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Bolts::Blueprint - Defines the interface implemented by blueprints


version 0.142930


    package MyApp::Blueprint::Custom;
    use Moose;

    with 'Bolts::Blueprint';

    has service_locator => (
        is         => 'ro',
        isa        => 'MyApp::ServiceLocator',

    sub builder {
        my ($self, $bag, $name, @params) = @_;
        $self->service_locator($name, @params);   


A blueprint is a class for retrieving a fresh instance of a value or object on behalf of an artifact.



    sub builder {
        my ($self, $bag, $name, @params) = @_;

This method must be implemented to perform the actual object construction. The arguments passed are as follows:


This is the invocant, the blueprint object itself.


This is the bag that contains the artifact being constructed. This is often referenced as an object giving context to the construction.


This is the name of the artifact being constructed. This is also given for context.


These are the parameters passed in during the pre-injection phase. This may be a list of parameters or hash or whatever the injectors say should be passed in.



    my $artifact = $blueprint->get($bag, $name, @params);

This is basically a wrapper around the call to "builder".


    my $is_implied = $blueprint->implied_scope;

Sometimes, the blueprint itself is inherently scoped. For example, a literal value is immutable and therefore saving the value to the scope would be a waste of time. Another example is a service locator that might manage it's own scope based on complex features of the application state. In those cases, you may override this method to return a true value to cause the artifact to skip saving to and checking the scope for this value and calling the blueprint every time.


Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Qubling Software LLC.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.