
Authoring an Alien distribution using Alien::Base
Frequently asked questions
The Alien::Build Manual
General alien author documentation
Alien author documentation
Alien user documentation
Over-detailed contributing guide
Frequently Asked Questions about Alien::Build
Alien::Build plugin author documentation
General alien author documentation
Build Alien::Build plugins
Core Alien::Build plugins
Decode Alien::Build plugins
Fetch Alien::Digest plugins
Download Alien::Build plugins
Extract Alien::Build plugins
Fetch Alien::Build plugins
Gather Alien::Build plugins
PkgConfig Alien::Build plugins
Prefer Alien::Build plugins
Probe Alien::Build plugins
Probe Alien::Build plugins
API Reference for Module Authors
Authoring Module::Build modules
How to bundle Module::Build with a distribution
How to cook a Moose
Demonstrates the use of method modifiers in a subclass
Demonstrates various attribute features including lazy, predicates, weak refs, and more
Demonstrates the use of subtypes and how to model classes related to companies, people, employees, etc.
The augment modifier, which turns normal method overriding "inside-out"
Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
Demonstrates subtypes and coercion use HTTP-related classes (Request, Protocol, etc.)
Making Moose fast by making your class immutable
Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to hook into object construction
Point and Point3D classes, showing basic attributes and subclassing.
Providing a role for the base object class
Acting like and providing sugar Moose-style
Providing an alternate base object class
A meta-attribute, attributes with labels
Adding a "table" attribute to the metaclass
Creating a glob reference meta-instance class
Labels implemented via attribute traits
A method metaclass for marking methods public or private
Adding a "table" attribute as a metaclass trait
Welcome to the meta world (Why Go Meta?)
Applying a role to an object instance
Advanced Role Composition - method exclusion and aliasing
Restricted "keywords" in Moose
Snippets of code for using Types and Type Constraints
Expanded into Moose::Manual::BestPractices, so go read that
Expanded into Moose::Manual, so go read that
What is Moose, and how do I use it?
Object attributes with Moose
Get the most out of Moose
Making your classes use Moose (and subclassing)
Moose OO concepts
Object construction (and destruction) with Moose
How to get involved in Moose
Attribute delegation
Important Changes in Moose
Moose's exceptions
Moose's Exception Types
Frequently asked questions about Moose
The Moose (and Class::MOP) meta API
Moose's method modifiers
Recommended Moose extensions
Links to various tutorials, videos, blogs, presentations, interviews, etc...
Roles, an alternative to deep hierarchies and base classes
Policies regarding support, releases, and compatibility.
Moose's type system
Moose idioms in plain old Perl 5 without the sugar
Formal spec for Role behavior
Moved to Moose::Manual::Unsweetened, so go read that
Authoring an Alien distribution using Alien::Base
Frequently asked questions
The Alien::Build Manual
General alien author documentation
Alien author documentation
Alien user documentation
Over-detailed contributing guide
Frequently Asked Questions about Alien::Build
Alien::Build plugin author documentation
General alien author documentation
Build Alien::Build plugins
Core Alien::Build plugins
Decode Alien::Build plugins
Fetch Alien::Digest plugins
Download Alien::Build plugins
Extract Alien::Build plugins
Fetch Alien::Build plugins
Gather Alien::Build plugins
PkgConfig Alien::Build plugins
Prefer Alien::Build plugins
Probe Alien::Build plugins
Probe Alien::Build plugins
API Reference for Module Authors
Authoring Module::Build modules
How to bundle Module::Build with a distribution
How to cook a Moose
Demonstrates the use of method modifiers in a subclass
Demonstrates various attribute features including lazy, predicates, weak refs, and more
Demonstrates the use of subtypes and how to model classes related to companies, people, employees, etc.
The augment modifier, which turns normal method overriding "inside-out"
Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
Demonstrates subtypes and coercion use HTTP-related classes (Request, Protocol, etc.)
Making Moose fast by making your class immutable
Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to hook into object construction
Point and Point3D classes, showing basic attributes and subclassing.
Providing a role for the base object class
Acting like and providing sugar Moose-style
Providing an alternate base object class
A meta-attribute, attributes with labels
Adding a "table" attribute to the metaclass
Creating a glob reference meta-instance class
Labels implemented via attribute traits
A method metaclass for marking methods public or private
Adding a "table" attribute as a metaclass trait
Welcome to the meta world (Why Go Meta?)
Applying a role to an object instance
Advanced Role Composition - method exclusion and aliasing
Restricted "keywords" in Moose
Snippets of code for using Types and Type Constraints
Expanded into Moose::Manual::BestPractices, so go read that
Expanded into Moose::Manual, so go read that
What is Moose, and how do I use it?
Object attributes with Moose
Get the most out of Moose
Making your classes use Moose (and subclassing)
Moose OO concepts
Object construction (and destruction) with Moose
How to get involved in Moose
Attribute delegation
Important Changes in Moose
Moose's exceptions
Moose's Exception Types
Frequently asked questions about Moose
The Moose (and Class::MOP) meta API
Moose's method modifiers
Recommended Moose extensions
Links to various tutorials, videos, blogs, presentations, interviews, etc...
Roles, an alternative to deep hierarchies and base classes
Policies regarding support, releases, and compatibility.
Moose's type system
Moose idioms in plain old Perl 5 without the sugar
Formal spec for Role behavior
Moved to Moose::Manual::Unsweetened, so go read that
Authoring an Alien distribution using Alien::Base
Frequently asked questions
The Alien::Build Manual
General alien author documentation
Alien author documentation
Alien user documentation
Over-detailed contributing guide
Frequently Asked Questions about Alien::Build
Alien::Build plugin author documentation
General alien author documentation
Build Alien::Build plugins
Core Alien::Build plugins
Decode Alien::Build plugins
Fetch Alien::Digest plugins
Download Alien::Build plugins
Extract Alien::Build plugins
Fetch Alien::Build plugins
Gather Alien::Build plugins
PkgConfig Alien::Build plugins
Prefer Alien::Build plugins
Probe Alien::Build plugins
Probe Alien::Build plugins


Base classes for Alien:: modules
Private legacy pkg-config class for Alien::Base
Compiler and linker wrapper for Alien
Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
Alien::Build command sequence
Advanced interpolation engine for Alien builds
Default interpolator for Alien::Build
Alien::Build logging
Log class for Alien::Build which is less verbose
Default Alien::Build log class
Alien::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Plugin base class for Alien::Build
Autoconf plugin for Alien::Build
CMake plugin for Alien::Build
Copy plugin for Alien::Build
MSYS plugin for Alien::Build
Make plugin for Alien::Build
Add dependencies to library and header search path
Implementation for clean_install hook.
Core Alien::Build plugin to maintain compatibility with legacy Alien::Base
Core tail setup plugin
Plugin to extract links from a directory listing
Plugin to extract links from a directory listing using ftpcopy
Plugin to extract links from HTML
Plugin to extract links from HTML using Mojo::DOM or Mojo::DOM58
Plugin negotiator for cryptographic signatures
Plugin to check SHA digest with Digest::SHA
Plugin to check SHA digest with Digest::SHA::PurePerl
Alien::Build plugin to download from GitHub
Download negotiation plugin
Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Tar
Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Zip
Plugin to extract an archive using command line tools
Plugin to extract a downloaded directory to a build directory
Plugin to extract a downloaded file to a build directory
Extraction negotiation plugin
Plugin for fetching files using curl
Plugin for fetching files using HTTP::Tiny
Plugin for fetching files using LWP
Plugin for fetching a local file
Plugin for fetching a local directory
Plugin for fetching files using Net::FTP
Plugin for fetching files using wget
Plugin to gather dynamic libraries into a separate directory
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using the pkg-config command line interface
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using PkgConfig::LibPkgConf
Convert .pc files into static
Package configuration negotiation plugin
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using
Plugin to filter out known bad versions
Plugin to filter known good versions
Plugin to sort candidates by most recent first
Probe for system libraries by guessing with ExtUtils::CBuilder
Probe for tools or commands already available
Probe for system libraries using Vcpkg
Mock plugin for testing
Temp Dir support for Alien::Build
Private utility functions for Alien::Build
Very basic version object for Alien::Build
Alien::Build local config
Extend Alien::Base with roles!
Alien Utilities used at build and runtime
An Abstract attribute
An Alias attribute
A Memoize attribute
No more 'my $self = shift;'
A Signal Handler Attribute
Assorted general utility attributes
Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
Inheritable, overridable class data
A working (require "Class::Name") and more
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like cmp
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like <=>
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like cmp or <=>
parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
Provides function returning the equivalent of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'DESTRUCT' for older perls.
introspect overloaded operators
An object representing a stack trace
A single frame in a stack trace
declare version conflicts for your dist
safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
A wrapper for perl's configuration
Various portability utilities for module builders
Unix specific helper bits
VMS specific helper bits
Windows specific helper bits
Build.PL install path logic made easy
Check that a library is available for FFI
Parse directory listing
Perl implementation of the which utility as an API
a more sensible way to change directories
HTTP cookie jars
Access to Microsoft cookies files
Access to Netscape cookies files
choose a variant to serve
Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
The World-Wide Web library for Perl
Library for enabling NTLM authentication (Microsoft) in LWP
Connection cache manager
Member access mixin class
Base class for LWP protocols
a class for well-behaved Web robots
simple procedural interface to LWP
Web user agent class
mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
Build and install Perl modules
Default methods for Module::Build
Compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Configuration for Module::Build
Examples of Module::Build Usage
Create persistent distribution configuration modules
Perl Package Manager file creation
Stub class for unknown platforms
Builder class for MacOS platforms
Builder class for Unix platforms
Builder class for VMS platforms
Builder class for VOS platforms
Builder class for Windows platforms
Builder class for AIX platform
Builder class for Cygwin platform
Builder class for Mac OS X platform
Builder class for OS/2 platform
A tiny replacement for Module::Build
Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
runtime module handling
Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime
Low-level HTTP connection (client)
Methods shared by Net::HTTP and Net::HTTPS
Non-blocking HTTP client
Low-level HTTP over SSL/TLS connection (client)
A real Try Catch Block Implementation Using Perl Filter
Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl)
The PPI Document Caching Layer
Object representation of a Perl document
A Perl Document located in a specific file
A fragment of a Perl Document
A normalized Perl Document
Dumping of PDOM trees
The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
The PPI exception base class
Object version of the Element->find method
The PPI Lexer
Abstract PPI Node class, an Element that can contain other Elements
Normalize Perl Documents
Provides standard document normalization functions
The base class for Perl statements
Statements which break out of normal statement flow
Describes all compound statements
The __DATA__ section of a file
Content after the __END__ of a module
A generic and non-specialised statement
A given-when statement
Statements that include other code
Inline Perl 6 file section
A useless null statement
A package statement
A scheduled code block
Subroutine declaration
An unknown or transient statement
Isolated unmatched brace
Variable declaration statements
A when statement
The base class for Perl braced structures
Curly braces representing a code block
Round braces for boolean context conditions
Anonymous hash or array constructor
Circular braces for a for expression
Circular braces for a switch statement
Explicit list or precedence ordering braces
Braces that represent an array or hash subscript
An unknown or unresolved brace structure
Circular braces for a when statement
A single token of Perl source code
Token getting the last index for an array
A token for a subroutine attribute
Tokens representing Unicode byte order marks
A prefix which forces a value into a different context
A comment in Perl source code
A dashed bareword token
The actual data in the __DATA__ section of a file
Completely useless content after the __END__ tag
Token class for the here-doc
Token class for a statement label
Tokens representing magic variables
Token class for a number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for an exponential notation number
Token class for a floating-point number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for a byte-packed number
Token class for operators
Sections of POD in Perl documents
A subroutine prototype descriptor
String quote abstract base class
Build and make available libffi
XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5
Attribute Meta Object
Class Meta Object
Implements immutability for metaclass objects
Manages deprecation warnings for Class::MOP
Instance Meta Object
Method Meta Object
Method Meta Object for accessors
Method Meta Object for constructors
Abstract base class for generated methods
Method base class for methods which have been inlined
Method Meta Object for meta methods
Method Meta Object for methods with before/after/around modifiers
Extremely limited trait application
Base class for mixin classes
Core attributes shared by attribute metaclasses
Methods for metaclasses which have attributes
Methods for metaclasses which have methods
Methods for metaclasses which have overloads
Module Meta Object
Base class for metaclasses
Overload Meta Object
Package Meta Object
recursively copy Perl datatypes
Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs)
Build shared libraries for use with FFI
Base class for File::Build files
Class to track C source file in FFI::Build
Class to track C source file in FFI::Build
Class to track object file in FFI::Build
Class to track object file in FFI::Build
FFI::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Platform specific configuration.
Platform and local customizations of FFI::Build
Platform and local customizations of FFI::Build
Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
Platypus arguments and return value API for custom types
Convert scalars to C buffers
Bundle foreign code with your Perl module
Platypus closure object
Define constants in C space for Perl
Slightly non-portable interface to libdl
An FFI function object
For internal use only
Language specific customizations
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Assembly
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the C programming language
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Windows API
Legacy Platypus interfaces
Memory functions for FFI
FFI support for structured records data
FFI support for structured records data
Tied array interface for record array members
Defining types for FFI::Platypus
Convert string scalar to a buffer as a pointer / size_t combination
Platypus custom type for arrays of strings
Convert a pointer to a string and back
Platypus custom type for Unicode "wide" strings
FFI Type Parser
FFI Type Parser Version Zero
FFI Type Parser Version One
FFI Type Parser Version Two
System detection and probing for FFI extensions.
Probe runner for FFI
Probe runner builder for FFI
The results from a probe run.
Temp Dir support for FFI::Platypus
A selection of general-utility list subroutines
Indicate if List::Util was compiled with a C compiler
A postmodern object system for Perl 5
Manages deprecation warnings for Moose
Superclass for Moose internal exceptions
make an import() and unimport() just like
The Moose attribute metaclass
Delegate to native Perl types
Shared role for native delegation traits
Helper trait for ArrayRef attributes
Helper trait for Bool attributes
Helper trait for CodeRef attributes
Helper trait for Int attributes which represent counters
Helper trait for HashRef attributes
Helper trait for Num attributes
Helper trait for Str attributes
The Moose metaclass
Implements immutability for metaclass objects
The Moose Instance metaclass
A Moose Method metaclass
A Moose Method metaclass for accessors
A Moose Method metaclass for augmented methods
Method Meta Object for constructors
A Moose Method metaclass for delegation methods
Method Meta Object for destructors
A Moose Method metaclass for meta methods
A Moose Method metaclass for overridden methods
Core attributes shared by attribute metaclasses
Some overrides for Class::MOP::Object functionality
The Moose Role metaclass
A base class for role application
Compose a role into a class
Compose a role into an instance
Compose a role into another role
The Moose attribute metaclass for Roles
An object to represent the set of roles
A Moose Method metaclass for Roles
A Moose metaclass for conflicting methods in Roles
A Moose metaclass for required methods in Roles
The Moose Type Coercion metaclass
The Moose Type Coercion metaclass for Unions
The Moose Type Constraint metaclass
Class/TypeConstraint parallel hierarchy
Type constraint for duck typing
Type constraint for enumerated values.
Type constraints which can take a parameter (ArrayRef)
Type constraints with a bound parameter (ArrayRef[Int])
registry for type constraints
Role/TypeConstraint parallel hierarchy
A union of Moose type constraints
The base object for Moose
The Moose Role
Utilities for working with Moose classes
Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the object base class
Type constraint system for Moose
Base classes for Alien:: modules
Private legacy pkg-config class for Alien::Base
Compiler and linker wrapper for Alien
Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
Alien::Build command sequence
Advanced interpolation engine for Alien builds
Default interpolator for Alien::Build
Alien::Build logging
Log class for Alien::Build which is less verbose
Default Alien::Build log class
Alien::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Plugin base class for Alien::Build
Autoconf plugin for Alien::Build
CMake plugin for Alien::Build
Copy plugin for Alien::Build
MSYS plugin for Alien::Build
Make plugin for Alien::Build
Add dependencies to library and header search path
Implementation for clean_install hook.
Core Alien::Build plugin to maintain compatibility with legacy Alien::Base
Core tail setup plugin
Plugin to extract links from a directory listing
Plugin to extract links from a directory listing using ftpcopy
Plugin to extract links from HTML
Plugin to extract links from HTML using Mojo::DOM or Mojo::DOM58
Plugin negotiator for cryptographic signatures
Plugin to check SHA digest with Digest::SHA
Plugin to check SHA digest with Digest::SHA::PurePerl
Alien::Build plugin to download from GitHub
Download negotiation plugin
Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Tar
Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Zip
Plugin to extract an archive using command line tools
Plugin to extract a downloaded directory to a build directory
Plugin to extract a downloaded file to a build directory
Extraction negotiation plugin
Plugin for fetching files using curl
Plugin for fetching files using HTTP::Tiny
Plugin for fetching files using LWP
Plugin for fetching a local file
Plugin for fetching a local directory
Plugin for fetching files using Net::FTP
Plugin for fetching files using wget
Plugin to gather dynamic libraries into a separate directory
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using the pkg-config command line interface
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using PkgConfig::LibPkgConf
Convert .pc files into static
Package configuration negotiation plugin
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using
Plugin to filter out known bad versions
Plugin to filter known good versions
Plugin to sort candidates by most recent first
Probe for system libraries by guessing with ExtUtils::CBuilder
Probe for tools or commands already available
Probe for system libraries using Vcpkg
Mock plugin for testing
Temp Dir support for Alien::Build
Private utility functions for Alien::Build
Very basic version object for Alien::Build
Alien::Build local config
Extend Alien::Base with roles!
Alien Utilities used at build and runtime
An Abstract attribute
An Alias attribute
A Memoize attribute
No more 'my $self = shift;'
A Signal Handler Attribute
Assorted general utility attributes
Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
Inheritable, overridable class data
A working (require "Class::Name") and more
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like cmp
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like <=>
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like cmp or <=>
parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
Date formating subroutines
Language specific date formating and parsing
localization for Date::Format
Magyar format for Date::Format
Parse date strings into time values
Provides function returning the equivalent of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'DESTRUCT' for older perls.
introspect overloaded operators
An object representing a stack trace
A single frame in a stack trace
declare version conflicts for your dist
Determine the locale encoding
safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
A wrapper for perl's configuration
Various portability utilities for module builders
Unix specific helper bits
VMS specific helper bits
Windows specific helper bits
Build.PL install path logic made easy
Check that a library is available for FFI
Parse directory listing
Perl implementation of the which utility as an API
a more sensible way to change directories
data tables useful in parsing HTML
Configuration for request and response objects
HTTP cookie jars
Access to Microsoft cookies files
Access to Netscape cookies files
HTTP::Date - date conversion routines
Class encapsulating HTTP Message headers
Header value parsing utility functions
HTTP style message (base class)
choose a variant to serve
HTTP style request message
Construct common HTTP::Request objects
HTTP style response message
HTTP Status code processing
Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
The World-Wide Web library for Perl
Library for enabling NTLM authentication (Microsoft) in LWP
Connection cache manager
guess media type for a file or a URL
Member access mixin class
Base class for LWP protocols
a class for well-behaved Web robots
simple procedural interface to LWP
Web user agent class
mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
Build and install Perl modules
Default methods for Module::Build
Compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Configuration for Module::Build
Examples of Module::Build Usage
Create persistent distribution configuration modules
Perl Package Manager file creation
Stub class for unknown platforms
Builder class for MacOS platforms
Builder class for Unix platforms
Builder class for VMS platforms
Builder class for VOS platforms
Builder class for Windows platforms
Builder class for AIX platform
Builder class for Cygwin platform
Builder class for Mac OS X platform
Builder class for OS/2 platform
A tiny replacement for Module::Build
Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
runtime module handling
Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime
Low-level HTTP connection (client)
Methods shared by Net::HTTP and Net::HTTPS
Non-blocking HTTP client
Low-level HTTP over SSL/TLS connection (client)
A real Try Catch Block Implementation Using Perl Filter
Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl)
The PPI Document Caching Layer
Object representation of a Perl document
A Perl Document located in a specific file
A fragment of a Perl Document
A normalized Perl Document
Dumping of PDOM trees
The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
The PPI exception base class
Object version of the Element->find method
The PPI Lexer
Abstract PPI Node class, an Element that can contain other Elements
Normalize Perl Documents
Provides standard document normalization functions
The base class for Perl statements
Statements which break out of normal statement flow
Describes all compound statements
The __DATA__ section of a file
Content after the __END__ of a module
A generic and non-specialised statement
A given-when statement
Statements that include other code
Inline Perl 6 file section
A useless null statement
A package statement
A scheduled code block
Subroutine declaration
An unknown or transient statement
Isolated unmatched brace
Variable declaration statements
A when statement
The base class for Perl braced structures
Curly braces representing a code block
Round braces for boolean context conditions
Anonymous hash or array constructor
Circular braces for a for expression
Circular braces for a switch statement
Explicit list or precedence ordering braces
Braces that represent an array or hash subscript
An unknown or unresolved brace structure
Circular braces for a when statement
A single token of Perl source code
Token getting the last index for an array
A token for a subroutine attribute
Tokens representing Unicode byte order marks
A prefix which forces a value into a different context
A comment in Perl source code
A dashed bareword token
The actual data in the __DATA__ section of a file
Completely useless content after the __END__ tag
Token class for the here-doc
Token class for a statement label
Tokens representing magic variables
Token class for a number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for an exponential notation number
Token class for a floating-point number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for a byte-packed number
Token class for operators
Sections of POD in Perl documents
A subroutine prototype descriptor
Build and make available libffi
XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5
Attribute Meta Object
Class Meta Object
Implements immutability for metaclass objects
Manages deprecation warnings for Class::MOP
Instance Meta Object
Method Meta Object
Method Meta Object for accessors
Method Meta Object for constructors
Abstract base class for generated methods
Method base class for methods which have been inlined
Method Meta Object for meta methods
Method Meta Object for methods with before/after/around modifiers
Extremely limited trait application
Base class for mixin classes
Core attributes shared by attribute metaclasses
Methods for metaclasses which have attributes
Methods for metaclasses which have methods
Methods for metaclasses which have overloads
Module Meta Object
Base class for metaclasses
Overload Meta Object
Package Meta Object
recursively copy Perl datatypes
Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs)
Build shared libraries for use with FFI
Base class for File::Build files
Class to track C source file in FFI::Build
Class to track C source file in FFI::Build
Class to track object file in FFI::Build
Class to track object file in FFI::Build
FFI::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Platform specific configuration.
Platform and local customizations of FFI::Build
Platform and local customizations of FFI::Build
Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
Platypus arguments and return value API for custom types
Convert scalars to C buffers
Bundle foreign code with your Perl module
Platypus closure object
Define constants in C space for Perl
Slightly non-portable interface to libdl
An FFI function object
For internal use only
Language specific customizations
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Assembly
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the C programming language
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Windows API
Legacy Platypus interfaces
Memory functions for FFI
FFI support for structured records data
FFI support for structured records data
Tied array interface for record array members
Defining types for FFI::Platypus
Convert string scalar to a buffer as a pointer / size_t combination
Platypus custom type for arrays of strings
Convert a pointer to a string and back
Platypus custom type for Unicode "wide" strings
FFI Type Parser
FFI Type Parser Version Zero
FFI Type Parser Version One
FFI Type Parser Version Two
System detection and probing for FFI extensions.
Probe runner for FFI
Probe runner builder for FFI
The results from a probe run.
Temp Dir support for FFI::Platypus
Encode or decode strings with HTML entities
Filter HTML text through the parser
Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document
Extract links from an HTML document
HTML parser class
Alternative HTML::Parser interface
Alternative HTML::Parser interface
A postmodern object system for Perl 5
Manages deprecation warnings for Moose
Superclass for Moose internal exceptions
make an import() and unimport() just like
The Moose attribute metaclass
Delegate to native Perl types
Shared role for native delegation traits
Helper trait for ArrayRef attributes
Helper trait for Bool attributes
Helper trait for CodeRef attributes
Helper trait for Int attributes which represent counters
Helper trait for HashRef attributes
Helper trait for Num attributes
Helper trait for Str attributes
The Moose metaclass
Implements immutability for metaclass objects
The Moose Instance metaclass
A Moose Method metaclass
A Moose Method metaclass for accessors
A Moose Method metaclass for augmented methods
Method Meta Object for constructors
A Moose Method metaclass for delegation methods
Method Meta Object for destructors
A Moose Method metaclass for meta methods
A Moose Method metaclass for overridden methods
Core attributes shared by attribute metaclasses
Some overrides for Class::MOP::Object functionality
The Moose Role metaclass
A base class for role application
Compose a role into a class
Compose a role into an instance
Compose a role into another role
The Moose attribute metaclass for Roles
An object to represent the set of roles
A Moose Method metaclass for Roles
A Moose metaclass for conflicting methods in Roles
A Moose metaclass for required methods in Roles
The Moose Type Coercion metaclass
The Moose Type Coercion metaclass for Unions
The Moose Type Constraint metaclass
Class/TypeConstraint parallel hierarchy
Type constraint for duck typing
Type constraint for enumerated values.
Type constraints which can take a parameter (ArrayRef)
Type constraints with a bound parameter (ArrayRef[Int])
registry for type constraints
Role/TypeConstraint parallel hierarchy
A union of Moose type constraints
The base object for Moose
The Moose Role
Utilities for working with Moose classes
Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the object base class
Type constraint system for Moose
Base classes for Alien:: modules
Private legacy pkg-config class for Alien::Base
Compiler and linker wrapper for Alien
Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
Alien::Build command sequence
Advanced interpolation engine for Alien builds
Default interpolator for Alien::Build
Alien::Build logging
Log class for Alien::Build which is less verbose
Default Alien::Build log class
Alien::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Plugin base class for Alien::Build
Autoconf plugin for Alien::Build
CMake plugin for Alien::Build
Copy plugin for Alien::Build
MSYS plugin for Alien::Build
Make plugin for Alien::Build
Add dependencies to library and header search path
Implementation for clean_install hook.
Core Alien::Build plugin to maintain compatibility with legacy Alien::Base
Core tail setup plugin
Plugin to extract links from a directory listing
Plugin to extract links from a directory listing using ftpcopy
Plugin to extract links from HTML
Plugin to extract links from HTML using Mojo::DOM or Mojo::DOM58
Plugin negotiator for cryptographic signatures
Plugin to check SHA digest with Digest::SHA
Plugin to check SHA digest with Digest::SHA::PurePerl
Alien::Build plugin to download from GitHub
Download negotiation plugin
Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Tar
Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Zip
Plugin to extract an archive using command line tools
Plugin to extract a downloaded directory to a build directory
Plugin to extract a downloaded file to a build directory
Extraction negotiation plugin
Plugin for fetching files using curl
Plugin for fetching files using HTTP::Tiny
Plugin for fetching files using LWP
Plugin for fetching a local file
Plugin for fetching a local directory
Plugin for fetching files using Net::FTP
Plugin for fetching files using wget
Plugin to gather dynamic libraries into a separate directory
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using the pkg-config command line interface
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using PkgConfig::LibPkgConf
Convert .pc files into static
Package configuration negotiation plugin
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using
Plugin to filter out known bad versions
Plugin to filter known good versions
Plugin to sort candidates by most recent first
Probe for system libraries by guessing with ExtUtils::CBuilder
Probe for tools or commands already available
Probe for system libraries using Vcpkg
Mock plugin for testing
Temp Dir support for Alien::Build
Private utility functions for Alien::Build
Very basic version object for Alien::Build
Alien::Build local config
Extend Alien::Base with roles!
Alien Utilities used at build and runtime
An Abstract attribute
An Alias attribute
A Memoize attribute
No more 'my $self = shift;'
A Signal Handler Attribute
Assorted general utility attributes
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like cmp
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like <=>
Compare two data structures, return -1/0/1 like cmp or <=>
Build and make available libffi
Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs)
A real Try Catch Block Implementation Using Perl Filter
Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl)
The PPI Document Caching Layer
Object representation of a Perl document
A Perl Document located in a specific file
A fragment of a Perl Document
A normalized Perl Document
Dumping of PDOM trees
The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
The PPI exception base class
Object version of the Element->find method
The PPI Lexer
Abstract PPI Node class, an Element that can contain other Elements
Normalize Perl Documents
Provides standard document normalization functions
The base class for Perl statements
Statements which break out of normal statement flow
Describes all compound statements
The __DATA__ section of a file
Content after the __END__ of a module
A generic and non-specialised statement
A given-when statement
Statements that include other code
Inline Perl 6 file section
A useless null statement
A package statement
A scheduled code block
Subroutine declaration
An unknown or transient statement
Isolated unmatched brace
Variable declaration statements
A when statement
The base class for Perl braced structures
Curly braces representing a code block
Round braces for boolean context conditions
Anonymous hash or array constructor
Circular braces for a for expression
Circular braces for a switch statement
Explicit list or precedence ordering braces
Braces that represent an array or hash subscript
An unknown or unresolved brace structure
Circular braces for a when statement
A single token of Perl source code
Token getting the last index for an array
A token for a subroutine attribute
Tokens representing Unicode byte order marks
A prefix which forces a value into a different context
A comment in Perl source code
A dashed bareword token
The actual data in the __DATA__ section of a file
Completely useless content after the __END__ tag
Token class for the here-doc
Token class for a statement label
Tokens representing magic variables
Token class for a number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for an exponential notation number
Token class for a floating-point number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for a binary number
Token class for a byte-packed number
Token class for operators
Sections of POD in Perl documents
A subroutine prototype descriptor


in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Windows/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Windows/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Windows/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Windows/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Windows/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Windows/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Alien/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/Date/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/FFI/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level/FFI/Build/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/darwin-thread-multi-2level/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/Linux/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/
in lib/Javonet/Binaries/Perl/MacOs/X64/deps/lib/perl5/File/