Changes for version 1.0.1 - 2021-02-25
- properly parse the "n" option in regexes
- fix unwrap of __PACKAGE__, __FILENAME__ and __LINE__ on caller_message (GH#156)
- add a single space between caller message and data when caller_message_newline is false
- proper colorization on caller message.
Data::Printer shortcut for faster debugging
colored & full-featured pretty print of Perl data structures and objects
Load run-control (.dataprinter) files for Data::Printer
Create powerful stand-alone filters for Data::Printer
detect popular (binary) content in strings
pretty-printing database objects (DBI, DBIx::Class, etc)
pretty-printing date and time objects (not just DateTime!)
pretty-printing MD5, SHA and many other digests
pretty-printing of HTTP/JSON/LWP/Plack/Dancer/Catalyst/Mojo...
underlying object for Data::Printer
customize your Data::Printer with code
use DDP like Data::Dumper
dump variables in JSON format
create your own color themes for DDP!
Classic DDP color theme for nostalgic users
Material theme for DDP
Monokai theme for DDP
Solarized theme for DDP
in lib/Data/Printer/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/
in lib/Data/Printer/Filter/