The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 1.0.2 - 2024-04-01 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • No real change, this is a test with `dzil release`

Changes for version 1.0.1 - 2024-04-01 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • Add missing `$Dispute::amount`
  • Fix currencies for SEPA
  • More perl critic configuration
  • Remove default timeout
  • Rewrite main package POD
  • Remove default timeout
  • Update dependencies
  • Remove needs to `Business::IBAN`
  • Remove needs to `Business::SWIFT`
  • Remove needs to `List::MoreUtils::one()`
  • Recover CI testing
  • Rewrite main package pod
  • Update dependencies


Stancer Perl library
Authentication configuration
Auth status values
Card representation
API configuration
Abstract API object iterator
Iterate through disputes
Iterate through payments
Basic API object
Handle API request
Register API call
Internal types
Internal ApiKeys types
Internal Bank types
Internal bases types
Internal dates types
Internal types helpers
Internal network types
Internal object types
Internal strings types
Customer representation
Device representation
Dispute representation
Invalid method call exception
Abstract exception for every HTTP errors
HTTP 400 - Bad request error
HTTP 4xx - Client side error
HTTP 409 - Conflict error
HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error
HTTP 404 - Not found error
HTTP 5xx - Server side error
HTTP 401 - Not authorized error
Invalid amount exception
Invalid argument exception
Exception thrown on miss-validation with card expiration.
Invalid currency exception
Invalid email address
Exception thrown on miss-validation with expiration month.
Exception thrown on miss-validation with expiration year.
Exception thrown on miss-validation with an IP address.
Invalid mobile phone number
Exception thrown on miss-validation with a port.
Invalid search creation date
Invalid search until creation date
Invalid Sepa check instance
Missing API key exception
Missing payment ID exception
Missing payment method exception
Missing return URL exception
Stancer Perl library
Payment status values
Representation of a refund
Refund status values
Amount read-only role
Amount read/write role
Country role
Payment authentication relative role
Payment's methods relative role
Payment page relative role
Payment refund relative role
Representation of a SEPA account
This will SEPAmail, a french service allowing to verify bank details on SEPA.
Sepa check status values