Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
This tests that when an attribute of the same name
is added to a class, that it will remove the old
one first.
package Foo;
use metaclass;
Foo->meta->add_attribute('bar' =>
reader => 'get_bar',
writer => 'set_bar',
::can_ok('Foo', 'get_bar');
::can_ok('Foo', 'set_bar');
::ok(Foo->meta->has_attribute('bar'), '... Foo has the attribute bar');
my $bar_attr = Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar');
::is($bar_attr->reader, 'get_bar', '... the bar attribute has the reader get_bar');
::is($bar_attr->writer, 'set_bar', '... the bar attribute has the writer set_bar');
::is($bar_attr->associated_class, Foo->meta, '... and the bar attribute is associated with Foo->meta');
Foo->meta->add_attribute('bar' =>
reader => 'assign_bar'
::ok(!Foo->can('get_bar'), '... Foo no longer has the get_bar method');
::ok(!Foo->can('set_bar'), '... Foo no longer has the set_bar method');
::can_ok('Foo', 'assign_bar');
::ok(Foo->meta->has_attribute('bar'), '... Foo still has the attribute bar');
my $bar_attr2 = Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar');
::isnt($bar_attr, $bar_attr2, '... this is a new bar attribute');
::isnt($bar_attr->associated_class, Foo->meta, '... and the old bar attribute is no longer associated with Foo->meta');
::is($bar_attr2->associated_class, Foo->meta, '... and the new bar attribute *is* associated with Foo->meta');
::isnt($bar_attr2->reader, 'get_bar', '... the bar attribute no longer has the reader get_bar');
::isnt($bar_attr2->reader, 'set_bar', '... the bar attribute no longer has the reader set_bar');
::is($bar_attr2->reader, 'assign_bar', '... the bar attribute now has the reader assign_bar');