Changes for version 5.8004
- Tutorial:
- Add foreign key support for SQLite (huge thanks to Caelum for that and other good edits!)
- Add "Quick Start" to Intro (Chapter 1)
- Switch to use of "-r" to auto-restart the dev svr
- Update for latest available Debian package versions
- Switch to individual files for example code vs. tarballs
- Switch to 'done_testing' and shorter 'prove' args for testing chapter
- Misc typo fixes
- Other:
- Minor Cookbook edits
The philosophy of Catalyst
Catalyst Reusable Actions
How Catalyst 5.8+ and Moose relate
Reuseable components for Catalyst applications
Cooking with Catalyst
Administrative structure of the Catalyst Development Process
Extending The Framework
Catalyst Internals
Introduction to Catalyst
Catalyst Tutorial: Overview
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 1: Introduction
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 2: Catalyst Application Development Basics
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 3: More Catalyst Application Development Basics
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 4: Basic CRUD
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 5: Authentication
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 6: Authorization
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 7: Debugging
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 8: Testing
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD - FormBuilder
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD - FormFu
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD - FormHandler
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 10: Appendices
(DEPRECATED, see Catalyst::Manual::ExtendingCatalyst)
The Catalyst developer's manual
See Catalyst::Manual::Components instead