Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method::Options - A Stripe Payment Method Details
Transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment.
new( %ARG )
Creates a new Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method::Options object. It may also take an hash like arguments, that also are method of the same name.
ach_credit_transfer hash
If this is a ach_credit_transfer payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the ach_credit_transfer payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source::ACHCreditTransfer object
ach_debit hash
If this is a ach_debit payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the ach_debit payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source::ACHDebit object.
acss_debit object
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes acss_debit
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
If this is an affirm PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Affirm payment method.
It has the following properties:
Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account.
Possible enum values
Use manual if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level capture_method value for this payment method.
Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be attached to a Customer after the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses setup_future_usage to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA.
Possible enum values
Use none if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level setup_future_usage value for this payment method.
If this is an AfterpayClearpay PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the AfterpayClearpay payment method.
alipay hash
If this is a alipay
payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the alipay
payment method.
It has the following properties that can be access as methods:
stringUniquely identifies this particular Alipay account. You can use this attribute to check whether two Alipay accounts are the same.
stringTransaction ID of this particular Alipay transaction.
au_becs_debit hash
If this is a au_becs_debit
payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the au_becs_debit
payment method.
It has the following properties that can be accessed as methods:
stringBank-State-Branch number of the bank account.
stringUniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
stringLast four digits of the bank account number.
stringID of the mandate used to make this payment.
bacs_debit hash
If this is a bacs_debit
payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the bacs_debit
payment method.
It has the following properties:
stringUniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
stringLast four digits of the bank account number.
stringID of the mandate used to make this payment.
stringSort code of the bank account. (e.g.,
bancontact hash
If this is a bancontact
payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the bancontact
payment method.
It has the following properties:
stringBank code of bank associated with the bank account.
stringName of the bank associated with the bank account.
stringBank Identifier Code of the bank associated with the bank account.
string expandableThe ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
When expanded this is an Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object.
string expandableThe mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
When expanded this is an Net::API::Stripe::Mandate object.
stringLast four characters of the IBAN.
stringPreferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to. Can be one of
, ornl
stringOwner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Bancontact directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
blik object
If the SetupIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes blik
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
boleto hash
If this is a boleto PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Boleto payment method.
Possible properties are:
string preview featuretax_id
stringUniquely identifies the customer tax id (CNPJ or CPF)
card hash
If this is a card payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the card payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Card object.
card_present object
This hash contains the snapshot of the card_present
transaction-specific details which generated this card
payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
customer_balance hash
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes customer_balance
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
It has the following properties:
Configuration for the bank transfer funding type, if the
is set tobank_transfer
Configuration for eu_bank_transfer
When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Address object.
List of address types that should be returned in the financial_addresses response. If not specified, all valid types will be returned.
Permitted values include:
, orspei
. type
The bank transfer type that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use for funding Permitted values include:
, ormx_bank_transfer
The funding method type to be used when there are not enough funds in the customer balance. Permitted values include:
. setup_future_usage
Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be attached to a Customer after the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses
to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA.
eps object
If this is a eps
payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the eps
payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::Verification object.
The properties used are:
bankThe customer’s bank. Should be one of arzte_und_apotheker_bank, austrian_anadi_bank_ag, bank_austria, bankhaus_carl_spangler, bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag, bawag_psk_ag, bks_bank_ag, brull_kallmus_bank_ag, btv_vier_lander_bank, capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag, dolomitenbank, easybank_ag, erste_bank_und_sparkassen, hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag, hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien, hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark, hypo_tirol_bank_ag, hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag, hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft, marchfelder_bank, oberbank_ag, raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich, schoellerbank_ag, sparda_bank_wien, volksbank_gruppe, volkskreditbank_ag, or vr_bank_braunau.
stringOwner’s verified full name. Values are verified or provided by EPS directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
fpx object
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes fpx
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
giropay object
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes giropay
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
grabpay object
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes grabpay
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
ideal object
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes ideal
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
interac_present object
If this is a interac_present
payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the interac_present
payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
klarna object
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes klarna
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
konbini hash
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes konbini
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
It has the following properties:
An optional 10 to 11 digit numeric-only string determining the confirmation code at applicable convenience stores.
The number of calendar days (between 1 and 60) after which Konbini payment instructions will expire. For example, if a PaymentIntent is confirmed with Konbini and
set to 2 on Monday JST, the instructions will expire on Wednesday 23:59:59 JST. expires_at
The timestamp at which the Konbini payment instructions will expire. Only one of
may be set. product_description
A product descriptor of up to 22 characters, which will appear to customers at the convenience store.
Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be attached to a Customer after the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses
to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA.
link hash
If this is an Link PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Link payment method.
multibanco hash
If this is a multibanco
payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the multibanco
payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method::Options::MultiBanco object.
It has the following properties:
stringEntity number associated with this Multibanco payment.
stringReference number associated with this Multibanco payment.
oxxo object
If this is a oxxo
payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the oxxo
payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object.
p24 object
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes p24
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.
paynow hash
If this is a paynow PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the PayNow payment method.
promptpay hash
If this is a promptpay PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the PromptPay payment method.
sepa_debit hash
If this is a sepa_debit payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the sepa_debit payment method.
stringBank code of bank associated with the bank account.
stringBranch code of bank associated with the bank account.
stringTwo-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
stringUniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.
hashInformation about the object that generated this PaymentMethod.
stringThis is expandable to a Net::API::Stripe::Charge object.
The ID of the Charge that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.
stringThis is expandable to a Net::API::Stripe::SetupAttempt object.
The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.
stringLast four characters of the IBAN.
stringID of the mandate used to make this payment.
sofort hash
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes sofort
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
It has the following properties:
Preferred language of the SOFORT authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be attached to a Customer after the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses
to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA.
stripe_account hash
If this is a stripe_account payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the stripe_account payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method::Options::StripeAccount object.
type string
The type of transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment, one of ach_credit_transfer, ach_debit, alipay, bancontact, card, card_present, eps, giropay, ideal, klarna, multibanco, p24, sepa_debit, sofort, stripe_account, or wechat. An additional hash is included on payment_method_details with a name matching this value. It contains information specific to the payment method.
us_bank_account hash
If the PaymentIntent's paymentmethodtypes includes us_bank_account
, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.
It has the following properties:
Additional fields for Financial Connections Session creation
Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.
Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be attached to a Customer after the transaction completes.
When processing card payments, Stripe also uses
to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA. verification_method
Bank account verification method.
wechat hash
If this is a wechat payment, this hash contains a snapshot of the transaction specific details of the wechat payment method.
This is a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method::Options::WeChat object.
wechat_pay hash
If this is an wechat_pay PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method.
Initial version
Stripe added the property sepa_debit
Jacques Deguest <>
Stripe API documentation:,
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