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use v5.14;
# AtteanX::Parser::Trig
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
AtteanX::Parser::Trig - Trig RDF Parser
=head1 VERSION
This document describes AtteanX::Parser::Trig version 0.035
use Attean;
my $parser = AtteanX::Parser::Trig->new( handler => sub {...}, base => $base_iri );
# Parse data from a file-handle and handle triples in the 'handler' callback
$parser->parse_cb_from_io( $fh );
# Parse the given byte-string, and return an iterator of triples
my $iter = $parser->parse_iter_from_bytes('<s> <p> 1, 2, 3 .');
while (my $triple = $iter->next) {
print $triple->as_string;
This module implements a parser for the Trig RDF format.
=head1 ROLES
This class consumes L<Attean::API::Parser>, L<Attean::API::PushParser>,
<Attean::API::AbbreviatingParser>, and <Attean::API::TripleParser>.
=over 4
=item C<< canonical_media_type >>
=item C<< media_types >>
=item C<< file_extensions >>
=item C<< canonicalize >>
A boolean indicating whether term values should be canonicalized during parsing.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
package AtteanX::Parser::Trig 0.035 {
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw(Bool ArrayRef HashRef Str Maybe InstanceOf);
use Types::Namespace qw( NamespaceMap );
use utf8;
use Carp qw(carp);
use Encode qw(encode);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
sub canonical_media_type { return "text/trig" }
sub media_types {
return [qw(text/trig)];
sub file_extensions { return [qw(trig)] }
has 'canonicalize' => (is => 'rw', isa => Bool, default => 0);
has '_map' => (is => 'ro', isa => HashRef[Str], default => sub { +{} });
# this is the entry point where we change the rules from Turtle to Trig
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
my $l = shift;
while (my $t = $self->_next_nonws($l)) {
$self->_trigDoc($l, $t);
sub _trigDoc {
my $self = shift;
my $l = shift;
my $t = shift;
my $type = $t->type;
if ($type == TURTLEPREFIX or $type == PREFIX) {
$t = $self->_get_token_type($l, PREFIXNAME);
unless (defined($t->value)) {
my $tname = AtteanX::Parser::Turtle::Constants::decrypt_constant($t->type);
Carp::confess "undefined $tname token value: " . Dumper($t);
my $name = $t->value;
chop($name) if (substr($name, -1) eq ':');
# $name =~ s/:$//;
$t = $self->_get_token_type($l, IRI);
my %args = (value => $t->value);
if ($self->has_base) {
$args{base} = $self->base;
my $r = $self->new_iri(%args);
my $iri = $r->as_string;
if ($type == TURTLEPREFIX) {
$t = $self->_get_token_type($l, DOT);
# $t = $self->_next_nonws($l);
# if ($t and $t->type != DOT) {
# $self->_unget_token($t);
# }
$self->_map->{$name} = $iri;
if ($self->has_namespaces) {
my $ns = $self->namespaces;
unless ($ns->namespace_uri($name)) {
$ns->add_mapping($name, $iri);
elsif ($type == TURTLEBASE or $type == BASE) {
$t = $self->_get_token_type($l, IRI);
my %args = (value => $t->value);
if ($self->has_base) {
$args{base} = $self->base;
my $r = $self->new_iri(%args);
my $iri = $r->as_string;
if ($type == TURTLEBASE) {
$t = $self->_get_token_type($l, DOT);
# $t = $self->_next_nonws($l);
# if ($t and $t->type != DOT) {
# $self->_unget_token($t);
# }
else {
$self->_block( $l, $t );
# }
sub _block {
my $self = shift;
my $l = shift;
my $t = shift;
my $type = $t->type;
if ($type == GRAPH) {
# "GRAPH" labelOrSubject wrappedGraph
my $graph = $self->_labelOrSubject($l);
local($self->{graph}) = $graph;
$t = $self->_get_token_type($l, LBRACE);
$self->_block($l, $t);
} elsif ($type == LBRACE) {
$t = $self->_next_nonws($l);
$type = $t->type;
while ($type != RBRACE) {
$self->_triple($l, $t);
$t = $self->_next_nonws($l);
$type = $t->type;
unless ($type == RBRACE or $type == DOT) {
carp "Expected DOT or closing brace";
if ($type == DOT) {
$t = $self->_next_nonws($l);
$type = $t->type;
} else {
$self->_triple($l, $t);
$t = $self->_get_token_type($l, DOT);
sub _labelOrSubject {
my $self = shift;
my $l = shift;
my $t = $self->_next_nonws($l);
if ($t->type == IRI or $t->type == PREFIXNAME or $t->type == BNODE) {
return $self->_token_to_node($t);
} else {
$self->_throw_error(sprintf("Expecting graph name but got %s", decrypt_constant($t->type)), $t, $l);
sub _assert_triple {
my $self = shift;
my $subj = shift;
my $pred = shift;
my $obj = shift;
if ($self->canonicalize and blessed($obj) and $obj->does('Attean::API::Literal')) {
$obj = $obj->canonicalize;
my $graph = $self->{graph};
my $t = (defined($graph))
? Attean::Quad->new($subj, $pred, $obj, $graph)
: Attean::Triple->new($subj, $pred, $obj);
return $t;
sub _throw_error {
my $self = shift;
my $message = shift;
my $t = shift;
my $l = shift;
my $line = $t->start_line;
my $col = $t->start_column;
# Carp::cluck "$message at $line:$col";
my $text = "$message at $line:$col";
if (defined($t->value)) {
$text .= " (near '" . $t->value . "')";
Carp::cluck "TriG parser error";
die $text;
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams C<< <> >>
Copyright (c) 2014--2022 Gregory Todd Williams. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.