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Apache2::API::Request - Apache2 Incoming Request Access and Manipulation


    use Apache2::API::Request;
    # $r is the Apache2::RequestRec object
    my $req = Apache2::API::Request->new( request => $r, debug => 1 );
    # or, to test it outside of a modperl environment:
    my $req = Apache2::API::Request->new( request => $r, debug => 1, checkonly => 1 );

    # Tells whether the connection has been aborted or not

    # e.g.: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    my $accept = $req->accept;

    # Returns an array object
    my $all = $req->acceptable;
    $req->acceptable( $array_ref );

    # Returns an array object
    my $all = $req->acceptables;

    my $charset = $req->accept_charset;

    # e.g.: gzip, deflate, br
    my $encoding = $req->accept_encoding;

    # en-GB,fr-FR;q=0.8,fr;q=0.6,ja;q=0.4,en;q=0.2
    my $lang = $req->accept_language;

    my $type = $req->accept_type;

    my $version = $req->accept_version;

    my $methods = $req->allowed;
    # get an APR::Request::Apache2 object
    my $apr = $req->apr;
    # query string as an hash reference
    my $hash_ref = $req->args; # also an APR::Request::Param::Table object
    my $status = $req->args_status;
    # HTTP query
    my $string = $req->as_string;
    my $auth = $req->auth;
    my $auth = $req->authorization;
    my $auth_type = $req->auth_type;
    # returns an APR::Request::Param::Table object similar to APR::Table
    my $body = $req->body;

    my $status = $req->body_status;
    my $limit = $req->brigade_limit;
    my $charset = $req->charset;
    my $api_version = $req->client_api_version;
    # close client connection
    my $status_code = $req->code;
    # Apache2::Connection
    my $conn = $req->connection;
    my $id = $req->connection_id;
    # content of the request filename
    my $content = $req->content;
    my $encoding = $req->content_encoding;
    my $langs_array_ref = $req->content_languages;
    my $len = $req->content_length;
    # text/plain
    my $ct = $req->content_type;
    # Get a Cookie object
    my $cookie = $req->cookie( $name );
    # Cookie::Jar object
    my $jar = $req->cookies;
    # get data string sent by client
    my $data = $req->data;
    my $formatter = $req->datetime;
    my $decoded = $req->decode( $string );
    my $do_not_track = $req->dnt;
    my $encoded = $req->encode( $string );
    my $document_root = $req->document_root;
    my $url = $req->document_uri;
    # APR::Table object
    my $hash_ref = $req->env;
    my $headers = $req->err_headers_out;
    # request filename
    my $filename = $req->filename;
    # APR::Finfo object
    my $finfo = $req->finfo;
    # e.g.: CGI/1.1
    my $gateway = $req->gateway_interface;
    my $code_ref = $req->get_handlers( $name );
    # 404 Not Found
    my $str = $req->get_status_line(404);
    my $r = $req->global_request;
    my $is_head = $req->header_only;
    # same
    my $is_head = $req->is_header_only;
    my $content_type = $req->headers( 'Content-Type' );
    # or (since it is case insensitive)
    my $content_type = $req->headers( 'content-type' );
    # or
    my $content_type = $req->headers->{'Content-Type'};
    $req->headers( 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' );
    # or
    $req->headers->{'Content-Type'} = 'text/plain';
    # APR::Table object
    my $headers = $req->headers;
    my $hash_ref = $req->headers_as_hashref;
    my $json = $req->headers_as_json;
    my $headers = $req->headers_in;
    my $out = $req->headers_out;
    my $hostname = $req->hostname;
    my $uri_host = $req->http_host;
    my $conn_id = $req->id;
    my $if_mod = $req->if_modified_since;
    my $if_no_match = $req->if_none_match;
    my $filters = $req->input_filters;
    my $bool = $req->is_aborted;

    my $enabled = $req->is_perl_option_enabled;
    # running under https?
    my $secure = $req->is_secure;
    # JSON object
    my $json = $req->json;
    my $keepalive = $req->keepalive;
    my $keepalives = $req->keepalives;
    my $ok_languages = $req->languages;
    my $nbytes = $req->length;
    # APR::SockAddr object
    my $addr = $req->local_addr;
    my $host = $req->local_host;
    my $str = $req->local_ip;
    my $loc = $req->location;
    $req->log_error( "Oh no!" );
    # 200kb
    my $http_method = $req->method;
    my $meth_num = $req->method_number;
    # mod_perl/2.0.11
    my $mod_perl = $req->mod_perl;
    my $vers = $req->mod_perl_version;
    my $seconds = $req->mtime;
    my $req2 = $req->next;
    # APR::Table object
    my $notes = $req->notes;
    my $notes = $req->pnotes;
    my $filters = $req->output_filters;
    my $val = $req->param( $name );
    my $hash_ref = $req->params;
    my $dt = $req->parse_date( $http_date_string );
    my $path = $req->path;
    my $path_info = $req->path_info;
    # for JSON payloads
    my $hash_ref = $req->payload;
    my $val = $req->per_dir_config( $my_config_name );
    # APR::Pool object
    my $pool = $req->pool;
    my $best_lang = $req->preferred_language( $lang_array_ref );
    my $req0 = $req->prev;
    my $proto = $req->protocol;
    $req->proxyreq( Apache2::Const::PROXYREQ_PROXY );
    $req->push_handlers( $name => $code_ref );
    # get hash reference from the query string using Apache2::API::Query instead of APR::Body->args
    # To use APR::Body->args, call args() instead
    my $hash_ref = $req->query;
    my $string = $req->query_string;
    my $nbytes = $req->read( $buff, 1024 );
    my $notes = $req->redirect_error_notes;
    my $qs = $req->redirect_query_string;
    my $status = $req->redirect_status;
    my $url = $req->redirect_url;
    my $referrer = $req->referer;

    # APR::SockAddr object
    my $addr = $req->remote_addr;
    my $host = $req->remote_host;
    my $string = $req->remote_ip;
    my $port = $req->remote_port;
    $req->reply( Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN => { message => "Get away" } );
    # Apache2::RequestRec
    my $r = $req->request;
    my $scheme = $req->request_scheme;
    # DateTime object
    my $dt = $req->request_time;
    my $uri = $req->request_uri;
    my $filename = $req->script_filename;
    my $name = $req->script_name;
    my $uri = $req->script_uri;
    # Apache2::ServerUtil object
    my $server = $req->server;
    my $addr = $req->server_addr;
    my $admin = $req->server_admin;
    my $hostname = $req->server_hostname;
    my $name = $req->server_name;
    my $port = $req->server_port;
    my $proto = $req->server_protocol;
    my $sig = $req->server_signature;
    my $software = $req->server_software;
    my $vers = $req->server_version;
    $req->set_basic_credentials( $user => $password );
    $req->set_handlers( $name => $code_ref );
    my $data = $req->slurp_filename;
    # Apache2::Connection object
    my $socket = $req->socket;
    my $status = $req->status;
    my $line = $req->status_line;
    my $dt = $req->str2datetime( $http_date_string );
    my $rc = $req->subnet_of( $ip, $mask );
    # APR::Table object
    my $env = subprocess_env;
    my $dir = $req->temp_dir;
    my $r = $req->the_request;
    my $dt = $req->time2datetime( $time );
    say $req->time2str( $seconds );
    # text/plain
    my $type = $req->type;
    my $raw = $req->unparsed_uri;
    # Apache2::API::Request::Params
    my $uploads = $req->uploads;
    my $uri = $req->uri;
    my $decoded = $req->url_decode( $url );
    my $encoded = $req->url_encode( $url );
    my $user = $req->user;
    my $agent = $req->user_agent;




The purpose of this module is to provide an easy access to various methods designed to process and manipulate incoming requests.

This is designed to work under modperl.

Normally, one would need to know which method to access across various Apache2 mod perl modules, which makes development more time consuming and even difficult, because of the scattered documentation and even sometime outdated.

This module alleviate this problem by providing all the necessary methods in one place. Also, at the contrary of Apache2 modules suit, all the methods here are die safe. When an error occurs, it will always return undef() and the error will be able to be accessed using error object, which is a Module::Generic::Exception object.

For its alter ego to manipulate outgoing HTTP response, use the Apache2::API::Response module.

Throughout this documentation, we refer to $r as the Apache request object and $req as an object from this module.



This takes an optional hash or hash reference of options and instantiate a new object.

It takes the following parameters:

  • checkonly

    If true, it will not perform the initialisation it would usually do under modperl.

  • debug

    Optional. If set with a positive integer, this will activate verbose debugging message

  • max_size

    Optional. This is the maximum size of the data that can be sent to us over HTTP. By default, there is no limit.

  • request

    This is a required parameter to be sent with a value set to a Apache2::RequestRec object



Tells whether the connection has been aborted or not, by calling "aborted" in Apache2::Connection


Returns the HTTP Accept header value, such as text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8

See also "headers"


Sets or gets the acceptable character set. This is computed upon object instantiation by looking at the Accept header:

    Accept: application/json; version=1.0; charset=utf-8

Here, it would be utf-8


Returns the HTTP Accept-Encoding header value.

    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate;q=1.0, *;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br

See also "headers" and


Returns the HTTP Accept-Language header value such as en-GB,fr-FR;q=0.8,fr;q=0.6,ja;q=0.4,en;q=0.2

See also "headers"


Sets or gets the acceptable content type. This is computed upon object instantiation by looking at the Accept header:

    Accept: application/json; version=1.0; charset=utf-8

Here, it would be application/json


Sets or gets the version of the api being queried. This is computed upon object instantiation by looking at the Accept header:

    Accept: application/json; version=1.0; charset=utf-8

Here, it would be 1.0


This method parse the request header Accept, by calling "acceptables", which could be, for example:

    application/json, text/javascript, */*

And return an array object of acceptable content types.

    my $all = $req->acceptable;
    my $first = $req->acceptable->first;

You can also sets its array reference by passing either a list of value or an array reference.


This takes the value from the Accept header, splits them using "new_from_multi" in Module::Generic::HeaderValue and returns an array object of Module::Generic::HeaderValue objects with their value and param methods, which gives access to key-value pairs of possible attributes to this acceptable value.

So, if the Accept header value was application/json, text/javascript, */*, the array object returned would contain 3 Module::Generic::HeaderValue objects with each $hdr->value->first method returning:

1. application/json
2. text/javascript
3. */*


Gets or sets the allowed methods bitmask such as GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, HEAD, etc, by calling "allowed" in Apache2::RequestRec

It returns a bitvector of the allowed methods.

For example, if the module can handle only GET and POST methods it could start with:

    use Apache2::API;
    unless( $r->method_number == Apache2::Const::M_GET || 
            $r->method_number == Apache2::Const::M_POST )
        $r->allowed( $r->allowed | ( 1 << Apache2::Const::M_GET ) | ( 1 << Apache2::Const::M_POST ) );
        return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED );

See also "allowed_methods"


    $req->allow_methods( $reset );
    $req->allow_methods( $reset, @methods );

Provided with a reset boolean and a list of HTTP methods, and this will set the allowed methods such as GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, HEAD, etc, by calling "allow_methods" in Apache2::Access

If the reset boolean passed is a true value, then all the previously allowed methods are removed, otherwise they are left unchanged.

For example, to allow only GET and POST, notwithstanding what was set previously:

    $req->allow_methods( 1, qw( GET POST ) );

It does not return anything. This is used only to set the allowed method. To retrieve them, see "allowed"


    my $bitmask = $req->allow_options;

Retrieve the bitmask value of Apache configuration directive Options for this request, by calling "allow_options" in Apache2::Access

You would need to use Apache constants against the returned value.

For example if the configuration for the current request was:

    Options None
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

The following applies:

    use Apache2::API;
    $req->allow_options & Apache2::Const::OPT_INDEXES;   # true
    $req->allow_options & Apache2::Const::OPT_SYM_LINKS; # true
    $req->allow_options & Apache2::Const::OPT_EXECCGI;   # false


    my $bitmask = $req->allow_overrides;

Retrieve the bitmask value of AllowOverride for this request by calling "allow_overrides" in Apache2::Access

You would need to use Apache constants against the returned value.

For example if the configuration for the current request was:

    AllowOverride AuthConfig

The following applies:

    use Apache2::API;
    $req->allow_overrides & Apache2::Const::OR_AUTHCFG; # true
    $req->allow_overrides & Apache2::Const::OR_LIMIT; # false

See also


    my $bitmask = $req->allow_override_opts;

Retrieve the bitmask value of allowed Options set by AllowOverride Options Apache configuration directive, by calling "allow_override_opts" in Apache2::Access

You would need to use Apache constants against the returned value.

For example if the configuration for the current request was:

    AllowOverride Options=Indexes,ExecCGI

The following applies:

    use Apache2::API;
    $req->allow_override_opts & Apache2::Const::OPT_EXECCGI; # true
    $req->allow_override_opts & Apache2::Const::OPT_SYM_LINKS; # false

Note that enabling single options was introduced in Apache 2.2. For Apache 2.0 this function returns:

    Apache2::Const::OPT_UNSET | Apache2::Const::OPT_ALL | Apache2::Const::OPT_INCNOEXEC | Apache2::Const::OPT_SYM_OWNER | Apache2::Const::OPT_MULTI

which corresponds to the default value (if not set) for Apache 2.2.

See also


Returns a Apache2::API::Request::Param object used to access Apache mod_perl methods to manipulate request data.


    my $hash_ref = $req->args;
    my @names = $req->args;
    my $first_value = $req->args( $name );
    my @values = $req->args( $name );

    my $table = $req->args;
    # The keys are case-insensitive.
    $table->set( $key => $val );
    $table->unset( $key );
    $table->add( $key, $val );
    $val = $table->get( $key );
    @val = $table->get( $key );
    $table->merge( $key => $val );
    $table_overlay = $table_base->overlay( $table_overlay, $pool );
    $table_overlay->compress( APR::Const::OVERLAP_TABLES_MERGE );

    $table_a->overlap( $table_b, APR::Const::OVERLAP_TABLES_SET );

Get or sets the query string data by calling "args" in APR::Body

With no arguments, this method returns a tied APR::Request::Param::Table object (or undef if the query string is absent) in scalar context, or the names (in order, with repetitions) of all the parsed query-string arguments in list context.

With the $key argument, in scalar context this method fetches the first matching query-string arg. In list context it returns all matching args.

See also "query" for the equivalent, but using Apache2::API::Query instead of "args" in APR::Body

See also "query_string" to set or get the query string as a string.


    my $int = $req->args_status; # should be 0

Returns the final status code of the query-string parser.


Returns the HTTP request as a string by calling "as_string" in Apache2::RequestUtil


Returns the Authorization header value if any. This ill have been processed upon object initiation phase.



Setup the output headers so that the client knows how to authenticate itself the next time, if an authentication request failed. This function works only for basic and digest authentication, by calling "note_auth_failure" in Apache2::Access

This method requires AuthType to be set to Basic or Digest. Depending on the setting it will call either "auth_headers_basic" or "auth_headers_digest".

It does not return anything.



Setup the output headers so that the client knows how to authenticate itself the next time, if an authentication request failed. This function works only for basic authentication.

It does not return anything.



Setup the output headers so that the client knows how to authenticate itself the next time, if an authentication request failed. This function works only for digest authentication.

It does not return anything.


    my $auth_name = $req->auth_name();
    my $auth_name = $req->auth_name( $new_auth_name );

Sets or gets the current Authorization realm, i.e. the per directory configuration directive AuthName

The AuthName directive creates protection realm within the server document space. To quote RFC 1945 "These realms allow the protected resources on a server to be partitioned into a set of protection spaces, each with its own authentication scheme and/or authorization database."

The client uses the root URL of the server to determine which authentication credentials to send with each HTTP request. These credentials are tagged with the name of the authentication realm that created them. Then during the authentication stage the server uses the current authentication realm, from auth_name, to determine which set of credentials to authenticate.


    my $auth_type = $req->auth_type();
    my $auth_type = $req->auth_type( $new_auth_type );

Sets or gets the type of authorization required for this request, i.e. the per directory configuration directive AuthType

Normally AuthType would be set to Basic to use the basic authentication scheme defined in RFC 1945, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.0). However, you could set to something else and implement your own authentication scheme.


Returns the HTTP authorization header value. This is similar to "auth".

See also


Returns the authentication type by calling "auth_type" in Apache2::RequestRec

    my $auth_type = $req->auth_type; # Basic


Given a boolean value, this enables the auto header or not by calling the method "assbackwards" in Apache2::RequestRec

If this is disabled, you need to make sure to manually update the counter, such as:

    $req->connection->keepalives( $req->connection->keepalives + 1 );

See Apache2::RequestRec for more information on this.


    my( $rc, $passwd ) = $req->basic_auth_pw;

Get the details from the basic authentication, by calling "get_basic_auth_pw" in Apache2::Access

It returns:

1. the value of an Apache constant

This would be Apache2::Const::OK if the password value is set (and assured a correct value in "user"); otherwise it returns an error code, either Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR if things are really confused, Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED if no authentication at all seemed to be in use, or Apache2::Const::DECLINED if there was authentication, but it was not Basic (in which case, the handler should presumably decline as well).

2. the password as set in the headers (decoded)

Note that if AuthType is not set, "get_basic_auth_pw" in Apache2::Access first sets it to Basic.


Returns an APR::Request::Param::Table object containing the POST data parameters of the Apache2::Request object.

    my $body = $req->body;
    my @body_names = $req->body;

If there is no request body, then this would return undef. So, for example, if you do a POST query without any content, this would return undef

An optional name parameter can be passed to return the POST (or other similar query types) data parameter associated with the given name:

    my $foo_body = $req->body("foo");

In scalar context this method fetches the first matching body param. In list context it returns all matching body params.

This is similar to the param method. The main difference is that modifications to the scalar $req->body() table affect the underlying apr_table_t attribute in apreq_request_t, so their impact will be noticed by all libapreq2 applications during this request.

Contrary to perl hash, this uses APR::Table and the order in the hash is preserved, so you could do:

    my @body_names = $req->body;
    my @body_names = %$body;

would yield the same thing.

This will throw an APR::Request::Error object whenever "body_status" returns a non-zero value.

Check Apache2::Request and APR::Table for more information.


    my $int = $req->body_status; # should return 0

Returns the final status code of the body parser.


    my $int = $req->brigade_limit;
    $req->brigade_limit( $int );

Get or set the brigade_limit for the current parser. This limit determines how many bytes of a file upload that the parser may spool into main memory. Uploads exceeding this limit are written directly to disk.

See also "temp_dir"


Provided with an Apache2 API method name, and optionally with some additional arguments, and this will call that Apache2 method and return its result.

This is designed to allow you to call arbitrary Apache2 method that, possibly, are not covered here.

For example:

    my $bitmask = $req->call( 'allow_override_opts' );

It returns whatever value this call returns.


Returns the charset, if any, found in the HTTP request received and processed upon initialisation of this module object.

So for example, if the HTTP request Content-type is

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Then, "charset" would return utf-8

See also "type" to retrieve only the content type, i.e without other information such as charset.

See also "client_api_version" which would contain the requested api version, if any.

See also charset for the charset provided, if any. For example utf-8


This is also an object initialisation property.

If true, this will discard the normal processing of incoming HTTP request under modperl.

This is useful and intended when testing this module offline.


Terminate the current worker process as soon as the current request is over, by calling "child_terminate" in Apache2::RequestRec

This is not supported in threaded MPMs.

See Apache2::RequestUtil for more information.


Returns the client api version requested, if provided. This is set during the object initialisation phase.

An example header to require api version 1.0 would be:

    Accept: application/json; version=1.0; charset=utf-8

In this case, this would return 1.0


This close the client connection, by calling "socket" in Apache2::Connection, which returns a APR::Socket

This is not implemented in by APR::Socket, so this is an efficient work around.

If the socket is writable, it is closed and returns the value from closing it, otherwise returns 0

However, a word of caution, you most likely do not need or want to close manually the client connection and instea have your method return Apache2::Const::OK or any other constant matching the HTTP code you want to return.


Sets or gets the response status code, by calling "status" in Apache2::RequestRec

From the Apache2::RequestRec documentation:

Usually you will set this value indirectly by returning the status code as the handler's function result. However, there are rare instances when you want to trick Apache into thinking that the module returned an Apache2::Const::OK status code, but actually send the browser a non-OK status. This may come handy when implementing an HTTP proxy handler. The proxy handler needs to send to the client, whatever status code the proxied server has returned, while returning Apache2::Const::OK to Apache. e.g.:

    $req->status( $some_code );
    return( Apache2::Const::OK );


Returns a Apache2::Connection object.


Returns the connection id; unique at any point in time by calling "id" in Apache2::Connection.

See Apache2::Connection for more information.


Returns the content of the file specified with $req->filename. It calls "slurp_filename" in Apache2::RequestRec, but instead of returning a scalar reference, which "slurp_filename" in Apache2::RequestRec does, it returns the data itself.

See "slurp_filename" to get a scalar reference instead.


Returns the value of the Content-Encoding HTTP response header.

See also "headers"


    my $array_ref = $req->content_languages();
    my $array_ref = $req->content_languages( $array_reference );

Sets or gets the value of the Content-Language HTTP header, by calling "content_languages" in Apache2::RequestRec

Content languages are string like en or fr.

If a new value is provided, it must be an array reference of language codes.

It returns the language codes as an array reference.


Returns the length in byte of the request body, by getting the header Content-Length value.

See also "headers"


Retrieves the value of the Content-type header value. See Apache2::RequestRec for more information.

For example:

    application/json; charset=utf-8

See also "type" to retrieve only the content type, i.e without other information such as charset.

See also "client_api_version" which would contain the requested api version, if any.

See also charset for the charset provided, if any. For example utf-8

Returns the current value for the given cookie name, which may be undef if nothing is found.

This works by calling the "cookies" method, which returns a cookie jar object.


Returns a Cookie::Jar object acting as a jar with various methods to access, manipulate and create cookies.


This method reads the data sent by the client. It takes an optional hash or hash reference of the following options:

  • max_size

    The maximum size of the data that can be transmitted to us over HTTP. By default, there is no limit.

Finally, if a charset is specified, this will also decode it from its encoded charset into perl internal utf8.

This is specifically designed for JSON payload.

It returns a string of data upon success, or sets an error and return undef or an empty list depending on the context.

You can also set a maximum size to read by setting the attribute PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE in Apache configuration file.

For example:

    <Directory /home/john/www>
        PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
        SetHandler modperl
        # package inheriting from Apache2::API
        PerlResponseHandler My::API
        # 2Mb upload limit
        PerlSetVar PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE 2097152

This is just an example and not a recommandation. Your mileage may vary.


Returns a new Apache2::API::DateTime object, which is used to parse and format dates for HTTP.

See "parse_datetime" in Apache2::API and "format_datetime" in Apache2::API


Given a url-encoded string, this returns the decoded string, by calling "decode" in APR::Request

This uses APR::Request XS method.

See also rfc3986


    my $rc = $req->discard_request_body;

In HTTP/1.1, any method can have a body. However, most GET handlers would not know what to do with a request body if they received one. This helper routine tests for and reads any message body in the request, simply discarding whatever it receives. We need to do this because failing to read the request body would cause it to be interpreted as the next request on a persistent connection.

Returns Apache2::Const::OK upon success.

    use Apache2::API;
    my $rc = $req->discard_request_body;
    return( $rc ) if( $rc != Apache2::Const::OK );

This method calls "discard_request_body" in Apache2::RequestIO


Sets or gets the environment variable HTTP_DNT using "subprocess_env" in Apache2::RequestRec. See "env" below for more on that.

This is an abbreviation for Do not track

If available, typical value is a boolean such as 0 or 1


Sets or retrieve the document root for this server.

If a value is provided, it sets the document root to a new value only for the duration of the current request.

See Apache2::RequestUtil for more information.


Get the value for the environment variable DOCUMENT_URI.


Given a string, this returns its url-encoded version

This uses APR::Request XS method.


    my $val = $req->env( $name );
    $req->env( $name, $value );

Using the Apache subprocess_env table, this sets or gets environment variables. This is the equivalent of this:

    $env_table = $req->subprocess_env;

           $req->subprocess_env( $key => $val );
    $val = $req->subprocess_env( $key );

where $req is this module object.

If one argument is provided, it will return the corresponding environment value.

If one or more sets of key-value pair are provided, they are set accordingly.

If nothing is provided, it returns a APR::Table object.


Get or sets HTTP response headers, which are printed out even on errors and persist across internal redirects.

According to the Apache2::RequestRec documentation:

The difference between "headers_out" ("headers_out" in Apache2::RequestRec) and "err_headers_out" ("err_headers_out" in Apache2::RequestRec), is that the latter are printed even on error, and persist across internal redirects (so the headers printed for ErrorDocument handlers will have them).

For example, if a handler wants to return a 404 response, but nevertheless to set a cookie, it has to be:

    $req->err_headers_out->add( 'Set-Cookie' => $cookie );
    return( Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND );

If the handler does:

    $req->headers_out->add( 'Set-Cookie' => $cookie );
    return( Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND );

the Set-Cookie header will not be sent.

See Apache2::RequestRec for more information.


Get or sets the filename (full file path) on disk corresponding to this request or response, by calling "filename" in Apache2::RequestRec

See "filename" in Apache2::RequestRec for more information.


Get and set the finfo request record member, by calling "finfo" in Apache2::RequestRec

See "finfo" in Apache2::RequestRec for more information.


Sets or gets the environment variable GATEWAY_INTERFACE using "env"

Typical value returned from the environment variable GATEWAY_INTERFACE is CGI/1.1


Returns a reference to a list of handlers enabled for a given phase.

    $handlers_list = $req->get_handlers( $hook_name );

Example, a list of handlers configured to run at the response phase:

    my @handlers = @{ $req->get_handlers('PerlResponseHandler') || [] };


Return the Status-Line for a given status code (excluding the HTTP-Version field), by calling "status_line" in Apache2::RequestRec

For example:

    print( $req->get_status_line( 400 ) );

will print:

    400 Bad Request

See also "status_line"


Returns the Apache2::RequestRec object made global with the proper directive in the Apache VirtualHost configuration.

This calls "request" in Apache2::RequestUtil to retrieve this value.

For example:

    <Location /some/where/>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
        # ...

See also


    my $need_auth = $r->has_auth;

Check if any authentication is required for the current request, by calling "some_auth_required" in Apache2::Access

It returns a boolean value.

See also "is_auth_required", which is an alias of this method.


Gets or sets the HTTP request headers using APR::Table by calling "Apache2::RequestRec/headers_in"

This takes zero, one or sets or key => value pairs.

When no argument is provided, this returns the APR::Table object.

When one argument is provided, it returns the corresponding HTTP header value, if any.

You can set multiple key-value pairs, like so:

    $req->headers( $var1 => $val1, $var2 => $val2 );

If a value provided is undef, it will remove the corresponding HTTP headers.

With the APR::Table object, you can access and set header fields directly, such as:

    my $accept = $req->headers->{Accept};
    $req->headers->{Accept} = 'application/json';
    $req->headers->{Accept} = undef; # unset it


    my $accept = $req->headers->get( 'Accept' );
    $req->headers->set( Accept => 'application/json' );
    $req->headers->unset( 'Accept' );
    $req->headers->add( Vary => 'Accept-Encoding' );
    # Very useful for this header
    $req->headers->merge( Vary => 'Accept-Encoding' );
    # Empty the headers
    use APR::Const qw( :table );
    # to merge: multiple values for the same key are flattened into a comma-separated list.
    $req->headers->compress( APR::Const::OVERLAP_TABLES_MERGE );
    # to overwrite: each key will be set to the last value seen for that key.
    $req->headers->compress( APR::Const::OVERLAP_TABLES_SET );
    my $table = $req->headers->copy( $req2->pool );
    my $headers = $req->headers;
        my( $key, $val ) = @_;
        # Do something
        # return(0) to abort
    }, keys( %$headers ) );
    # or without any filter keys
        my( $key, $val ) = @_;
        # Do something
        # return(0) to abort
    # To prepare a table of 20 elements, but the table can still grow
    my $table = APR::Table::make( $req->pool, 20 );
    my $table2 = $req2->headers;
    # overwrite any existing keys in our table $table
    $table->overlap( $table2, APR::Const::OVERLAP_TABLES_SET );
    # key, value pairs are added, regardless of whether there is another element with the same key in $table
    $table->overlap( $table2, APR::Const::OVERLAP_TABLES_MERGE );
    my $table3 = $table->overlay( $table2, $pool3 );

See APR::Table for more information.


This is the same as "is_header_only"


Returns the list of headers as an hash reference, by calling "headers_in" in Apache2::RequestRec

Since the call to Apache2::RequestRec returns a APR::Table object, we may get 2 or more same key name, and in that case, the hash with that key will have as a value an array reference.


Returns the list of headers as a json data, by retrieving the hash from "headers_as_hashref" and encode it with JSON


Returns the list of the headers as special hash, which is actually an APR::Table object.

If a header name is provided, you can retrieve its value like so:

    my $cookie = $req->headers_in->{Cookie} || '';


This is identical to "headers_in", as it returns a APR::Table object.

Returns or sets the key => value pairs of outgoing HTTP headers, only on 2xx responses.

See also "err_headers_out", which allows to set headers for non-2xx responses and persist across internal redirects.

More information at "headers_out" in Apache2::RequestRec


Retrieve or set the HTTP server host name, such as, by calling "hostname" in Apache2::RequestRec

This is not the machine hostname.

More information at Apache2::RequestRec


Returns an URI object of the HTTP host being accessed. This is created during object initiation phase.

This calls the method host on the URI object returned by "uri"


Returns the connection id; unique at any point in time, by calling "id" in Apache2::Connection.

See Apache2::Connection for more information.

This is the same as "connection_id"


Returns the value of the HTTP header If-Modified-Since as a DateTime object.

If no such header exists, it returns undef or an empty list depending on the context.


Sets or gets the value of the HTTP header If-None-Match

See also "headers"


Get or sets the first filter in a linked list of request level input filters. It returns a Apache2::Filter object.

    $input_filters      = $req->input_filters();
    $prev_input_filters = $req->input_filters( $new_input_filters );

According to the Apache2::RequestRec documentation:

For example instead of using $req->read() to read the POST data, one could use an explicit walk through incoming bucket brigades to get that data. The following function read_post() does just that (in fact that's what $req->read() does behind the scenes):

     use APR::Brigade ();
     use APR::Bucket ();
     use Apache2::Filter ();

     use Apache2::Const -compile => qw( MODE_READBYTES );
     use APR::Const    -compile => qw( SUCCESS BLOCK_READ );

     use constant IOBUFSIZE => 8192;

     sub read_post {
         my $r = shift;

         my $bb = APR::Brigade->new( $req->pool,
                                     $req->connection->bucket_alloc );

         my $data = '';
         my $seen_eos = 0;
         do {
             $req->input_filters->get_brigade( $bb, Apache2::Const::MODE_READBYTES,
                                             APR::Const::BLOCK_READ, IOBUFSIZE );

             for (my $b = $bb->first; $b; $b = $bb->next( $b )) {
                 if ($b->is_eos) {

                 if ($b->read(my $buf)) {
                     $data .= $buf;

                 $b->remove; # optimization to reuse memory

         } while (!$seen_eos);


         return $data;

As you can see $req->input_filters gives us a pointer to the last of the top of the incoming filters stack.


This is a more subtle implementation of Apache aborted method and is described in its documentation.

It attempts to print a null-byte to the connection, flush the Apache buffer and then checks if the connection was aborted.

The reason as explained in Apache documentation is that Apache does not detect if the user dropped the connection until it attempts to read from or write back to it. Thus, as suggested in the documentation, an attempt to write back a null-byte character remedies that. Only calling aborted will not suffice.

It returns true if the connection was aborted, and false otherwise.


    my $need_auth = $r->is_auth_required;

Check if any authentication is required for the current request, by calling "some_auth_required" in Apache2::Access

It returns a boolean value.

See also "has_auth", which is an alias of this method.


Returns a boolean value on whether the request is a HEAD request or not, by calling "header_only" in Apache2::RequestRec

So, it returns true if the client is asking for headers only, false otherwise.


Sets or gets whether a directory level PerlOptions flag is enabled or not. This returns a boolean value, by calling "is_perl_option_enabled" in Apache2::RequestUtil

For example to check whether the SetupEnv option is enabled for the current request (which can be disabled with PerlOptions -SetupEnv) and populate the environment variables table if disabled:

     $req->subprocess_env unless $req->is_perl_option_enabled('SetupEnv');

See also: PerlOptions and the equivalent function for server level PerlOptions flags.

See the Apache2::RequestUtil module documentation for more information.


Returns true (1) if the connection is made under ssl, i.e. of the environment variable HTTPS is set to on, other it returns false (0).

This is done by checking if the environment variable HTTPS is set to on or not.


Returns a JSON object with the relaxed attribute enabled so that it allows more relaxed JSON data.

You can provide an optional hash or hash reference of properties to enable or disable:

    my $J = $api->json( pretty => 1, relaxed => 1 );

Each property corresponds to one that is supported by JSON

It also supports ordered, order and sort as an alias to canonical


    $status = $c->keepalive();
    $status = $c->keepalive($new_status);

This method answers the question: Should the the connection be kept alive for another HTTP request after the current request is completed?

This sets or gets the status by calling "keepalive" in Apache2::Connection

     use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:conn_keepalive);
     # ...
     my $c = $req->connection;
     if ($c->keepalive == Apache2::Const::CONN_KEEPALIVE) {
         # do something
     elsif ($c->keepalive == Apache2::Const::CONN_CLOSE) {
         # do something else
     elsif ($c->keepalive == Apache2::Const::CONN_UNKNOWN) {
         # do yet something else
     else {
         # die "unknown state";

Notice that new states could be added later by Apache, so your code should make no assumptions and do things only if the desired state matches.

The method does not return true or false, but one of the states which can be compared against Apache constants (:conn_keepalive constants).

See Apache2::Connection for more information.


    my $served = $req->connection->keepalives();
    my $served = $req->connection->keepalives( $new_served );

This returns an integer representing how many requests were already served over the current connection.

This method calls "keepalives" in Apache2::Connection

This method is only relevant for keepalive connections. The core connection output filter ap_http_header_filter increments this value when the response headers are sent and it decides that the connection should not be closed (see "ap_set_keepalive()").

If you send your own set of HTTP headers with $req->assbackwards, which includes the Keep-Alive HTTP response header, you must make sure to increment the keepalives counter.

See Apache2::Connection for more information.


This will check the Accept-Languages HTTP headers and derive a list of priority ordered user preferred languages and return an array object.

See also the "preferred_language" method.


Returns an integer representing the length in bytes of the request body, by calling "bytes_sent" in Apache2::RequestRec


Returns our server local address as a APR::SockAddr object, by calling "local_addr" in Apache2::Connection

    my $local_sock_addr  = $req->connection->local_addr;
    my $port = $local_sock_addr->port;
    my $ip   = $local_sock_addr->ip_get; # e.g.:


Used for ap_get_server_name when UseCanonicalName is set to DNS (ignores setting of HostnameLookups)

This calls "local_host" in Apache2::Connection

Better to use the "server_name" instead.


Return our server IP address as string, by calling "local_ip" in Apache2::Connection


Get the path of the <Location> section from which the current Perl*Handler is being called.

This calls "location" in Apache2::RequestUtil

Returns a string.


Returns the value from "log_error" in Apache2::Request by passing it whatever arguments were received.


Get the main request record and returns a Apache2::RequestRec object, by calling "main" in Apache2::RequestRec

If the current request is a sub-request, this method returns a blessed reference to the main request structure. If the current request is the main request, then this method returns undef.

To figure out whether you are inside a main request or a sub-request/internal redirect, use $req->is_initial_req.


    $method     = $req->method();
    $pre_method = $req->method($new_method);

Get or sets the current request method (e.g. GET, HEAD, POST, etc.), by calling "method" in Apache2::RequestRec

if a new value was passed the previous value is returned.


    my $methnum      = $req->method_number();
    my $prev_methnum = $req->method_number( $new_methnum );

This sets or gets the client method used, as a number, by calling "method_number" in Apache2::RequestRec

It returns the current method as a number (an Apache2::Const)

For example if the response handler handles only GET and POST methods, and not OPTIONS, it may want to say:

   use Apache2::API;
   if( $req->method_number == Apache2::Const::M_OPTIONS )
       $req->allowed( $req->allowed | ( 1 << Apache2::Const::M_GET ) | ( 1 << Apache2::Const::M_POST ) );
       return( Apache2::Const::DECLINED );

For example, if the module can handle only POST method it could start with:

   use Apache2::API;
   unless( $req->method_number == Apache2::Const::M_POST )
       $req->allowed( $req->allowed | ( 1 << Apache2::Const::M_POST ) );
       return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED );


Returns the value for the environment variable MOD_PERL.

If a value is provided, it will set the environment variable accordingly.

    $req->mod_perl( "mod_perl/2.0.11" );


Read-only. This is based on the value returned by "mod_perl".

This returns a version object of the mod perl version being used, so you can call it like:

    my $min_version = version->declare( 'v2.0.11' );
    if( $req->mod_perl_version >= $min_version )
        # ok


Last modified time of the requested resource.

Returns a timestamp in second since epoch by calling "mtime" in Apache2::RequestRec


Pointer to the redirected request if this is an external redirect.

Returns a Apache2::RequestRec blessed reference to the next (internal) request structure or undef if there is no next request.


Add/remove cache control headers by calling "no_cache" in Apache2::RequestUtil. A true value sets the no_cache request record member to a true value and inserts:

     Pragma: no-cache
     Cache-control: no-cache

into the response headers, indicating that the data being returned is volatile and the client should not cache it.

A false value unsets the no_cache request record member and the mentioned headers if they were previously set.

This method should be invoked before any response data has been sent out.

See Apache2::RequestUtil for more information.


Get or sets text notes for the duration of this request by calling "pnotes" in Apache2::RequestUtil. These notes can be passed from one module to another (not only mod_perl, but modules in any other language).

If a new value was passed, returns the previous value.

The returned value is a APR::Table object by calling "notes" in Apache2::RequestUtil


    my $output_filters = $req->connection->output_filters();
    my $prev_output_filters = $req->output_filters( $new_output_filters );

Set or get the first filter in a linked list of request level output filters by calling "output_filters". It returns a Apache2::Filter object.

If a new output filters was passed, returns the previous value.

According to the Apache2::RequestRec documentation:

For example instead of using $req->print() to send the response body, one could send the data directly to the first output filter. The following function send_response_body() does just that:

     use APR::Brigade ();
     use APR::Bucket ();
     use Apache2::Filter ();

     sub send_response_body 
         my( $req, $data ) = @_;

         my $bb = APR::Brigade->new( $req->pool,
                                     $req->connection->bucket_alloc );

         my $b = APR::Bucket->new( $bb->bucket_alloc, $data );
         $bb->insert_tail( $b );
         $req->output_filters->fflush( $bb );

In fact that's what $req->read() does behind the scenes. But it also knows to parse HTTP headers passed together with the data and it also implements buffering, which the above function does not.


Provided a name, this returns its equivalent value, using "param" in Apache2::API::Request::Params.

If $name is an upload field, ie part of a multipart post data, it returns an Apache2::API::Request::Upload object instead.

If a value is provided, this calls "param" in Apache2::API::Request::Param providing it with the name ane value. This uses APR::Request::Param.


Get the request parameters (using case-insensitive keys) by mimicing the OO interface of CGI::param.

It can take as argument, only a key and it will then retrieve the corresponding value, or it can take a key and value pair to set them using "param" in Apache2::API::Request::Params

If the value is an array, this will set multiple entry of the key for each value provided.

This uses Apache APR::Table and works for both POST and GET methods.

If the methods received was a GET method, this method returns the value of the "query" method instead.


Alias to "parse_date" in Apache2::API::DateTime


Get the value for the environment variable PATH

See also "env"


    my $path_info      = $req->path_info();
    my $prev_path_info = $req->path_info( $path_info );

Get or set the PATH_INFO, what is left in the path after the URI --> filename translation, by calling "path_info" in Apache2::RequestRec

Return a string as the current value.


Returns the JSON data decoded into a perl structure. This is set at object initiation phase and calls the "data" method to read the incoming data and decoded it into perl internal utf8.


Get the dir config vector, by calling "per_dir_config" in Apache2::RequestRec. Returns a Apache2::ConfVector object.

For an in-depth discussion, refer to the Apache Server Configuration Customization in Perl chapter.


Share Perl variables between Perl HTTP handlers, using "pnotes" in Apache2::RequestUtil.

     # to share variables by value and not reference, $val should be a lexical.
     $old_val  = $req->pnotes( $key => $val );
     $val      = $req->pnotes( $key );
     $hash_ref = $req->pnotes();

Note: sharing variables really means it. The variable is not copied. Only its reference count is incremented. If it is changed after being put in pnotes that change also affects the stored value. The following example illustrates the effect:

     my $v = 1;                   my $v = 1;
     $req->pnotes( 'v'=> $v );    $req->pnotes->{v} = $v;
     $v++;                        $v++;
     my $x = $req->pnotes('v');   my $x = $req->pnotes->{v};


Returns the pool associated with the request as a APR::Pool object of the Apache2 connection. If you rather want access to the pool object of the Apache2 request itself, use "request", such as:

    # $rest being a Apache2::API object
    my $request_pool = $req->pool;
    $request_pool->cleanup_register( \&cleanup );


Given an array reference of supported languages, this method will get the client accepted languages by calling "accept_language" and derive the best match, ie the client preferred language, using HTTP::AcceptLanguage,.

It returns a string representing a language code.

See also: "languages" and "accept_language"


    my $prev_r = $req->prev();

Pointer to the previous request if this is an internal redirect, by calling "prev" in Apache2::RequestRec.

Returns a Apache2::RequestRec blessed reference to the previous (internal) request structure or undef if there is no previous request.


    my $protocol = $req->protocol();

Get a string identifying the protocol that the client speaks, such as HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1, by calling "protocol" in Apache2::RequestRec


    my $status = $req->proxyreq( $val );

Get or set the proxyrec request record member and optionally adjust other related fields, by calling "proxyreq" in Apache2::RequestRec.


According to the Apache2::RequestRec documentation:

For example to turn a normal request into a proxy request to be handled on the same server in the PerlTransHandler phase run:

     my $real_url = $req->unparsed_uri;
     $req->proxyreq( Apache2::Const::PROXYREQ_PROXY );
     $req->uri( $real_url );
     $req->filename( "proxy:$real_url" );
     $req->handler( 'proxy-server' );

Also remember that if you want to turn a proxy request into a non-proxy request, it is not enough to call:

     $req->proxyreq( Apache2::Const::PROXYREQ_NONE );

You need to adjust $req->uri and $req->filename as well if you run that code in PerlPostReadRequestHandler phase, since if you do not -- mod_proxy's own post_read_request handler will override your settings (as it will run after the mod_perl handler).

And you may also want to add

     $req->set_handlers( PerlResponseHandler => [] );

so that any response handlers which match apache directives will not run in addition to the mod_proxy content handler.


Add one or more handlers to a list of handlers to be called for a given phase, by calling "push_handlers" in Apache2::RequestUtil.

     my $ok = $req->push_handlers( $hook_name => \&handler );
     my $ok = $req->push_handlers( $hook_name => ['Foo::Bar::handler', \&handler2] );

It returns a true value on success, otherwise a false value


A single handler:

     $req->push_handlers( PerlResponseHandler => \&handler );

Multiple handlers:

     $req->push_handlers( PerlFixupHandler => ['Foo::Bar::handler', \&handler2] );

Anonymous functions:

     $req->push_handlers( PerlLogHandler => sub { return Apache2::Const::OK } );

See Apache2::RequestUtil for more information.


Check the query string sent in the HTTP request, which obviously should be a GET, but not necessarily, and parse it with Apache2::API::Query and return an hash reference, by calling Apache2::API::Query


    my $string      = $req->args(); # q=hello&lang=ja_JP
    my $prev_string = $req->args( $new_string );

Actually calls "args" in Apache2::RequestRec behind the scene.

This sets or gets the request query string.


Read data from the client and returns the number of characters actually read.

     $cnt = $req->read( $buffer, $len );
     $cnt = $req->read( $buffer, $len, $offset );

This method shares a lot of similarities with the Perl core read() function. The main difference in the error handling, which is done via APR::Error exceptions

See Apache2::RequestIO for more information.


Gets or sets the value for the environment variable REDIRECT_ERROR_NOTES


Gets or sets the value for the environment variable REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING


Gets or sets the value for the environment variable REDIRECT_STATUS


Gets or sets the value for the environment variable REQUEST_URI


Returns the value of the HTTP Referer header, if any.

See also "headers"


Returns the remote host socket address as a APR::SockAddr object.

Because the Apache2 mod_perl api has changed, before the method to call was client_addr and is now remote_addr

    my $remote_sock_addr = $req->remote_addr();
    my $local_sock_addr  = $req->local_addr();

    my $ip = $remote_sock_addr->ip_get; # e.g.:
    my $port = $soremote_sock_addrck_addr->port;

The above would be the equivalent in conventional perl of:

    use Socket 'sockaddr_in';
    my( $port, $ip ) = sockaddr_in( getpeername( $remote_sock ) );

See Apache2::Connection for more information.


Returns the remote client host name, by calling "get_remote_host" in Apache2::Connection

Calling get_remote_host is the recommended method over remote_host

If the configuration directive HostNameLookups is set to off, this returns the dotted decimal representation of the client's IP address instead. Might return undef if the hostname is not known.

    my $remote_host = $req->remote_host();
    my $remote_host = $req->remote_host( $type );
    my $remote_host = $req->remote_host( $type, $dir_config );

If $type is provided, it must be a :remotehost constant (see Apache2::Const):


Will always force a DNS lookup, and also force a double reverse lookup, regardless of the "HostnameLookups" setting. The result is the (double reverse checked) hostname, or undef if any of the lookups fail.


Returns the hostname, or undef if the hostname lookup fails. It will force a DNS lookup according to the HostnameLookups setting.


Returns the hostname, or the dotted quad if the hostname lookup fails. It will force a DNS lookup according to the HostnameLookups setting.


Is like Apache2::Const::REMOTE_NAME except that a DNS lookup is never forced.

If $dir_config is provided, this is the directory config vector from the request. It is needed to find the container in which the directive HostnameLookups is set. To get one for the current request use $req->per_dir_config.

By default, undef is passed, in which case it is the same as if HostnameLookups was set to Off.

Default value is Apache2::Const::REMOTE_NAME


    my $remote_ip      = $req->connection->remote_ip();
    my $prev_remote_ip = $req->connection->remote_ip( $new_remote_ip );

Sets or gets the ip address of the client, ie remote host making the request, by calling "client_ip" in Apache2::Connection or "remote_ip" in Apache2::Connection

It returns a string representing an ip address,


It returns the value for the environment variable REMOTE_PORT or set its value with the argument provided if any.

    $req->remote_port( 51234 );
    print( "Remote port is: ", $req->remote_port, "\n" );


Returns the embedded Apache2::RequestRec object provided initially at object instantiation.


Gets or sets the environment variable REQUEST_SCHEME



Returns the time when the request started as a DateTime object with Apache2::API::DateTime as the formatter.


This returns the current value for the environment variable REQUEST_URI, or set its value if an argument is provided.

The uri provided by this environment variable include the path info if any.

For example, assuming you have a cgi residing in /cgi-bin/prog.cgi and it is called with the path info /some/value, the value returned would then be /cgi-bin/prog.cgi/some/value


    $requires = $req->requires;

Retrieve information about all of the requires directives for this request, by calling "requires" in Apache2::Access

It returns an array reference of hash references, containing information related to the require directive.

For example if the configuration had the following require directives:

    Require user  goo bar
    Require group bar tar
    <Limit POST>
        Require valid-user

this method will return the following datastructure:

            method_mask => -1,
            requirement => 'user goo bar'
            method_mask => -1,
            requirement => 'group bar tar'
            method_mask => 4,
            requirement => 'valid-user'

The requirement field is what was passed to the "Require" directive. The method_mask field is a bitmask which can be modified by the Limit directive, but normally it can be safely ignored as it's mostly used internally.

See also


    my $satisfy = $req->satisfies;

Get the applicable value of the Satisfy directive, by calling "satisfies" in Apache2::Access

It returns one of the Apache2::Const :satisfy constants:

  • Apache2::Const::SATISFY_ANY

    Any of the requirements must be met.

  • Apache2::Const::SATISFY_ALL

    All of the requirements must be met.

  • Apache2::Const::SATISFY_NOSPEC

    There are no applicable satisfy lines.


This returns the current value for the environment variable SCRIPT_FILENAME, or set its value if an argument is provided.

For example, if the file being served resides at the uri /about.html and your document root is /var/www, the the value returned would be /var/www/about.html

It is noteworthy that this environment variable does not include any path info set, if any.


This returns the current value for the environment variable SCRIPT_NAME, or set its value if an argument is provided.

For example, if the file being served resides at the uri /about.html, the value returned would be /about.html.

Even though the environment variable name is SCRIPT_NAME, its value is any file being served and contrary to what you might believe, it is not limited to a script, such as a program.


This returns the current value for the environment variable SCRIPT_URI, or set its value if an argument is provided.

It is similar to "request_uri", except this returns a full uri including the protocol and host name. For example:


This returns the current value for the environment variable SCRIPT_URL, or set its value if an argument is provided.

The value returned is identical to that of "request_uri", i.e, for example: /cgi-bin/prog.cgi/path/info


Get the Apache2::ServerRec object for the server the request $r is running under.


This returns the current value for the environment variable SERVER_ADDR, or set its value if an argument is provided.

Typical value is an ip address.


Returns the server admin as provided by "server_admin" in Apache2::ServerRec


Returns the server host name as provided by "server_hostname" in Apache2::ServerRec


Get the current request's server name as provided by "get_server_name" in Apache2::RequestUtil

See Apache2::RequestUtil for more information.


Get the current server port as provided by "get_server_port" in Apache2::RequestUtil

See Apache2::RequestUtil for more information.


This returns the current value for the environment variable SERVER_PROTOCOL, or set its value if an argument is provided.

Typical value is HTTP/1.1


This returns the current value for the environment variable SERVER_SIGNATURE, or set its value if an argument is provided.

The value of this environment variable can be empty if the Apache configuration parameter ServerSignature is set to Off


This returns the current value for the environment variable SERVER_SOFTWARE, or set its value if an argument is provided.

This is typically something like Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)


This will endeavour to find out the Apache version.

When called multiple times, it will return a cached value and not recompute each time.

It first tries "get_server_description" in Apache2::ServerUtil

Otherwise, it tries to find the binary apxs on the filesystem, and if found, calls it like:

    apxs -q -v HTTPD_VERSION

If this does not work too, it will try to call the Apache binary (apache2 or httpd) like:

    apache2 -v

and extract the version.

It returns the version found as a version object, or an empty string if nothing could be found.


Provided with a user name and a password, this populates the incoming request headers table (headers_in) with authentication headers for Basic Authorization as if the client has submitted those in first place:

    $req->set_basic_credentials( $username, $password );

See Apache2::RequestUtil for more information.


Set a list of handlers to be called for a given phase. Any previously set handlers are forgotten.

See "set_handlers" in Apache2::RequestUtil for more information.

     $ok = $req->set_handlers( $hook_name => \&handler );
     $ok = $req->set_handlers( $hook_name => ['Foo::Bar::handler', \&handler2] );
     $ok = $req->set_handlers( $hook_name => [] );
     $ok = $req->set_handlers( $hook_name => undef );


Slurp the contents of $req->filename:

This returns a scalar reference instead of the actual string. To get the string, use "content"

Note that if you assign to $req-filename> you need to update its stat record.


Get or sets the client socket and returns a APR::Socket object.

This calls "client_socket" in Apache2::Connection package.


    my $status      = $req->status();
    my $prev_status = $req->status( $new_status );

Get or set thes reply status for the client request, which is an integer, by calling "status" in Apache2::RequestRec

Normally you would use some Apache2::Const constant, e.g. Apache2::Const::REDIRECT.

From the Apache2::RequestRec documentation:

Usually you will set this value indirectly by returning the status code as the handler's function result. However, there are rare instances when you want to trick Apache into thinking that the module returned an Apache2::Const:OK status code, but actually send the browser a non-OK status. This may come handy when implementing an HTTP proxy handler. The proxy handler needs to send to the client, whatever status code the proxied server has returned, while returning Apache2::Const::OK to Apache. e.g.:

    $req->status( $some_code );
    return( Apache2::Const::OK );

See also $req->status_line, which. if set, overrides $req->status.


    my $status_line      = $req->status_line();
    my $prev_status_line = $req->status_line( $new_status_line );

Get or sets the response status line. The status line is a string like 200 Document follows and it will take precedence over the value specified using the $req->status() described above.

According to the Apache2::RequestRec documentation:

When discussing $req->status we have mentioned that sometimes a handler runs to a successful completion, but may need to return a different code, which is the case with the proxy server. Assuming that the proxy handler forwards to the client whatever response the proxied server has sent, it will usually use status_line(), like so:

     $req->status_line( $response->code() . ' ' . $response->message() );
     return( Apache2::Const::OK );

In this example $response could be for example an HTTP::Response object, if LWP::UserAgent was used to implement the proxy.

This method is also handy when you extend the HTTP protocol and add new response codes. For example you could invent a new error code and tell Apache to use that in the response like so:

     $req->status_line( "499 We have been FooBared" );
     return( Apache2::Const::OK );

Here 499 is the new response code, and We have been FooBared is the custom response message.


Alias to "str2datetime" in Apache2::API::DateTime


Alias to "str2time" in Apache2::API::DateTime


Provided with an ip address (v4 or v6), and optionally a subnet mask, and this will return a boolean value indicating if the current connection ip address is part of the provided subnet.

The mask can be a string or a number of bits.

It uses APR::IpSubnet and performs the test using the object from APR::SockAddr as provided with "remote_addr"

    my $ok = $req->subnet_of( '' );
    my $ok = $req->subnet_of( '::1' );
    my $ok = $req->subnet_of( '', '' );
    my $ok = $req->subnet_of( '', 15 );

    if( !$req->subnet_of( '' ) )
        print( "Sorry, only local connections allowed\n" );


Get or sets the Apache2::RequestRec subprocess_env table, or optionally set the value of a named entry.

From the Apache2::RequestRec documentation:

When called in void context with no arguments, it populate %ENV with special variables (e.g. $ENV{QUERY_STRING}) like mod_cgi does.

When called in a non-void context with no arguments, it returns an APR::Table object.

When the $key argument (string) is passed, it returns the corresponding value (if such exists, or undef. The following two lines are equivalent:

     $val = $req->subprocess_env( $key );
     $val = $req->subprocess_env->get( $key );

When the $key and the $val arguments (strings) are passed, the value is set. The following two lines are equivalent:

     $req->subprocess_env( $key => $val );
     $req->subprocess_env->set( $key => $val );

The subprocess_env table is used by Apache2::SubProcess, to pass environment variables to externally spawned processes. It is also used by various Apache modules, and you should use this table to pass the environment variables. For example if in PerlHeaderParserHandler you do:

      $req->subprocess_env( MyLanguage => "de" );

you can then deploy mod_include and write in .shtml document:

      <!--#if expr="$MyLanguage = en" -->
      <!--#elif expr="$MyLanguage = de" -->
      <!--#else -->
      <!--#endif -->


    my $dir = $req->temp_dir;
    $req->temp_dir( $dir );

Get or set the spool directory for uploads which exceed the configured brigade_limit.


    my $request = $req->the_request();
    my $old_request = $req->uri( $new_request );

Get or set the first HTTP request header as a string by calling "the_request" in Apache2::RequestRec. For example:

    GET /foo/bar/my_path_info?args=3 HTTP/1.0


Alias to "time2datetime" in Apache2::API::DateTime


Alias to "time2str" in Apache2::API::DateTime


Returns the content type of the request received. This value is set at object initiation phase.

So for example, if the HTTP request Content-type is

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Then, "type" would return application/json


The URI without any parsing performed.

If for example the request was:

     GET /foo/bar/my_path_info?args=3 HTTP/1.0

$req->uri returns:


whereas $req->unparsed_uri returns:



Returns an array object of Apache2::API::Request::Upload objects.


Returns a URI object representing the full uri of the request.

This is different from the original Apache2::RequestRec which only returns the path portion of the URI.

So, to get the path portion using our "uri" method, one would simply do $req->uri->path()

This URI object is built using "get_server_name" in Apache2::RequestUtil for the host, "get_server_port" in Apache2::RequestUtil for the port number, and the scheme is https if the port is 443, otherwise http. It is followed then by the path build by calling "unparsed_uri" in Apache2::RequestRec


This is merely a convenient pointer to "decode"


This is merely a convenient pointer to "encode"


Get the user name, if an authentication process was successful. Or set it, by calling "user" in Apache2::RequestRec

For example, let's print the username passed by the client:

     my( $res, $sent_pw ) = $req->get_basic_auth_pw;
     return( $res ) if( $res != Apache2::Const::OK );
     print( "User: ", $req->user );


Returns the user agent, ie the browser signature as provided in the request headers received under the HTTP header User-Agent

_find_bin( string )

Given a binary, this will search for it in the path.

_try( object type, method name, @_ )

Given an object type, a method name and optional parameters, this attempts to call it.

Apache2 methods are designed to die upon error, whereas our model is based on returning undef and setting an exception with Module::Generic::Exception, because we believe that only the main program should be in control of the flow and decide whether to interrupt abruptly the execution, not some sub routines.


Jacques Deguest <>


Apache2::Request, Apache2::RequestRec, Apache2::RequestUtil


Copyright (c) 2023 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.