Foorum::Manual::Tutorial4 - Tutorial 4: jQuery javascript framework

Short Introducation|jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages.

There are a lot of javascript frameworks: prototype, mootool, dojo, YUI etc. Yet why we pick up jquery is just a matter of taste. (Dude, I can't tell more, that's just personal feeling.)

Used in Foorum

We load jquery in every page by default.

   * disable Submit button when submit() form to avoid duplicate submit.

      $(document.forms).each( function(theform) {
          // disabled the Submit and Reset when submit a form
          // to avoid duplicate submit
          $(theform).submit( function() {
              $('input:submit').attr( { disabled : 'disabled' } );
              $('input:reset').attr(  { disabled : 'disabled' } );
          } );
          // Press Ctrl+Enter to submit the form. like QQ.
          $(theform).keypress( function(evt) {
              var x = evt.keyCode;
              var q = evt.ctrlKey;
              if (q && (x == 13 || x == 10)) {
          } );
      } );

   * timezone auto-detection. L<|2008-01-17 15:46:33 > in my local time, meanwhile that's L<|2008-01-17 16:46:33 > in your computer. that's provided by this piece of code. (put class="date" in MySQL DateTime format span. <span class="date">2008-01-17 15:46:33</span>)

      // follows are copied from datePicker/date.js
      // utility method
      var _zeroPad = function(num) {
          var s = '0'+num;
          return s.substring(s.length-2)
          //return ('0'+num).substring(-2); // doesn't work on IE :(
     $(".date").each(function (i) {
          var s = $(this).text();
          if (! s) { return false; }
          var f =; //format
          if (! f) {
              f = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss';
          var d = new Date(1997, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
          var iY = f.indexOf('yyyy');
          if (iY > -1) {
              d.setFullYear(Number(s.substr(iY, 4)));
          var iM = f.indexOf('mm');
          if (iM > -1) {
              d.setMonth(Number(s.substr(iM, 2)) - 1);
          d.setDate(Number(s.substr(f.indexOf('dd'), 2)));
          d.setHours(Number(s.substr(f.indexOf('hh'), 2)));
          d.setMinutes(Number(s.substr(f.indexOf('ii'), 2)));
          d.setSeconds(Number(s.substr(f.indexOf('ss'), 2)));
          var timezoneOffset = -(new Date().getTimezoneOffset());
          d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() + timezoneOffset);
          if (! isNaN(d.getFullYear()) && d.getFullYear() > 1997) {
              var t = f
     } );

Above code is from it may be changed later.

jQuery UI

We are using Tabs.


Foorum::Manual::Tutorial1, Foorum::Manual::Tutorial2, Foorum::Manual::Tutorial3, Foorum::Manual::Tutorial5