#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings qw(FATAL all NONFATAL misc);
use utf8;
use open qw/:std :locale/;
(Annotated => [[fields => qw/comment body deprecated/]
, [subtypes =>
Decl => [[fields => qw/kind name exported/]
, [subtypes =>
Interface => [[fields => qw/extends/]]
# SpecParser.pm extract_codeblock typescript specification.md|
# SpecParser.pm cli_xargs_json extract_statement_list|
# grep -v 'interface ParameterInformation'|
# SpecParser.pm cli_xargs_json --single tokenize_statement_list|
# SpecParser.pm cli_xargs_json --single parse_statement_list |
# jq --slurp .
sub parse_files :method {
(my MY $self, my @files) = @_;
[$self->extract_codeblock(typescript => @files)]
sub parse_statement_list :method {
(my MY $self, my $statementTokList) = @_;
map {
my ($declarator, $comment, $bodyTokList) = @$_;
my Decl $decl = $self->parse_declarator($declarator);
$self->parse_comment_into_decl($decl, $comment);
if (my $sub = $self->can("parse_$decl->{kind}_declbody")) {
$decl->{body} = \ my @body;
while (@$bodyTokList) {
push @body, $sub->($self, $decl, $bodyTokList);
if (@$bodyTokList) {
$self->tokerror(["Invalid trailing token(s) for declbody of ", $decl]
, $bodyTokList);
} else {
print STDERR "# Not yet supported: "
. MOP4Import::Util::terse_dump($_), "\n"
unless $self->{quiet};
} @$statementTokList;
sub tokerror {
(my MY $self, my $diag, my $bodyTokList) = @_;
Carp::croak MOP4Import::Util::terse_dump($diag)
. ": " . MOP4Import::Util::terse_dump($bodyTokList);
sub parse_comment_into_decl :method {
(my MY $self, my Decl $decl, my $comment) = @_;
return unless defined $comment;
if ($comment =~ s/\@deprecated(?:\s+(?<by>\S[^\n]*))?//) {
$decl->{deprecated} = $+{by};
$decl->{comment} = $comment;
sub parse_type_declbody :method {
(my MY $self, my Decl $decl, my $bodyTokList) = @_;
$self->parse_typeunion($decl, $bodyTokList);
sub parse_namespace_declbody :method {
(my MY $self, my Decl $decl, my $bodyTokList) = @_;
$decl, $bodyTokList, [], sub {
(my $origTok, my Annotated $ast) = @_;
my $tok = $origTok;
# Currently only something like `export const Error = 1;` are supported.
$tok =~ s{^export\s+const\s+(\w+)\s*}{}x or do {
$self->tokerror(["Unsupported namespace statement: ", $tok
, decl => $decl], $bodyTokList);
my $name = $1;
my ($type, $value);
if ($tok =~ m{= \s* (\S+)\z}x) {
$value = $1;
} elsif ($self->eat_token(':', $bodyTokList)) {
($type, $value) = $self->re_match_token(qr{([^\s=]+) (?: \s* = \s* (\S+))?}xs, $bodyTokList);
} else {
$self->tokerror(["Unsupported namespace statement: ", $origTok
, decl => $decl], $bodyTokList);
# , $type, $value
# (?: : \s* ([^\s=]+) \s*)?
# (?: = \s* (\S+))?
# and $self->eat_token(':', $bodyTokList))
$ast->{body} = my Decl $const = {};
# enum assignment.
$const->{kind} = 'const';
$const->{name} = $name;
my $expr = $self->unquote_string($value);
$const->{body} = (defined $type ? [$type => $expr] : $expr);
$self->eat_token(';', $bodyTokList);
return defined $ast->{comment} ? $ast : $ast->{body};
sub unquote_string :method {
(my MY $self, my $str) = @_;
$str =~ s/^'([^']*)'\z/$1/ or
$str =~ s/^"([^"]*)"\z/$1/;
sub parse_enum_declbody :method {
(my MY $self, my Decl $decl, my $bodyTokList) = @_;
$decl, $bodyTokList, [], sub {
(my $tok, my Annotated $ast) = @_;
$tok =~ s{^(?<ident>\w+)\s*=\s*}{}x
or return;
# enum assignment.
$ast->{body} = [$+{ident}, $tok];
# ',' may not exist
$self->eat_token(',', $bodyTokList);
return defined $ast->{comment} ? $ast : $ast->{body};
sub parse_class_declbody :method {
sub parse_interface_declbody :method {
(my MY $self, my Decl $decl, my $bodyTokList) = @_;
# I'm not sure why this requires ',' too.
# Found after TextDocumentClientCapabilities.completion.completionItemKind
$decl, $bodyTokList, [';', ','], sub {
(my $tok, my Annotated $ast) = @_;
($tok =~ s{^(?:(?<ro>readonly)\s+)?
(?<slotName>(?:\w+ |\[[^]]+\]) \??)}{}x
and $self->eat_token(':', $bodyTokList))
or return;
# Drop 'readonly' for now.
# slot
$ast->{body} = my $slotDef = [$+{slotName}];
unshift @$bodyTokList, $tok if $tok =~ /\S/;
push @$slotDef, $self->parse_typeunion($decl, $bodyTokList);
return defined $ast->{comment} ? $ast : $ast->{body};
sub parse_declbody :method {
(my MY $self, my Decl $decl, my ($bodyTokList, $terminators, $elemParser)) = @_;
my @result;
unless ($self->eat_token('{', $bodyTokList)) {
$self->tokerror(["Invalid leading token for declbody of ", $decl], $bodyTokList);
my Annotated $ast = +{};
while (@$bodyTokList and $bodyTokList->[0] ne '}') {
my $tok = shift @$bodyTokList;
if ($tok eq '{') {
$ast->{body} = [$self->parse_declbody($decl, $bodyTokList, $terminators, $elemParser)];
} elsif ($tok eq '[') {
# Index Signatures. 3.9.4
unless (@$bodyTokList >= 4
and $bodyTokList->[0] =~ /^\w+\z/
and $bodyTokList->[1] eq ':') {
Carp::croak "Invalid Index Signature after '[':"
. MOP4Import::Util::terse_dump($bodyTokList);
(my $name, undef, my $ixType, undef) = splice @$bodyTokList, 0, 4;
$ast->{body} = my $slotDef = [$name];
if ($self->eat_token(':', $bodyTokList)) {
push @$slotDef, $self->parse_typeunion($decl, $bodyTokList);
push @result, $ast;
$ast = +{};
} elsif ($tok =~ m{^/\*\*}) {
$self->parse_comment_into_decl($ast, $self->tokenize_comment_block($tok));
} elsif ($tok =~ m{^//}) {
# Just ignored.
} elsif (my $elem = $elemParser->($tok, $ast)) {
push @result, $elem;
$ast = +{};
} else {
die "HOEHOE? tok='$tok': "
.MOP4Import::Util::terse_dump($bodyTokList, [decl => $decl]);
unless ($self->eat_token('}', $bodyTokList)) {
$self->tokerror(["Invalid closing token for declbody of ", $decl], $bodyTokList);
# trailing terminators after '}' is eaten here.
$self->eat_token($_, $bodyTokList) for @$terminators;
if (%$ast) {
$self->tokerror(["Something went wrong for declbody of ", $decl], $bodyTokList);
# I call here UnionOrIntersectionOrPrimaryType as typeunion
# and IntersectionOrPrimaryType as typeconj
# typeunion -> typeconj -> typeunion
sub parse_typeunion :method {
(my MY $self, my Decl $decl, my $bodyTokList) = @_;
my @union;
while (@$bodyTokList and $bodyTokList->[0] ne ';') {
if ($bodyTokList->[0] eq '{') {
push @union, $self->parse_interface_declbody($decl, $bodyTokList);
} else {
push @union, $self->parse_typeconj($decl, $bodyTokList);
if ($self->eat_token(';', $bodyTokList)) {
if (not $self->eat_token('|', $bodyTokList)) {
# parse conjunctive? type expression. (IntersectionOrPrimaryType)
sub parse_typeconj :method {
(my MY $self, my Decl $decl, my $bodyTokList) = @_;
if (my ($ident, $bracket) = $bodyTokList->[0] =~ /^(\w+(?:<[^>]+>)?)(\[\])?\z/) {
shift @$bodyTokList;
return defined $bracket ? [$ident, $bracket] : $ident;
} elsif (my ($string) = $bodyTokList->[0] =~ /^('[^']*' | "[^"]*" )\z/x) {
shift @$bodyTokList;
return [constant => $string];
} elsif ($self->eat_token('(', $bodyTokList)) {
my $expr = [\ my @union];
until ($self->eat_token(')', $bodyTokList)) {
do {
my $e = $self->parse_typeconj($decl, $bodyTokList);
if ($self->eat_token('&', $bodyTokList)) {
$e = ['&', $e];
do {
push @$e, $self->parse_typeconj($decl, $bodyTokList);
} while ($self->eat_token('&', $bodyTokList));
push @union, $e;
} while ($self->eat_token('|', $bodyTokList));
# For ()[] <-- this.
if (my $bracket = $self->eat_token('[]', $bodyTokList)) {
push @$expr, $bracket;
return $expr;
} elsif ($self->eat_token('[', $bodyTokList)) {
my $expr = [\ my @tuple]; # XXX
unless ($self->eat_token(']', $bodyTokList)) {
do {
push @tuple, my $e = $self->parse_typeconj($decl, $bodyTokList);
} while ($self->eat_token(',', $bodyTokList));
unless ($self->eat_token(']', $bodyTokList)) {
$self->tokerror(["Tuple not closed for declbody of ", $decl], $bodyTokList);
return $expr;
} else {
die "Really? ".MOP4Import::Util::terse_dump($bodyTokList, [decl => $decl]);
sub parse_declarator :method {
(my MY $self, my $declTokIn) = @_;
my $declTok = [@$declTokIn];
my Decl $decl = {};
if ($self->eat_token(export => $declTok)) {
$decl->{exported} = 1;
$decl->{kind} = shift @$declTok;
$decl->{name} = shift @$declTok;
if ($decl->{kind} eq 'interface') {
if ($self->eat_token(extends => $declTok)) {
my Interface $if = $decl;
$if->{extends} = shift @$declTok;
sub eat_token :method {
(my MY $self, my ($tokString, $tokList)) = @_;
if (@$tokList and $tokList->[0] eq $tokString) {
shift @$tokList;
sub re_match_token :method {
(my MY $self, my ($pattern, $tokList)) = @_;
if (@$tokList and my @match = ($tokList->[0] =~ $pattern)) {
shift @$tokList;
return @match;
return ();
sub tokenize_statement_list :method {
(my MY $self, my $statementList) = @_;
map {
my ($declarator, $comment, $body) = @$_;
, $self->tokenize_comment_block($comment)
, $self->tokenize_declbody($body)];
} @$statementList;
sub tokenize_declbody :method {
(my MY $self, my $declString) = @_;
[map {s/\s*\z//; $_}
grep {/\S/}
split m{(; | [{}(),\|&:]
| \[ (?=[^]]) | (?<!\[) \]
| /\*\*\n(?:.*?)\*/ | //[^\n]*\n) \s*}xs, $declString];
sub tokenize_comment_block :method {
(my MY $self, my $commentString) = @_;
return undef unless defined $commentString;
unless ($commentString =~ s,^\s*/\*\*\n,,s) {
Carp::croak "Comment doesn't start with /**\\n: "
. MOP4Import::Util::terse_dump($commentString);
unless ($commentString =~ s,\*/\n?\z,,s) {
Carp::croak "Comment doesn't end with */: "
. MOP4Import::Util::terse_dump($commentString);
$commentString =~ s/^\s+\*\ //mg;
$commentString =~ s/\s+\z//;
sub tokenize_declarator :method {
(my MY $self, my $declString) = @_;
[split " ", $declString];
sub extract_statement_list :method {
(my MY $self, my ($codeList)) = @_;
local $_;
my $wordRe = qr{[^\s{}=\|]+};
my $commentRe = qr{/\*\*\n(?:.*?)\*/\n?}sx;
my $groupRe = qr{( \{ (?: (?> [^{}/]+) | $commentRe | /[^\*] | (?-1) )* \} )}x;
my $typeElemRe = qr{$wordRe | $groupRe}sx;
my @result;
foreach (@$codeList) {
while (m{
(?: (?<body> $groupRe )
| = \s* (?<type>
$typeElemRe \s*(?: \| \s*$typeElemRe)*
}sgx) {
push @result, [$+{decl}, $+{comment}, $+{body} // $+{type}];
# Lite/LanguageServer/SpecParser.pm --flatten --output=raw extract_codeblock typescript specification.md
sub extract_codeblock :method {
(my MY $self, my $langId, local @ARGV) = @_;
local $_;
my ($chunk, @result);
while (defined($_ = $self->cli_compat_diamond)) {
my $line = s{^```$langId\b}{} .. s{^```}{}
or next;
my $end = $line =~ /E0/;
$chunk .= $_ if $line >= 2 and not $end;
if ($end) {
push @result, $chunk;
$chunk = "";
MY->run(\@ARGV) unless caller;