use Mo qw'default xxx';
has yaml => ();
has from => ();
has code => ();
has loader => ();
has ns => ();
# Apply patches for YAML::PP::Schema
my $create_mapping = \&YAML::PP::Schema::create_mapping;
my $create_sequence = \&YAML::PP::Schema::create_sequence;
my $load_scalar = \&YAML::PP::Schema::load_scalar;
no warnings 'redefine';
*YAML::PP::Schema::create_mapping = sub {
$_[2]->{tag} //= '-';
goto $create_mapping;
*YAML::PP::Schema::create_sequence = sub {
$_[2]->{tag} //= '-';
goto $create_sequence;
*YAML::PP::Schema::load_scalar = sub {
$_[2]->{tag} //= '-'
if $_[2]->{style} == 1;
goto $load_scalar;
# Regex patterns for YAMLScript DSL syntax:
my $lc = qr/(?:[a-z])/; # lower case
my $dg = qw/(?:[0-9])/; # digit
my $an = qr/(?:[a-z0-9])/; # alphanum
my $sp = qr/(?:[-])/; # separator
my $p1 = qr/(?:$lc$an*)/; # part 1 of identifier
my $pt = qr/(?:$an+)/; # other part of identifier
my $id = qr/(?:$p1(?:$sp$pt)*)/; # identifier
my $punc = qr/(?:[\-\+\*\/\.\=\<\>\:])/;
my $ops = {
'..' => 'range',
'+' => 'add',
'-' => 'sub',
my $key_defn = qr/^($id)\((.*)\)$/;
my %exprs = (
def => qr/^($id)\ *=$/,
defn => $key_defn,
op => qr/^\(($punc+)\)$/,
call => qr/^($id)$/,
# Compile ->yaml to ->code using YAML::PP custom construction
sub compile {
my ($self) = @_;
# Create a YAML loader object with an empty schema:
my $loader = $self->{loader} =
schema => ['Failsafe'],
# Set up the custom YAML loader:
# Get the input YAMLScript (YAML string):
my $yaml = $self->yaml;
# All the compilation happens in the loader:
my $code = $self->{code} =
# Make a new NS (namespace) object:
my $ns = YAMLScript::NS->new(
need => ['YS-Core'],
while (my ($key, $val) = each %$code) {
if ($key eq 'use') {
$val = [ $val ] unless ref($val) eq 'ARRAY';
unshift @$val, 'YS-Core' unless
grep {$_ eq 'YS-Core'} @$val;
else {
$key =~ $key_defn or
die "Invalid key '$key' in top level of '${\$self->from}'";
my $name = $1;
my $sign = $2;
$sign = [ split /\s*,\s*/, $sign ];
my $func = YAMLScript::Func->new(
____ => $name,
sign => $sign,
body => $val,
$ns->vars->{$name} = $func;
# Return the NS object:
return $ns;
# Configure the YAML loader with custom constructors:
sub configure {
my ($self) = @_;
my $loader = $self->loader;
my $schema = $loader->schema;
tag => qr/^/,
on_create => sub {
my ($constructor, $event) = @_;
on_data => sub {
my ($constructor, $ref, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $$ref;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$data; $i += 2) {
my ($key, $val) = @$data[$i, $i+1];
$key = $$key if ref($key) eq 'YAMLScript::Str';
if (ref($val) eq 'YAMLScript::Str') {
if ($$val !~ /\$$id/) {
$val = $$val;
$hash->{$key} = $val;
if (@$data == 2) {
my ($key, $val) = @$data;
if (ref($key) eq 'YAMLScript::Str') {
$key = $$key;
$val = delete $hash->{$key} or die;
# YAMLScript 'def' (assignment)
if ($key =~ /^([-\w]+)\s*=$/) {
$hash->{____} = 'def';
$hash->{args} = [$1, $val];
# YAMLScript 'defn' (function definition)
elsif ($key =~ /^([-\w]+)\((.*)\)$/) {
my ($name, $sign) = ($1, $2);
$sign = [ split /\s*,\s*/, $sign ];
$val = [ $val ] unless ref($val) eq 'ARRAY';
my $func = bless {
____ => $name,
sign => $sign,
body => $val,
}, 'YAMLScript::Func';
$hash->{____} = 'defn';
$hash->{args} = $func;
else {
$hash->{____} = $key;
$val = [ $val ] unless ref($val) eq 'ARRAY';
$hash->{args} = $val;
bless $hash, 'YAMLScript::Expr';
tag => qr/^/,
on_create => sub {
my $tag = $_[1]->{tag};
if ($tag eq '-') {
return [];
else {
return {____ => substr($tag, 1)};
on_data => sub {
my ($constructor, $ref, $data) = @_;
if (ref($$ref) eq 'HASH') {
my $hash = bless $$ref, 'YAMLScript::Expr';
my $args = [
map {
if (ref eq 'YAMLScript::Str') {
if ($$_ !~ /\$$id/) {
$_ = $$_;
} @$data
$hash->{args} = $args;
else {
my $array = $$ref;
for my $val (@$data) {
if (ref($val) eq 'YAMLScript::Str') {
if ($$val !~ /\$$id/) {
$val = $$val;
push @$array, $val;
my $re_num = qr/^-?\d+$/;
tag => '-',
match => [
all => sub {
my ($constructor, $event) = @_;
my $value = $event->{value};
if ($value =~ $re_num) {
$value += 0;
return $value;
return bless \$value, 'YAMLScript::Str';