The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.12 - 2015-02-12

    • Fix queries hanging on current node close.

Changes for version 0.11_4 - 2015-02-06

    • Support service/port configuration per host.

Changes for version 0.11_3 - 2015-01-28

    • Fix refcount dependency

Changes for version 0.11_2 - 2015-01-28

    • Fix query cache keeping loop alive for 60 seconds after it should be removed

Changes for version 0.11_1 - 2015-01-25

    • Fix eventwatch failure not propogating, and losing sequence Futures
    • Fix requests over pending threshold getting responses from other requests


use Cassandra databases with IO::Async using CQL
connect to a single Cassandra database node
a Cassandra CQL prepared query