1_1($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc
        , $bRecurse, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bForceDelete, $bDryRun
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->merge1_4($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc
        , $bRecurse, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bForceDelete, $bDryRun
        , $aMergeOptions, $oPool);

     $oClient->merge1_5($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc
        , $iDepth, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bForceDelete, $bRecordOnly
        , $bDryRun, $aMergeOptions, $oPool);

     $oClient->merge1_6($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc
        , $iDepth, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bForceDelete, $bRecordOnly
        , $bDryRun, $aMergeOptions, $oPool);

     $oClient->merge1_7($xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, $xPeg2, $sWc
        , $iDepth, $bIgnoreAncestry, $bForceDelete, $bRecordOnly
        , $bDryRun, $bAllowMixedRev, $aMergeOptions, $oPool);

Equivalent on the command line to svn diff.

Compares two different versions - this can be two versions in the central repository or a local repository and central repository version.

Of the four initial parameters $xPath1, $xPeg1, $xPath2, and $xPeg2, all are required, but only the first, $xPath1 must be defined. The remainder may be passed undef as a value. Undefined values will be defaulted as follows:

* $xPeg1 will default to BASE

* $sPath2 will default to $$sPath1

* $xPeg2's default depends on the value of the three previous parameters ($xPath1, $xPeg1, and $xPath2).

If $sPath1 ne $sPath2, then $xPeg2 defaults to $xPeg1. Otherwise, if the two paths are the same, $xPeg2 defaults according to this table:

     $xPeg1              $xPeg2
     ------              ------
     HEAD                WORKING
     BASE                WORKING
     COMMITTED           WORKING
     PREV                COMMITTED
     N                   N+1

Versions of this method that do not have a $sOutputEncoding parameter generate their output using the platform's character encoding (APR_LOCALE_CHARSET).

For more documentation see

* svn diff in




Equivalent on the command line to svn merge.

Combine the changes from two different branches of development into a single set of changes and update or add files in the working copy path so that it reflects the result of the combined changes. Optionally also delete files in the working copy if they are not part of the final result of the merged changes.

For more documentation see

* svn merge in


Revision properties

  my $sValue = $oClient->getRevisionProperty($xRepos, $sProp);
  my $sValue = $oClient->getRevisionProperty($xRepos, $sProp, $xPeg);

  my $hProps = $oClient->getRevisionProperties($xRepos);
  my $hProps = $oClient->getRevisionProperties($xRepos, $xPeg);

  $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set($xRepos, $sProp, $xPeg, $sValue);
  $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set($xRepos, $sProp, $xPeg, $sValue
     , $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set1_1($sProp, $sValue
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set1_4($sProp, $sValue
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set1_5($sProp, $sValue
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set1_6($sProp, $sValue, $sOldValue
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_set1_7($sProp, $sValue, $sOldValue
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $bForce, $oPool);

  $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete($xRepos, $sProp);
  $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete($xRepos, $sProp, $xPeg
     , $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete1_1($sProp, $xRepos, $xPeg
        , $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete1_4($sProp, $xRepos, $xPeg
        , $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete1_5($sProp, $xRepos, $xPeg
        , $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete1_6($sProp, $sOldValue
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $bForce, $oPool);

     $iSetInRev = $oClient->revprop_delete1_7($sProp, $sOldValue
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $bForce, $oPool);

  ($hProps, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_list($xRepos);
  ($hProps, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_list($xRepos, $xPeg
     , $oPool);

     # revprop_list1_1, etc have the same parameters

  ($sValue, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_get($xRepos, $sProp);
  ($sValue, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_get($xRepos, $sProp
     , $xPeg, $oPool);

     ($sValue, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_get1_1($sProp
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $oPool);

     ($sValue, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_get1_4($sProp
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $oPool);

     ($sValue, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_get1_5($sProp
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $oPool);

     ($sValue, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_get1_6($sProp
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $oPool);

     ($sValue, $iSetInRev) = $oClient->revprop_get1_7($sProp
        , $xRepos, $xPeg, $oPool);

Deletes a property set on the revision as a whole.

Equivalent on the command line to svn propdel --revprop.For more documentation see

* svn propdel in



Equivalent on the command line to svn propget --revprop. For more documentation see

* svn propget in



Equivalent on the command line to svn proplist --revprop. For more documentation see

* svn proplist in



Adds or sets a property on the revision as a whole (rather than on a file or directory within the revision). As this property is on the revision it can have no history.

Equivalent on the command line to svn propset --revprop. For more documentation see

* svn propset in


Repository directory listings

  # $iFields
  # $bFetchLocks    If true, fetches and passes an object storing
  #                 information about locks to C<$crVisit> method
  #                 passed to C<ls(...)> and C<ls4(...)>.
  # $hEntries       a hash containing all the paths visited. The
  #                 keys are path names. The values are svn_dirent_t
  #                 objects - see list in the method definitions below
  #                 for details.

  $aRelPaths = $oClient->getPathList($xPath);
  $aRelPaths = $oClient->getPathList($xPath,$xPeg, $bRecurse, $oPool);

  $oClient->list($xPath, $crVisit);
  $oClient->list($xPath, $xPeg, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $hEntries = $oClient->ls1_1($xPath, $xPeg, $bRecurse, $oPool);

        # Note: as of subversion 1_4, ls is deprecated and replaced
        # by list

     $oClient->list1_1($xPath, $xPeg, $bRecurse, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->list1_4($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $bRecurse
        , $iFields, $bFetchLocks, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->list1_5($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
        , $iFields, $bFetchLocks, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->list1_6($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
        , $iFields, $bFetchLocks, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->list1_7($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
        , $iFields, $bFetchLocks, $crVisit, $oPool);

In the listing above, one might note that there is no ls1_4 etc. This is because starting in subversion 1.4, subversion switched from a return value model to a visitor model and ls was replaced with list. The list1_1 method above is provided for consistancies sake. It emulates the visitor interface by calling ls1_1 internally.


Visits a file or each member of a requested directory and calls a visitor function ($crVisit).

This method does nothing unless a visitor function is defined. The $crVisit function parameters depend on the API method used:

   # $sRelPath    - the path name relative to the requested
   #                directory or the basename if the requested path
   #                is a file.
   # $oDirEntry     a svn_dirent_t object
   # $sFullPath     the fully qualified path of $sRelPath
   # $oLock         a _p_svn_lock_t object
   # $oPool         the pool passed in to list

   # subversion 1.1-1.3 (list, list1_1)

   sub myVisitor {
     my ($sRelPath, $oDirEntry, $sFullPath, $oPool) = @_;


   # subversion 1.4 and up (list1_4, etc)

   sub myVisitor {
     my ($sRelPath, $oDirEntry, $oLock, $sFullPath, $oPool) = @_;


The information in $oDirEntry isn't very human readable. It also uses a time format with a different offset and unit than the time units and offeset assumed by Perl core modules. To convert dates to a form that is usable with Perl time routines in the Core and on CPAN, see SVN::Friendly::Dates.

You can also use the routines listed in "String representation of constants and objects". Of particular help for the list method might be getDirEntryString.

With the proper visitor function, this method is equivalent to svn list on the command line. For more documentation see

* svn list in




* SVN::Core


Returns an array reference containing one element for each path found within the directory. The keys of the hash are path names relative to the requested directory or the base name of the file, if the target of ls is a file instead of a directory. The values are instances of svn_dirent_t.

See "list" above for a discussion of helpful functions for extracting data from svn_dirent_t and converting it to a more useful form.

For more documentation see

* svn list in



* SVN::Core

Detailed information about individual paths

  # $xStart        starting revision number or logical name (i.e.
  #                HEAD, BASE, COMMITTED, WORKING, PREV). It may
  #                also be a timestamp string in ISO8601 time format.
  #                Defaults to the earliest possible revision, i.e. 0
  # $xEnd          ending revision number, date or logical name.
  #                Defaults to the latest possible revision for
  #                the selected, i.e. defaults to $xPeg
  # $crVisit       code reference to a visitor function. See below
  #                for details about each parameter
  # $oDiffOptions  - reference to a  svn_diff_file_options_t object.
  #                  This is an object storing vrious flags
  #                  for configuring a diff method call
  # $bChangedPaths  If true, the C<svn_log_entry> object passed to
  #                 log's $crVisit function will include an array
  #                 reference ontaining a svn_changed_path_t object,
  #                 one for each and every path change (move,copy)
  #                 for the target file.
  # $bStrictNodeHistory If true, the log method will stop when it
  #                 finds a node that was copied, essentially
  #                 treating the copied version as the first version
  #                 of a file.   If false, log(...) will list the
  #                 entire history of the file, including the history
  #                 of the file from which the file was copied.
  # $iVisitLimit    0 if all items should be visited; the number of
  #                 items to visit otherwise.
  # $fhOut          File handle to which file contents should be
  #                 dumped. Defaults to \*STDOUT
  # $aNodes is an array of objects. The objects have two methods
  #   ->node_name() returns the fully qualified path to the object
  #   ->prop_hash() returns a hash where
  #                 key=prop name, value=prop value
  # $hValues is a hash where the key=fully qualified path name and
  #    value=property value for that path
  #    A hash rather than a simple value is returned in case
  #    $xPath is a directory and the values of $sProp for several
  #    different files is retrieved

  my $oInfo   = $oClient->getInfo($sPath);
  my $oInfo   = $oClient->getInfo($sPath, $xPeg, $oPool);

  my $sValue  = $oClient->getPathProperty($sPath, $sProp);
  my $sValue  = $oClient->getPathProperty($sPath, $sProp, $xPeg);

  my $hProps  = $oClient->getPathProperties($sPath);
  my $hProps  = $oClient->getPathProperties($sPath, $xPeg);

  my $sRepos  = $oClient->getRepositoryURL($sWc);
  my $sRepos  = $oClient->getRepositoryURL($sWc, $oPool);

  my $bLocked = $oClient->isLocked($sWc);
  my $bLocked = $oClient->isLocked($sWc, $oPool);

  $oClient->cat($xRepos, $fhOut);
  $oClient->cat($xRepos, $xPeg, $fhOut, $oPool);

     $oClient->cat1_1($fhOut, $xRepos, $xPeg, $oPool);

     $oClient->cat1_4($fhOut, $xRepos, $xPeg, $xRev, $oPool);

     $oClient->cat1_5($fhOut, $xRepos, $xPeg, $xRev, $oPool);

     $oClient->cat1_6($fhOut, $xRepos, $xPeg, $xRev, $oPool);

     $oClient->cat1_7($fhOut, $xRepos, $xPeg, $xRev, $oPool);

  $oClient->blame($xRepos, $crVisit);
  $oClient->blame($xRepos, $xStart, $xEnd, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->blame1_1($xPath, $xStart, $xEnd, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->blame1_4($xPath, $xPeg, $xStart, $xEnd
        , $oDiffOptions, $bBlameBinary, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->blame1_5($xPath, $xPeg, $xStart, $xEnd
        , $oDiffOptions, $bBlameBinary, $bIncludeMergedRevisions
        , $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->blame1_6($xPath, $xPeg, $xStart, $xEnd
        , $oDiffOptions, $bBlameBinary, $bIncludeMergedRevisions
        , $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->blame1_7($xPath, $xPeg, $xStart, $xEnd
        , $oDiffOptions, $bBlameBinary, $bIncludeMergedRevisions
        , $crVisit, $oPool);

  my $hValues = $oClient->propget($xPath, $sProp);
  my $hValues = $oClient->propget($xPath, $sProp, $xPeg
     , $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $hValues = $oClient->propget1_1($sProp, $xPath, $xPeg
        , $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $hValues = $oClient->propget1_4($sProp, $xPath, $xPeg, $xRev
        , $bRecurse, $oPool);

     ($hValues, $iFetchRev) = $oClient->propget1_5($sProp, $xPath
        , $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth, $aChangeLists, $oPool);

     ($hValues, $iFetchRev) = $oClient->propget1_6($sProp, $xPath
        , $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth, $aChangeLists, $oPool);

     ($hValues, $iFetchRev) = $oClient->propget1_7($sProp, $xPath
        , $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth, $aChangeLists, $oPool);

  my $aNodes = $oClient->proplist($xPath);
  my $aNodes = $oClient->proplist($xPath, $xPeg, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $aNodes = $oClient->proplist1_1($xPath, $xPeg, $bRecurse
        , $oPool);

     $aNodes = $oClient->proplist1_4($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $bRecurse
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->proplist1_5($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
        , $aChangeLists, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->proplist1_6($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
        , $aChangeLists, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->proplist1_7($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $iDepth
        , $aChangeLists, $crVisit, $oPool);

  $oClient->info($xPath, $crVisit);
  $oClient->info($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $crVisit, $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oClient->info1_1($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $crVisit, $bRecurse
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->info1_4($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $crVisit, $bRecurse
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->info1_5($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $crVisit, $iDepth
        , $aChangeLists, $oPool);

     $oClient->info1_6($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $crVisit, $iDepth
        , $aChangeLists, $oPool);

     $oClient->info1_7($xPath, $xPeg, $xRev, $crVisit, $iDepth
        , $aChangeLists, $oPool);

  $oClient->log($xPaths, $crVisit);
  $oClient->log($xPaths, $xStart, $xEnd, $crVisit, $bChangedPaths
     , $bStrictNodeHistory, $oPool);

     $oClient->log1_1($xPaths, $xStart, $xEnd, $bChangedPaths
         , $bStrictNodeHistory, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->log1_4($xPaths, $xPeg, $xStart, $xEnd, $iVisitLimit
         , $bChangedPaths, $bStrictNodeHistory, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->log1_5($xPaths, $xPeg, $xStart, $xEnd, $iVisitLimit
         , $bChangedPaths, $bStrictNodeHistory
         , $bIncludeMergedRevisions, $aRevProps, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->log1_6($xPaths, $xPeg, $aRevRanges, $iVisitLimit
         , $bChangedPaths, $bStrictNodeHistory
         , $bIncludeMergedRevisions, $aRevProps, $crVisit, $oPool);

     $oClient->log1_7($xPaths, $xPeg, $aRevRanges, $iVisitLimit
         , $bChangedPaths, $bStrictNodeHistory
         , $bIncludeMergedRevisions, $aRevProps, $crVisit, $oPool);

Visits each line of particular revision and exposes the author, date, and revision number where that line was added, removed, or last modified.

This method doesn't actually do anything unless a visitor function is defined. The $crVisit parameter is a subroutine that is called once for each line in the file. It expects the following parameters

   # $iLine        the line number, starting at 0
   # $iRevision    the revision number where the line came from
   # $sAuthor      the author of that revision, and hence the line
   # $sISO8601Time the time in ISO8601 format - i.e.
   #                   YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.uuuuuuZ
   # $sLine        string containing the actual line content
   # $oPool        the pool passed into blame(...)

   sub myVisitor {
     my ($iLine, $iRevision, $sAuthor,$sISO8601Time,$sLine,$oPool)=@_;

With the proper visitor function, this method is equvalent to the command line svn blame. For more documentation see

* svn blame in



Equivalent on the command line to svn cat.

Dumps the contents of a spectific version of a file. The file contents are sent to the stream $fhOut. If $fhOut is STDOUT, the output will go to the console, a file or another process depending on where STDOUT is directed. If the $fhOut is a read-write stream, the Perl application can interact with the file contents, modifying or discarding them as desired.

$fhOut must, of course, be opened for writing so that subversion can dump the file contents to it.

For more documentation see

* svn cat in



Exposes the current state of a repository path using a visitor model. With the appropriately defined visitor subroutine this method is equivalent to the svn info command.

Sample information exposed by this method include the currently requested revision; the last changed revision, date and author; whether a file or directory lives at that repository path; if a file, whether or not a lock is present. Also exposed is information about that path's containing repository: the UUID and the root URL, and the URL required to reach that exact path within the repository. There is much more information. For full details, see the documentation on svn_info_t in either SVN::Client or the C-API.

All of this information is stored in a svn_info_t object that is passed to the visitor code reference which is called for each requested path:

   # $sPath       working copy or repository path
   # $oInfo       svn_info_t object

   sub myVisitor {
     my ($sPath, $oInfo, $oPool) = @_;

If possible, subversion tries to retrieve this information locally without a call to the server. In particular if both the $xPeg and $xRev parameters are undefined, information will be taken from the local working copy rather than from the central repository.

Also be aware that some repositories can be accessed with multiple protocols (file, svn+ssh, http/web-dav). The URL will stored in the svn_info_t will reflect the access protocol implied by the $xPath parameter. If $xPath is a working copy path, it will be whatever access protocol is being used by the working copy (see getRepositoryURL). If $xPath is an actual URL, then its protocol will be used and influence the URLs of any visited paths.

For more documentation see

* svn info in




Exposes information about the commit that was reponsible for changing a repository path (or set of paths). As with info the information is exposed using a visitor pattern. The visitor subroutine is called for each commit that affected the selected files. Information about that commit is passed to the visitor routine via its parameter list.

With the appropriate visitor routine, $crVisit, this method is equivalent to the svn command, svn log.

The data structures used to pass that information have changed durng the history of subversion. For subversion 1.1-1.4, the commit data is passed as separate parameters. Starting with subversion 1.5 this data is wrapped up in an object and the object is passed to the visitor routine instead:

    # $hChangedPaths   hash whose keys are every path committed in
    #                  the revision and whose values are
    #                  svn_log_changed_path_t structures. This
    #                  will only be defined if info() is called with
    #                  $bChangedPaths = true
    # $iRev            the revision number
    # $sAuthor         the user who committed the revision
    # $sDate           the date of the revision
    # $sMessage        the message of the revision
    # $oLogEntry       an object with the following fields
    #                  ->author*       - same as $sAuthor
    #                  ->date*         - same as $sDate
    #                  ->message*      - same as $sMessage
    #                  ->revision      - same as $iRev
    #                  ->changed_paths - same as $hChangedPaths
    #                  ->revprops      - hash containing the revision
    #                                    properties: key= prop name,
    #                                    value = prop value
    #                  ->has_children    - see svn_log_entry_t
    #                                      documentation
    #                  ->non_inheritable - see svn_log_entry_t
    #                                      documentation
    # $bChildren       true if message has children (huh?)

    # subversion 1-4  (log1, log4)

    sub myVisitor {
       my ($hChangedPaths, $iRev, $sAuthor, $sDate
          , $sMessage,$oPool)=@_;

    # subversion 5 and beyond (log5 and up)

    sub myVisitor {
       my ($oLogEntry, $oPool) = @_;

* Note: the subversion documentation is giving inconsistent information about the nature of the $oLogEntry object. The log function documentation says that svn_log_entry_t has author,date, and message fields but the svn_log_entry_t header file says not.

For more documentation see

* svn log in





Equivalent on the command line to svn propget without the --revprop flag.

This method may be passed either working copy paths or repository URLs. If $xPath is a working copy path any legal revision id may be used. If the revision is a historical revision (anything other than 'WORKING' or undef), subversion will silently translate the path to its repository URL equivalent and look up the property value in the repository.

If $xPath is a repository URL, then $xPeg must be set to a historical revision. Otherwise it will fail.

This method returns a hash reference. The keys of the hash reference are paths. The path depends on the $xPeg revision. If the revision is historical, the keys will be repository URLs. If the revision is a working copy revision, the keys will be working copy paths.

The values of the hash are the value of the requested property at that path. If the property hash changed and the working copy revision was requested, the hash will contain the modified value rather than the repository value. If you want the repository value prior to modification, set $xPeg to 'BASE'. If you want the most recent value, even if it was recently set by some other committer or working copy, use 'HEAD'.

For more documentation see

* svn propget in



Equivalent on the command line to svn proplist without the --revprop flag.

Both working and repository paths may be used with this method. However, unlike propget this method will not convert a working copy path to a URL. Thus working copy paths may only be used for a working copy revision and repository paths may only be used for historical revisions.

Prior to the 1.5 API, this method returns an array of svn_client_proplist_item_t objects. These objects have two methods:

* node_name() - a repository URL or working copy path. This matches the path name passed in as a parameter. (see propget).

* prop_hash() - returns a hash whose keys are property names and whose values are property values assigned to that path. If there are no properties assigned to the node name, this hash will be undef rather than merely empty, i.e. {}.

Starting with the 1.5 API, this method no longer returns an array of node objects. Instead, it exposes the property hashes for each node using a visitor pattern. The visitor method ($crVisit parameter) expects the members of svn_client_proplist_item_t (i.e. path, property hash) as parameters. As with the earlier versions of the proplist method, $hProps will be undef if there are no properties assigned to the path.

   sub {
     my ($sPath, $hProps, $oPool) = @_;

For more documentation see

* svn proplist in



Importing and exporting

The import method can be used to load files and directories from a non-working copy into the repository. To do the reverse, export repository files and directories to a plain old directory rather than a working copy, use the export method.

  # $sFrom        a non-working copy/ non-repository path to the
  #               file or directory tree that should be imported
  #               into the repository
  # $sTo          a non-working copy/ non-repository path to the
  #               file or directory tree to which repository contents
  #               should be exported.
  # $sNativeEol   identifies the characters that should be used to
  #               end lines when files are exported. Possible values
  #               are "LF", "CR" or "CRLF". or undef
  # $bSkipExternals  see Parameter List Notes and Conventions
  # $oCommitInfo1  a svn_client_commit_info_t object
  # $oCommitInfo2  a svn_commit_info_t object

  $oCommitInfo1 = $oClient->import($sLocal, $xRepos);
  $oCommitInfo1 = $oClient->import($sLocal, $xRepos, $sComment
     , $bRecurse, $oPool);

     $oCommitInfo1 = $oClient->import1_1($sLocal, $xRepos, $sComment
        , $bNonRecursive, $oPool);

     $oCommitInfo2 = $oClient->import1_4($sLocal, $xRepos, $sComment
        , $bNonRecursive, $bNoIgnore, $oPool);

     $oCommitInfo2 = $oClient->import1_5($sLocal, $xRepos, $sComment
        , $iDepth, $bNoIgnore, $bIgnoreUnknownNodeTypes, $hRevProp
        , $oPool);

     $oCommitInfo2 = $oClient->import1_6($sLocal, $xRepos, $sComment
        , $iDepth, $bNoIgnore, $bIgnoreUnknownNodeTypes, $hRevProp
        , $oPool);

     $oClient->import1_7($sLocal, $xRepos, $sComment
        , $iDepth, $bNoIgnore, $bIgnoreUnknownNodeTypes, $hRevProp
        , $crCommit, $oPool);

  $iRev = $oClient->export($xRepos, $xPeg, $sLocal, $bOverwrite
     , $oPool);

     $iRev = $oClient->export1_1($xRepos, $sLocal, $xPeg, $bOverwrite
         , $sNativeEol, $oPool);

     $oClient->export1_4($xRepos, $sLocal, $xPeg, $xRev
        , $bOverwrite, $bSkipExternals, $bRecurse
        , $sNativeEol, $oPool);

     $oClient->export1_5($xRepos, $sLocal, $xPeg, $xRev
        , $bOverwrite, $bSkipExternals, $iDepth
        , $sNativeEol, $oPool);

     $oClient->export1_6($xRepos, $sLocal, $xPeg, $xRev
        , $bOverwrite, $bSkipExternals, $iDepth
        , $sNativeEol, $oPool);

     $oClient->export1_7($xRepos, $sLocal, $xPeg, $xRev
        , $bOverwrite, $bSkipExternals, $bIgnoreKeywords, $iDepth
        , $sNativeEol, $oPool);

The methods are described below:


Extracts all the files and directories from a particular release and places them in a non-working copy directory.

Equivalent on the command line to svn export. For more documentation see

* svn export in



Add a file or the contents of a directory to the central repository. This method only adds files to the central repository. It does not change the imported files into a local copy. To get a local repository copy for those files, you must run checkout(...).

Equivalent on the command line to svn import. For more documentation see

* svn import in


Parameter list conventions and notes

Parameter names

Usually the names of the parameters will be nearly identical to their C-API names. In a few cases the names have been changed to something that (in the module author's opinion) more clearly represents the purpose of the flag. Example: svn_client_diff has a parameter called ignore_content_type. However, the documentation explains that this actually means to force a diff even on binary files. In this API the parameter is named $bDiffBinary.

Unlike the C-API (and common Perl convention), parameter names use a modified hungarian notation. This is done to reduce the sheer number of words needed to explain the legal values of each parameter. There are just too many.

The initial letters of each parameter name have the following meanings:

* "x" means that the parameter can have more than one type of data (x=?)

* "s" means it is supposed to be a string

* "i" means it is supposed to be an integer

* "o" means it is a blessed reference (o=object)

* "cr" means code reference

* "fh" means file handle

* "b" means it is supposed to be a boolean.

Order of parameters

Methods of SVN::Friendly::Client come in two flavors: (a) methods with the standardized parameter order discussed below and (b) C-API methods which exactly follow the parameter order of the C-API even when it is irregular.

A standard ordering of parameters is very important to making this API usable because parameter lists can be very long and hard to remember. The C-API more or less follows a standard order but there are just enough exceptions to make it hard to work with.

These ordering exceptions mostly seem to come from the natural growth of the C-API. The SVN::Friendly::Client methods are not vulnerable to this source of exceptions because (a) the standardized methods limit their parameter list to those needed by Subversion 1.1 function calls (b) SVN::Friendly::Client has had the benefit of hindsight when deciding the possible parameters and their ordering.

Methods with C-API parameter ordering

Methods following the C-API parameter ordering are easily identifiable by their ending: they always end in the major_minor version number of the subversion release when they were the latest and greatest version of that method. add1_4 and commit1_7 are examples of methods that follow the C-API parameter ordering.

The C-API parameters follow the exact ordering of the C-API with the following additions and deletions:

* an extra $sComment parameter will be inserted after the target parameters if the method can commit data to the repository. The affected methods are: commit, copy, delete, import mkdir, move, propdel, propset. This is done so that applications that need to use post 1.1 capabilities don't have to jump through hoops to set the log message to something other than ''.

* the client context parameter (svn_client_ctx_t is always omitted. There is no need for this parameter in method calls because it is automatically filled in by the object method.

* the combination of callback + baton parameters is collapsed into a single callback parameter that takes a code reference. SWIG handles the conversion of the Perl subroutine into a C callback + baton.

* "OUT" parameters, i.e. pointer parameters meant to store return values, are also omitted. The Perl SWIG bindings convert these to actual return values. If there is more than one "OUT" parameter, then a list of values will be returned. The error code returned by the C-API function is converted to an exception.

Methods with standard parameter ordering

Any method that does not end in major_minor uses the standard parameter ordering:

  (1) targets
  (2) comment
  (3) visitor
  (4) recursion depth/flag
  (5) control parameters
  (6) pool
target parameters

This may be one or several parameters depending on the operation and the kind of target it needs. If more than one piece of information is needed to identify a target they will be in the order (path propName peg rev) where "peg" is the peg revision (discussed below) and "rev" is the operational revision (also discussed below).

If the list includes a source and destination, the source target identifiers will always precede the destination target.


Operations that potentially commit changes to the repository may have a comment parameter. This parameter always follows immediately after the targets.

visitor code reference

a code reference to a visitor routine. Not all operations have this parameter, but the ones that do place this parameter directly after the targets. This parameter is usually named $crVisit.

directory depth

Operations on directories often have a parameter to control how deeply the operation will descend into the depths of a directory. This parameter is usually named $bRecurse prior to subversion 1.5 and $iDepth thereafter.

control parameters

These parameters vary from operation to operation. They all have defaults and can generally be ignored unless one needs to do something special with that operation.

pool object

A pool object to use for this operation in lieu of the client context's default pool. See "Pool parameters" below for further discussion.

Optional and default parameters

When parameters can be omitted

Except where noted you can omit any trailing parameters excepting path targets, i.e. the working copy or repository path on which the method operates. This is true for both standardized and API methods. To make this a bit clearer, all methods are listed documented with both their minimal and maximal parameter list.

In addition, a few intermediate parameters may also be omitted, provided that a non-scalar follows immediately after the omitted parameters:

* The parameter $xPeg may be omitted, provided that the non-scalar parameter immediately after it in the parameter list is defined.

* The parameter pair $xPeg, $xRev may be omitted in full or in part whenever it is followed by a non-scalar parameter. When this pair is omitted (in part or in full), the non-scalar parameter must be defined.

* The parameter pair $xStart, $xEnd may be omitted in full or in part. The two parameters are scalars and always comes before $oPool (a non-scalar) so we can easily detect when it is omitted completely or in part.

Values assigned to missing and undefined parameters

The following defaults are used for missing or undefined parameters with both the C-API methods (xxxM_m) and methods with a standard parameter ordering.

* Boolean parameters default to false. The only exception to this rule is the recursion flag ($bRecurse) which always defaults to true.

* string parameters default to ''

* integral parameters default to 0

* array parameters default to []

* hash parameters default to {}

* output character encodings default to 'UTF-8'

* $fhOut defaults to \*STDOUT

* $xPeg defaults to HEAD on methods that take only repository paths. Defaults to WORKING on methods that operate on working copy paths.

* $xRev always defaults to $xPeg.

* $sHeaderEncoding "defaults" to undef which lets the system choose the preferred encoding.

Exceptions will be noted below.

Autoboxing and unboxing

* any parameter that can take a reference to an array of paths can also take a simple string. The string will be auto wrapped in an array reference.

* any object that stringifies into a file system path or URL can be used as a parameter or an element in an array of paths. Thus one can use a URI object, a Path::Class object or any object you write that overloads "" (see overload in the Perl documentation).

Notes for specific parameter types

Boolean parameters

Use '' or 0 when you want to set a parameter to false.

In a parameter list, undef means use the default value. Do not use undef to mean false. If the default value happens to be true, undef will result in the parameter being set to true, the exact opposite of what is intended.

Boolean parameters default to false. The only exception to this rule is the recursion flag ($bRecurse) which always defaults to true.

Character encoding: $sHeaderEncoding

String identifying the encoding (e.g. "UTF-8") of the diff output file header. This is only used by subversion's internal diff implementation. If the diff command is configured to use an external diff generator, this parameter will be ignored.

Subversion uses the standard character encoding identifiers. For more information on legal values see:



This parameter defaults to "UTF-8" if no value is provided.

Path parameters

Although the repository can be edited directory, the normal practice is to make a working copy of the repository and edit that. That means that client methods have to be concerned about four different types of paths:

* working copy root - the root directory of the working copy. Typically this is the directory into which files were checked out. Parameters that identify working copy roots must be strings. The string may be a relative path (to the current directory), a local file system path, or a file URL.

* working copy path - This can be the root or any file or directory within the root. As with the root it may be a relative path, a local file system path, or a file URL.

* repository root - the URL used to contact the repository.

* repository path - the path to any file or resource in the repository. It may be the URL or any path within the URL.

Any URL path may be either a string or an object that stringifies into a URL (i.e. it overloads ""). There is no need to manually convert objects to strings.

If you use a URL path and want to specify a peg revision, you may include that in the path as well by following the path name with "@Version", e.g. file:///svn/repo/Planning.txt@1 would get the version of Planning.txt that lived in revisions 1-50 in the previous section. If the URL has a revision and it is passed to a method with a $xPeg parameter, the peg parameter will default to the URL's version rather than its normal default.

In addition, the Subversion libraries do not accept trailing '/' on paths and URL's. You will need to strip any trailing '/' before passing it to the methods of these functions.

Identifying repository contents ($xPeg)

Each repository file is identified by a pathname and a revision number. When files get deleted and readded, sometimes the file is the same file, but sometimes it contains unrelated content and just happens to have the same name. Thus "name" alone is ambiguous when we consider the entire history of a file name.

The versions in a subversion repository identify snapshots of the entire repository contents rather than individual files in the repository. This isn't as inefficient as it sounds because snapshots usually store only the changes to the tree (which tend to be small) rather than a copy of the entire tree and all its contents.

Thus revision 1 might contain Planning.txt, and so might revision 100. However, they may be planning for entirely different projects run by entirely different people. Somewhere around revision 50, the maintainer of Planning.txt (1) was deleted. No one remembered and a new manager came and also created a Planning.txt file somewhere around revision 80. He or she clearly isn't going to care much about Planning.txt (1) and would be quite surprised if the history of his file included the work from the other manager.

To prevent such unintended effects, pathnames are fully identified using both their name and the revisions in which they were live. Any of those revisions will do, so for example, we could refer to the first manager's "Planning.txt" with Planning.txt@1 or Planning.txt@50.

This id number is know as the peg revision. If it is missing from a file name, subversion assumes that you want the file that is currently alive in the HEAD revision (or newly added to the working copy, if it hasn't been committed yet) and not some version that was created and deleted long ago. Many methods below have a $xPeg parameter. You can safely leave this undefined unless you explicitly want to resurrect an older version of a file that has been deleted.

The $xPeg parameter may be a revision number, an ISO8601 date or a logical revision name. The logical revision names are:

* 'BASE' - the revision being edited, in its pristine form, before any changes in the working copy have been applied.

* 'WORKING' - the revision being edited, including any changes in the current working copy. (Note: this is not part of the standard subversion documentation, neither at the end user nor C-API level. It is allowed by SWIG as part of its svn_opt_revision_t parameter handling. See line 1172 in and also the notes on parameter types in SVN::Client.

* 'HEAD' - the most recently committed revision. If no one else is working on the same body of files, then this will be the same as 'BASE'. In multi-team development the revision being edited in the working copy may be a few versions back from the latest and greatest in the repository.

* 'COMMITED' - the revision of the last committed change to the file. Not every file changes in a revision, so sometimes the "COMMITTED" revision is earlier than either the "HEAD" or 'BASE' revision.

* 'PREV' - the revision immediately before the 'COMMITTED" revision.

The default value for $xPeg depends on the method. Methods that can operate on working copy paths "default" to undef. Methods that operate only on repository paths default to "HEAD".

Requested (Operational) revision ($xRev)

Newer versions of the Subversion API ask for two arguments: a peg revision ($xPeg) and an operational revision ($xRev).

When two revision parameters are provided the first is the peg revision and the second is the operational revision. According to the subversion documentation the peg revision identifies which incarnation of a file you want and the operational revision identifes which version of that file you want to see.

In practice, one rarely needs both revisions. The peg revision can be any revision where the file was live, so if you want to see a particular version of the file, just set the peg revision to that particular version.

The need for the second number arises in the following two circumstances:

a) you don't know if the current version of the "" is the same one you wrote 2 years ago or an entirely new file. To find out, you set the operational revision to HEAD and the peg revision to a date based revision rather than a revision number. If the current incarnation of "" is something entirely different, subversion will tell you that the older "" is not found in HEAD, even though there is a file named "" in HEAD.

b) you have some sort of tool needs to be very sure it is dealing with a particular incarnation of a file whenever it asks HEAD about the file. To keep things simple it permanently identifies each file of interest by its name and the revision where it was created. This tool then blindly inserts that creation revision as the peg. For the tool to find out what happened to the file in HEAD or any other revision it needs a second revision parameter.

The $xRev parameter may be assigned any value that the $xPeg parameter can be (see above).

Because peg and operational revisions so often are the same, the $xRev parameter always defaults to $xPeg if undefined or omitted.

Memory pools

Nearly every SVN::Friendly::Client has a pool parameter. This parameter is completely optional.

The pool parameter, when used, allows customized memory management of subversion operations. Normally, each client context has its own private pool of memory that lives as long as the client context lives. When the client context dies any memory its operations consumed die with it.

In most cases that is sufficent to keep the amount of memory needed under control.However, in very long lived applications, the client context might live a very long time consuming ever more memory. To prevent that one has two options:

* periodically destroy and recreate the client object

* for particularly heavy operations, create and pass a custom pool as a parameter. The pool can be destroyed when the operation completes.

Externals ($bSkipExternals)

External resources are directories that are part of the working copy directory X but are stored outside of the central repository or from a different location within the current repository.

The central repository does not manage the version history of these resources in any way. However, the list of external resources can change from revision to revision. It is stored in the built-in directory property svn:externals. For example, a project may link in the source code of a web app like bugzilla or mediawiki so that it is available as a local resource even though it does not manage the version history of either application.

Certain actions, e.g. exporting, updating and status can be done optionally on external files. The default is to try to process them, but this can be turned off if desired via this parameter.


See SVN::Friendly.


This module has only been tested with SWIG bindings compiled for the 1.4 Subersion API. See ToDo list.

In such a large manual page and module it is possible for typos and documentation oversites to creep in no matter how many times a document is proofread. If you see a mistake, please let the maintianer know so it can be corrected.


Due to some incompleteness in the SWIG bindings some of the subversion 1.4 API methods do not work properly: (have these been fixed in the newest set of SWIG bindings?)

* commit1_4 - works, but returns an unusable object. The object's package does not appear to have been imported into Perl

* list1_4 - fails due to parameter mismatch. Visitor thunk does not appear to be implemented

* merge1_4 - fails if $aMergeOptions is non-empty. Although it is expecting an apr_array_header_t const * parameter, it rejects a passed in Perl array.

* status1_4 - fails due to parameter mismatch. Visitor thunk does not appear to be implemented

* update1_4 - fails due to parameter mismatch. parameter 1 does not appear to have been converted to a return value.


See SVN::Friendly


If anyone would like to be involved in testing or expanding the user friendly interface, please contact the maintainer.

Feedback on the documentation, bugs, usability, or additional features desired is welcome. Time and person-power permitting the most commonly requested features will be implemented.


See SVN::Friendly


Elizabeth Grace Frank-Backman


Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Elizabeth Grace Frank-Backman. All rights reserved.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.