# This -*- perl -*- script writes the Makefile for libwww-perl
# $Id: Makefile.PL,v 1.66 2002/05/31 20:51:03 gisle Exp $
require 5.005;
use strict;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(WriteMakefile prompt);
use Config qw(%Config);
#--- Configuration section ---
my @programs_to_install = qw(lwp-request lwp-mirror lwp-rget lwp-download);
my @request_aliases = qw(GET HEAD POST);
#--- End Configuration - You should not have to change anything below this line
# Allow us to suppress all program installation with the -n (library only)
# option. This is for those that don't want to mess with the configuration
# section of this file.
use vars qw($opt_n);
unless (getopts("n")) {
die "Usage: $0 [-n]\n";
@programs_to_install = () if $opt_n || grep /^LIB=/, @ARGV;
# Check if we should try to run the live tests
open(CHANGES, "Changes") || die "Can't open Changes: $!";
my $release_date;
while (<CHANGES>) {
if (/^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\D/) {
$release_date = $1;
die "Can't figure out release date" unless $release_date;
#print "Release date: $release_date\n";
my $some_time_ago = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d",
sub { ($_[5]+1900, $_[4]+1, $_[3])}->(localtime(time - 45 * 24*60*60));
if ($some_time_ago lt $release_date) {
# Check if we have internet connection
require IO::Socket;
my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "www.google.com:80",
Timeout => 10,
if ($s) {
# XXX could try to send a GET to it???
print <<EOT;
You appear to be directly connected to the Internet. I have some tests
that tries to access some sites on the net to verify that the new HTTP/1.1
support works as it should.
if (prompt("Do you want to enable these tests?", "y") =~ /^y/i) {
open(ENABLED, ">t/live/ENABLED") || die "Can't enable: $!";
# Figure out if the compress lib works and signal that with
# a file for the test suite to find. We don't want the
# test script to do this 'require' itself because we want
# to test that the module loads it on demand as it should.
eval {
require Compress::Zlib;
open(ZLIB_OK, ">t/live/ZLIB_OK") || die "Can't create ZLIB_OK: $!";
print ZLIB_OK "$Compress::Zlib::VERSION\n";
if ($@) {
#warn $@;
else {
if (@programs_to_install) {
print <<EOT;
This package comes with some sample programs that I can try
to install in $Config{sitebin}.
Note that you can avoid these questions by passing
the '-n' option to 'Makefile.PL'.
my @tmp;
for (@programs_to_install) {
if (prompt("Do you want to install $_?", "y") =~ /^y/) {
push(@tmp, $_);
@programs_to_install = @tmp;
if (grep($_ eq 'lwp-request', @programs_to_install) && @request_aliases) {
print <<EOT;
The lwp-request program will use the name it is invoked with to
determine what HTTP method to use. I can set up alias for the most
common HTTP methods. These alias are also installed in
@tmp = ();
for my $alias (@request_aliases) {
my $default = "y";
# check that we don't overwrite something unrelated with
# the current defaults.
if (open(PROG, "<$Config{sitebin}/$alias")) {
$default = "n";
while (<PROG>) {
if (/lwp-request/) {
$default = "y";
if (prompt("Do you want to install the $alias alias?", $default) =~ /^y/) {
push(@tmp, $alias);
@request_aliases = @tmp;
# Check for non-standard modules that are used by this library.
$| = 1;
my $missing_modules = 0;
print "\nChecking for URI...........";
eval {
require URI;
if ($@) {
print " failed\n";
print <<EOT;
The URI module must be installed. WWW without URIs would not
be that great :-)
sleep(2); # Don't hurry too much
} else {
print " ok\n";
print "Checking for HTML::Parser..";
eval {
if ($@) {
print " failed\n";
print <<EOT;
The HTML::Parser is needed to extract correct base URI information from
HTML so that we can resolve relative links correctly. The HTML::Form
module also need HTML::TokeParser to work.
sleep(2); # Don't hurry too much
} else {
print " ok\n";
print "Checking for MIME::Base64..";
eval {
require MIME::Base64;
if ($@) {
print " failed\n";
print <<EOT;
The Base64 encoding is used in authentication headers in HTTP.
sleep(2); # Don't hurry too much
} else {
print " ok\n";
print "Checking for Net::FTP......";
eval {
require Net::FTP;
if ($@) {
print " failed\n";
print <<EOT;
The libwww-perl library normally use the Net::FTP module when
accessing ftp servers. You would have to install this package or
configure your application to use a proxy server for making ftp
requests work. Net::FTP is part of the 'libnet' distribution.
sleep(2); # Don't hurry too much
} else {
print " ok\n";
print "Checking for Digest::MD5 ..";
eval {
require Digest::MD5;
if ($@) {
print " failed\n";
print <<EOT;
The Digest::MD5 library is needed if you want to be able use the
experimental "Digest Access Authentication" scheme. Since very few
servers implement this authentication scheme, you should normally not
worry too much about this.
} else {
print " ok\n";
print <<EOT if $missing_modules;
The missing modules can be obtained from CPAN. Visit
<URL:http://www.perl.com/CPAN/> to find a CPAN site near you.
print "\n";
if (@request_aliases) {
require File::Copy;
for (@request_aliases) {
File::Copy::copy("bin/lwp-request", "bin/$_") || die "Can't copy bin/$_";
chmod(0755, "bin/$_");
push(@programs_to_install, $_);
# Ok, now it is time to really generate the Makefile
NAME => 'libwww-perl',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/LWP.pm',
EXE_FILES => [ map "bin/$_", @programs_to_install ],
PREREQ_PM => { 'URI' => "1.10",
'MIME::Base64' => "2.1",
'Net::FTP' => "2.58",
'HTML::HeadParser' => 0,
'Digest::MD5' => 0,
'clean' => { FILES => join(" ", map "bin/$_", @request_aliases) },
'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
package MY;
# What happens when we say 'make test'
sub test
test: all
# Determine things that should *not* be installed
sub libscan
my($self, $path) = @_;
return '' if $path =~ m/.(pl|dtd|sgml)$/;
return '' if $path =~ m:\bCVS/:;
return '' if $path =~ m/~$/;
# Pass libwww-perl version number to pod2man
sub manifypods
my $self = shift;
my $ver = $self->{VERSION} || "";
local($_) = $self->SUPER::manifypods(@_);
s/pod2man\s*$/pod2man --release libwww-perl-$ver/m;