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# -*-perl-*-
=head1 NAME
Astro::FITS::HdrTrans::LCOFLI_1m0 - LCO 1.0m FLI translations
use Astro::FITS::HdrTrans::LCOFLI_1m0;
%gen = Astro::FITS::HdrTrans::LCOFLI_1m0->translate_from_FITS( %hdr );
This class provides a generic set of translations that are specific to
1.0m FLIs at LCO.
use 5.006;
use strict;
use Carp;
# Inherit from LCO base class.
our $VERSION = "1.66";
# for a constant mapping, there is no FITS header, just a generic
# header that is constant
my %CONST_MAP = (
# NULL mappings used to override base-class implementations.
my @NULL_MAP = qw/ /;
my %UNIT_MAP = (
# Create the translation methods
__PACKAGE__->_generate_lookup_methods( \%CONST_MAP, \%UNIT_MAP, \@NULL_MAP );
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item B<this_instrument>
The name of the instrument required to match (case insensitively)
against the INSTRUME/INSTRUMENT keyword to allow this class to
translate the specified headers. Called by the default
C<can_translate> method.
$inst = $class->this_instrument();
Returns "LCOFLI".
sub this_instrument {
return qr/(^ef0)|(^ef1)/i
These methods are more complicated than a simple mapping. We have to
provide both from- and to-FITS conversions All these routines are
methods and the to_ routines all take a reference to a hash and return
the translated value (a many-to-one mapping) The from_ methods take a
reference to a generic hash and return a translated hash (sometimes
these are many-to-many)
=over 4
=item B<to_DEC_SCALE>
Sets the declination scale in arcseconds per pixel. The C<PIXSCALE>
is used when it's defined. Otherwise it returns a default value of 0.2320
arcsec/pixel, multiplied by C<YBINNING> assuming this is defined
sub to_DEC_SCALE {
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my $decscale = 0.3350;
# Assumes either x-y scales the same or the y corresponds to
# declination.
my $ccdscale = $self->via_subheader( $FITS_headers, "PIXSCALE" );
if ( defined $ccdscale ) {
$decscale = $ccdscale;
} else {
my $ybinning = $self->via_subheader( $FITS_headers, "YBINNING" );
if ( defined $ybinning ) {
$decscale = $decscale * $ybinning;
return $decscale;
Sets the declination telescope offset in arcseconds. It uses the
C<CAT-DEC> and C<DEC> keywords to derive the offset, and if either
does not exist, it returns a default of 0.0.
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my $decoffset = 0.0;
if ( exists $FITS_headers->{"CAT-DEC"} && exists $FITS_headers->{DEC} ) {
# Obtain the reference and telescope declinations positions measured in degrees.
my $refdec = $self->dms_to_degrees( $FITS_headers->{"CAT-DEC"} );
my $dec = $self->dms_to_degrees( $FITS_headers->{DEC} );
# Find the offsets between the positions in arcseconds on the sky.
$decoffset = 3600.0 * ( $dec - $refdec );
# The sense is reversed compared with UKIRT, as these measure the
# places on the sky, not the motion of the telescope.
return -1.0 * $decoffset;
=item B<to_RA_SCALE>
Sets the RA scale in arcseconds per pixel. The C<PIXSCALE>
is used when it's defined. Otherwise it returns a default value of 0.2320
arcsec/pixel, multiplied by C<XBINNING> assuming this is defined (1.0 otherwise)
sub to_RA_SCALE {
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my $rascale = 0.3335;
# Assumes either x-y scales the same or the x corresponds to
# ra.
my $ccdscale = $self->via_subheader( $FITS_headers, "PIXSCALE" );
if ( defined $ccdscale ) {
$rascale = $ccdscale;
} else {
my $xbinning = $self->via_subheader( $FITS_headers, "XBINNING" );
if ( defined $xbinning ) {
$rascale = $rascale * $xbinning;
return $rascale;
Sets the right-ascension telescope offset in arcseconds. It uses the
C<CAT-RA>, C<RA>, C<CAT-DEC> keywords to derive the offset, and if any
of these keywords does not exist, it returns a default of 0.0.
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my $raoffset = 0.0;
if ( exists $FITS_headers->{"CAT-DEC"} &&
exists $FITS_headers->{"CAT-RA"} && exists $FITS_headers->{RA} ) {
# Obtain the reference and telescope sky positions measured in degrees.
my $refra = $self->hms_to_degrees( $FITS_headers->{"CAT-RA"} );
my $ra = $self->hms_to_degrees( $FITS_headers->{RA} );
my $refdec = $self->dms_to_degrees( $FITS_headers->{"CAT-DEC"} );
# Find the offset between the positions in arcseconds on the sky.
$raoffset = 3600.0 * ( $ra - $refra ) * $self->cosdeg( $refdec );
# The sense is reversed compared with UKIRT, as these measure the
# place son the sky, not the motion of the telescope.
return -1.0 * $raoffset;
=item B<to_X_LOWER_BOUND>
Returns the lower bound along the X-axis of the area of the detector
as a pixel index.
sub to_X_LOWER_BOUND {
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my @bounds = $self->getbounds( $FITS_headers );
return $bounds[ 0 ];
=item B<to_X_UPPER_BOUND>
Returns the upper bound along the X-axis of the area of the detector
as a pixel index.
sub to_X_UPPER_BOUND {
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my @bounds = $self->getbounds( $FITS_headers );
return $bounds[ 1 ];
=item B<to_Y_LOWER_BOUND>
Returns the lower bound along the Y-axis of the area of the detector
as a pixel index.
sub to_Y_LOWER_BOUND {
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my @bounds = $self->getbounds( $FITS_headers );
return $bounds[ 2 ];
=item B<to_Y_UPPER_BOUND>
Returns the upper bound along the Y-axis of the area of the detector
as a pixel index.
sub to_Y_UPPER_BOUND {
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my @bounds = $self->getbounds( $FITS_headers );
return $bounds[ 3 ];
# Supplementary methods for the translations
# ------------------------------------------
# Obtain the detector bounds from a section in [xl:xu,yl:yu] syntax.
# If the TRIMSEC header is absent, use a default which corresponds
# to the useful part of the array (minus bias strips).
sub getbounds{
my $self = shift;
my $FITS_headers = shift;
my @bounds = ( 1, 512, 1, 512 );
if ( exists $FITS_headers->{CCDSUM} ) {
my $binning = $FITS_headers->{CCDSUM};
if ( $binning eq '1 1' ) {
@bounds = ( 1, 1024, 1, 1024 );
if ( exists $FITS_headers->{TRIMSEC} ) {
my $section = $FITS_headers->{TRIMSEC};
if ( $section !~ /UNKNOWN/i ) {
$section =~ s/\[//;
$section =~ s/\]//;
$section =~ s/,/:/g;
my @newbounds = split( /:/, $section );
if (@newbounds == grep { $_ == 0 } @newbounds) {
print "ERR: TRIMSEC all 0\n";
} else {
if ( $FITS_headers->{INSTRUME} !~ /^fl02/i && $FITS_headers->{INSTRUME} !~ /^fl03/i && $FITS_headers->{INSTRUME} !~ /^fl04/i && $FITS_headers->{INSTRUME} !~ /^fl01/i ) {
# Unless this is ef02-4 data (which has a bad TRIMSEC), update bounds array
@bounds = @newbounds;
# print("DBG: Bounds=@bounds\n");
return @bounds;
=head1 SEE ALSO
C<Astro::FITS::HdrTrans>, C<Astro::FITS::HdrTrans::LCO>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tim Lister E<lt>tlister@lcogt.netE<gt>